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One Less Lonely Earl (A Duke of Danby Novella: Halliday Sisters Book 2)

Page 8

by Samantha Grace

  A muscle twitched in her jaw, and he could see his comment had penetrated her shield.

  “What will it take to make you happy, Audrey? I don’t want to quarrel any more.”

  Her eyes narrowed slightly as if she thought he might be trying to trick her. He waited in silence for her to sort out her feelings and decide if she could trust him. Eventually, she made a choice.

  “You do not care what I need, my lord. Now, please leave me in peace.” She reclined on the couch and covered her eyes.

  Colin sighed. If it weren’t for his nieces, he would have given up on his sister-in-law months ago.

  Since Audrey had no information about Meredith’s whereabouts, he happily left his sister-in-law alone to steep in her misery. He searched the drawing room again before heading to the library and then the conservatory—where occasionally Meredith could be found studying the plants. She wasn’t in any of the places he searched, and none of the house servants had seen her within the last half hour. Finally, he went to look for her in the castle yard.

  “Have you seen Miss Halliday?” he asked one of the young grooms in training. The boy pointed toward the lane.

  “She went that way, my lord. I asked if she wanted a carriage to carry her to Danby Castle, but she seemed in a hurry to get away. Said she would walk and thanked me for my concern.”

  Hellfire. Colin knew he should have explained himself immediately rather than waiting, but she had requested a moment to collect herself and denying her would have been ungentlemanly.

  “Ready a mount,” he said. “I wish to call at Danby Castle.”

  And he wouldn’t leave until Meredith agreed to come home where she belonged—by his side as his wife—no matter what the Duke of Danby had to say on the matter.

  When he arrived at his neighbor’s home a while later, Colin discovered executing his plan was going to be slightly more complicated than he’d anticipated. He was shown to the duke’s study, and this time he wasn’t kept waiting. Danby stalked toward him, his face turning an unusual shade of scarlet and purple.

  “You showed her the letter? Are you a damned fool?” Danby swung his fist toward Colin, aiming for his gut.


  “You blackguard,” the Duke of Danby snarled at Colin as they stood toe to toe in the duke’s study.

  When the duke’s fist plowed into Colin’s stomach, he grunted in surprise and pain. For a man of his advanced age, Danby’s punch had unexpected strength behind it.


  Julian Beckford, whom Colin hadn’t noticed earlier, bolted from a chair in front of Danby’s desk to intervene.

  The duke drew back his arm to strike Colin again, but Colin was prepared this time and blocked the blow with his forearm. Beckford grabbed his grandfather from behind before he could throw another punch, much to Colin’s gratitude. He hadn’t come to box with the duke but to fight for Meredith.

  Danby wrestled to break free of his grandson’s hold, and it appeared he might succeed.

  “I love her,” Colin blurted. “I want to marry her.”

  The duke ceased struggling, sagging in Beckford’s arms. He was panting, and his face was a startling shade of blood red—never a good sign for a man of his age.

  “Look what you’ve done to yourself,” Beckford scolded his grandfather. “You are no longer a young buck to be challenging men to fisticuffs. Let me help you to your chair, and for god’s sake, calm yourself.”

  Colin jumped at the chance to offer his assistance. Danby leaned on Colin and Beckford as they maneuvered him behind his desk and helped him lower into his chair.

  “I am sending for Dr. Campion.” Beckford didn’t wait for his grandfather’s consent before grabbing the bell from the corner of the desk and ringing for a servant. For once, Danby didn’t appear inclined to argue. When a footman responded to the call, Beckford gave orders to retrieve the doctor and be swift about it.

  “Yes, sir.” The servant shot out of the door.

  Danby’s face was losing some of the redness, and he was no longer taking big gulps of air.

  “Your Grace,” Colin said, “I realize you had your eye on Baron Lovell for Miss Halliday, but she deserves someone better suited for marriage than a scoundrel.”

  The duke shook his head. His chest was still rising and falling rapidly, although his breathing was markedly improved from a moment ago.

