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Shared by her Bodyguards: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 18

by Cassie Cole

  “There you go,” he said, sweat now glistening on his muscles. “Come for us, Senator O’Hare.”

  Hearing my title was a lightning bolt of ecstasy that scoured my bones. I rubbed a fire into my clit and my cries grew louder and louder.

  Anthony moved underneath me, his cock sliding up and down in my ass now with frictionless ease. Whether intentional or not, my two bodyguards’ strokes soon coordinated, so that they were both pulling back at the same time and thrusting into me simultaneously.

  “Such a tight ass,” Anthony groaned, a warning in his voice. “I’m gonna fill it… with… my… come…”

  The last word turned into a roar as he pumped my ass with his seed. His spasms threw me over the edge and I opened my mouth, exhaling all my breath as my climax became so intense that I couldn’t breathe.

  Ethan’s roars of orgasm were loudest of all, and his eyes never left me as he filled my pussy with his warm seed.



  We were up and on the road no later than 5:00am, just as Ethan had demanded. It was going to be a long day and we still had close to two hours to go before we reached the city. I spent most of the time chugging bad hotel coffee we’d brought with us in small paper cups and reviewing my speech again. By the time we stopped in Reston for breakfast burritos I was ready.

  “I just thought of something,” I said from the back seat after we’d all eaten.

  “Was it how you love getting double-penetrated by two hot guys?” Ethan asked from behind the wheel, a smile on his lips. “Because I’ve thought about nothing but that since last night.”

  “Emphasis on the butt,” Anthony added with an immature laugh.

  “I’ve been thinking about that too,” I said, unable to hide my own private smile. “But just now I realized: what happens if the Secret Service figures out it was you who kidnapped—I mean rescued—me?”

  “Good question,” Ethan said.

  Anthony rubbed his neck tattoos. “Maybe we can act like we didn’t know it was the Secret Service. Pretend like we thought you were kidnapped by one of the assassins.” He looked at Ethan. “That’s plausible, right?”

  “Except for the fact that I’ve worked with Agent Santos before,” he said. “I can’t pretend that I didn’t recognize him.”

  “Oh. Right.”

  “We’ll worry about all that later,” Ethan said with a shrug. “All that matters now is Elizabeth is safe.”

  I reached up and put a hand on each of their shoulders. “I feel safe.”

  “The media is going to go nuts when you reappear,” Anthony said. He was looking at his phone. “Social media is calling this Day Five of O’Hare-Watch.”

  I took the phone from him and read through the comments. Momentum hadn’t died down in the days since my announcement slash shooting. If anything, it had risen to an almost explosive level. Everyone wanted to know where Candidate O’Hare was. If she was really okay after the shooting. What she had to say about it.

  Megan is probably going nuts waiting for me to return.

  Washington had a variety of events happening for President’s Day. Most of them were later in the day, but the signs were evident as we drove along the National Mall: stages being erected, porta-potties dropped off for a President’s Day 5k Run, and a handful of other charity-related events.

  “Are we not going to my apartment?” I asked.

  “People are probably watching it,” Ethan said. “The last thing we want is the Secret Service whisking you away again before you can make your grand appearance. We’re meeting Megan in your Capitol office.”

  “And that won’t be watched?” I asked.

  “Not with Megan there. She’s been shouting at anyone who dares get close enough to disrupt her work. We think we can get you inside without raising too much of a fuss.”

  We drove down into the Capitol garage and showed our credentials at the gate. The security guard visibly mouthed my name when he read it off the license, then stared for a long time at me in the back seat. I smiled and waved back.

  It was easier once we were parked and inside the building. I was still wearing the cotton beanie Luca had given me for our hike, and with most of my hair covered nobody recognized me in the hall. I stepped into my office to find Megan pacing back and forth while on the phone. Her face lit up when she saw me.

  “I’ll call you back,” she said and hung up the phone, then wrapped me in a tight hug. “Oh, Elizabeth. It’s so good to see your face! A face which needs makeup. No offense.”

