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Dark Warrior's Destiny

Page 19

by I. T. Lucas

  Now, it seemed that his turn had come. So be it. Kian was prepared to take his mother’s wrath, but he hoped no one saw him on his walk of shame.

  The fates showed him mercy.

  He hadn’t encountered a single person, and Oridu led him directly to his mother’s private quarters instead of her reception room.

  This was definitely good news. If his mother was receiving him in her living room, it meant that she wasn’t as furious as he’d expected her to be.

  Oridu knocked twice and pushed the door open. “The Clan Mother is expecting you, master.” He bowed, letting Kian enter ahead of him, then backed away and closed the door behind him.

  Kian scanned the room in search of his mother. Where was she?


  “Over here!” A slender arm waved him over from behind the tall back of an armchair facing the outside.

  With a muffled sigh, Kian lowered his briefcase to the floor and headed toward Annani. There was some groveling in his near future, and he wasn’t looking forward to it.

  Stepping around the throne-like armchair, Kian went down to his knees in front of Annani, took her hand and kissed it.

  A string of gentle laughs left her lips as she patted his head. “You were always so cute when you were apologizing.”

  She must’ve remembered it wrong. He’d never been ‘cute’, and he hardly ever apologized.

  “I didn’t come to apologize. I came to explain and to ask for a favor.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “What kind of favor?”

  “You don’t want me to explain first?”

  Tilting her head to the side, she shrugged, a mass of her long, fiery curls spilling over her delicate shoulders. Annani seemed so fragile, and even though Kian knew better, he couldn’t help the fierce protectiveness he always felt toward his tiny mother. It was impossible to reconcile the exterior of a young, blindingly beautiful girl with an interior that housed the oldest and most powerful creature on earth.

  “There is nothing more you need to explain, Kian. Your phone call was enough. Carol was held by Doomers and you had to organize a rescue. Then she rescued herself but she told you there were other females the Doomers were holding captive, and you felt obligated to save them as well. I understand. What I do not understand is why you felt the need to hide it from me? Did you think for a second that I would forbid it? I do not condone unnecessary carnage, but I am all for taking care of our own.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “Or did you think I would seize the occasion for an adventure and insist on coming along?”

  The possibility had never even crossed his mind. And yet, it would’ve been so easy to tell her yes, but that would’ve been a lie, and he wanted to come clean.

  “I wish my reasons were as noble as that.” He threaded his fingers through his hair, pushing it back and away from his face. “The ugly truth is that I wanted to kill all these Doomers, and I knew you wouldn’t allow it.”

  The smile vanished from her face, and fire blazed in her ancient eyes. “Did you?” There was power in her voice, and he felt it all the way down to his gut.

  Kian shook his head. “No. I couldn’t bring myself to order their execution. Those who were killed in battle were one thing, but those who were incapacitated but alive, I ordered to be put in stasis. I even said a short prayer for their souls.”

  Annani’s face brightened again, and she smiled one of her I-knew-it smiles. “You are a good man, my son, despite your conviction to the contrary.” Her eyes returned to their normal emerald glow.

  Kian lifted up and sat in the other armchair. “I don’t know, Mother. There is a lot of darkness in me.”

  She nodded. “Yes, this is true, but there is also light. No one is all dark or all light. It is a question of balance. I know that you have much more light in you than dark.”

  There was no point in arguing with her about it. As a mother, Annani was biased. Instead, he ended it with a, “Thank you.”

  Happy with his acquiescence, Annani leaned back in the big chair and put her hands on the armrests. “You still did not tell me about the favor you require.”

  There was no point in dancing around the issue, and Kian told her the simple facts. “Andrew, Syssi’s brother is going to attempt the transition. He is forty years old and I fear for him. Syssi will never recover if he doesn’t survive it. I came to ask you for an ampule of your blood.”

  Annani lifted a brow and pursed her lips.

  Damn, she was going to refuse. It had been bold of him to ask, but Annani had a big heart and he’d hoped she’d agree.

