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Stepbrother Broken (The Hawthorne Brothers Book 2)

Page 16

by Masters, Colleen

  “Sorry,” he shrugs, “I can’t help it if taboos are sexy as hell. And I’m pretty sure you two are gunning for the record of taboos-per-relationship.”

  “Great,” I mutter, trailing them across the motel parking lot, “Something to tell the grandkids.”


  By late afternoon the following day, we finally start seeing signs for the city of Seattle. This place is sometimes called the Emerald City, and I certainly feel like Dorothy right now—hoping that my every wish will be fulfilled by this bustling new metropolis. Of course, Danny and Greg are far better company than any Tin Man or Scarecrow.

  “Holy shit,” Danny whistles, as our destination comes into sight, “This place is incredible.”

  And indeed, it is. Maddie was not exaggerating when she said ReImaged booked the coolest new spot in Seattle for the Asphalt launch party. The venue is a sprawling, ornate old factory space, entirely renovated as a swanky, industrial chic hotel. All of the original architecture has been preserved and perfected with stunning interior design. Elegant copper touches, Edison bulb chandeliers, and eye-catching works of modern art elevate the space from edgy to masterfully wrought.

  A valet takes the BMW off our hands, and our motley trio is left on the curb, gaping up at the hotel. I’m never stepped foot in a place half as fancy as this. I’m suddenly self-conscious of my grubby backpack and yoga pants.

  “Sophie!” I hear a familiar voice call from within the hotel.

  I look up to see Maddie hurrying toward me. She’s rocking tall black heels, a bright red pencil skirt, and a silky white blouse. I’ve never seen my big sister in work mode. I have to say, I’m impressed.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” she beams, wrapping me up in a big hug.

  I hug her fiercely back, happier to see her than ever. I didn’t realize until this second, but I really need my big sister right now.

  “And you’ve brought an entourage,” Maddie observes, looking over at my friends.

  “Oh, right!” I say, “Maddie, this is my friend Danny.”

  “Of course, I’ve heard all about you,” Maddie says to my best friend, shaking his hand.

  “Ditto,” grins, “Though Sophie never mentioned that you were a stone cold fox.”

  “Easy tiger,” Greg mutters, “You already have a date for the dance, remember?”

  “This is Greg,” Danny tells Maddie, “My chaperone.”

  “Very nice to meet you both,” Maddie says, shaking Greg’s hand. “Come on inside and let me show you around! I hope you don’t mind, I may have gone a little overboard with your accommodations.”

  This turns out to be the understatement of the century.

  Maddie managed to snag a few of the hotel’s exclusive deluxe rooms at the last minute. Greg and Danny are happy to share, and peel off to get settled straightaway. Maddie and I are on our own as she leads me down the hall to my own room.

  “Here we are,” Maddie says excitedly, swinging open the door. I step past her over the threshold and feel the wind rush out of my lungs.

  This isn’t a room at all. It’s a suite. A palatial living room opens up before me, expertly decorated with a midcentury modern flare. A wide balcony overlooks the water, and I spot a heavenly queen bed and full bathroom through a door to my left. The kitchen is stocked with a full wine rack and—be still my heart—a professional grade espresso machine.

  “Maddie…” I breathe, slowly spinning around at the center of the room. “This…This is…”

  “Can’t blame a girl for spoiling her little sister once in a while,” Maddie grins, “Especially when that little sister’s been having a helluva few weeks.”

  “Somehow, I feel like those few weeks are about to be overridden,” I tell her, “And it’s all thanks to you.”

  “Hey, don’t thank me yet,” Maddie cautions, “I’m just getting your lover boy here. You have to do all the real work. Although, I have a few more presents that may help the effort along.”

  “More presents?” I laugh, “What are you—?”

  “Look in the closet,” Maddie says, bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet.

  I make my way into the bedroom and ease open the closet. Hanging on the closet door is the sexiest little red dress I’ve ever seen. The lush, structured material is of the highest quality, and the ultra-low back is absolutely breathtaking. With the sky-high gold stilettos sitting in their box on the closet floor, this is the most high-end ensemble I’ve ever seen up close.