  I smiled at my long-time campaign manager. “Always focused on the job.”

  “That’s why you hired me.”

  She ushered me into the chair and called in a makeup and hair stylist, a young woman who didn’t seem impressed to be working on the missing Senator O’Hare. She immediately began toying with my hair and setting to work with her makeup bag.

  “You two can wait outside,” Megan said, shoving my bodyguards out the door and closing it behind them. When she turned back to me, tears were in her almond eyes. “I can’t forgive myself for what happened at the Ohio Statehouse. Getting shot… If I had known that would happen I never would have made you announce that day! You have to believe me, Elizabeth…”

  I took her hand in mine and squeezed it. I was touched by how emotional she was getting. Maybe I hadn’t processed the shooting as much as I needed to.

  “It’s not your fault,” I said. “There’s no point in trying to take any blame for it.”

  She wiped her eyes and shook her head. “I know. It’s just…” She waved a hand. “I’m glad to see Ethan and your… friend were able to rescue you without issue.”

  Oh, crap. Anthony had told her he was my boyfriend. Megan knew that I had slept with him. And right before I announced my candidacy, no less. I steeled myself for her ridicule. A long lecture about how reckless it was to sleep with anyone on a whim, let alone the USCP officer assigned to watch my apartment. I deserved whatever shouting she would do.

  But she only smiled. “You’ve got good taste, I must admit. He has delicious tattoos. Mmm!”

  I cocked my head. “Are… Are you okay, Megan?”

  She sipped from a mug of coffee, then winced. “Aside from a lack of sleep? I’m fine.” She gestured at the makeup girl. “What are you waiting for? Get started. We have a speech to crash in less than an hour!”

  The girl made a distasteful noise while she began adding product to my hair.

  Megan disappeared to make several more calls, then returned when my hair was drying. “We have so much to catch up on, Elizabeth, but for now I’ll give you the crash course. Several congressmen and congresswomen are giving speeches in front of the Washington Monument this morning. Two of them are candidates you’ll be up against in the primary… Including Senator Pollock.”

  “Oh?” I asked.

  “Mmm hmm. I’ve been spending a lot of our campaign funds on polling data over the last few days, and you know what the tea leaves say? You’re neck-and-neck with Pollock. Scoring higher on the likability index, too.”

  “That’s fantastic!”

  “That’s not even the good news.” She leaned in and smiled. “Pollock’s campaign manager reached out to me last night. A cocky asshole named Trevor, but that’s beside the point. Pollock’s campaign is interested in you. They want to cooperate with our campaign. You’ll back each other up during the primary debates. And then, when it’s all done, Pollock will choose you to be his running mate!”

  My heart almost stopped beating. “You’re joking.”

  She frowned at me. “Sweetie, you know I never joke. We’ve done it. There’s going to be a Pollock-O’Hare ticket!”

  I bounced up and down in my chair, which frustrated the makeup girl, but I was too giddy to care. We’d done it. The campaign hadn’t even been official for a week and we had already accomplished the goal.

  “It’s all unofficial of course, but I’m going to hammer Trevor to get it in writing. The last thing I w
ant is for you to go soft on Pollock in the debates and then they pull the rug out from under us and tap some spineless yes-man like Hollenbach for their ticket. But first, you need to make your grand reappearance!” She snapped her fingers at the makeup girl. “Why have you stopped? We’re on a tight schedule!”

  A knock came on the door. Ethan poked his head in. “Uhh, Senator O’Hare? We have a problem.”

  “No problems,” Megan said. “We cannot have any problems at this stage of the plan. Take your problems elsewhere, you handsome man.”

  But Ethan moved out of the way, and someone else replaced him.

  The last person I expected to see walked into the room.



  Agent Luca Santos had an apologetic smile on his face. “Am I interrupting anything, Senator O’Hare?”

  Ahh, crap. I knew this confrontation was inevitable, but I had hoped it wouldn’t happen for a few more days. Luca was back to wearing his suit and tie, which was almost a strange sight after seeing him dressed more like a mountain man at the cabin.

