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Addicted to a Dirty South Thug 2

Page 8

by Shan

  “So he has been here?” Khi asked, and I sighed.

  “No, he’s been texting me and calling me, but I haven’t seen him,” I lied, even though I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “Let me see your phone. Then you can go shower and get dressed. I got something I need to show you.”

  I handed Khi my phone and did as he told me to. I grabbed some clothes from the closet and made my way to the bathroom to shower. Soon as I turned the water on and it heated up, I instantly began to sweat and become nauseated. I held my head down trying to allow some of this sick feeling I had pass me, but the more the room heated, the worse I felt. This shit was hell. How in the hell did anyone do this more than once? I was already contemplating getting my tubes tied after this and never putting myself through the misery again.

  “Was you even going to say anything about this nigga?” Khi asked, as he came busting through the door while I was removing my clothes.

  “When? Before or after you basically accused me of fucking him?”

  I stepped into the shower and tried to close the door behind me, but Khi grabbed it and held it open. I looked at him, and he looked back at me, as if I had done something to him.

  “But not even before this shit with BJ though. Was you gonna say anything about the fact that he was texting you, calling you?”

  “No because it wasn’t a big deal.”

  “What the fuck you mean that it wasn’t a big deal? This dude in your phone talking about how much he misses you and love you and you wasn’t gonna say shit? Then, you wanna sit here and make me believe that you and that nigga ain’t fuckin? I swear, I’ll break this fuckin’ phone!” Khi snapped, causing me to jump back in the shower.

  I hated when he got like this. His eyes were always so cold looking, and they would turn so dark. It was the same side of him I saw the last time he and Rue had gotten into it and he slapped me. Then, there was the time he caught Dae over here after he confessed to killing Alaska, and Khi had blacked out and damn near killed him. This dark ass ugly side that he had to him was so unattractive.

  “Just close the door and leave me alone, Khi. You’re sitting up here acting stupid for no damn reason. “Close the door!”

  Khi sucked his teeth before he stood there and stared at me. I shook my head and sighed, and then, grabbed the body wash and towel to wash my body off. The cool air beat against my skin, and I tried my hardest to stay under the water to keep warm since Khi wanted to stand there and be an ass. After a couple of minutes, though, he finally shut the door to the shower and stormed out of the bathroom.

  I ain’t even know why the hell he was tripping over a couple of I miss you and I love you text. I know his dumb ass saw that I didn’t respond to not one of them shits. Who gave a fuck how that nigga Rue felt? Ol’ snitchin’ ass bitch.

  Khi just wanted to something to excuse his bullshit, and he wasn’t about to put shit on me. I wouldn’t let Rue get close enough to even smell my pussy after what he’d done to me. The other night was the closest he would ever get to me again. Shit, the only reason that nigga Rue was snooping around anyway was because Khi thought it was cool to be snatching kids up and shit. I didn’t know how to feel about this man. I wanted nothing more than to have BJ with me, but I wanted to do it the right way. My mother was spiteful, and she hated me, so I knew it wouldn’t be long before she sent twelve after me for real. Fuck! What the hell was Khi thinking?


  The car ride with Khi was long and quiet. I was in my feelings about a bunch of shit, and I guess his retarded ass was mad about Rue still. Who the hell knew? I glanced over at him, as he turned down into a subdivision that had very few houses. Majority of the land was plots and houses that were under construction. I had never been in this area before, but knew that it was one of the richest parts of Dallas.

  “What we doing over here?” I asked Khi, and he sighed and kept driving. “You don’t hear me talking to you?”

  He glanced at me then looked down at my legs. He shook his head and reached into his glove box. He moved his hand around inside before pulling out a bottle of lotion and dropping it into my lap. I couldn’t help but laugh and shake my head. He was always hollering about my kneecaps being ashy, but fuck him.

  “Fuck I tell you about that shit, Cuba?” Khi asked, as he pulled up to one of the houses that was under construction.

