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Shared by her Bodyguards: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 20

by Cassie Cole

  “I might see people,” I said. “I might not. We’ll see what happens. But ultimately, it’s none of your business. As a female politician, I’m not going to allow my campaign to be distinguished by the men in my life. In fact, let’s get all of the silly tabloid questions out of the way now.”

  I kept my demeanor calm, but there was a mocking edge to my tone.

  “Who am I sleeping with? Whoever I want. Or is it whomever? Pretend I said it the correct way. Do I want a family and kids? Sure, maybe someday, but I’m a little more focused on my campaign at the moment. How much time do I spend every day on my hair and makeup? Way too much.” I rolled up my right sleeve and held my arm up for everyone to see. “I’ve got some tattoos here. Better to get a good look at them now instead of trickling bits and pieces of what you see out in the tabloids. The birds flying up my fingers represent freedom, and perseverance. I got them in college. Yes, I’ve considered having them removed. No, I don’t think it’s important enough to worry about.”

  The reporters were all laughing by the time I was done. So were my bodyguards. But they also looked proud.

  “Anything else?” I asked with my best smile. “Good. Now who has a real question for me? I don’t know if you all heard, but I’m running for president.”

  My three bodyguards all grinned to themselves as I continued taking questions.



  21 Months Later

  I paced in the hotel room, kicked off my heels, then paced some more.

  “It’s fine,” Anthony said from the couch.

  “You don’t know that,” I said.

  He stood and blocked my pacing path. He wore a slim-fitting grey suit that covered up most of his tattoos, though the top of one still peaked out above his shirt collar. His tie was jet black and matched his belt and shoes. All in all, the former USCP cop cleaned up real nice.

  He removed the ear piece from his ear. The one that connected him—and my other bodyguards—to my legitimate Secret Service detail. Then he gripped me by the forearms and rubbed them up and down like he was trying to keep me warm.

  “You’re right, I don’t know if it’s fine. But there’s no point in worrying about it now.”

  “I completely disagree,” I said. “This is the perfect time to worry about it.”

  “Elizabeth…” he said gently.

  “I’m worrying because worrying is all I have to do.”

  “I know.”

  It was strange not having anything on my schedule. I hadn’t had more than an hour of free time to myself in the past 20 months. It should have been nice. Relaxing.

  Instead, it made me antsy.

  Anthony hugged me close. He was wearing cologne tonight, a special occasion. The Burberry Indigo I’d bought him for his birthday, based on the citrus-and-wood scent. I breathed deep and let his strong arms make me feel safe.

  “You shouldn’t worry,” he said. “I think you’re going to—”

  “Don’t say it!” I glared at him. “You’ll jinx it.”

  “I didn’t think you believed in jinxes.”

  “I don’t. But tonight isn’t the time to tempt fate, now is it?”

  The door to the bedroom lurched as weight was thrown against it, shaking on its hinges. Both of us whipped our heads toward it.

  “We can’t keep him in there forever,” Anthony said.

  “Luca insisted. Besides, we need him for later.”

  As if to emphasize the point, the door shook again, followed by shouting from Ethan inside. Trying to give commands.

  “Ethan’s got it taken care of,” I said.

  “And I’ve got you taken care of.” Anthony got a silly grin on his face.

  “Anyone could walk in,” I said.

  “That’s what makes it fun.”

  He grabbed a handful of my ass and kissed me hard. I opened my mouth for him and reached for the front of his suit, feeling the growing bulge within. Even after almost two years together I could make him hard at the drop of a hat. Likewise, his tongue inside my mouth made me instantly wet, especially with his hand sliding under my skirt and up my bare cheek, fingers digging into my ass…

  A knock came at the front door of my suite. With practiced form, Anthony and I parted and stood next to each other as if nothing were amiss. Luca’s weathered face appeared in the doorway. “Ma’am? Senator Pollock is here to speak with you.”

