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Friends With Extra Benefits

Page 8

by Luke Young

  “Wow,” he murmured, as he felt his heart pounding out of his chest. He gasped, finding that he now also needed to remind himself to breathe. Slapping himself in the face, he fought to break free of her spell, but when Victoria circled her finger around her seam, Brian leaned closer to the action. She slipped her finger inside and moaned quietly while she continued pumping her hips up and down.

  Completely captivated, Brian watched Victoria but somehow now remembered to both swallow and breathe. He was still working his manhood, and he began feeling the heat rising up through his erection as if he were about to climax.

  He stopped touching himself, glanced down at his penis, and then shook his brain free from the trance. His eyes shot wide open as he remembered what the hell he was supposed to be doing. After quickly popping the replacement pill into his mouth, he reached for the bottle. He took a tiny swig of water just as Victoria’s body shuddered with the release of a huge orgasm. She pushed her face into the mattress to avoid screaming out loud as her body convulsed wildly.

  Brian chewed the pill up in his mouth, and the foaming quickly began. He grinned and then collapsed on the floor with a loud thump that sent Victoria popping up on her knees and looking around the room, struggling to get her bearings. Her eyes first went to the chair, but she didn’t see him. She called, “Brian?”

  She heard moaning and followed it to the source. Glancing down, she discovered him on the floor with white foam dripping from his mouth. He was shaking like he was in the midst of a seizure.

  “Oh, fuck.” She jumped off the bed and knelt next to him. It was all he could do to stay in character as he fought to not open his eyes and burst into laughter. Victoria put her head to his chest and then rushed to her feet.

  “Shit, shit… fuck,” she mumbled quietly. Then she screamed, “Call 911!” as she headed to the bedroom door and grabbed her blouse along the way.

  Thirty-seven of Victoria’s closest friends waited in the living room, which was decorated all in pink and blue for her baby shower. They all watched, grinning, as the red-faced and panting panic-stricken woman tore into the room, attempting to cover her naked body with a tiny blouse, which she held over her breasts. The garment was nowhere near up to the task. As the stunning pregnant beauty bounced up and down on her feet with her hand shaking nervously, the men in attendance stared open-mouthed while the women looked on jealously.

  “Did someone call 911?” Victoria yelled out without noticing the themed decorations.

  Jillian tried her best to act surprised. “What the hell happened?”

  “It’s Brian… I think he’s having a heart attack or a seizure or something.”


  “He took a Viagra, and I found him on the floor, and he—”

  “No, I didn’t.” Brian said cheerfully as he appeared behind her, fully-clothed and wearing a huge grin.

  Victoria turned to him quickly in absolute shock, which delivered the crowd a view of her bare ass. She stared at him a moment with the gears turning in her head. “Brian, how the…” Her jaw dropped as the realization hit her, and she turned to Jillian.

  Jillian wore a huge smile, as she said, “Don’t mess with us.”

  Brian patted Victoria’s bottom as he headed past her to Jillian and repeated, “Yeah, don’t mess with us.”

  Victoria broke into a chuckle as she clutched the blouse to her chest.

  Brian added, “Nice ass Victoria.”

  “Thanks,” Victoria replied as she shook her head and fought back her laughter.

  Jillian said, “Now, hurry up and get dressed. You don’t want to miss your baby shower.”

  “You guys… you guys are good.” Smiling, Victoria took in the decorated room. A tear fell from her eye as she nodded to her guests. “This is really nice.” She glanced down almost self consciously and then held her head high. “If I knew you all were coming, I would have dressed up.”

  The crowd broke into a laugh and Victoria added, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be back in a few minutes. I probably should at least put on some underwear for this.”

  She turned and walked slowly and unabashedly to her bedroom as everyone looked on wearing bright smiles.