  “Kian, you surprise me. I would expect a man of your position and mantle of responsibility to think things through more thoroughly.”

  Fuck, he’d never expected her to say no. What the hell was he going to do now?

  He was going to beg, that’s what. Kian would never plead for himself, but for Andrew he would.

  “Please, Mother, you have nothing to fear. I’ll administer the shot myself, and no one will know—the same way as we did it with Syssi. Would you please reconsider?”

  When Annani regarded him with a haughty expression, Kian’s desperation morphed into anger, but before he had a chance to respond she lifted a small palm to shush him.

  “You thought I was about to refuse saving the life of the brother of your mate? My own family? Shame on you, Kian.” She puffed out a breath.

  “What I was trying to say before you interrupted me, was that it is too risky to transport an ampule of my blood, even in that specially designed medical container, and not administer it directly while it has its full potency. What if the thing that provides miraculous healing dies when my blood is too long out of my veins? You would take the chance? And then it would be too late to do anything about it? The long and the short of it is that I am coming with you.” She folded her arms across her chest.

  In a blur, Kian was back on his knees in front of Annani. “Thank you. I’m so sorry I doubted you. Would you forgive me?”

  “I will ponder it on the way to your keep.”

  Chapter 37: Nathalie

  Yesterday, when Shai had called to let Andrew know Kian would be available only the following day, Nathalie had felt as if she’d been given a gift, a reprieve. One more day to get ready. Not that she felt ready now.

  Even if given months of preparation, she wouldn’t have been ready for Andrew putting his life in jeopardy. His survival was her biggest worry but it wasn’t the only one. What if the transition changed him? What if he emerged on the other side a different man?

  Would he still love her?

  All that talk about fated mates worried her. As a human, Andrew believed she was his one; as an immortal, he might feel differently.

  She’d been so distraught that Andrew had taken an extra day off work to be with her, and they had spent all of yesterday and today together.

  Nathalie had wanted this time to be perfect, trying to fake it and put on a brave face, but she hadn’t been strong enough. Desperately clinging to Andrew, touching him and holding him constantly, she hadn’t been fooling anyone. Even her father had noticed, asking what was wrong.

  Now the dreaded moment had arrived.

  Standing next to the sparring mat, Nathalie resented the wide, happy grins on the faces of the clan members who’d come to witness the ceremony.

  Nathalie couldn’t understand their optimism. She felt so faint she was swaying on her feet.

  The only other exception was Syssi, who was trying to hide her anxiety and put a smile on her face for Nathalie’s sake. She wrapped her arm around Nathalie’s shoulders and whispered into her ear, “It’s going to be okay. You’ll see. I had a premonition.”

  So why the hell had her voice quivered? What wasn’t Syssi telling her?

  Even with Syssi’s arm around her, Nathalie felt so alone she wished for Mark to pop into her head. Hell, she would’ve welcomed Tut. Except, it seemed Tut was gone for good. It had been weeks since the last time he had spoken to her.

p; Mark! Can you hear me?

  When there was no answer, Nathalie tried his other name.



  She was grateful when Anandur brought two chairs and pushed her into one. Next to her, Syssi plopped onto the other chair. They were the only ones seated. The Guardians all stood around the mat, as did the doctor and another woman Nathalie didn’t know—a stern matron type that looked a little like Nathalie’s old school librarian.

  They were all waiting for Kian to show up.

  Nathalie didn’t know Andrew’s brother-in-law well, but he didn’t strike her like a tardy kind of guy. There must’ve been a good reason for why he wasn’t there yet, and Nathalie prayed that whatever it was, it would keep him from getting to the gym altogether.

  Another day of grace would be a blessing.

  Her eyes trained on Andrew as she willed him to look her way, seeking the connection, desperate to hold on to it for as long as she could.

  Except he was watching the door, waiting for Kian, probably waging war with his own doubts.

  Suddenly, she saw him straighten up, his eyes growing wide. The others followed his gaze, turning toward the gym doors behind her.

