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Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume II)

Page 20

by Sarah J. Stone

He wrapped his arms around her waist and raised his lips to kiss her. Oh, those delightful little kisses! They did nothing to hide the roiling passion underneath. They couldn't hide the thunder building to a climax in his eyes and in his seething chest.

  Briar's knees buckled, but she could only sag against him in delicious ecstasy. Nothing held her back from him. Her flesh married with his to become a single person. Their fate and their destiny and their future became one.

  He wouldn't release her with those all-consuming eyes. He held her captive even when he dropped his arms. He ran his fingertips up and down behind her knees until she wept and sobbed in aching need. Her thighs evaporated in steamy vapors, and the condensed liquor distilled out of her flower opening to sprinkle her petals.

  She panted for breath against his intruding tongue. He tickled her brain with little love-lashes. Her vision swam, but she couldn't escape his smoldering eyes in front of her face. Try as she might, he occupied her mind. He occupied her very soul.

  Those maddening fingertips worked their magic on her legs, up and down, up and down. They crept a little higher each time. They swirled behind her knees now. They dashed behind, between her thighs now and went back to their non-stop circling, up and down and down and around until she couldn’t keep track of them anymore.

  What was he doing to her? He might as well be swinging a pendulum in front of her eyes, and her body and soul submitted to his hypnotic movements.

  She prepared herself to curl up with him in a Bruin bundle in some rocky cave. She could sleep with him and wrestle with him as a bear—but this? In a house on an immaculately made bed with a fire burning on the hearth?

  Okay, so there wasn’t a fire burning there now, but there might as well be. This place screamed people. So he slept on the hearth as a bear? He might as well have slept in the bed. He was a man. Dear God, he was a man! And she was the woman he wanted. He wanted her, and he got her.

  His fingers lingered a little longer each time between her thighs until eventually they didn’t come out anymore. They made their wicked strokes up and down inside instead of behind. He traced all the way up the inside line, but he always stopped short of touching her…right there…in that most mysterious spot she craved his touch most.

  She panted and sobbed for it, but he wouldn’t cross that threshold. His lips kept her immobile while he drove her out of her mind with those cruel fingers. Her thighs melted in saturated marshmallows under his touch, but he held her still so she had to submit.

  In the end, she couldn’t bear the anticipation anymore. She broke her lips away with a ragged moan. She lifted her head and rested her cheek against his hair. She hugged his head to her breast in desperate longing.

  He caved before her deepest desires, but he never gave an inch. He never showed he desired her as much in return. He kept an iron grip on everything they did. He buckled her to his will.

  He pillowed his head on her breasts. He blew his warm breath through her shirt to stimulate her nipples, but he didn’t bite or maul them the way he did by the swimming hole. He let her cradle his head and whimper in his ear in sodden desire. He inhaled her desire into himself. It fed him and nurtured him and gave him the strength he needed to dominate her.

  She moaned into his hair. He wrapped his beefy fingers around her thighs and massaged up their insides, from her knees all the way up…She sagged into his hands. Oh, dear God, if he would only squeeze a little higher…a little harder…God, she needed this! Didn’t he know how much she needed it?

  He already knew. His hands told her that. He heard her sighing and moaning for it. Her juices trickled down her thighs to sting his fingers. He must know. How could he not know? Was he too far gone to know what he did to her?

  He pulled his head back and locked his eyes on her. In that look, she saw her destiny written. He knew. He knew he turned her on. He knew he ignited forgotten desires she never released on anyone or with anyone before. How could she? She never mated with anyone before.

  She studied his intense gaze burning into her. He never experienced anything like this with anyone else, either. He couldn’t. He never mated with anyone, either. He might have made out with Lyric. He might have touched her and wanted her, but he couldn’t experience this intense desire and fulfillment.

  Briar was his mate—for life. They fit together like perfect puzzle pieces. No one could complete him the way she did any more than anyone could complete her the way he did.

  He whispered up into her face, “Does that feel good?”