  “Is this…for me?” I ask Maddie, dumbfounded.

  “That it is,” she smiles, “It’s all from Asphalt’s latest women’s line. I hope you don’t mind, but I had to list you as a brand ambassador to snag this suite. So technically, you’re here representing the company tonight. I figured you wouldn’t mind putting in a night of event modeling.”

  “Not if it means I get to wear this when Luke sees me again,” I laugh, gingerly touching the exquisite dress. “Are you sure you’re not actually my fairy godmother instead of my sister?”

  “It’s the least I can do,” Maddie tells me, “After what we’ve both been through, we deserve a little magic, don’t you think?”

  “Sounds about right to me,” I say, taking her hand in mine. “How have you been doing out here since you got back?”

  “Pretty great, actually,” she says, walking me over to the cloud-like queen bed, “Ever since Cash got here, that is.”

  “It’s still so hard for me to picture you guys as a couple,” I say, shaking my head, “Opposites attract, I guess.”

  “Porters and Hawthornes attract, apparently,” she laughs wryly. “I wouldn’t exactly expect you and Luke to pair off, either. The upstanding, super star athlete and the rebellious, snarky artist?”

  “I know, I know,” I sigh, “But there’s a whole lot more to Luke than his golden-boy veneer, I’ll say that much.”

  “There’s more to Cash than his tatted-up bad boy act too,” she nods, “Who knows? Maybe even John has a hidden self beneath that abusive asshole thing.”

  “Ugh. Let’s not talk about John Hawthorne. Preferably ever,” I scowl.

  “Deal,” Maddie replies, “Besides, there’s no more time for small talk. We need to get you ready.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  I can feel the bass line of roaring rock music even before I reach the ground floor. Each pounding beat vibrates up through my spike-heeled feet, sending shivers of anticipation down my bare back. I smooth down the front of my skin-tight red dress and give my artfully tousled hair a shake. I’m far more accustomed to dance clothes than body-con, but any self-consciousness I may feel is totally trumped by sheer nerves.

  This is it, I think to myself as the elevator doors whisper open, Moment of truth.

  Drawing back my shoulders, I stride confidently forward with as much swagger as I can muster…and promptly smack into a solid wall of leather-clad muscle. I very nearly tumble over in my sky high stilettos before a firm hand catches me by the elbow, pulling me to standing. The first glance of my aide’s familiar profile sets my head spinning dizzily. For a second, I could swear it was Luke who just kept me from sprawling across the carpet. But upon second glance, I see that’s not quite right…

  “What’re you, drunk already?” Cash grins, letting go of my arm.

  “No, but that’s not a bad idea,” I grumble, shaking off my near-spill. “What’re you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be strutting your stuff on the catwalk or something?”

  “Maddie sent me out to wait for you,” Cash replies coolly, ignoring my jab, “She thought we should make our entrance together.”

  I appraise Luke’s big brother, decked out from head to toe in pieces from Asphalt’s new line of menswear. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—Cash Hawthorne is easy on the eyes. Not my type at all, but with just enough of a resemblance to Luke to make our stint as Mr. and Mrs. Asphalt Denim pretty weird. Especially now that I know he and my sister are an item.

  “I know,”
Cash shrugs, reading my mind, “The four of us are gonna make for one pretty fucked up double date tonight, huh?”

  “So Luke is coming, then?” I ask excitedly, hurrying after Cash as he turns for the ballroom.

  “Sure is,” he replies, shooting a glance my way, “And also, I have to say…called it. Your little secret was no match for this big brother.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I mutter, rolling my eyes, “You’re a real super sleuth, Cash.”

  “Just glad I could be of service, reuniting you with your Casanova,” he replies, “I’m actually sort of surprised I got a hold of him at all. Sounds like he’s been off on something of a spirit quest.”

  I imagine Luke roaming off on his own, trying to make sense of the hand fate has dealt us. What if he’s already sorted out his conflicted confusion? Landed on a solution that doesn’t involve me? I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

  “Here we are,” Cash says, stopping before an impenetrable-looking set of steel double doors.