  “She does,” Colin insisted, “and you cannot be stubborn about it. Meredith is remarkable. Her fortitude would be impressive for a man, much less a beautiful young lady. She is intelligent, compassionate, and practical, which I fear is a virtue she will need as my wife if you offer your blessing for me to ask for her hand.”

  Julian Beckford perched on the edge of the desk and crossed his arms with a bemused smile. Colin looked back and forth between the men. Perhaps he should be appealing to Meredith’s brother-in-law instead, but Danby’s wishes came to pass too often to deny his influence over his family.

  Colin addressed both men. “I admit Blackwood has fallen on hard times, but I am determined to see the estate restored. I would be unable to offer Miss Halliday many luxuries in the beginning of our marriage, but I do not believe she places much value on frivolous things. I can promise her my undying love, and she would not want for necessities. I am already her devoted servant. Please, give me your blessing to pledge my troth to Miss Halliday.”

  The duke scoffed.

  “Grandfather.” Beckford seemed as taken aback by Danby’s response to Colin’s heartfelt plea as he was.

  “I am not stubborn,” Danby said with a lift of his nose. “And if either of you believe I would allow any relation of mine to marry that louse Baron Lovell, you need Dr. Campion to examine your heads for bumps.”

  Colin and Beckford exchanged a worried glance. The duke was speaking nonsense.

  “Grandfather, I saw the letter,” Beckford reminded him. “It was your handwriting, and it clearly stated your wishes to see Meri wed to Lovell. You demanded Lord Blackwood help you to that end.”

  The duke scoffed again. “I only said that because the earl is stubborn. He is a MacBride and cannot help himself.”

  Colin squinted at him, confused. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You never would have allowed an introduction if you had known I’d chosen you for Meri’s husband,” Danby said. “And your stubbornness would have kept you from finding love. I named Lovell because I knew you to be a man of honor. I anticipated once you came to care for Meri, you would want to protect her from the scoundrel by offering marriage.”

  “That is diabolical,” Beckford said with more than a trace of admiration to his tone.

  Colin glowered at Meredith’s brother-in-law, but he, too, was impressed by the duke’s machinations. And a little worried. “Why did you choose me?”

  Danby fanned his hand away from his body with his palm up as if presenting the obvious. “One less lonely earl in Yorkshire never hurt anyone.”

  Colin laughed. “I never said I was lonely.”

  The duke simply shrugged.

  In truth, Colin hadn’t been lonely prior to meeting Meredith, but if he lost her, she would leave an immense hole in his existence that no one else could ever fill.

  “You know why I chose you, Blackwood.” The duke smiled and his words came back to Colin. You are a man of honor. “Now go convince that sweet young lady that she didn’t make a mistake by falling in love with you.”

  “She is walking in the garden with my wife,” Beckford said. “I will summon a footman to show you the way.”

  “No.” Colin was already at the door. “I will find her.” He didn’t want a footman slowing down his pursuit.

  * * *

  Meredith and her sister picked their way across the uneven field around Danby Castle. Long blades of grass brushed against Meredith’s calves, causing them to itch. In the purpling sky, the fields were more vibrant. The white of the wild flowers shone like beacons and the hills were blanketed in emerald. In the
far distance, a flash lit the sky in shades of coral.

  “This is silly,” she said over her shoulder to Felicity, who had fallen behind. “We are going to be caught in the rain.”

  Meredith spun around to head back toward the castle and discovered Felicity bent forward with her hands braced on her knees. Her cheeks boasted a bright pink flush, and she was exhaling through pursed lips.

  “I—do not—mind the—rain.” Meredith’s sister could barely speak for all the effort she’d expended trying to keep up. It had been madness to wander this far from the castle. The massive stone structure was still within sight, but it appeared considerably smaller at this distance.

  “Well, perhaps I mind.” Meredith linked arms with Felicity to draw her back toward the castle. “Julian told us to stay in the gardens. I shouldn’t have allowed you to venture this far with me.”

