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Whole Again (Hometown Hero's Book 1)

Page 11

by Colleen S. Myers

  John shifted the left strap down and ran his thumb along the nipple. “Did that hurt?”

  Her breath caught at the zing that went straight between her legs with the movement. She sucked in a breath. “No.”

  He leaned forward, still watching her, and blew across the peak. Another zing accompanied by a shudder. He winked and licked the nipple. “That hurt?”

  Another quick swipe of his tongue. She moaned and let her head fall back. “No, but I think you might need to get closer.”

  “Closer? I can do that.” His mouth latched on to her nipples and sucked, his hand palming its twin through the lace on the other side, sending fire down her spine.

  Her hips instinctively bucked against his. Her hands ran through his hair as he laved her breast. Each suck and pull created an echo deep in her womb. She felt the thrill she’d been seeking all her life. It was amazing and exciting and arousing all at the same time. His shaft rubbed against her wetness when her thighs clenched. And when he squeezed her two breasts together and used his tongue and fingers, she couldn’t hold back her groan.

  She put her hand under his chin and forced his head up. His eyes sparkled, and his mouth opened a little bit, eyes glazed. She did that to him. Holy moly. Her throat tightened.

  “I want you,” she whispered.

  He smiled, and the doorbell rang.

  The both blinked. Maybe if they ignored it, it would go away. Please let them go away.

  Whoever it was started to lean on the bell.

  Ding. Ding. Ding.

  “Seriously? Can a guy never get a break with you? Every time we start to make out, we get interrupted. We’re cursed, I tell you.” John’s eyes cleared, and his brow fell as he sat up.

  “Don’t talk curses. You might jinx us.” Vicki jumped off his lap, wiggled her bra up, and then reached for her top.

  John replaced the leg and adjusted his shaft in his trousers. “Are you superstitious?”

  “I’m smart and don’t scoff at anything I don’t know.”

  “Aw, how adorable. I’m getting you a black cat.”

  Vicki glared at him after getting her shirt on over her head “Don’t you dare.”

  Ding. Ding. Ding.

  John sighed. “I’ve got to uninstall that doorbell.”

  Vicki stood up, lifting the corner of her shirt to rub her hand along her belly, teasing him. “Come on. Let’s answer the door.”

  He growled. “I don’t want to.”

  Vicki thrilled at his pout. “We have all the time in the world. It might be the police.”

  And like that, John shot straight up. “You’re right.”


  John called out, “One sec.”

  He started the mental castigation needed to calm down the big guy. Once he felt in control of his body parts again, he stood and went to get the door. It took him a minute to process what was before him.

  A familiar, mature older woman in a violaceous jumpsuit and matching hair straight from the seventies stood before him in all her shiny purple glory. John’s jaw hit the floor. “Uh.”

  Vicki scooted past him on the right and hugged the newcomer. “Grams! What’s with the new outfit? And the hair? I love the color. This isn’t permanent is it?”

  Vicki’s grandmother, Joonie if he remembered correctly, posed against the doorjamb. “Don’t you love it, darling? My beau is taking me to a costume party today. Oh, you should come. You and John!”

  “Hell no.” The words slipped out of their own volition. John backed up and waved Joonie into the room. John and Vicki took the couch, the same couch where they’d been necking, damn it, while her grandmother sat in the La-Z-Boy.

  Vicki grinned. Her hand slid along his thigh, causing his gaze to fly to hers. “Why not? It would be fun.”

  John squeezed his thighs together, and his hand covered hers. “John is wearing no zoot suit for anyone.”

  Vicki and her grandmother burst out in gales of laughter.

  “Plus, how do we know if it’s safe?” he added as their amusement wore off.

  Joonie waved her hand negligently. “I talked to the detective, Bartleby. He thinks it was pranks to scare her. But just to be safe, I think it would be better if you hid out for a bit.”

  Vicki rolled her eyes at her grandmother, and John couldn’t help but grin. “His name was Bentley, Grams, and what about my job? I can’t put it on hold. I want to start my career. You know this.”

