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Addicted to a Dirty South Thug 2

Page 18

by Shan

  “Why the fuck you never said anything?”

  “What the fuck was I supposed to say, Khi? I felt like y’all was gonna think I liked that shit or something. Like I was gonna have to prove my manhood to y’all.”

  “Nigga you was like six years old,” Khi fussed, and I shook my head as tears involuntarily fell from my eyes.

  “I ain’t know any better, Khi. Part of me was hoping that somebody was gonna figure it out. Somebody was gonna wonder why the fuck my ass was so bad. I thought somebody was gonna walk in on that nigga fucking me, shit I don’t know. And then shit, the longer I went without saying anything, I felt like I could never bring the shit up. When I caught that nigga fucking Amber, I knew I had to murder that nigga. I clipped his ass in the alley and let them bullets eat his ass up.”

  “I’m sorry that happened to you, Daelan. I really am bruh bruh. I hate that none of us paid enough attention to catch on to that shit, and I hate that years and year went by without you getting help. I hate that you had to grow up feeling like you’re less than a man because of it. I never know what you battle with everyday man, because I’ve never been there before, but I want you to know that I’m here to fight that shit with you. You can’t let this shit define who you are. When you popped Lee’s ass in the alley, you was supposed to drop that burden off with him nigga. Man, you been carrying that around for years, and I can only imagine how fucked up it’s been for you. I just wish you would’ve said something a lot sooner. Even Amber. I tried so hard with you bruh. I felt like I was losing myself trying to fix you when I didn’t even know what was wrong. I realize that after what happened to you this is probably the worst place to be, but damn, I really do wish you had said something.”

  “Me too,” was all I said as I dried my face. I sat up in my seat and looked around the visitation room for a few seconds before I rested my eyes back on Khi. “I heard them Arabs was still at it. Y’all figure that shit out yet?”

  Khi nodded and sat forward. “I wanted to ask you about something too. Come to find out all this shit stems from this bitch name Tress that Cass used to fuck with back in the day. She’s Amin’s daughter, and the nigga that’s been after us is her brother Fariq. Remember that night Cass showed up with all that work and we was celebrating all over the city. Well, he got that shit from the lil bitch Tress, popped her ass for it, and that’s why them niggas was coming for us. Cass says that you came to see him, and you told him what factory we was working out of at the time, cause them niggas had came at him for they shit,” Khi said, and I frowned.

  “Yea, but I told that nigga an old place that we used to have shit jumping out of. I said that something wasn’t right about that when I went to see him.”

  “Yea, and he said that he never got to give out the information about it though either because we had already been hit.”

  “What your baby mama say?”

  “I don’t know. I still don’t know that I can trust her or not. She claims that she ain’t got nothing to do with nothing. Showed me a bunch of text messages, but every time I tell her to contact him for me she can never get him on the line. She poisoned Cuba and killed my seed, and after I put her ass on the street, she didn’t hesitate to catch ghost on my ass. She’s a real live crazy one, but I don’t know about the situation with Fariq. I had her sitting in one of spots for days and tried to see if he would ever show up, but he never did. She had opportunity so that’s a dead end.”

  “Prince!” the C.O. called out, and I glanced over my shoulder. I looked back at Khi, and we both stood to our feet.

  “It’s somebody you not looking at. Just think about whatever you missing or ain’t looked at. You’ll find out who gave them niggas the drop on us.”

  “You right. I’ll see you soon bruh,” Khi told me, as we slapped hands, and he pulled me in for a hug. He pulled my head into his shoulder and held onto me tightly. “I love you, Daelan, and I’m sorry. You gonna be straight though. Keep ya head up, and KaeDee gonna take care of it. You know you my little nigga. I’mma see you soon.”