  I cleared my throat and smoothed out of skirt. “Send him in.”

  Bob Pollock strode inside like he owned the place. There was a dour expression on his tan face.

  “What is it?” I asked. “What do you know?”

  Suddenly a silly grin invaded his face. “They’re about to call Pennsylvania for you.”

  “No freaking way!” I whirled toward the television. It was muted, but the anchor was currently showing a breakdown of exit polling data from North Carolina. “They just said only 50% of precincts are reporting.”

  “I just got a call from my buddy on the state election board. All the Pittsburgh precincts are coming in now, and the results are very good.”

  “How good? We already knew Pittsburgh would tip the scales in our favor. Are we talking 25 points up? Or closer to 30?”

  “Elizabeth!” Anthony suddenly said. “Look!”

  We all turned back toward the television while he turned up the volume. There was a whirl of BREAKING NEWS graphics, ending with a map of Pennsylvania that covered the screen.

  “Based on our current projections, we are ready to call the state of Pennsylvania for O’Hare.” A picture of my headshot faded into view over the state, which then changed colors on the main map.

  Someone shouted in the hallway.

  “Wait,” I said. I was trying to do the mental math for the remaining electoral votes. We hadn’t expected Pennsylvania to get called so early in the night. “What does this mean?”

  Senator Pollock, my running mate and ally, extended his hand. “Congratulations, Elizabeth. The people have just elected you the next President of the United States.”

  We embraced and I clenched my eyes shut. I couldn’t believe it.

  After all these months, we’d won.

  “I need to go tell my family, but I wanted to let you know first,” Pollock said. “Trevor will let us know when it’s time to go downstairs and make your victory speech.” For one more moment he held my eyes. “You did it, Elizabeth.”

  “We did it,” I corrected.

  He grinned and went back out into the hall, where people were beginning to shout with excitement. Luca slipped inside and let the door close behind him. “Is it true?”

  Anthony only pointed at the television. The Electoral College total had incremented up to 274, which was above the 269 mark required.

  “It’s not official until the western states report in—”

  I cut off as Luca hugged me. “You did it,” he whispered into my hair.

  “We did it. Is everyone forgetting how this was a team effort? I’m not a one-woman campaign.”

  “You’re kind of the centerpiece, though,” Anthony said.

  The door to the bedroom lurched again, with the sound of wood cracking in the frame.

  “Oh for Pete’s sake,” Luca said. He raised his voice and added, “Let him out!”

  “But the deposit for the room,” Anthony warned.

  “Fuck the deposit,” I said. “We can all celebrate.”

  The door to the bedroom opened and Boomer came charging out like a racehorse. He put his paws up on my chest and leaned up to lick at my face. I protested and squealed and pushed him off.

  “Boomer, no!” Ethan said, following from the bedroom. His own suit was disheveled and his tie was loose. His surfer hair looked even more chaotic than normal. “What about the hotel deposit?” he asked Luca.

  “Elizabeth says fuck the deposit,” Anthony said.

  “Correction,” Luca said. “The President-Elect says fuck the deposit.”

  “Don’t jinx
it!” Ethan hissed.

  Anthony pointed at the television.

  Ethan’s eyes became round marbles. “Is that legit? That has to be a mistake. I thought we wouldn’t know for sure until the west coast polls closed!”

  “Pennsylvania swung our way,” I said. “That changed all the math. It’s over.”

  Ethan had tears in his eyes as he embraced me. “I knew you could do it,” he whispered. “I always knew.”

  I squeezed him tighter and felt tears welling up in my own eyes. “If you make me cry and my mascara runs, the makeup girl is going to pitch a fit.”

  Anthony and Luca joined in the group hug on the other side, surrounding me with their warmth and love. Nobody said anything. We just savored the moment together. Peaceful and silent.

  We all knew that soon things would get even crazier than they’d been for the past two years.