  Joonie waved her hand. “I do. I talked to your boss. There are jobs at central office you can do for now. And there are a lot more people around there. Aren’t you starting there soon, too, John?”

  John did a double take. How did she know he was starting there tomorrow? He’d just found out. Hell, he hadn’t even told Vicki yet. Not with everything going on. “Um, yes, in fact, I start there tomorrow. That would be perfect. I can drive you to and from work. Make sure you’re safe.”

  “And then maybe you two can go out?” Grandma batted her eyes at both of them.

  Vicki tightened her hand on his thigh. “Grams!”

  “Vicki, why is that the only word that comes out of your mouth sometimes?”

  John let his arm fall around Vicki’s shoulder. She looked uncomfortable, and her cheeks were red. But it was perfect. This way he got to keep her safe. “I don’t know. It sounds like a plan to me.” He winked at her grandmother. He took his hand and ran it down Vicki’s hair.

  Vicki looked up at him and smiled. “We will see about a date. Someone is still mad at you.”

  John’s thumb brushed her cheek. “Are you talking about yourself?”

  Vicki squeezed his thigh. “Yes, and no making fun. You referred to yourself in third person as well.”

  John grinned. “So I did.”

  Grandma hooted. “I see things are progressing well. Go ahead, kiss, I don’t mind.”

  John cupped Vicki’s face and kissed her with a loud smack to Joonie’s delight “Well, I have to agree with your grandma on that last one.”

  “John!” Vicki grumbled, breaking the kiss with a pant.

  He glanced over at Joonie giving him the thumbs-up and smiled.

  “Seriously, you two need to do it already. I can feel the hormones from here.” Joonie fanned herself.

  That was a little too far for both of them.

  “Grams!” they both hollered.

  Vicki pinched his side. “Why didn’t you tell me about the job?”

  “You took off last night, and this a.m., well, we were kind of busy.”

  Joonie hooted. She leaned closer and rubbed her hands together. “Oh, what kind of busy?”

  Vicki rolled her eyes. “Not that kind of busy, Grams. Detective busy.”

  “Some of that kind of busy,” John added. He couldn’t resist. She was so cute when she got all pink and flustered.

  “Oh my God. Stop it, you two!” Vicki buried her face in her hands.

  John took pity on her. If she blushed anymore, she’d start to glow. “So we’re agreed. Vicki’s going to work at the main office. I will take her to and from work for a bit to make sure she’s okay? Is that the plan?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Vicki agreed. Joonie nodded.

  “What about tonight?” John asked.

  Vicki turned her head and raised her eyebrows. “What about tonight, stud?”

  John felt his own cheeks heat. Well, okay then. Vicki was getting some of her own back. “I don’t like the idea of you being alone tonight.”

  Vicki chewed on her lower lip. “I don’t want to be a bother.” And if she stayed, they were definitely having sex.

  “You’re not a bother at all. I need to do some shopping for work. Get some suits and business attire, as it were.”

  “Perfect. You do that, and, Vicki, you come with me to the party. We’ll see about tonight,” Grandma dictated. “It’s arranged.”

  Grams grabbed Vicki’s hand and stood up.

  Vicki flexed her hand one last time on his knee. His gaze lifted to
hers, then fell to her lips. They curved under his regard, and she stooped to kiss him, her lips brushing his. “Since everyone is arranging my life right now, that sounds good. I’ll see you later?”

  “Oh, yes,” John said in a heartfelt tone. There was no stopping him now. Not now that he’d set his course.

  Vicki grabbed her purse from the table and left with her grandma. The room felt a lot less colorful without the women. John called his own mother. Time to shop.


  Vicki’s grandma insisted on the party. Given the average age of the participant was fifty-five or older, Vicki hadn’t expected many shenanigans, but these elders were out to have some fun. Vicki got to meet her grandmother’s new beau, then sat in the corner sipping on her one-eighth punch, seven-eighths vodka beverage thinking about John when Grams came to park next to her.

  “What are you doing in the corner? No one puts Baby in the corner!” Grams announced with a flourish, mimicking her favorite movie. She’d always liked Jennifer Grey and her nose.

  “I can’t keep up with y’all.” Vicki raised her glass and waved it around.

