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Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series

Page 9

by S Lawrence

  His face falls as memories climb to the surface. I don’t pry, for we all have memories of things we wish we could forget or change. Silence envelopes us as we each get lost in our thoughts. So lost in fact, that we don’t speak until the sky begins to lighten. The fire has long grown cold, we both rise, shaking off the memories threatening to drag us into the past. Turning our eyes to town, his phone howls. I glance at him with a raised eyebrow as he shrugs it off with a smirk.

  “Yeah?” he answers. Jason listens, eyes never leaving the hotel. I am watching him, straining to hear the other side of the conversation, which should be a piece of cake but for some reason, I can’t make it out. Narrowing my eyes, I silently call for help, but even with my other’s help, I can’t hear it clearly. He jerks his chin in the direction of the hotel, and my eyes immediately find her window. “Okay. Yeah, bye,” he cuts off the conversation. “The druids say she is up and pacing.”

  “Yeah, I see her in the window,” I murmur.

  “You can see her from here? I am a little jealous of that. You going to follow her?” He asks with a hint of a suggestion in his voice.

  “What are the druids going to do? Were they heading to the stones for the ceremony?” I turn, looking at him.

  “Last I heard, and after meeting your girl, I would bet that they will ‘run’ into her on the ferry.” His tone clearly says that he thinks it is stupid not just to tell her what is happening around her.

  “In that case, I am going to head towards the circle. I can get there ahead of her and talk to Faolan. He will need some convincing to keep him from going straight to her. Tell your friends to watch her close and keep an eye out for the watcher,” I tell him, ignoring his subtle push to follow her myself.

  Jason watches as I walk to the edge of the cliff. In moments, my magnificent amber dragon stands and flexes its wings. Golden eyes turn to him and, if dragons can smile - this one was, smiling I step off the ledge. I free fall toward the ground before opening my massive wings, gliding to the east.

  Envy howls through Jason as the dragon disappears into the distance. Finally, he shakes it off. Striding over he climbs into the Wolf Alpha-2 that sits waiting for him, the 375 horsepower engine growls to life. He’s doing 60 MPH in three seconds flat. “Fuck you, dragon; I can fly too!” He shouts while laughing, knowing Kai could most likely still be able to hear him.

  Chapter 20

  The sun has brightened the sky as I look up towards the mountain. Today, I am excited to say, is the day that I head to the ferry and head to the stones. I had planned on sleeping in but my mind woke me up before dawn. I had dreamt of him again but this one is elusive, the details just out of reach. Closing my eyes, my forehead creases in concentration. My nostrils flare and my lips are pursed in frustration, is right there, just beyond my grasp. “FUCK!” I yell out. Letting loose a deep sigh, I rub my eyes, squeezing my temples.

  The dream feels so important. I don’t know why but I can’t seems to shake it. All I know is lying here is not going to help. Well obviously, since I’ve been doing that for hours. Rolling over, I pull the covers with me, burrowing in deeper. I had stood by the window earlier, looking out just as the sun was rising, imagining what it might be like when I find my dad. I realize now, how much I really want to like him. I feel torn by this because I am also so angry with him. Longing, that’s what it was. A longing for something I have never had. My mind wants to build this beautiful fairy tale for me but I won’t let it. I pull my anger back inside and fortify the wall I have built around myself.

  Shoving up, I sit on the side of the bed. My mouth is so dry and I have a thick sweater on my teeth. Yuck! Standing I head to the bathroom and put on AWOLNATION “Sail”. Rocking back and forth to the beat, I brush my teeth. Turning the shower on to get the water hot, I stare at myself in the mirror. My skin seems even paler than normal and I can tell I am going to need some concealer to cover the giant bags under my eyes. I look at my legs, silently thanking Fergus for all the hours in the saddle. Like every woman on the planet, I can’t help but find flaws. Overall, I look pretty good, I think. Emma says I’ve got great boobs and she’s right.