  I leaned back in my chair and sighed. “I warned you I would eventually make my escape.”

  “I guess it’s on me for not taking you more seriously.” He twisted. “My back is still sore from that bean bag shotgun. I’m not used to sleeping on my side.”

  Megan let out an exasperated noise. “Agent Santos, you’re the last person we need in our face right now. You’re not going to ruin this for us, are you?”

  A dark look passed over his face as he rounded on my campaign manager. “You hired those two goons outside to kidnap Elizabeth and bring her back to Washington.”

  She wasn’t fazed by his intimidating posture. She stepped up and glared right back at him. “Agent Santos, I would do anything for this woman’s campaign. Anything. Do not get in our way.”

  “I wasn’t kidnapped by Ethan and Anthony,” I said. “If anything, what the Secret Service did was kidnapping.”

  Anger flared up on Luca’s face. “Is that all you have to say about the last three days? That I held you against your will, and you’re glad to be back?”

  I rose from my chair, ignoring the makeup girl’s annoyed scoff. “Of course not. I enjoyed our time together at the cabin. But you know I couldn’t stay forever.”

  I was afraid the fire wouldn’t leave his eyes. That he would never forgive me, or that it would take so long that it might as well have been forever. Slowly, his face softened.

  “I know, Elizabeth.”

  Megan made an annoyed noise and pointed her finger back and forth between us. “We’ll discuss what’s going on here later. Agent Santos, are you going to ruin all of this or not? Because if you are, I would like to request that you wait an hour so we can at least make our speech first.”

  “I should take you back right this instant,” he said. “My superiors don’t know you have escaped yet. They think you’re still hidden away in the middle of nowhere. There’s still time to get you back before they figure it out.” Then he shook his head. “But I don’t care about any of that. I would be doing a disservice to the world keeping you hidden away when you’re in such high demand. Ships in harbors, and all that.”

  “You don’t care that you’ll get in trouble?” I asked. “The moment I make that speech…”

  “I’m done caring,” he said. “They’ll find a way to be unhappy with me regardless of what happens. So we might as well do what’s best for you. Elizabeth, I want to stay by your side. Not just while you have a Secret Service detail, but throughout the campaign. I’ll be your private bodyguard. I’ll keep you safe.”

  “Luca…” I didn’t know what to say. The insistence in his eyes, the warmth and confidence in his voice, made my throat constrict.

  “Our campaign would gladly hire you,” Megan said. “Three bodyguards is better than two, and after all the donations we’ve received this week we can easily afford it.”

  “Two?” Luca asked. “Wait. Don’t tell me you hired that tatted up punk outside.”

  “That’s the USCP officer Ethan tackled at the Columbus event,” I said. “He was the cop on duty when I was attacked outside my apartment. The one who shot my attacker. He’s proven that he’s trustworthy.”

  He squinted at me. Studying me. Had I given away too much talking about Anthony? Luca was perceptive—maybe he could tell I had feelings for my other bodyguard.

  The makeup girl coughed conspicuously.

  “You need to get out of our hair so Elizabeth can finish her hair. Go on, shoo. Outside with the other chiseled hunks who want to throw down their lives for our dear senator. Goodbye.” She closed the door and rested her back against it. “You have a type, Elizabeth.”

  “It’s not what you—”

  “We’ll talk about it later,” she said. A grin tugged on one side of her mouth. “Over a bottle of wine. I want to hear all the juicy details.”

  We left my office with 20 minutes to go before the speech. Out in the hallway my three bodyguards were milling around like husbands at a cookout.

  “You look stunning, senator,” Ethan said.

  Anthony winked at me and said, “Mmm hmm. You’re gonna knock ‘em dead.”

  “You’ve got a couple of suck-ups out here,” Luca told me.

  “Unlike you, we work directly for Senator O’Hare’s campaign,” Anthony said. “We’ve got to keep the boss happy, whether via compliments or anything else.”