  Grams fanned herself. “Whatever. You’re thinking about John. I can tell from all the mooning you’re doing.”

  Vicki wrinkled her nose at Grams. “I am not mooning, just contemplating things. I found out why he was afraid to start a relationship.”

  Joonie folded her hands on her lap and leaned closer. “Oh, dish.”

  “He got shot in the war.”

  “Oh my God, he’s impotent. Your girlie parts are never going to get any action.”

  Vicki snorted. “No. Not that. He got shot in the leg and has a prosthetic foot. They couldn’t save the limb. And it made him, I don’t know, nervous about how I would react to it.”

  Grams whistled, then took a sip of her beverage. “And him being a marine, that’d be a blow to his ego. You can’t tell at all, though. Good for him. He doesn’t let it limit him. That takes strength. Can you imagine what would have happened if such a thing had happened to your ex? Might happen if it turns out he was behind these threats, mind you. It would have been the end of the world.”

  “David is not one for pain or effort. But I don’t think it’s him, Grams. It would be out of character.” Vicki’s words cut off. “That detective went to speak to David today, didn’t he? They’re never going to find anything. If he did this, he’s smart enough to hire people to do his dirty work. But that reminds me of something Mom said to Delilah the other day. The Watters are doing bad financially.”

  Joonie whistled. “First I heard of it, and I tend to keep my ears to the ground about that stuff. Learned a lot of things over the years. Let me look into it. Boondiddy said he couldn’t look into it further as he had no grounds. So tell me about this detective fella, though, is he cute?”

  Vicki waved her glass at Gram’s date, who’d gone to get her punch. “What about the dentist?”

  “I didn’t mean for me. And my guy is an orthodontist! And he is so damn boring. He does crosswords. All day long. It’s crazy. His package isn’t bad.” Vicki stifled a chuckle at the mention of packages. John’s words drifted through her mind. She had liked his package quite a bit. In fact, she needed to get back to that pa—

  “And there you go mooning again.”

  Wait. What? “Oh, sorry, Grams. That reminded me of earlier.”

  “Do tell.”

  Vicki’s cheeks heated. “Ha, John and I have resolved our issues. I will say that. I’ve had a crush on him forever.”

  “Really? That’s the kind of boy you should have been seeing. Not that prat like pretty boy.”

  “I know. I’ve realized that and am working to correct that problem.”

  The music and all the glittery lights were mesmerizing. Vicki began to sway with the music. Before she knew it, the glass in her hand was empty, and four others stood to the side. Grams leaned against her as they slurped the rest of their punch.

  “He has such a nice body, Grams. All those muscles. Even now, the dude works out every day. And the stump. Both of them. Sexy. Is it weird I find the stump sexy?”

  “Penises themselves are odd-looking things, so phhtt, I say go with what makes you happy, cupcake.”

  “Good. I think I will.” Vicki’s hand reached out and knocked over an empty cup. She didn’t feel her fingers. They both giggled. She grabbed her phone and brought it close to her face then away. “Grams, are the words going in and out for you, too? Or is it me?”

  “Just you. I see the text from John perfect.”

  “Ooh, he texted me! That is so sweet.”

  Vicki tapped her screen. Four messages, all in the past hour. Aww. What time was it anyway? Look at that, almost ten. Why did the letters keep moving . . . ?

  Hi, Vicki. Checking in. At the store with my mom. Back home now. Give me a call when done with the party.

  Hey, Vicki. Call when you can.

  Vicki. Please respond. I’m worried.

  Vicki. Don’t make me call your mother on you two.

  “Oh, I think he might be annoyed.” Vicki nudged Grams. “He threatened to call Mom.”

  Gram stared at her hand like it was a new toy. “Who?”

  Vicki held out the phone to show her. “John.”

  “Oh, love machine. Fuck him.”


  “No, I mean it, fuck him. He will get over his snit quick enough. A good blo—”


  Grams shook her head. “Even drunk, it’s the only word you can say sometimes.”

  Vicki put the phone in front of her face. “One second, let me type.”


  John texted back immediately.

  Hi yourself. Where are you?