  Twenty minutes later, Victoria slipped out of her room looking drop dead gorgeous as she joined the first baby shower ever to be kicked off with a live sex show and fake heart attack, and featuring semi-frontal and full ‘backal’ nudity from its guest of honor. Jillian was able to convert her birthday party into a perfectly-catered and fabulous affair for her best friend in less than a week. Everyone had a wonderful time, and despite the inappropriate start, Victoria received all completely baby shower appropriate gifts.

  After the party, Brian sat between Victoria and Jillian on the large sofa. He had one foot of each of his favorite women in his hand. Both women’s eyes were fluttering dreamily as he worked his magic fingers over their aching heels.

  Victoria said, “No wonder you married him.”

  “I know. He gives the best foot rubs,” Jillian replied.

  Brian said, “So, Victoria, no hard feelings about the whole production today?”

  She glared at him a moment and then broke into a chuckle. “No, none.”

  Jillian asked, “Do you think we can call a truce? Planning all this stuff is exhausting.”

  “Truce.” Victoria nodded.

  “Definitely truce for me,” Brian added.

  Jillian stared at Victoria with a serious expression. “Really, can we stop all this, before someone has a real heart attack or gets arrested?”

  “I’m done. I swear. I’m lucky I didn’t go into labor today. I have a baby coming, and I’ll need to be a more responsible person.”

  “You really should,” Brian joked.

  Victoria grinned. “Oh, and you’re such a proper adult. Who was it directing me to finger my ass earlier?”

  Brian’s eyes widened and he turned his face slowly to Jillian.

  Jillian said, “He what?”

  “I thought you planned all this with him. Now that I think about it, it all seemed pretty rehearsed with getting me to turn away so you could pretend to take the Viagra.”

  “I was pretty good in there,” Brian said a little too proudly for Jillian’s taste.

  “Back to her ass,” Jillian said.

  “Uh, yes,” Brian replied.

  “I thought you were going to do it exactly like we said.”

  “I was, but I had an inspiration and I just went with it.”

  Victoria smiled. “I’m glad he did. That was a nice touch, Bri.”

  “Thanks.” He looked at Jillian. “You can’t really be mad about this. I mean, you mapped the whole thing out with me getting her naked and to ‘do’ herself, and just because I brought her ass into the mix—”

  Jillian cracked up. “I’m just messing with you…” Her expression changed to deadly serious. “Just don’t do it again.”

  Brian trembled a little. “I won’t.”

  Victoria shook her head. “You two are way too cute. I could just eat you both up.”


  Brian and Jillian lounged on the sofa in the great room, watching television. On screen Darcy Gray, justice-themed interview/debate show host, appeared, sitting in front of the camera with her big hair and signature bright pastel-colored pleather jacket. On this night, Darcy’s jacket of choice was a loud sea foam green.

  “Bombshell tonight in the Brookhart v. Grayson and New Perennial Press lawsuit. Brookhart’s attorney, Josh Roth, has successfully argued to have the defendants split into separate trials. He wanted his shot at Jillian Grayson first with plans to go after her publishing company at a later date. Ms. Grayson’s novel, The Leg Thing, has been number one on the Amazon and USA Today bestseller lists for the past ninety-eight days. It’s sold millions of copies and has truly been a runaway success. With us tonight is attorney Joe Whitaglia.”

  Jillian said, “I can’t believe she already knows the trials were split.”

bsp; The image shifted to where Darcy’s frowning face occupied half the screen, while in one quarter appeared an image of a Joe wearing a suit, and the final quarter showed a loop of the St. Barts wedding video where Brian punched Albert Brooks in the jaw.

  Joe began, “I think this is a smart move Darcy—”

  “Hold on,” Darcy interrupted. “This is my favorite part.”

  Darcy grinned at the camera as the punch was replayed with Albert tumbling to the grass after Brian decked him.

  In the Grayson home, Jillian grabbed Brian’s hand. “There you are again. I never get tired of watching that, either.”

  Darcy said, “Sorry, Joe. Please continue.”

  Joe said, “Yes, Darcy, I think this is a smart move. I believe that Roth fully expects to win against Ms. Grayson and will then use that result to force the publishing company into a huge settlement.”