  I’d hired Ethan and Anthony on as my full-time bodyguards. Even though my campaign manager Megan was arrested and quietly charged with a dozen crimes, Luca remained my Secret Service detail up until I won my party’s primary. After that I was given a full Secret Service detail of a dozen rotating agents, but I still kept my two bodyguards as well.

  Having them by my side through all of this made everything easier. The guys didn’t mind sharing me, especially since our schedules varied depending on the day. On Monday morning I might have Luca and Anthony watching me, and then Ethan would take over for Anthony in the afternoon. And despite how hectic the campaign trail was, we found the energy at night to have some extra fun together. Whether it was in twos, or threes, or occasionally even all four of us, it just sort of worked. Nobody complained about our unusual relationship.

  Ethan, Anthony, and Luca seemed happy to share. It made me happy, too.

  Could we keep it going while I was POTUS, though?

  “What happens next?” Ethan asked softly.

  “She has to make a victory speech,” Luca explained. “Then the transition team takes over, working with the existing administration to—”

  “No,” Ethan said. “I mean what happens next with us?”

  The three of them looked to me.

  “I don’t know what will happen,” I admitted. “But I do know one thing: I want to make it work.”

  “Can you, though?” Anthony asked.

  I gave him a look. “I’m about to become the most powerful woman in the world. If I can’t make it work, nobody can.”

  Someone knocked on the front door. The four of us spread apart quickly so whoever came in wouldn’t see our intimate moment.

  Vice President-Elect Pollock poked his head through the door. “They don’t want you to make a victory speech until the west coast polls close. But as soon as they do, be ready to give the people downstairs what they want.”

  “I’ve got it all ready,” I said. “Waiting will whip them up into a frenzy. It’ll be a killer speech.”

  “I know it will,” he said with a proud smile, then ducked out.

  Luca went to the door and poked his head outside. After speaking to the agent by the door he came back inside.

  “What’d you tell him?”

  “That the President-Elect is going to rest for half an hour, and that she doesn’t wish to be disturbed.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You’re dictating my nap schedule?”

  His shrug was nonchalant. “Not necessarily a nap. Just laying down for a few minutes.”

  “Resting your eyes,” Anthony said, putting a hand on my back. His lips found my neck, kissing gently.

  “You’re not just our boss anymore,” Ethan said in front of me. “Now you’re our leader. Like, of our entire country.”

  I sighed under Anthony’s kisses, which were moving lower to my shoulder. “I suppose that turns you on?”

  “Fuck yeah it does,” Anthony said.

  Luca nodded slyly. “Power is attractive.”

  I let them guide me to the bedroom, where they slowly undressed me and tossed my clothes aside. That was fine—I had a totally separate outfit picked out for my victory speech. Luca went down on me on the edge of the bed while Anthony sucked on one of my nipples. Ethan kissed me on the mouth while Luca’s tongue swirled around my clit, melting away all the stress and anxiety from election day. One finger slid into my pussy, followed by a second, then third.

  Soon I was moaning into Ethan’s mouth. He kept his lips on mine in a long kiss to muffle my cries of pleasure while I squirmed on the bed, held down by their six strong, forceful hands.

  “More,” I breathed when I came down from my shuddering climax. “I want all of you.”

  Luca took my pussy, spreading my legs wide while fucking me on the edge of the bed. I stroked Ethan’s cock while Anthony went to his knees next to my head, turning me sideways so he could fuck my mouth. Ethan grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down on his fellow bodyguard, forcing his shaft deeper into my mouth.

  It was pure sexual bliss. Rarely did all three of us find time to be together like this. It was exactly what I needed near the end of the biggest day of my life.

  “Oh my God,” Luca moaned as he crashed his cock into my cunt as hard as he could. “Fuck! Oh fuck!”

  “Give me your come,” I breathed, stroking Ethan and Anthony with each of my hands. “I want it!”

  “I want to give. It. To. Youuuu…”

  His face twisted with ecstasy as he shot his load deep inside of me, a beautiful trembling spasm from his cock that vibrated against my inner walls.