  “A’ight, I love you, too, Khi. Thanks for coming to see me,” I told Khi, as he let me go. I nodded as I was led out of the visitation area and back to my cell. I laid back on my bunk and let out a deep breath. I felt like I had a ton of weight lifted off my shoulders. That was the first time I had ever talked about what happened to me as a kid. Khi was the only person that I knew if I had ever said anything, that he would be the one that I said it to. I would never speak about the shit ever again in my life though. Like Khi said, I should’ve left that burden with my Uncle LeeRoy when I murdered that nigga, but since I didn’t, I was gonna be sure to leave it behind in this bitch when I was freed.

  I had just closed my eyes when I heard some shit popping off on the outside of my cell. Niggas was always in this bitch thumping. Every time I talked to KaeDee, he would never let the conversation end without telling me to keep to myself and stay out of trouble. I got up and made my way to peek out of my cell just as two niggas nodded and walked past me.

  I halfway nodded back and started to walk towards where the commotion was coming from. Soon as I laid eyes on these two big ass niggas going blow for blow, I crossed my arms across my chest ready to be thoroughly entertained. Suddenly, I felt something sharp hit me in my back, and I quickly turned around. The same two niggas that had just past me were now standing in front of me. I tried to swing at the one closest to me, but the other one caught me in the side with a jailhouse shank and forced me to grab for my side.

  I swung again this time connecting my fist with the one that had shanked me. His patna came at me from behind and wrapped me up in a tight ass bear hug. I sucked in a deep breath as the first nigga came towards me and shoved the shank into my stomach and chest over and over again.

  Blood spilled from my mouth, and I began to cough as I fought to get loose. The nigga held me so tight, and I was hit so many times that I knew that this was my end. I closed my eyes as I was hit one last time and my knees weakened. The moment he let go, I went flying face first until my head connected with the ground. I was glad that I got to make up with my brother in the end.

  Chapter 25


  “Khi, Khi!” I heard a deep ass voice calling me, but when I turned around I didn’t see anyone. It was dark and damn near impossible for me to see. I ain’t know where the fuck I was, but it was hotter than a muthafucka, and my ass had sweat pouring from every part of my body. I turned back around to get the fuck up outta here. I felt like I was suffocating and that if I didn’t get to the outside quick, I wasn’t going to be able to breathe any longer.

  “Khi, Khi!” I heard my name being called again, but this time it sounded closer. “Khi, Khi!”

  I grabbed that hammer from behind my back and turned around and pointed it into the darkness. The person that had been calling my name started to scream.

  “Khi, Khi, Khi, it’s me! It’s me!” Cuba screamed.

  I blinked my eyes rapidly and looked around. I noticed that I was in the bedroom and that Cuba and I was standing at the end of it. I looked at her and then down at the pistol that I was holding.

  “Fuck…shit, baby I’m sorry. You okay, you a’ight?”

  “I’m okay. Are you okay?” Cuba asked as she looked me over.

  “I’m good. Must was having a bad dream or something. Shit happens every time I be on that Yak.”

  I sat at the edge of the bed and sighed as I placed my head into my hands. Jumping up like that had me dizzy, and my ass was really sweating. I ain’t remember too much of shit from the time I left from seeing Dae to how in the fuck I even got here. All I know is I stopped off at a bar and tossed back drinks until I couldn’t even walk or see straight. It was a mystery as to how I even got home being I didn’t even remember driving.

  That shit Dae had shared with me had a nigga fucked up, and all I could think about was how somebody could even do some perverted ass shit like that to a kid. I don’t even know how we missed that shit not that
I knew what signs to look for. Dae was only younger than me by 2 ½ years. I was just wiser and a little more mature than him and Emon. I was always in the streets at an early age and getting into some shit. I would get my ass beat damn near every day because my moms and granny would always tell me and the young ones not to leave the porch, but I was a hardheaded little nigga. Dae used to beg to go with me, but I didn’t want him getting into no shit. Hell, if I had known that every time I would leave him behind that Uncle LeeRoy was getting his rocks soft off my little brother then I would’ve took both and Dae and Emon along with me. Now, all I could wonder about is if Emon had been done the same way.

