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Bondage Town

Page 17

by Reese Gabriel

  “I have my reasons.”

  Reyna kicked off the high heels. She felt like a doll dressed up like this. And why wasn’t he touching her or anything?

  She sidled up next to him, tried to get him to put his hand on her tits. “Wanna fool around?” she coaxed.

  He shrugged her off. “No.”

  She pouted the next several miles, then started getting suspicious when the road turned into dirt. Sand, actually. “Jason Trace, you tell me where we’re going right this instant!”

  He was focused on the trail ahead, which was looking more and more like a swamp by the minute.

  Reyna shrieked, seeing a flash of green out her window. “Oh my God, was that an alligator?”

  “Don’t know.”

  Branches crackled under the tires. She could see water just a few feet to the left, deep enough for lily pads. The car was going uphill and he finally stopped, a foot from the trunk of a massive tree, like a candelabra with thick limbs and green mossy stuff hanging from it. The roots were sticking out of the ground and it looked like some kind of claw.

  “Last stop,” he announced, putting the car in park. “Everybody out.”

  She laughed without humor. “If you think I’m getting out here you’re crazy.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  She watched him open his door, walk across the front of the car and open hers. Before she could mount substantial protest, he took her by the waist, pulling her out and over his shoulder.

  “Put me down!” she screamed, kicking air and punching ineffectually at his back.

  “Quiet, girl, or I’ll have to gag you,” he drawled.

  Reyna stifled herself, because she knew from experience he wasn’t kidding.

  Setting her down on the ground in between two trees, the mud moist between her toes, he said, “Take your dress off, Reyna.”

  Her eyes were daggers. It was scary out here and she’d had enough. “No way,” she said thinly, making it clear this was one game she was not going to play.

  Jason’s lips trembled slightly. She was spoiled for a fight, but to his surprise, he laid on the doe brown eyes. In a small voice he said, “Please?”

  Reyna bit her lip. She’d been ready for anything but that. Rolling her eyes, cursing him out for being such a baby, she undid the zipper. She had a hard time slipping out of it without messing it on the ground, but eventually she managed. “Satisfied?” she demanded, setting the dress over a tree branch for safekeeping.

  Jason’s eyes were wide as he drank in the sight of his girl in the thin white slip. “Getting there,” he grinned.

  Reyna crossed her arms over herself. “No way I’m taking anymore off, Jason! Look around you—this is Deliverance country!”

  “What’s Deliverance?”

  “It’s an old movie I used to watch with my dad.” She looked nervously at the wide-open greenery. “Now can we get out of here or what?”

  “If you take off your slip, yes.”

  She wailed in exasperation, whipped off the flimsy garment, baring herself down to pushup bra, silk panties and white hose.

  “I can’t see your legs,” he complained.

  Okay, so now it was the pantyhose. Skinning these down she could feel the air and warm breeze on her tingling legs. Trying not to sound aroused she asked him if he’d gotten his jollies yet.

  Jason shifted, obviously burdened by an enormous erection. “Are you wet?” he asked a little hoarse.

  “Duh!” she exclaimed throwing her arms up. “What do you think? I’m horny enough to fuck a snake, and you know it.”

  He laughed. “Cool. Wait here a minute, okay?”

  Reyna bit her lip. He wanted her to wait!? He wasn’t serious?! But he was. He was going to the trunk, pulling out one of those cursed gym bags. This time it was long coils of rope he was after.

  She put up her palms to stop his advance, trying to douse that glazed look in his eye as he moved to push her against the nearest tree trunk. “Whoa, cowboy. I’m not into this outdoor tie up stuff. If you want it so bad, you can look up my mother.”

  He seized her lips for a kiss in a total sneak attack. Her arms circled his neck instinctively and she felt herself drifting. When she finally regained her reason, he was already wrapping the rope round the enormous trunk, securing her, arms at her sides.

  “Hey,” she half protested, “that’s not fighting fair.”