  I laughed and he didn’t. I poured some of the baby lotion into my hand, rubbed my hands together and then rubbed it all over my legs just to pacify his ass. He knew that I had eczema, and that I had to use special products in order to keep it under control. It didn’t matter how many times I explained to Khi though. He still bitched about my ashy kneecaps. Lately, it’s been worse than ever, and I’m assuming that it was the pregnancy. Shit, lately, everything had been due to the pregnancy. I was thinking about finally letting his ass know what was going on with me. It seemed like the time would never be right, and that he would always be too occupied to notice.

  “Get your ashy ass out the car,” Khi said, breaking me from my thoughts. He’d pulled my door open, and I undid my seatbelt and stepped out. Taking my hand into his, Khi led me up the sidewalk to the unfinished house, and he turned the knob that was covered in some kind of paper.

  “What you think?” He asked me the moment we stepped inside. I could already tell that it was going to be beautiful even though it was mostly wood bases and what looked like metal poles and shit. In the back of my mind though, I could picture everything I could do to a house like this. It was so much space, and all I could think about was how lucky Skylarr was going to be if Khi purchased this house.

  “It’s going to be nice babe. Is this where you and Skylarr are moving to? I can most definitely hook it up for you and shit,” I chuckled, as I walked around being careful not to trip over the boards in the ground.

  “What you mean is this where me and Skylarr going to be staying? You think I need a house this big for just me and the kid? This is for you, BJ…and for whenever we decide to take shit to the next level and have some kids of our own.”

  I swallowed back hard but didn’t say anything. I couldn’t help but to be apprehensive about everything when it came to Khi and our relationship. No lie, I cared about this dude so much. I even often wondered if I was in love with him, but was too scared to let the shit flow to even figure it out. All I knew was that I was scared. I could see myself being hurt, and pain was something that I never wanted to feel again. Khi’s baby mama, Briana, being in the mix, and him just thinking the shit was okay told me that he wasn’t ready to love me the way that I needed to be. My heart was so fragile right now, and I had to be cautious with how I allowed it to be handled. I should’ve known that when Khi stopped looking for my apartment that he had planned on me moving in with him, and although I was at his house 95% of the time, I still wanted my own shit. Moving in with him just wasn’t what I wanted right now.

  “What?” Khi asked, and I was almost scared to turn around and face him. I knew that he wasn’t going to take me saying no to him well. Me staying with him had been what he’d wanted since the first day I’d started working for him.

  “I just still feel like I should have my own, you know? I mean, you know I’m always gonna be here with you and Sky, but…”

  Khi sucked his teeth, and I turned to face him. I noticed how he threw his hands into the pockets of the slacks he was wearing. I bit down on my lip and watched his eyes grow dark.

  “Did you have something you have to do today?” I asked, trying to change the subject before we began fighting again. Khi was dressed in the business attire that I loved to see him in. The Monaco check suit he was wearing was navy blue with blue and red checkered across it. His tall and muscular frame filled the suit out so well that it caused me to lick my lips and moisten in between my legs.

  Khi removed his hands from his pocket and took one hand and rubbed it over his dark and smooth skin. He licked his lips before he looked me over and shook his head. I watched
as he placed his hands back into his pockets and turned around and walked out.

  “Damn,” I said just above a whisper. What the fuck did Khi want from me? I wasn’t Briana nor was I Selena. I wasn’t about to just fold and be what Khi wanted me to be just because he had money and was the man in the streets. Not only that…jail and Rue changed me, and it seemed like Khi was constantly trying to undo a change and transform me into something that I just wasn’t ready to be.

  I walked around the house and smiled as I passed what I knew would be the kitchen and thought about all the great meals that I would prepare whenever I was here with Khi. I appreciated him for what he was doing and trying to give me a life that most women would kill to have. Coming up under my parents’ roof, I wasn’t poor or no shit like that, but what we did have, I knew was nothing like what this was going to be. I shook my head feeling like maybe Khi thought I was being ungrateful, but I wasn’t. I really did appreciate his efforts. Just as I was about to walk outside to join Khi in the car, my phone went off with a text from him. I unlocked it and read what he’d sent me, and it caused tears to form in my eyes.