  “Bae, do you hear me?” Cuba asked, as she pulled me from my thoughts.

  “What?” I snapped at her and then shook my head and sighed.

  “You don’t hear me standing here talking to me? Here, Cassidy is on the phone. He’s been trying to call you, but your phone is going to voicemail.”

  “Hello,” I said into the phone, as I looked around the room for mine.

  “Bruh, where you been at nigga? Me and KaeDee been trying to get at you for the past hour,” Cassidy said, and I spotted my phone on the floor by the nightstand.

  “Man, I had a wild ass night. I don’t…”

  “They got bruh bruh down in lock up yesterday. Jail called and said that Daelan is in critical condition and had to be rushed to Parkland. It’s touch and go, and they don’t know if he gonna make it,” Cassidy said, as the phone slipped out of my hand.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I said, as my hands began to tremble.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” Cuba asked me, and I just snapped out.

  “I’mma kill that nigga, Tamar! Bitch touched my brother! Fuck! I swea’ to God that nigga better pray my bruh makes it man,” I yelled and turned around and punched my fist into the wall over and over again.

  “Khi, calm down,” Cuba cried, but it wasn’t shit for me to be calm about.

  “I fucked up. Damn, I fucked up!” I said, as I began to cry. I broke down, and I didn’t give a fuck about my shawty seeing me either. This shit hurt. That was my young one, and I put him there. I prayed to God that he pulled through ‘cause I know that I would never forgive myself if he didn’t make it. Not only that, I was good on my promise man. Tamar touched mine, so I would touch his. Fuck it; I knew then the cycle would never end, but he should’ve allowed me to handle my brother. We could go toe to toe, body for body until everybody was dead. I didn’t give a fuck.

  I felt Cuba come up behind me as she wrapped her arms around me and laid her head into my back. I shook my head and took in a couple of breaths to calm myself down, but I ended up just crying even harder. I dropped down to the ground with Cuba still holding onto me. She rocked with a nigga until I had finally stopped crying. I shook my head and chuckled when Cuba pulled my head back and kissed me on the lips.

  “Don’t you tell nobody I was in here crying like a little bitch.”

  “Real men cry baby. Don’t you ever think I’ll judge you for that. I’ve been where you are, so I know that pain. I just pray that he comes through.”

  “Damn,” I sighed, as I held my head down. Cuba pushed it back up and used her hand to wipe the residue of my tears from my face. “You keep being like this, and I’mma fuck around and give you my last name.”

  “Cuba Prince, huh? It has a nice ring to it. Makes me sound like some kind of empress,” Cuba giggled, and I pulled her in a for a kiss.

  “Baby, how the fuck did I get home last night?”

  “You know what, your ass better not ever drink like that again. I woke up to two strange ass white men knocking on the door and carrying you in the house. I was so fuckin’ scared that they were gonna do something or that they had robbed you, but they said that they would have your car brought here today if you needed,” Cuba said, and I chuckled.

  “Yo’, that’s why I don’t fuck with that Yak. What white men babe? See, now, we gotta hurry up and move.”

  “I think they’re cool. They said that they found you passed out in the men’s restroom, and they was able to get an address out of you and brought you home. Your wallet and shit was still in your pocket, and the money was still there. I gave them a couple twenties apiece. They said they do it all the time.”

  “Shit, whatever. Let me get myself together so I can handle my business.”

  “Daddy, daddy,” Skylarr yelled, and I looked up to see her running towards me. She had two crayons in her hand and a sheet of paper that she had colored all over. I wrapped my arms around my baby girl tightly and kissed all over her. I hadn’t seen her in a good while, and I was glad to see that Cuba had done just what I said… got the kids and brought her ass to this house.

  “What you got there baby girl?” I asked, as I looked at the paper that Skylarr had scribbled all over.

  “That’s mama and daddy,” I said and nodded with a smile even though all I saw was lines and a bunch of shit scribbled everywhere.