  As silence fell over the big room, Nathalie shifted in her chair and cranked her neck around to glance at what or who everyone was gaping at.

  A gasp escaped her throat.

  Kian and Amanda walked in with a petite girl between them. Except, this was no girl. Nathalie didn’t need anyone to tell her who she was.

  The power emanating from the Goddess was a physical presence, and it swept through the gymnasium in a wave, engulfing everyone in it and binding them to her.

  She was blindingly beautiful, and her skin glowed like one those glow-in-the-dark toys, except softer.

  The Goddess glided up to Andrew who stood glued to the spot, looking stunned, and took his hands in her own tiny ones. “Andrew, my dear boy.” The beautiful voice coming out of that small ribcage rung like church bells throughout the big room. “I would not miss your transition for anything. I came to give you my blessing.”

  A surprised murmur rose among the clan members. Apparently, the Goddess didn’t make an appearance often.

  “May your transition into immortality be blessed by the fates and run its course smoothly and without undue discomfort.” She stretched on her tiptoes and kissed him on both cheeks.

  Andrew finally found his voice. “Thank you, Clan Mother, I’m deeply moved and honored that you came to witness my initiation ceremony.”

  She patted his arm indulgently, which looked kind of ridiculous since the Goddess looked like she were half Andrew’s age. Not if anyone looked closer, though. Her eyes shone with ancient wisdom.

  Annani turned toward the audience and clapped her hands. “Let the ceremony begin.”

  When Anandur brought another chair and put it down on Nathalie’s other side, she stopped breathing. The Goddess was gliding her way, and the chair was no doubt for her.

  Nathalie was going to die from… well, everything.

  It was just too much.

  As she took her seat, Annani smiled and leaned sideways to plant a kiss on Nathalie’s cheek. “Welcome, child. I understand that you are next.”

  Nathalie wanted to open her mouth and say something, but nothing came out.

  The Goddess laughed, and it was the most beautiful sound Nathalie had ever heard. “I do not bite, you know. Not girls, that is.” She winked. “You are safe with me.”

  Had the Goddess just told a joke?

  Syssi laughed, so yeah, apparently she had. How could Andrew’s sister act so comfortable with the Goddess sitting no more than three feet away?

  But wait, Annani was Syssi’s mother-in-law. Oh, God. That must’ve been tough to handle. She hoped the two got along, otherwise Syssi was going straight to hell.

  A goddess for a mother-in-law…

  Nathalie shook her head. She’d been dreading meeting Andrew’s mother because the woman was a doctor while Nathalie hadn’t even finished college. Now she was grateful his mother was just an ordinary human.

  Nathalie cast Syssi a sidelong glance.

  Syssi smiled and squeezed her hand. “This is wonderful. Now I know for sure that everything is going to be alright. Annani said a blessing for me when I was transitioning, and from that moment on everything went well.”

  Annani nodded. “Indeed.” She lifted her palm. “Now, girls, hush and watch.”

  Kian joined Andrew on the mat and the two embraced, clapped each other on the back, then assumed fighting stances.

  Reassured by the Goddess’s presence, Nathalie’s anxiety ebbed. Someone as powerful as Annani could probably do anything, and she cared enough about Andrew to come all the way from wherever she lived to witness his ceremony.

  The guys were still circling each other as if not sure how to go about this. Kian was taller, and as an immortal obviously stronger, but Andrew was a little stockier, sturdier. She knew both had extensive combat training, but Kian had been at it for much longer than Andrew. On the other hand, Andrew had been trained in new fighting styles, which might give him a small edge.

  Suddenly, Andrew lunged at Kian, grabbed him by the middle, and toppled him to the mat.

  Yay for Andrew! She cheered inside her head.

  It took Kian only a split second to shake Andrew off, and their roles reversed, with Kian pinning Andrew to the mat. Andrew struggled, his grunts filling the otherwise silent gym and echoing from the walls, but Kian held on tight. Quite effortlessly.