  “Sounds like a risky strategy to me,” Darcy replied.

  Joe began, “Not really. I believe he has a good chance to win a huge judgment against Ms. Grayson, and if he somehow loses this initial trial, separating the trials gives him a shot to regroup and give it another go against the publishing company. It’s a win-win for Miss Brookhart and a nightmare for the defense.”

  “Thank you, Joe.”

  “Any time, Darcy.”

  Darcy’s face now occupied three quarters of the screen with the Brian Nash punch video filling the remaining quarter. When Albert again hit the ground, Darcy shook her head and smiled dreamily.

  “If only Ms. Grayson were facing a criminal trial. Why, then she might serve some jail time, and I’d have my shot at the gorgeous hero, Brian Nash.”

  Jillian growled, “Hey.”

  Brian blushed. “Well, I’m not really a hero.”

  Darcy said, “Good luck with your upcoming trial, Ms. Grayson. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and that husband of yours.” She winked at the camera and then added, “Just kidding about stealing your man, but I’ll say it again, make sure you treat him right.”

  Narrowing her eyes at the screen, Jillian grabbed the remote and turned off the television. She said, “Can you believe the nerve of that woman?” She turned to Brian, who now wore an arrogant smile.

  “She’s just joking around.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet,” Jillian said sarcastically.

  “But it’s not bad advice, you know.”


  “Treating me right, because sometimes you ignore me and, uh…”

  Jillian grinned, tossed the remote to the cushion and slipped to her knees in front of him. “What kind of treatment, exactly, do you need?”

  “Um, well—”

  He shut his mouth when Jillian moved her hand to his zipper and pulled it down slowly as she said, “Do you need this kind of treatment?”

  “That’s, uh, great kind of treatment.”

  Brian leaned back and put his hands behind his head as Jillian extracted his equipment and began working it with both hands.

  She said, “That woman really has me angry. I’ve got a good mind to call in to the show some night and let her have it.”

  Brian glanced back to Jillian, who now wore a determined look as she angrily worked over his shaft. He grinned. “Go with that emotion. You really are much more passionate when you’re angry.”

  “Yeah,” Jillian replied as she began moving her hand faster and faster over him.

  Just to egg her on, Brian stammered, “She’s completely out of line… um… here you are…” He sighed, closed his eyes caught up in the intense pleasure Jillian was delivering then glanced back to her and continued, “… um, facing a major trial and…”

  Staring at him with her passion boiling over, Jillian shook her head and sneered.

  Brian teased, “… and this Darcy Gray woman is threatening to, uh, steal me from you. It’s not right at—”

  He shut up when Jillian plunged her mouth over him.

  After just over six minutes of expertly performed super passionate oral pleasure, Jillian rose to her feet, wiped the corner of her mouth and stared down at Brian, wearing a proud smile. “Send Darcy a video of that!”

  Glancing up at her with his eyes glassy and while struggling to catch his breath, all Brian could mutter was, “Huh?”

  “Never mind. Do you still feel neglected?”

  “Uh-uh.” He shook his head no. “Wow, where did you learn that swirly thing there at the end?”

  Jillian plopped down next to him on the sofa, exhausted. “I read an article in some women’s magazine.”

  He nodded quickly. “That was amazing.” He slid off the sofa and unbuttoned her shorts.

  Giving him a look, she muttered, “Uh, what are you doing?”

  “Returning the favor.”

  She shook her head with a grimace.

  “Really?” he asked.

  She returned an apologetic nod. “Sorry, I just don’t feel like it.”

  “Since when don’t you feel like having me lick you? You usually beg for—”

  She snapped, “I just don’t feel like it, okay?”

  “Alright, sorry.” He moved to sit next to her. “I just thought it might help relax you. You’ve got to meet with the lawyers tomorrow, and—”

  “You know, sometimes I just want to please you. You don’t always have to be shoving your tongue places.”