  “Ready?” I ask him, squaring my shoulders.

  “Are you?” he shoots back.

  “Not even remotely,” I laugh, “But what choice do we have now?”

  Cash makes a big show of offering me his arm, but I take it gratefully all the same. I could use the extra support as I get ready to face Luke again after three long weeks that have felt even longer. Together, Cash and I step forward and push open the heavy metallic doors. A wall of music and light hits me square on as I step across the threshold. The dizzying array of sensation swallows me whole, and the only thing I know for sure is that I won’t emerge from this event unchanged.

  It’s almost absurd to call this place a hotel ballroom. It’s more like a gutted and glamorized factory floor, all exposed brick and smooth concrete studded with sleek fixtures and minimalist furniture. A stunning glass and copper chandelier hangs overhead, with tons of Edison bulb lanterns lighting the rest of the space. Cash’s face is plastered everywhere, along with the faces of Asphalt’s other “everyman models”. But there’s only one man I have any interest in laying eyes on right now…And he’s nowhere to be seen.

  Cash and I make our way to the heart of the party, turning heads with every step we take. The pounding hard rock music provided by the live band doesn’t quite drown out the murmurs that follow in our wake. If only these gawking guests knew the true nature of my and Cash’s relationship. Then they’d really have something to talk about.

  “There you are!” I hear Danny call out from the long steel bar running along one side of the room. He and Greg grab their martini glasses and rush over to me and Cash, eyes agog.

  “You look incredible!” Greg breathes, taking in my ensemble.

  “You two don’t clean up too badly yourselves,” I reply, noting their artfully distressed denim and slick jackets.

  “And who’s your escort?” Danny asks, raising an eyebrow at Cash.

  “Oh, this is Cash,” I tell them, “Luke’s brother.”

  “And the man of the hour, I see…” Greg observes, looking around at the larger than life projections of Cash’s face all over the room.

  “That’s me,” Cash laughs, shaking my friends’ hands, “I’ve gone from ex-military mechanic to model matchmaker in three weeks flat. These Porter women will do a number on you.”

  “By ‘do a number’ you mean ‘make your life infinitely better’, right?” I hear Maddie say as she appears at Cash’s shoulder with an adorable redheaded woman at her side.

  “Holy crap,” the redhead says, catching a glimpse of me, “You’re Sophie? Maddie’s little sister?”

  “Guilty,” I tell her.

  “You’re stunning,” she gushes, laying a hand on her ample chest, “I’m Allie, by the way.”

  “My own personal bad influence,” Maddie tells me.

  “Well, it looks like the gang’s all here,” Cash says, looking around at our little circle.

  “Almost…” I murmur, glancing anxiously around the room. Still no sign of Luke that I can see. What if he’s changed his mind about coming?

  “He’ll be here, Soph,” Maddie says, taking my arm and leading me toward the bar. “Come on. Brand ambassadors drink free.”

  “That is a mighty dangerous offer,” I laugh, “But it’s certainly not one I’m going to turn down. Not tonight.”

  I drink down my liquid courage and hit the dance floor with Greg and Danny, determined to look every bit the breezy free spirit I don’t exactly feel like at the moment. Still, my mood can’t help but be lifted by the rocking music, dashing company, and complementary liquor. By the time an hour has gone by, I’m hardly faking my enthusiasm at all—even if Luke has blown way past the point of being fashionably late.

  I’m sandwiched between Greg and Danny, bumping and grinding like my life depends on it, when I catch a glimpse of Maddie flagging me down from the edge of the dance floor.

  “Soph!” she yells over the blaring music. “Come here a sec!”

  “Nooo, you’re gonna throw off my groove!” I crow, twerking ridiculously in her direction.

  “Are you gonna make me drag you off the floor?” she presses, planting her hands on her hips.

  “Ugh. Fine,” I pout dramatically, picking my way through the crowd to her side. I grab a glass of champagne off a passing tray as I stop in front of my sister. “What is it?”

  “I want to show you something,” she says, grabbing my wrist and towing me across the room.