  Khi: What the fuck is wrong with you? You gonna push me until I just stop giving a fuck. That nigga Rue got you so fucked up, Ma, that it’s just sad. You’re at my house every damn day, and the minute I buy you a fuckin’ house, you wanna say some shit about still having your own. The fuck is you scared of? I ain’t did shit but show you love since the first day I laid eyes on you, and it’s still not enough. What the fuck do you want from me?

  Me: Because you’re putting so much on me that I feel like I’m being pressured. You have so much going on and you put everyone before me. You put Briana before me! You haven’t even noticed that I’m sick and that something is wrong with me because you’ve been so busy taking care of her. What were you doing for three whole days, and I didn’t hear from you? Then, you come accusing me of sleeping with Rue. Why? Is it because you’ve been sleeping with Briana?


  I sighed and gritted down on my teeth after sending Khi that text message. I was ready to walk out of the house and face him instead of this message shit when he popped right back up in my face.

  “I’m so fuckin’ sick of hearing about Briana,” Khi said, and I shrugged. I was gonna talk about the bitch until he did something about her. If he was sick of hearing me speak her name, then he was either gonna get rid of the hoe or leave me the hell alone.

  “Well, what you gonna do about it, Khi?” I asked, and he frowned.

  “I ain’t gonna do shit about her but what the fuck I been doing. If you think I care about that bitch then you crazy! Crazier than muthafuckin’ Selena. I’m sick of this shit man.”

  “Yea, and if you think I care about Rue then you crazy. You want me to not communicate with him, let you know when he contacts me and all this other shit, but you just treat your situation with that broad like I have to just accept it because y’all have a damn child together. That’s what the fuck is wrong with me since you wanna know.”

  “You sound real fuckin’ stupid. That nigga Rue sent you to jail and bailed on you like a little bitch, and you think I’m a sit here and act like you still communicating with that bitch is okay? Fuck you mean. All that shit he was talking in that messages? I’m a murder that nigga the next time I lay eyes on him. This shit with Briana is because of my daughter. That’s Skylarr’s fuckin’ mother. I’m telling you to give me time with her to get her right, and you bitching for what? I don’t even barely look at the bitch, and you think I’m fucking that broad. Man, please.”

  I sighed and shook my head because this shit here was gonna go in one ear and out the other. I don’t even know why the hell I allowed it to even get me mad. Khi would never understand, or maybe he just didn’t want to understand how it looked and how it felt to me. Shit, Briana didn’t give a fuck about her child. I had their daughter for three damn days and neither one of their asses had even checked in to see was she okay. How dare he say that Briana was her mother when her ass gave less than a fuck about Skylarr?

  “Look, let’s just forget it. I’m not feeling well, and I wanna go back to Tangie’s and lay down.”

  “Back to Tangie’s, huh?”

  “That’s where I’ve been for the past three days. With your damn daughter and my little nephew with not neither of you acting like you give a fuck.”

  “Don’t play me. You know damn well my daughter is my world. Don’t ever say no shit like that to me again.”

  “Can we just go?” I asked and tried to get out of the house when Khi grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. He looked down at me, and I turned my head to keep from returning the eye contact.

  “Is that what we’ve become now? Is this how shit gonna be? Constant fighting and shit over a bunch of irrelevant muthafuckas?”

  “I don’t wanna fight with you, Khi. I hate when we do argue. We both stubborn as hell, but somebody’s gotta compromise,” I told him, and he chuckled.

  “It won’t be me.”


  “Look at me,” Khi said and forced me to look up at him. “I’m serious. I’m not about to let you run me, a’ight. I’m not that nigga Rue, and that’s what the fuck the problem is. You either think that I’m him, or you still in love with him?”

  “What? Hell no,” I protested.

  “Prove it then. Show me it ain’t either one of them. Cause I’m sick of chasing you, Cuba. You either gonna let me in, or I’m gonna walk the fuck away and not try anymore. I wanna be with you, but I’m not some pussy ass nigga that’s gonna be told what the fuck to do and how I should live my life. I’m a man, baby. Let me be that, a’ight.”