  I flashed Anthony a look of surprise. Luca held out his palm.

  “Relax. We all had a long talk out here.” He looked at Anthony, then Ethan. “We’re all on the same page about you, Senator O’Hare.”

  “Oh,” I said. Damnit, why did their combined stares make me blush? “Good. Now you can focus on actually keeping me safe.”

  We walked out to the deck of the Capitol Building, overlooking the National Mall. The tall Washington Monument rose above the park, pale white against the clear blue sky. That’s where the speeches were occurring. I would have to march almost a mile to get there.

  Good thing I was wearing flats.

  “I don’t like how much open space there is,” Luca said, gazing around from behind his black sunglasses. He was right: there were dozens of rooftops and open windows on either side of the mall where a shooter would have a clear shot. I felt a tingle of fear as I remembered how my last public appearance had gone.

  “Gonna have to agree with the Super Special Agent,” Anthony said. “It’ll be awfully tough to protect you all the way to the monument. Unless we practically sandwich Elizabeth between our bodies.”

  He gave me a secret smile at that last part. Memories of last night ran through my head before I fought them down.

  Not now, Elizabeth. Focus!

  Still, I gave Anthony a knowing smile in return.

  “Nobody knows you’re here,” Megan said dismissively. “You’ll be fine.”

  Luca shook his head. “We don’t know that for sure. If the assassin has been watching you, Megan, then they could know Elizabeth is here. They could be watching us right now.”

  “I think it’s Elizabeth’s call,” Ethan said. “It’s her campaign.” Anthony nodded in agreement.

  Megan put a hand on my shoulder. “Elizabeth. I want you to trust me. You are 100% safe right now. Nothing is going to happen to you.”

  Something in her words, her look, and her touch convinced me. Having her with me again filled me with confidence. “Then let’s go crash these speeches.”

  We walked down the steps to the National Mall, and then my three bodyguards took up a formation around me. Anthony a few steps to my left, Ethan to the right, and Luca walking behind with Megan. Anthony and Ethan dropped back a step so that I was leading the way. They were following me, not escorting me.

  The National Mall was filled with its usual crowd of tourists and people who were there for the various President’s Day events. Lots of families out enjoying the surprisingly warm morning, taking photos of the Capitol Building and the
Washington Monument. My little parade had made it about 100 yards before I heard someone from a tour group say, “Isn’t that the missing senator?”

  After that, the flood gates of comments opened.

  “That’s O’Hare!”

  “Elizabeth O’Hare! She’s alive!”

  “I told you it wasn’t all some conspiracy to cover up her death…”

  “Senator O’Hare! Can I get a photo!”

  Like a school of sharks attacking chum, the people crowded around. My bodyguards looked uncomfortable at so many people getting close, but I couldn’t allow myself to be afraid. If a politician couldn’t mingle with her potential constituents, she didn’t deserve to be a politician.

  I took selfies with teenagers and adults alike, and signed dozens of autographs. But I never slowed my stride. Onward we marched toward the Washington Monument with a growing number of people following behind, like a comet with a long tail. Dozens of runners from the President’s Day 5k Run pulled away from their route to join our group. Soon I was surrounded on all sides, in front and behind, by people of every age and background. A steel welder from Cincinnati said that he’d voted for me in the senate election, and couldn’t wait to vote for me in the presidential primary. A kindergarten teacher from Baltimore asked if I was going to expand classroom supply tax write-offs, to which I told her that we were already working on a bill to that end in the senate, even before I ran for president.

  Soon the crowd noise was a constant din all around me. Cheers and shouts and even a short-lived “Oh-Hare! Oh-Hare!” chant. By the time I reached the Washington Monument I had an entire army at my back.

  This was what I was born to do. This was who I was.

  The stage was about 30 feet wide with steps on the side, a podium in the center, and a red, white, and blue backdrop of the American flag. The crowd wasn’t very large, and was mostly made up of the press pool in the back. All the press there to hear Senator Pollock speak.


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