  Her eyes drifted half-closed. “Oh, yes! Oh, yes!”

  “Are you happy? Are you happy with this? Are you happy to be here?”

  “Oh, yes!” she cried. How could she make him understand the happiness rushing through her at every second? How could she make him feel the pleasure springing from his every touch?

  Did he feel the same way? Would he feel it if she touched him?

  She tightened her hands on his shoulders. Straps of solid muscle rippled under his shirt. She ran her fingers down his shoulders to his chest. Where would she stop? Touch him…like that? Could she?

  Maybe he didn’t want her touching him like that. Maybe he wanted to do the touching. Her soul ached to touch him, to explore every cubic inch of him in minute detail. She wanted to study him under a microscope, to learn how every fold and nerve ending reacted to this or that stroke or tug.

  To her surprise, he moved back to give her room. He eased his head away from her chest so she could touch him down his chest to his stomach. She checked his expression, but he never tried to stop her. He leaned back with his hands on the bed.

  With his hands off her legs, she found herself free and alert enough to check him over the way she wanted to. She unbuttoned the first button of his old shirt. She glanced up and found his eyes fixed on her face. She unbuttoned another one, and another.

  The shirt dropped aside, and her hands came to rest on his broad warm chest. He leaned farther back. He let her stroke down his chest to the rough undulations of his stomach.

  She bent down and kissed his stomach. He sucked his breath through his teeth and let out a subtle growl. Mercy, he tasted like pure heaven! She took a deep breath of his earthy, pungent scent. At the same time, her lips and tongue and mouth sucked the essence from his perfect skin. She snuck another inch lower and listened to the telltale groan rise out of his chest when she took a bite of his side.

  His big hand fell on her neck. He followed her down to his navel. The taste got stronger. Her mouth watered for him. She wanted him in her mouth. She nudged his waistband with her chin, and his stomach contracted all the way down inside his pants. Everything about him excited her until she couldn’t keep her hands off him.

  She grabbed his pants, but at that moment, his hand clenched her neck. He picked her up and dragged her mouth away from him. He kissed her hard, and his tongue whispered into her fevered brain. “Not yet. Not yet, like that.”

  He grappled her close to him again, but she already knew what part of him hid down there for her. She already knew how tight and hot he was inside his pants. That hidden part of him belonged to her. She could excite him with one well-placed kiss, one wicked love bite. She could make him pant and groan the same way he did her.

  She didn’t have to explore him anymore. He was hers. She sank her being into his flesh and tied him to her by the small hairs down his legs. Whatever he did to her, she did back to him.

  He rested his chin on her chest and sipped her kisses off her lips, but he didn’t go back to his maddening circles or his innocent up and down. He squeezed inside her thighs once. Before she could register the intoxicating pleasure of that squeeze, he slid his hands all the way up under her skirt, inside her panties to her ass. He surrounded her curvaceous ass with both hands.

  He clenched both cheeks in his granite grip. He pressed her belly against his chest. “This is mine. You’re mine, aren’t you?”

  She could only moan into his mouth. She was his. She swooned at his manhan
dling treatment. She would let him do a lot worse than that if he wanted. She didn’t have to beg, though. He slid his fingers down along her thigh crease to that sacred pool of wet heaven. He touched her blazing flesh with sensitive fingers, and the nectar drooled onto his hands.

  “Baby!” he murmured. “Oh, baby!”

  Those fingers started their rotten swirling again, this time in her luscious opening. He spread the pretty frills aside and discovered the secret honey oozing from her flower. His humming voice purred into her mouth. “Feels good, doesn’t it? Does that feel good?”

  She rocked on her heels. Feels good? She never felt anything so good. Her mouth caved open. She couldn’t kiss him anymore. She stared into his eyes. He swirled wider until he found a tender nub waiting for him. He tightened his circles to drill down hard on it. “Hmm. Yeah. That feels so good, doesn’t it?”