  Laughing, I shrug it off as I get in the shower. One of my favorite things about hotels is the fact that the hot water doesn’t ever run out. I have sung six Black Key songs before I finally step out. My skin is bright red and I am sweating a little, which is fine by me. I walk to the bed naked, flinging myself down to cool off before I even attempt to dry off. When I decide to get dressed, it has been nearly an hour. It’s around eleven when I am finally ready to leave. I don’t really get why I am dragging my feet. To be clear, just because I know I am doing it doesn’t mean I am stopping. Throwing my stuff in the car, I pull out my phone, put in my buds and start my music up again, simultaneously looking up a place to eat. I decide on a little place a few blocks away and start heading that direction. Lost in thought; I don’t really notice things that are going on around me. The café is lovely, and so is the couple running it, but my heart isn’t in it today.

  I feel...well, a little melancholy to be exact. Eating in silence, keeping my earbuds in so I don’t have to talk to anyone. Although, I can’t even imagine what my face looks like, so I am sure no one is clamoring to come over and spend time with me. I am by the window, looking out, staring at absolutely nothing when my eyes land on the sports car at the end of the block. It is a thing of beauty, black and sleek and, although I don’t know what it is, I can tell that it is fast. Random thought - weird these two really expensive, and I mean like more than a house expensive, cars are out here in the highlands. Maybe it’s not odd, but it seems semi-strange to me. I push my plate away. I didn’t eat even half of the sandwich, but I’m just not feeling it. Finishing my coffee, I grab the check and head up to the counter to pay.

  Standing in the sun when I get outside, I stop, and turning my face up, eyes closed and soak up all the warmth. Noise causes my eyes to pop open and dart across the street, but nothing is there. There it was again. I whirl around, searching for it. My breath quickens, my chest rises and falls in quick succession, as I rip my buds from my ears, turning in a slow circle. My pulse pounding, I hustle back to my car, constantly scanning the area. I never see anything, but I can’t shake that spooked feeling. Throwing myself into the car, I lock the doors. I take one last glance around me before hightailing it outta town.


  “Way to go, you idiot! You scared the shite outta of her!” Michael yelled.

  Chris hung his head as his shoulders slumped. “I dinna mean too. I dinna make hardly any noise, and I thought for sure with her music on she woona hear me.”

  “Well, you were wrong! We have to hurry. Get the others so we can reach the ferry and cross with her. Jaysus! Let’s go before Jason kills us, or we get eaten by Kia because we didn’t watch her.” He was already hitting send on his phone as Chris starts the car. Whipping out of the car park, they race towards the others. They were on the road to Ullapool in record time.


  I arrive at the ferry terminal with plenty of time to spare. Inside, I ask the lady at the counter about the rental car and where I can go to return it. I plan to pick another one up, for my return trip, but I don’t need it while I am on the island. She’s also the rental person, so she takes care of it right there for me, confirming that one will be here for me when I return.

  Following me outside, she waits for me to gather all my stuff, then takes the keys. She points out where I can wait for boarding. I go sit outside, staring at the water, watching the sailors load things onto the boat? Ship? No, boat. I don’t know, whatever. My mind begins to wander. I’m still daydreaming when I hear the final boarding notice. “Fuck!” I jump up and grab my shit, running for the ramp. “God, Aislin, get it to together,” I mumble, shaking my head. I give the crewman an apologetic look as I rush up to him, panting from running up the ramp, dragging my severely overloaded suitcase.

  “Doona worry miss we woona left ye.”
I could hear him chuckling as I walk away to find a place to sit. I basically throw all my stuff down, flinging myself into a chair on the deck. Fanning myself, I feel the boat start to pull away. Wasn’t going to leave me? Yeah right. They must have pulled the ramp up while I was running up it. Leaning back on the chaise, I pull my knees up trying to catch my breath. I seriously need to do more cardio. I’m still sitting like that when the sun is suddenly blotted out. I squint up and up until I see Sean’s familiar face. I feel my eyes widen in surprise, the corners of my mouth turn up before expanding into a huge grin.

  “What are you doing here, Sean?” I turn my head looking around, “Are the others with you?”

  “Aye, they are. I was up on the top deck when I saw this dark haired beauty racing up the ramp like a banshee. I had to come see if the lass needed any assistance,” he tries to hide his grin.