  “Julian worries—too much.”

  Meredith didn’t like how breathless her sister sounded. She shouldn’t have allowed Felicity to convince her a walk in the pasture might clear her mind. What had become clear was her sister had had a hidden motive when she’d suggested it. She wanted Meredith to confide in her about her troubles that afternoon, and Meredith understood and appreciated her sister’s desire to comfort her.

  She and Felicity shared a unique bond that had formed right after their father died. When they’d felt lost in those first few weeks, they had held each other’s hands in the dark. As Meredith would drift to sleep, Felicity would whisper, Don’t be afraid, Meri. I will keep you safe.

  Meredith believed uttering those words had comforted Felicity too, for there was security to be found in being needed. She wanted to unburden her heart to her older sister now, but she couldn’t sort through all the jumbled and contradictory feelings she held inside of her. It was easier to express anger over the plotting that had gone on behind her back than admit she had fallen in love with an unworthy man.

  They stopped walking to allow Felicity another moment of rest. Meredith pushed a loose strand of her sister’s brunette hair behind her sister’s ear. Felicity had grown pale all of a sudden.

  “I believe Julian’s worries are justified,” Meredith said. “You are not feeling well.”

  “I am fine.” Her sister’s smile seemed strained, but her eyes shone with compassion and affection. “But I am worried about you. I wish you would tell me everything that happened at Blackwood Castle today.”

  Meredith’s chin quivered as she tried to suppress her emotions. Felicity had enough to worry about with her young son and a new baby on the way. Still, the temptation to lighten Meredith’s own load was strong.

  “I think I might love him,” she admitted.

  “Oh, Meri.” Her sister hugged her as best as she could with her pregnant belly between them. “I knew there was something more you were not saying. Does he love you, too?”

  “No.” She kissed her sister’s cheek and gave her a quick squeeze in return before pulling back with a sad smile. “I will sort everything out on my own, but thank you for being here for me.”

  “I am your sister. Where else would I be?” Felicity looped her arm with Meredith’s, and they resumed the walk to the castle. They hadn’t gone far when Felicity gasped. Her eyes flew open wide, and she looked up at Meredith in alarm.

  “What is it?” Meredith asked with a thread of anxiety woven through her voice. “Is the baby kicking again?”

  Her sister shook her head. “I need you to remain calm. Will you do that for me?”

  Meredith’s anxiety blossomed. “Y-yes.”

  “My water just broke.”

  “Oh, dear Lord!” This seemed like an appropriate moment to panic. “What should I do? Do I run for help or stay with you?”

  “Help me back to the castle,” Felicity said, trying to sound calm, but Meredith could see worry lines on her forehead. “And we should hurry.”

  Felicity thought they weren’t going to make it back in time. Without hesitation, Meredith draped her sister’s arm around her neck to support her weight. “You are not having this baby in a field. Do you hear me?”

  “You are yelling in my ear,” Felicity snapped. “How could I not hear you?”

  Meredith tugged her forward. “Save your surliness for your husband. He is the one who got you into this ordeal.”

  “I’m sorry. I did not mean to be—” Felicity groaned, doubling over and grabbing her stomach.

  “How long have you been having these pains?” Meredith asked when the worst of it seemed to pass.

  Her sister simply moaned in reply.

  “You stubborn mule!” Meredith should’ve known her sister would ignore her own needs to tend to her. She wanted to shake Felicity until her teeth rattled, but that really wouldn’t help matters. “You have been having contractions this whole time, haven’t you?”

  Meredith didn’t expect an answer, which was fortuitous since she didn’t get one. Every few steps, Felicity had to stop until the pain passed. Sweat began to run in rivulets down Meredith’s back as the times they were forced to stop grew closer together. When another contraction consumed her sister, she reconsidered the wisdom in going for help.

  “I am going to retrieve Julian,” she said. “We will never make it in time alone.”

  Felicity clutched her arm, her fingers digging deep into Meredith’s skin as another powerful pain swept through her. “Please,” she panted. “Don’t leave me.”