  “Alright,” I said and sighed. Khi leaned down and covered my lips with his. He slid his tongue into my mouth and then picked me up and placed my back against the wall. I was wearing a pair of loose-fitting Aeropostale shorts, and Khi was able to easily slide his hand between the legs. He pulled at my panties, and I was so embarrassed because I was soaking wet.

  “Damn,” Khi sighed, as he drowned me with more of his kisses. “Take this shit off.”

  I went to sit my phone down so that I could remove my clothes when it started to vibrate in my hand. I looked down at the screen to see that it was Tangie calling me. Khi pushed the ignore button, but Tangie only called right back. This time I answered.

  “Hello,” I said. “What’s up, cuz?”

  “Where the hell are you? Your probation officer just came by the shop saying that she has a warrant for your arrest. There were two police officers with her.”

  “What?” I asked and had instantly felt my heart drop.

  Chapter 11


  “Babe, calm down and tell me what’s wrong?” I asked Cuba after she had run outside and threw up all over the grass. She was hyperventilating and panicking, which had me freaking the fuck out. Her face was pale like she’d seen a ghost, and her ass wasn’t saying shit, so I didn’t know what was up.

  “My probation officer…” Cuba started but started throwing up again. I rubbed her on her back, and when she’d gotten it all out, I walked her over to my car and helped her inside. Once I walked around to the other side and got in, she was in full-blown tears, and I wasn’t understanding shit she was trying to tell me. I pulled out my cell to call Tangie being that I knew she knew what was up.

  “Sis, what’s going on? Cuba’s ass is so upset, I can’t get shit out of her,” I told Tangie, and I heard her sighing.

  “Her probation officer came through here looking for her. They said they had a warrant for her arrest,” Tangie told me, and that made me grit down on my teeth. I nodded my head and told Tangie that I was going to hit her later. What the fuck did Cuba do that could have her fuckin’ probation officer looking for her?

  “Babe, you been going to all your meetings and shit, right?” I asked her, and she nodded as she cried uncontrollably in the passenger’s seat. “What about your drug test? You been passing them? I told your ass to stop s
moking and shit.”

  “They haven’t…tested…tested me since the first time,” Cuba cried, and I shook my head knowing that it had to be something. I placed the key inside the ignition and started the car up. I know I wasn’t fucking with KaeDee’s bitch ass right now, but I wasn’t about to let Cuba get jammed up and have to do time for some bullshit. I sighed before I dialed him up and waited for him to answer.

  “Yea,” he answered, and I frowned as I placed the car in drive and drove away from the house.

  “Aye, nigga, I need you to do me a favor.”

  “Oh you need me? Imagine that.”

  “Chill, KaeDee. I need you to call and holla at my girl’s probation officer and see what the hell this warrant is about that they have out for her.”

  “You need me to call your girl probation’s officer, but when I needed you to come holla at me about Deonna, you couldn’t fuckin’ show up,” KaeDee whined, and I sucked my teeth.

  “What the fuck nigga? I was out here trying to take care of this shit that’s going on. Did Cass tell you what the fuck happened yesterday? Nigga’s out here shooting up parking lots in the name of Allah. What the fuck is that about, KaeDee? These niggas want our heads, and I don’t even fuckin’ know why. I’m out here handling business nigga.”

  “Yea, well I handled my business too.”

  “Okay…and what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I asked not feeling the way this nigga sounded. It was like he had some shit on his chest.

  “Look, just tell your bitch that, if she doesn’t snitch, then I’ll call and see what’s up. I got some friends down there, so I’m sure I can get them to drop the whole warrant.”

  I pulled the phone away from my ear and I hung up on his ass and then let the phone fall into my lap. Leaning back into my seat, I continued to drive while Cuba sat next to me still crying.

  “Bae, call your P.O. and see what this shit is about. Ask them what they got on you so I can call around and get somebody on this shit. Calm down and do that,” I told her, and she nodded her head. She wiped her face and took in a few deep breaths. She was crying so hard that her chest was jumping up and down as a reflex. Cuba unlocked her phone and maneuvered around it until she finally put the phone to her ear. “Put it on speaker so I can hear what they say.”


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