  She wept and whimpered. She couldn’t stop those circles winding her tighter than a spring. Tension racked her nerves. She contorted on those fingers, but she couldn’t stop the gush running into his hands to lubricate his fingers. They quickened around her sweet spot and darted into her fissure.

  She teetered and almost fell, but when she caught her balance, she found herself rocking to his rhythm. She had to catch up with those endless circles, but she always fell just a fraction of a second behind. She hurried, but he only moved faster, harder.

  When she bothered to check, she found him staring deep into her eyes. He watched every quiver of her lips, every flush of blood flashing over her cheeks. He checked every crinkle around her eyes to make sure she liked it, that it really felt good.

  She wanted to kiss him. She really did, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t get her mouth to move out of that frozen O of astonished rapture. Good night! That felt so good. Silvery shimmers shivered all down her body. Pins and needles spread over her cheeks and mouth and eyes. Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!

  Oh, God, yes! It was happening! Before she could stop it, she broke down and screamed. She thrust her crotch hard against his hand. He screwed his fingers into her in tiny, intense rubs, and her whole lower body spasmed tighter and harder than she could ever believe. The muscles lining her inner chasm contracted so tight she couldn’t comprehend it, and jets of fragrant perfume squirted into his hand.

  Her whole being cried out in one long Yes! even though she couldn’t make her mouth work to say it out loud. She sagged against his bulk, and his arms clasped around her waist to support her. He guided her down and spread her legs to sit down on his lap.

  She clung to him for dear life. She had nothing in this world but him. She wanted nothing but him protecting her from this mind-blowing experience. She didn’t notice him scooting her skirt up to her hips, and when he positioned her legs around him, she clung to him with those, too.

  She couldn’t get close enough to him. She needed him right up next to her. She needed her skin on his. She needed to be inside him and to get him inside her. She couldn’t survive any other way. Nothing else made sense.

  Once he got her there, he cradled her ass with both hands and clasped her against him. Her sensitive tissues surged her hips against the hard mass between his legs. It hurt her, but it sparked her to fresh waves of desire at the same time. That cataclysm she just endured paled in comparison to his rock-hard manhood between her legs. It belonged there. It divined her with unerring accuracy.

  She needed it. She hungered for it with that bottomless black craving in the pit of her stomach. She could never rest until she got it. An equally strong craving drove him toward her. When she banged her hips against his bulge, he answered faster, harder. He flexed those rippling abs of his to drive his hips up into her. His engorged prick hit her hard on that twitching mound he just worked to screaming insanity. She wanted to climax there all over again.

  He jammed his hands up under her panties to her back. His stout forearms wedged her panties in tight against her slit. The next instant, the flimsy cotton gave way and split in half to make room for him. His hands continued their journey up under her shirt to her bra. He popped the clasp and let her breasts droop.

  Her whole soul cried out to him to take her, to rip aside the cloth holding them apart and let their flesh become one. He dragged his hands back down, and her clothes tingled down her skin to vanish into the floor. An agonized shudder sucked her breath through her teeth. Every nerve ending blazed for relief.

  His sure, steady hands lifted her shirt and bra away, and she presented herself to him in all her naked glory. Now he would take her for certain, but he didn’t. He only stroked his hands up and down her sides. He didn’t try to touch her at all, but only watched the breath surging in and out through her nostrils and the sweet blush spreading over her skin.

  She pushed his hair back from his forehead and massaged his shoulders, but she couldn’t figure out how to touch him. She couldn’t bring herself to stimulate him the way he stimulated her. How could she set him on fire that way? He remained solid, massive, impenetrable, while she quivered all over to consume him into herself.

  He had to do it for her. He hitched her up to slide his pants down, and Briar closed her eyes against the impending tornado. Nothing remained to hold them apart. His wicked tool aimed up along his hips to point at her.

  How could she face that? She ached for it, but it terrified her to her very bones. It would never quit until it found a way to her most sensitive center. It would delve into her forgotten secrets. It would lay her asunder more than claws and teeth ever could.