  “You can really draw,” I told her, and she laughed and snatched the paper from my hand.

  “That’s you mama,” Skylarr pointed to the paper as she showed Cuba.

  “Why my head gotta be so big?” Cuba asked and laughed. Skylarr laughed along with her knowing damn well she didn’t know what she was laughing at. Either way, it made me laugh too.

  “What up lil dude,” I said to Dae’s son as he stood by the door. I couldn’t even call the little nigga by his name because of what it stood for, and I was going to speak with Cuba first chance I got about changing it. He was still young and could easily adapt. He was a muthafuckin’ Prince, and he was gonna wear that shit.

  Looking at him made me think of Dae. He looked like his replica and that caused my heart to break all over again. Dae needed to know his son, and his son needed to know him. Before I got too deep in thought about it, though, I got up and walked over to him. He showed his picture, and hell, I ain’t know what that shit was either, but I played it off too.

  “Dang, you can draw too. That’s a car, huh?” The little nigga nodded his head yes and smiled, and I held out my hand for him to give me a five. “I bet you gonna like fast cars like your daddy. You like fast cars?”

  “Yea. Like your car,” he said, and I chuckled and handed him his paper back.

  Before going to shower, I plugged my phone on the charger and grabbed me something to put on for today. Tonight was the night that we rode on Fariq and his people. Selena had actually come through with her crazy ass. She hit my line right after I left my visit with Dae and said that Fariq had asked her to come and see him. She didn’t tell him that she was out of town, but asked if they could hook up today and he agreed. He sent her his address, and I forwarded that shit straight to the goonie Tramell.

  Selena said this was her way of offering me an olive branch and to show me that she wasn’t playing for the other team, but it still didn’t change the fact that the hoe poisoned Cuba then turned around and threatened to keep my kid from me. I appreciated the info though, but little mama could keep her ass right where she was at and expect to see them papers in the mail from me. I wasn’t about to play that game with her. We could go to court and fight over custody. It was nothing to me.

  I hopped out the shower and quickly got dressed. Once I stepped out of the bathroom, I threw on a pair of tennis shoes and grabbed Cuba’s keys from the nightstand and my cell from the charger. I ain’t have time to figure out where my car was and had to get up with these niggas and get this shit popping. I powered my cell phone on, and the messages and shit began to roll through immediately. The only one I paid attention to was from the goonie Tramell that he had sent like twenty minutes ago.

  Tramell: Still babysitting the kids. Let me know what time you coming to get them.

  Me: On my way.


  “Bae, I’m about to take your car. Lock up, and don’t open up for nobody,” I told Cuba, as I met her in the living room.

  “Okay, you coming back tonight, right?” sh
e asked me, and I shrugged. I ran my hands through her hair happy to see that she was feeling good enough to do something to it. I joked with her a lot about it, but truthfully, it didn’t really bother me none. Long as she looked good when we hit the scene, then I was cool with how she chose to make herself comfortable at home. That shit was fuckin’ sexy to me anyway. I hated for a broad to have on tons of makeup and hair all laid the fuck up just to sit around the house and not to do shit. Cuba took care of my kid, cooked, cleaned, and fucked a nigga into a coma almost every night that I was with her, so I wasn’t complaining about shit.

  “I’m about to handle my business, and then, shoot up to the hospital to see if I can see Dae. Lock up.”

  “Okay…I love you,” she said, nervously, and I looked back at her and bit down on my bottom lip. I ran my hand across the side of her face before I knelt down and kissed her on the lips.

  “And you know I love the fuck outta you,” I told her and exited the house. As soon as I had hopped in the BMW and cranked the engine, I skirted out of the driveway and was headed towards the highway. It was about time we put this nigga Fariq in the dirt so he could join his sister. Yea, Tamar had told us to bring Fariq to him, but fuck that nigga. Like pops said, fuck the plug, and it was for damn sure fuck the plug. I think it was about time that I left this dope shit alone anyway.


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