  “All’s fair in love and lust,” he reminded her, trotting in a circle, rendering her more like a mummy with each pass. The rope was tight, and it bit into her from thigh to shoulder, binding her above and below the breasts and across her very hot midsection.

  “Oh, honey, not that,” she pleaded when he took out the ball gag.

  He frowned thoughtfully. “Okay, I’ll tell you what. Pick a hand.” He was shuffling things behind his back and she was beginning to think he’d really lost it when he presented her with two closed fists. “Come on, right or left,” he prodded.

  Rolling her eyes, she told him left.

  Jason shook his head. “How about right?”

  “What the hell is that?” Reyna demanded as he held out a small velvet covered box.

  “Reyna,” he said solemnly, lowering himself to one knee on the wet ground and opening the box to reveal a splendid diamond. “Will you marry me?”

  She gulped air, sucking in breath along her tender, bark pricked body. She’d heard him say it. It hadn’t been a dream, had it?

  “But we agreed to keep it low key,” she reminded him, half-hoping, half-fearing he’d come to his senses.

  Jason lowered his eyes, blushing. “I know,” he hesitated, “I hadn’t intended to do this quite yet. I was going to just go to Miami and live it up with you for a while first. But something my uncle said turned my head around.”

  “What could he say to change your mind that much?” she asked skeptically. When he looked up again his eyes were moist. “He said if I really loved you, I should be man enough to make you my wife right now and not let another minute pass by. Unless I wanted to have twenty years of regret like he did.”

  “Twenty years?” Of course. Shep had loved her mother all along. Which meant, right now, he was probably proposing to her as well. A double wedding. Now wouldn’t that be something!

  Jason stood up and touched her cheek. “I’m sorry there’s no engagement party or anything. I swear to you, though, this is as real as it gets.”

  Reyna lifted an eyebrow wickedly. “It only takes two for a party. Now are you going to put that on my finger or not?”

  “Sure!” he beamed. “Let me untie you first.”

  “Oh, no,” she shook her head vigorously. “I want you to leave me like this. And I want you to use the gag, too.”

  He lit up like a kid at Christmas. “You mean it?”

  She lowered her gaze to his crotch. “Yea. As long as you use that other thing on me, too.”

  “You got a deal,” he said huskily, moving in for the kill.

  Within minutes, the new ring slipped on her finger, tightly gagged, her man slipped inside of her against her tightly bound body, Reyna was coming and coming, floating in fact to some unknown orbit. Cynthia had been right after all. Florida was a good place to live.


  It was a wedding like no other. The three of them stood in a candle lit room, with a hundred points of shimmering light arranged around them in a circle. It was an ancient pattern, thousands of years old even in the days of Wu Wei’s ancestors. All eyes were on the stately teacher, as he chanted the sacred chant, clothed in his robes of red and gold, emblazoned with fiery dragons. In each of his hands, he held the hand of the two Americans, one male and one female. Both were nude, the female decorated in a single set of gold chains, flowers set in her hair, delicate baby’s breath, the male adorned with nothing more than a gold medallion in the shape of the lion, the king of beasts.

  Cynthia’s eyes welled with tears. She was about to be bonded in love, forever, to the man she’d always loved.
And beside her stood her noble Lord, her one and only Master, Shepard Trace, breathing for the first time in so many years, the deep air of peace.

  It was a peace he shared with others this night. Not one couple but three, in fact, were drinking in the spirit of true love, even as Wu Wei pronounced the finality of the vows. Reyna and Jason had been married earlier, more conventionally, by a notary public in the county office. They were off to Hawaii now, to live out their romance on the black sands of paradise. As for Cal and Meredith, they were off to the mountains, for a different kind of retreat, one that would complete Meredith’s long needed personality adjustment. Cynthia and Shep would stay here at home, basking in each other’s glow. Their service was private, and though Reyna had objected to it, Shep and Cynthia had insisted. In time, her daughter would understand. Shepard and Cynthia, Caleb and Meredith and Jason and Reyna would always be together, anyway, together in the unique depths of their ravenous, wild spirits. Together, forever.

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