  “Are you guys going to the festival? Why didn’t you say anything last night? Do you go to it every year?” I can hear myself rambling.

  “You ask a lot of questions, doona ye?” he says, his eyes crinkling with laughter. Shrugging my shoulders, I give him my best Moira Flanery look, the one that makes the most powerful men shake in their boots. The one that says you are so far beneath me I can’t even see you. He holds his hands out palms up, “Okay, okay. I’m sorry, don’t hurt me. Let me grab the lads. We can sit with you and enjoy the glorious weather together.”

  Sniffing, I look up at him through my lashes, “If you want.”

  His shoulders are slumped as he walks away, and I giggle a little. That was too easy. I might feel a tiny bit bad, but I’m still going to let him suffer for a little while. I watch him walk away, beginning to wonder about them being here. My momma didn’t raise no fool, and something is going on. Grabbing my phone out of my bag, I call the one person I know will help me figure this out, without treating me like I’m some kinda crazy lunatic. She picks up on the first ring, of course.

  I grin as I hear her screeching on the other end, “Are you fucking kidding me? I have been waiting for you to call me for like, days.”

  I can tell she is probably standing with her hand on her hip. “DAYS?! Bitch, I talked to you last night or do you not remember a certain tall, dark and broody man, with a voice like eargasms?” I can’t help my face. I know I have my eyebrows raised like she can see them and my lips are pursed. In my head, I am giving her the mmmm-hmmm I always do when we call each other out on our bullshit.

  “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about,” she sniffs her disdain at me.

  Laughing, I shake my head in disbelief. She’s actually going to act like I didn’t hear that sigh. “Girl, I know that sigh. If you had been here, you would have thrown your panties at his feet. Hell, I almost did.”

  “Okay, fine. He might be alright but who cares, not like I’m ever going to see him again. I mean you won’t ever see him.” Nibbling my nail, I look around, checking to see if those boys were coming yet. I didn’t see them yet, so I lean out and look up, just in case they were lurking on the deck above. Good - all clear.

  “Wait. You are taking way too long. Are you going to see him again? Please tell me you are. Are you friends on Facebook, cause I can stalk him through you.” Laughing, I think I know how Sean felt now.

  With one last look around I say, “Listen Em. That’s kinda why I called you. Something feels weird.”

  “What? Are you okay? Do I need to come over there?” I can hear the worry in her voice.

  I can’t help but smile. That’s why I love this girl so much - she’s got my back. “Thanks for the offer but I don’t think we need to call out reinforcements...yet. I just...I don’t know. Remember that night on Bourbon, when we kept seeing those same guys at every bar we went to?” I ask her quickly.

  “Yeah, total fucking stalkers, creepy pervs! Why?” She sucks in a breath, and I know she is putting all the pieces together. “Are they following you? OMG, are they sex traffickers? What if they try to auction you off?”

  “Jesus Em, calm down! You're freaking me out even more. I just...listen. I got on the ferry, and suddenly they were here, but last night they didn‘t say anything about coming to the festival. I just think it is weird. But now, thanks to you, I’m totally picturing myself in a room, chained to a wall.” I turn in a circle, looking again, suddenly worried I might have a bag thrown over my head at any second.

  “Okay, okay. Let's think about this calmly,” she tries to settle down. I can tell that she is pacing. “I mean they could have grabbed you last night, right? You were drinking, and it would have been easier, right?”

  “Yes! Okay, that’s good. Plus, they sent me their numbers, so that’d be dumb, right? Cops could totally find them through that.” I could feel my heart start to slow down. This was good. No sex slave...excellent. “Wait! Why didn’t they say they were coming on the ferry too?”

  “That I don’t know. Did you ask them?”

  “I asked Sean a minute ago, but he didn’t actually answer me. He just told me I ask a lot of questions. If I remember correctly, from all the crime shows we watch, that is supposed to be some kind of red flag. I also didn’t say anything before, but I think someone might have been watching me in Edinburgh.” I let it drop like the atomic bomb it was. The silence stretches, and I grimace because I know that this was going to be bad.