  He pulled out and came around to kiss me, and Anthony eagerly took his place between my legs. He was a god of muscle and tattoo ink as he spread my legs wide and slid inside my waiting lips. Within moments he was breathing fast and coming inside me in long, fluid strokes, adding his seed to Luca’s.

  “Give me yours,” I told Ethan. Commanded. “Your President-Elect demands it.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  As he slid inside I grabbed a handful of his blond hair and pulled him down into a kiss, because I wanted to feel his body against mine as he filled me. Our tongues danced and swirled as he made deep love to me, coming within seconds just like the others.

  By the time we quickly cleaned up and dressed there was a knock at the door. I stayed in the bedroom to touch up my makeup while a freshly-clothed Luca went to the door.

  “Who was that?” I asked when he came back.

  “They don’t care about the west coast,” he said. “They want your victory speech now. Apparently the crowd is going nuts down there.

  I reapplied my Ruby Woo lipstick and stood from the desk. “Then we’d better give them what they want. Keep your eyes peeled. Now I’m an even bigger target than before.”

  “Of course, ma’am,” Luca said.

  “You got it,” Ethan added.

  Anthony nodded. “We’ll watch your back, sugar.” He gave my ass a hard slap as an exclamation point.

  I smiled at the three of them. My lovers. My bodyguards.

  The men I loved.

  No matter what the future held, we would find a way to stay together.

  They formed up around me in a protective arc, and we went downstairs to greet my roaring constituents.

  Bonus Scene

  Interested in reading a bonus flash-forward Mega-Happily Ever After scene from President Elizabeth O’Hare and her three strapping protectors? Follow the link below to have it sent straight to your inbox!

  If you enjoyed Shared by her Bodyguards, you’re going to love this other Reverse Harem Romance from Cassie Cole: Triple Team. You can click here to buy it, or keep reading for a special sneak peek!


  Three sexy soldiers escorting me to exotic locations around the world. Watching my back. Protecting me.

  Sharing me.

  I met the most gorgeous man in the world at a hacker convention.

  And out of everyone there, he took me back to his hotel room.

  But a sizzling night of passion wa
sn't the only thing he had in mind.

  He gave me a proposition I never expected.

  A spot on his mercenary team.

  A mission to assassinate a Colombian drug lord.

  A chance to avenge my father’s death.

  Donovan, the jacked Marine who knows how to take charge.

  Gregor, the cocky Army boy specializing in explosive ordnance.

  Michael, the dark and secretive Israeli Special Operative.

  These delicious mercenaries will protect me on our mission.

  And the fringe benefits will drive me to the edge of what I can take.

  Can I survive their intense love?

  Or will my inability to choose get in the way of our mission?


  “So that’s how you got interested in computers.”

  That deep voice told me who it was before I turned around. Him. The guy who’d asked the last Q&A question. He looked even larger in person, a full head taller than me and with incredibly wide shoulders. Like an action figure come to life.

  “Didn’t you already ask me that?” I said.

  The veins in his forearm bulged as he put his beer glass down on the table, shouldering the Black Hat punk out of the way. “I did, but you didn’t give me a satisfactory answer.” He flashed a handsome smile. “Which is why I’m asking again.”

  He was from somewhere in the south. He had the smallest hint of an accent, with just the right amount of charm. Like rich cream sauce poured over a juicy steak.

  “I don’t usually spill my life story for total strangers,” I said.

  He moved his beer to his left hand and stuck out his right. “Donovan McMahon. Nice to meet you.”

  “Any relation to Vince?” As I shook his hand, my fingers disappeared inside his clasp.


  “That’s probably a good thing,” I said. “I’m Juliana Ellersby.”

  I winced as soon as I said it. Of course he knew who I was; he’d attended my presentation. I bet he thought I was one of those arrogant people who liked the sound of their own name.


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