  “What?” I ask, struggling to keep up on my staggering heels.

  “The, uh, view from the terrace,” she says bobbing and weaving through the crowd.

  “It’s the same view from my room,” I protest, “Come on. How am I supposed to drink and dance my nerves away if you keep—?”

  “It’s just through here!” Maddie goes on, stopping in front of a frosted glass door. I’m surprised to find Cash and Allie waiting there for us, too. They’re both wearing wide, knowing smiles as I approach with Maddie.

  “What is this, a field trip?” I ask.

  “Not exactly,” my sister says, taking me by the shoulders, “We just wanted to give you two some moral support.”

  “You…two?” I breathe, heart leaping into my throat.

  “That’s right,” Maddie smiles, nodding at Cash and Allie to open the doors, “Enjoy the view.”

  And with that, my sister grabs my champagne flute and gives me a gentle shove through the doorway. I step out into the warm July night, a granite terrace stretching out before me under a canopy of white string lights. I’m sure that the waterfront view is absolutely stunning in the gathering twilight, but I can’t say for sure. My gaze has been arrested by a sight that's far more breathtaking.

  His form is backlit by the wide expanse of sky and sea beyond the terrace. That familiar shape I’ve come to know so well—from memorizing the feel of it, and feeling the hole it left in my life upon departing—is here once more. Close enough to touch, but only if I dare.

  Hearing the door close behind me, Luke glances up across the space, turning his face my way. His eyes alight on me, and I feel my body come alive under his gaze. It’s as though I’ve just woken up for the first time in weeks, but only to find myself in the middle of a fabulous dream.

  “I hope you don’t mind my cutting in,” Luke says, his voice rich and full as it draws me across the terrace, “But I didn’t think this was a moment that should go down on the dance floor.”

  He stands there in a perfectly cut charcoal suit, his hands tucked into his pockets. His chestnut hair is a bit longer than when we last met, its slight wave pushed back away from his sculpted face. Those green eyes that memorized every inch of me just weeks ago shine like lighthouse beacons now, filling me with hope that my days being lost at sea are over.

  “You’re here,” I say softly, drawing to a stop within paces of him.

  “You sound surprised,” he says, taking a swinging step toward me.

  “I just…I wasn’t sure. I guess I was afraid to hope I’d see y
ou here,” I breathe.

  “Well, once I had official marching orders from your sister, there was no backing out,” he says, the corners of his lips lifting.

  “Oh god,” I laugh nervously, wishing I still had a drink in my hand, “I hope you weren’t manhandled into coming here tonight.”

  “Are you kidding?” he replies, raking his eyes down along my form, “Once I knew you’d be here, nothing could have stopped me.”

  “But…You knew where I was, Luke,” I say, “I was right where you left me. All these weeks…You could have just come back if you wanted to see me again. I thought—”

  “It’s not as simple as that,” Luke says, his brow furrowing, “I couldn’t have just stayed in that place, Sophie.”

  “Why not?” I ask softly, clasping my hands, “Why did you have to leave, just like that?”

  His mouth straightens into a hard line. No amount of engineering by our siblings could have made this a seamless, perfect reunion. There’s too much we need to work out. Too many grievances to air. But I’ll stay out here all night if I have to. I won’t risk another word going unsaid between us.

  “That place, Sheridan, is a part of my past,” Luke begins slowly, turning to look out across the water, “The person I was there—the brochure-perfect track star, the MBA-grubbing suit—that’s not the person I really am. Just like I’m not the responsible, family-man of a son that I’m forced to be in my hometown. After everything that happened to us that last night at the lake, I needed to go some place where I could find out which version of me is the honest one.”

  “And did you?” I ask, taking a small step forward.

  “I did,” Luke murmurs, swinging his gaze toward me, “But not during these past few weeks. I realized I’d already found it. I found it the first time we were alone together. When I finally met someone that didn’t need me to be anything different—anything more than I am.”

  “I sure as hell hope you’re talking about me,” I whisper, heart pounding, “Otherwise this is going to be awkward as fuck…”


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