  “Geez, okay. Got it.” He turned away, frowning.

  Regretting her harsh tone, she tried to repair the damage. “It’s not you… it’s just… I don’t know.”

  Turing back to her, he painted on a sympathetic smile. “I understand.”

  “I think I’m going to go up to bed.”

  “It’s only nine.”

  “I’m just tired.”

  He was unsure whether to offer to go up with her or not. After studying her expression, he asked hesitantly, “You want me to give you a back rub or anything?”

  She gave him a half-hearted smile. “No, but thanks.”

  “Okay, I’ll be up later.”

  After he watched her walk out of the room, he rubbed his hands over his face, slumped into the sofa, and began mindlessly channel surfing as he thought of nothing other than Jillian.

  Over the next three weeks, Jillian became more and more engrossed in her case. She spent hours at her lawyer’s office, going over strategy and her upcoming deposition testimony. In between meetings, she was flying off to do book signings and interviews with the media, and she was up to her neck in all sorts of book promotion tasks. This left little time for writing or spending time with Brian. The two definitely didn’t have time for tennis together during this time, so Brian took to hitting against the ball machine in order to work out some of his pent-up frustration.

  During the times that the newlyweds were intimate, Jillian didn’t feel at all like herself. She still wasn’t in the mood for Brian’s tongue between her thighs. She just didn’t feel right down there and worried something was medically wrong. After two visits with her gynecologist, who ran a battery of tests, she was given a clean bill of health.

  Relieved nothing was physically wrong, she arranged an intimate night, featuring wine and candles, with her husband. Things went well until they slipped up to the bedroom, where she begged Brian to go down on her. She lasted less than a minute before pulling away and nearly bursting into laughter.

  Apologizing profusely, she used the excuse that she shouldn’t have taken such a hot bath that day and promised to make it up to him. Her solution was to shower him with a lot of her own oral attention, but he found that it was a poor substitute for the satisfaction he received in delivering to her what he thought was the ultimate pleasure. He missed the connection that they used to share and knew something wasn’t quite right, although he found it a little hard to complain with his gorgeous wife’s lips wrapped around his manhood.

  Upon reflection, he concluded that since Jillian’s deposition was scheduled for the next afternoon, her nerves were simply getting the best of
her. And that night, as he struggled to sleep, thoughts of his own early-morning deposition clouded his mind.


  The next morning at 10:00 a.m., Brian sat in a conference room with Jillian and her attorney, Stanley Parrish, on one side of the table. On the other side, Josh Roth sat next to the scowling Natalie Brookhart. At the head of the table was a young and attractive stenographer with her pad ready.

  After a few minutes of softball questions, Josh asked, “Mr. Nash, at the start of the Fall semester in your sophomore year, did you meet a woman named Ann Brown?”

  Brian gave Josh a surprised look and stammered, “Um, yes.”

  “Could you characterize your relationship with Miss Brown?”

  “We had actually met the previous year. We sat together with friends in the dining hall and that kind of thing.”

  “So, you were friends?”


  “Uh-huh.” Josh nodded. “Was there any night in particular when your relationship with Miss Brown changed, became more intimate, perhaps?”

  Brian glanced around the table nervously, first to Stanley, who was staring down at a note pad, and then to Jillian, who returned a supportive smile. He turned back to Josh and began, “We, um, were at a bar with a group of people and then ended up talking a lot that night.”

  “And afterward?” Josh asked with his eyes widened.

  “Afterward… I walked her back to campus, and I believe she went back to her dorm.”

  “You didn’t stop at your suite first?” Josh fired back accusatorily.

  Swallowing hard, Brian glanced at Natalie, who was grinning evilly at him. He looked down to the table. “How do you know about that?”

  “Just answer the question, Mr. Nash.”

  “How is this even remotely related to the trial?”

  Stanley asked, “Mr. Roth, where are you going with this?”

  “We’re just trying to explore a little of Mr. Nash’s dating life prior to his relationship with my client.”


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