  He made no move to intrude on her, though. He only watched her quake and sigh in his arms. She rocked against it in shattered despondency. She wanted it, and now she got it. What would she do now?

  He picked her up off the bed. He stood straight up with her hanging off his front. He turned all the way around and lay down on the bed with her still clinging to him like a magnet.

  He let his weight spread out on top of her, and then he shifted over onto his side. Briar studied him for any clue to his intentions, but he only kept her fixed with that determined gaze she couldn’t resist. He flexed his muscles against her, skin to skin.

  She stared down her destiny in his eyes. Here he was in all his grandeur, right next to her. She had to meet this moment head on. He wouldn’t take her until she did.

  He heaved one of her legs around his waist. Now, when he contracted his washboard stomach, his prick slithered up between her legs. It spread the steamy cocktail over her swollen flesh to spark her fire alight. She couldn’t stop her own body from responding. She flexed her hips in answer to his steady pressure. She rode that stiff member to part her tissues and welcome him in.

  He swam in her eyes. His breath burst from his lips in quick panting gasps. “Yeah? Yeah?”

  She had to answer in desperate whispers, “Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.”

  That’s all the permission he needed. His muscles tensed, and he worked his point just a fraction of an inch lower. Briar moaned out loud, but their anatomies fit together so perfectly that he didn’t hurt her at all when he glided inside.

  Oh, God! How could she bear this raging intensity? How could she lie still and swallow that thick shaft to its limit? How could her virgin flesh accommodate that demon spike?

  She took it somehow. Somehow her body hugged it and surrounded it in her puffy warm folds. Somehow he worked it in to touch every part of her. She stared up at him in horror, but he only nodded and sank in to the hilt. How could a man move that slow? How could he circle his hips to screw it in beyond imagining?

  He didn’t pump and thrust the way she expected. He only circled, circled, endlessly circled until she built up an explosive pocket of energy in her soul. Her brow furrowed in intoxicated confusion. She couldn’t understand so much pleasure coursing through her. It knocked against every pore to explode in volcanic ecstasy.

  Wider he swirled. Faster he circled. His rod nudged a broader range inside her. It excited delicious spots she never knew existed. Her voice broke out of her, and that rel
ease unleashed the agonizing rapture locked inside her.

  Her voice escalated from a moan to a cry to a crazy scream. She couldn’t lie still and let him do this to her. She had to impale herself on that driving tool, to slam it into her flesh as far as it would go and beyond. She had to be it. She had to accept him in all his manhood. She had to receive him and rock him and find completion in him.

  He clutched her against his chest. How he moved in and out of her without separating from her, she couldn’t understand. His pubic bone never left her deep crevice. She sat down hard on that pulsing penetration. Somehow he worked it around to prod her sides, her back, and every place in between. He inched it in and out just enough to do the job and wreck her to ragged screams.

  She undulated against him. She couldn’t stop the drunken climaxes taking her, smashing her, and sweeping over her again and again. Was this her life now? Would it always be like this? She would never part from him again. She inhaled him. She sucked the nectar from his cock and let it nourish her starving soul.

  Chapter 12

  Briar heaved herself off the bed and draped her body over Riskin to kiss him. Her hair swept around his face, and her skin stroked his naked bulk down to his knees.

  She murmured to him between kisses, “Let's get up.”

  He caressed his hands down her back and ground her smooth ass against his pelvis. “You're not going anywhere. You're staying right here forever.”

  She laughed out loud and jumped off the bed. She threw the door open to the fresh morning air outside. Birdsong and squirrels chirping greeted her. She rushed back to the bed to swat his leg. “Come on. Let's face this head on. The sooner we get it over with, the sooner we can get back here and play around—or whatever you want to do with the rest of your life. Get up. There's no time to waste.”

  He folded his arm under his head to look at her, but he made no move to get up. “There's all the time in the world to waste. What could be better than lounging around in bed with the woman of my dreams?”


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