  “WHAT!!” she exclaims. I hold the phone away from my ear. Who needs a speaker when I can hear her screaming at me from an arm’s length away? I am still holding it out when I see the boys coming my way.

  “Em...Em...EMMA. Shut up! They are coming. Okay, I am going to pretend to hang up, but you keep quiet and just listen. I am going to send you their info, just in case. If something happens well...I love you so much,” I say quickly.

  Just as I hit mute, I hear her yelling my name. I plaster my best fake smile on and put the phone loosely in my pocket.

  “Oh hey, ya’ll,” I pour my southern charm on, thick as molasses. Patrick narrows his eyes, looking at me closely. I keep my smile in place, blinking slowly, trying to look as innocent as possible.

  “Umm, we brought you some hot chocolate, since it is cool out here on the water.” I could hear the confusion in Michael’s voice.

  “Awe, bless your hearts.” Taking it from his hand, I just hold it. We all stand there looking at each other; I am smiling that fake smile that says I am onto you and they are looking at each other in total confusion.

  “Lass, is something wrong?” Patrick leans toward me; I step back before I can catch myself. Worry is now etched in their faces.

  “Listen! I’ve called people. They know you are here with me, so if you have any plans, just know that the cops are going to get you.” I am practically vibrating now, shifting back and forth on the balls of my feet. I lean down to set the cup on the table without ever taking my eyes off them. My training is flooding my synapses and adrenaline is racing through my system. “I won’t go easy! I refuse to be some disgusting perverts sex slave, so I suggest you just get the fuck away from me. I’ll raise so much hell that everyone on this mother fucking boat will know what is going on.”

  Their faces...oh my God...I might have made a mistake. Shock has frozen Chris’s face; his mouth is hanging open like a barn door. Patrick is shaking his head while his mouth gulps like a fish outta water, no words forming. Michael and Sean look at each other then back at me before they throw their heads back, roaring in laughter.

  “She thinks we are...” more wheezing, “trying to kidnap her!”

  “Sweetheart, we woona hurt ye.” My eyes turn to Patrick who now has his hands held out.

  “Yea so said every serial killer,” I put as much sarcasm as I could muster in my tone. “And if you’re not trying to kidnap or kill me, why are you following me? You could have told me you were coming last night. Why are you here?”

  “Like I said, you ask a lot of questions.” I glare over at Sean and his stupid smirk. I raise my brows and my hands, clearly saying that I am waiting fo
r answers.

  “Listen, lass. We dinna know for sure that we were coming. Sean didn’t tell you why before because it has to do with all of us and it isn’t his secret to tell.” Patrick looks at me with patience and understanding.

  “Well, do go on. This should be interesting since it was worth scaring the daylights out of me.” I glare at them, my eyes landing on each one of their faces

  “Why don’t we all sit-down?” Chris has enough decency to look slightly ashamed. He takes a breath and points to my chair.

  “Fine but you stay over there...all of you.” I pull my chair little ways over, putting some distance between us. Pulling out my phone, I lay it on my thigh to make sure that Emma can hear. Michael’s eyes take it in and then land on mine. I can tell that he knows it is on, he knows someone is listening, and he gives me a tiny nod of acknowledgment. Knowing that he knows, and doesn’t say anything, makes me feel a tiny bit better.

  “Spill it then. If you aren’t sex traffickers or serial rapists slash killers, what is going on? Have you been watching me since Edinburgh? I thought I was crazy, but now I am not so sure,” my voice is ladened with irritation.

  Glancing at each other, they each give a nod, and then Patrick begins to speak.

  “I will try to answer everything for you but just remember, some of it isn’t our story to tell. First, no. We haven’t been watching you since Edinburgh. Truthfully, last night was the first we had seen of you.” Looking down at my wrist he took a deep breath. I couldn’t help glancing down at the bracelet. What was going on? “Hell, I guess I should just say it, doona matter at this point. We are druids and we are going to the stones for our summer ritual. But we are also here to watch over you, you are very important to some close friends of ours.” Holding up his hand to stop any questions I might have. “Before you ask, we will tell you what we can but some of it isn’t our story to tell.”


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