  Her heart sank for Andrew. They both had known he was going to lose, there was no question about it, but he’d hoped to last a little longer against Kian.

  Annani startled her, gripping her hand and squeezed. “Brace yourself, child,” she whispered and squeezed again.

  A moment later, Kian opened his mouth, and Nathalie gasped, Annani’s warning suddenly making sense. The handsome guy she had gotten to know and even like, had just turned into a monster; lips pulled back, two wicked looking fangs gleaming white and dripping venom, and his eyes… the glow she’d glimpsed at the restaurant had been nothing compared to how otherworldly and terrifying they looked now.

  Kian hissed, and quick like a snake bit down, sinking his fangs into Andrew’s neck. Holding Andrew’s head he kept them imbedded, pumping his life- or death-giving venom into her man.

  Annani squeezed harder. Syssi grasped Nathalie’s other hand and squeezed it too.

  Andrew stopped struggling, and when a few moments later Kian retracted his fangs and licked the puncture wounds closed, Syssi and Annani let go of her hands.

  Syssi sighed and slumped in her chair. Her relieved expression must’ve meant that Andrew was going to be okay.

  “Is it over?” Nathalie asked.

  “Yes. And the good news is that Kian managed not to hurt Andrew. He’ll have no bruises.”

  “Should I go to him?”

  Syssi shook her head. “In a few minutes he is going to wake up, and because he is not bruised, he won’t need aftercare. Knowing Andrew, he would prefer to walk out of there on his own.”

  Syssi was right.

  While Nathalie had been worried sick about the transition, all Andrew could think about was losing with dignity to Kian. It had bothered him to no end that the result of this fight was inevitable.

  No one talked as they waited for Andrew to open his eyes. Kian was crouching next to him, watching his face intently.

  Thank God, the guy’s fangs had shrunk back to their normal size and he no longer looked like a monster. Nathalie shivered as she imagined how painful being bitten by those fangs must’ve been.

  How could immortal women find this pleasurable?

  She had no idea. It was damn scary and not at all sexy. Shit, she hadn’t considered it before, but when Andrew transitioned, she was going to be on the receiving end of this. He was going to bite her not only to facilitate her change, but as an integral part of sex.


/>   Except, she would need to learn to tolerate it. Fangs or no fangs, she was going to stick with Andrew. They’d work something out.

  Finally, Andrew opened his eyes, and as Kian helped him into a sitting position, everyone started clapping, and some of the guys started shouting cheers.

  Nathalie looked at Syssi for guidance about what to do next. Following her example, she pushed to her feet and joined the applause.

  With Kian’s help, Andrew got up, the two embraced once more, and then Andrew was passed from Guardian to Guardian until Bhathian got him and pushed the others away.

  “Move, you mongrels, let the man go to his woman. Nathalie has been waiting long enough.”

  She mouthed thank you to her father and got into a three-way embrace between him and Andrew.

  “How are you feeling?” Nathalie asked.

  Andrew’s eyes were a little unfocused as he gave her a lopsided grin. “A little woozy, like after drinking a lot, sans the headache.”

  “You ready to go home?”

  “Oh yeah, take me home, baby.” He winked with a leer.

  Okay, he was drunk, or high. Sober, Andrew would’ve never behaved like this in front of her father.

  She wrapped her arm around Andrew’s middle and started leading him outside when Kian stopped them.

  “I think he should stay in the keep tonight. I want Bridget to keep an eye on him.”

  Syssi came over and hugged her brother. “Why don’t you both stay here overnight?”

  Andrew made a face. “I want to go home.”

  If her man wanted to go home she was taking him home. “It’s okay, Kian. If he feels even a little funny, I’ll call you right away.”

  “Hold on. I’m going to ask Bridget. If she agrees to let Andrew go then it’s fine with me.”

  As Kian left to find the doctor, Nathalie steered Andrew toward the exit, but they were stopped every couple of feet by another person wishing to congratulate Andrew.

  Kian returned before they made it anywhere near the exit. “Bridget needs to take more blood samples. After that you can go home.”


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