  “I’m sorry, but I must.” Meredith pried her sister’s fingers from her arm. “I will be back very soon. I promise.”

  For the second time that day, Meredith dashed for the castle. The uneven ground caused her to stumble, but she righted her balance and kept going. In the distance, she spotted a figure moving in their direction.

  “Over here,” she called, waving her arms overhead. “Hurry! I need help.”

  The man broke into a run, answering her call. As he neared, she realized it was Colin, but she was too frightened for her sister to worry about their rescuer’s identity.

  When they reached one another, she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward her sister. “Felicity is having her baby. Now. She cannot walk any further.”

  Colin released her hand, rushing forward to lift Felicity into his arms to tote her back to the castle. Meredith had to hurry alongside him to match his long strides. The sky had darkened to a dark plum and lightning stretched across it like weathered tree branches.

  At the edge of the garden, Colin urged Meredith to go ahead to alert the servants. “Dr. Campion was called for the duke. He should be here by now.”

  Her heart leapt into her throat. “Why does the duke need a doctor? Is he ill?” Danby had blanched when she had taken him to task earlier, but otherwise, he’d seemed healthy.

  “He bruised his knuckles,” Colin said. “He is fine. Now, go. I’ve only helped deliver lambs. I doubt I will be of any help if your sister decides to have her baby in the garden.”

  Meredith heard Felicity berating him as she raced toward the house. Julian must have spotted them from the castle because he charged out the door before she reached it. “Is she hurt?” He didn’t wait for an answer.

  “She is having the baby,” Meredith called to his back.

  Colin relinquished her sister to Julian as Dr. Campion bolted outside with his black doctor’s case. Felicity had one just like it that had belonged to their father.

  “Take me to my chambers. We will need boiling water to sterilize your instruments.” Meredith’s sister continued to bark directions at the poor man all the way inside, but to be fair, Felicity had likely delivered more babies than the good doctor. She would definitely hold an opinion on the correct way to go about it.

  When the trio disappeared inside, Meredith grabbed her head with both hands and exhaled loudly. Her legs were quivering. “I cannot believe we made it. I need to sit.”

  Colin placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her toward a stone bench nestled in a bed of thyme. She collapsed on the
hard surface, spent after such a trying afternoon. The earl left his hand on her back, and she didn’t possess the wherewithal to tell him to remove it. The warmth of his hand seeped through her gown, comfortable and oddly familiar.

  “You left before I returned with your books,” he said.

  She fixed her gaze on the flowers in front of her and nodded, although a response wasn’t needed.

  “Do you remember that I wanted to speak with you—about what happened between us?” His hand made a slow pass up her back then back down to her hip. He continued to caress her, lulling her with the gentleness of his touch.

  “We both know what happened between us,” she said, “and now I know why. The countess showed me the letter and explained everything. You wanted to drive me away to fulfill your bargain with the duke.”

  “Audrey knows very little,” he said with a slight edge to his voice. “You should never listen to her again. If you wish to know something, you should come to me. I promise to be honest with you always.”

  “You speak as if we have a future together.”

  He touched his fingertips to Meredith’s chin and urged her to look at him. His steel blue eyes were dark like the sky. The intensity behind them crackled like the lightning in the distance. “I kissed you because I want a future with you. Not because of a bargain that I made before I met you. I love you, Meredith.”

  Her breath caught, and she couldn’t speak.

  “I love you,” he repeated and rested his forehead against hers. There was something very intimate and affectionate in his action, and Meredith’s heart began to open once more. “I cannot live another day without knowing you will be part of my life forever. I need you, Meri. I desire you like no other.”

  When he lowered to one knee beside the bench and gathered her hands in his, she thought she might be dreaming. His gaze was as clear as his voice. “Will you become my wife?”

  Meredith would like to say she made him squirm a moment, to agonize over her answer, but she didn’t. Unlike Lady Blackwood, she wasn’t playing games. But she would be grateful for her prize—the love of her handsome Lord Blackwood.


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