  At the party with Gram-Gram.

  Having fun?

  That was so sweet of him to ask!

  I am. I miss you. Wanna have sex? Gramma says we should before my girlie bits fall off.

  Vick pressed Send then laughed so hard she fell off the seat.

  Joonie stopped staring at her hand long enough to glance down at Vicki. “Why are you on the floor?”

  “I told John we have to have sex.”

  “Why is that funny?”

  “I don’t know!” Vicki’s hand slapped the floor. “It just is—oh, text.”

  John’s words wavered before her eyes.

  How much have you had to drink, young lady?

  She pulled the phone closer.

  Four, wait, five.

  Do I need to come get you?

  Yes, please.

  Many times over yes, stud muffin. Vicki stifled a giggle.

  Where are you?

  Hold, please.

  “John wants to know where we are. He’s going to come get me.”

  “At a party.” Joonie tilted in her chair, her drink stirrer hanging out of her mouth.

  “No, really?”

  Joonie attempted to drink her drink around the straw. “Yes.”

  Vicki shrugged.

  We’re at a party.

  Funny, but not helpful. Directions, woman.

  Hah. It was funny.

  Let me ask the chaperone.

  They have chaperones?

  Silly man didn’t realize how wild these people could be!

  These people are crazy. Pretty sure someone’s making out in the corner. Weird noises that way. Am scared. You need to hold me.

  Close. Rawr.

  I will. Directions please, babe.

  Oh, he called her babe. Warmth flooded her chest. She liked that. “Grams. He called me babe.”

  “Oh. Nice one.” Grams stuck her stirrer in the air straight up like she was wielding Excalibur.

  “He wants directions. Where is this?”

  “105 Main Street, Carnegie.”

  Vicki dutifully typed in the address. Darn words kept wiggling.

  Be there in fifteen.

  “John’s coming to get me, Grams.” Vicki couldn’t keep a sappy grin from crossing her face.
br />   “Aww. That boy.” Joonie wiped her eyes, sloshing punch down her front. Her wide-eyed blink at Vicki sent her into gale of giggles.


  John’s mouth curved in a grin as he observed their antics. Both women sat on a bench outside the party. Strobe lights flashed from inside and flickered across their forms; eighties music roared. Vicki held a drink up and away from Grams who stuck her hand down Vicki’s shirt—to distract her maybe? Vicki promptly dumped the glass over Joonie’s head and bent over at the waist laughing. Joonie ripped off the wet wig and smacked her with it.

  The similarities, even given Joonie’s purple hair at the moment, were hard to miss. Both had fine, ladylike features. That soft look with a touch of steel underneath, deep brown eyes, and sharp cheekbones. Looking at Joonie, John knew how Vicki was going to age, and it would be good. She looked so fucking delicate and . . . just damn. He was lucky she spent time with him. His heart twisted. Damn lucky.

  He watched them for a few more seconds before stepping out to get his woman. “Vicki.”

  Both women quieted and craned to look at him, nearly falling off their bench.

  Vicki smiled and leaned her head against her grandmother’s shoulder. “There he is. He is so damn cute. Don’t you think, Grandma? We’re going to have sex.”

  “Good for you, dumpling.” Joonie patted her hand. “Use those girlie bits.”

  Vicki laughed up at John when he approached. She was looking so dang cute, he couldn’t resist. He stooped and kissed her. Just for the compliment.

  Her breath shuddered out. She reached up with her fingertips and ran them across her mouth. “Tingly.”

  Mirth tickled his throat. But he couldn’t mock her for that. And the sheer wonder on her face as she looked at him made him hard as a rock. “You are really wasted, aren’t you? Come on, babe.” He pulled Vicki to her feet, then held out his hand to Joonie. “Both of you.”

  Joonie stage-whispered, “He called me a babe, too,” setting them both off into convulsions.

  He rolled his eyes.

  After a few false starts, he got both of them into his car and then home. Vicki into his own bed. Alone, for now anyway. He was a gentleman. And he wanted to make damn sure she knew what she was getting into before anything more happened. Sorry, Al. He shifted his legs and tried to concentrate on sleeping.


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