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Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series

Page 16

by S Lawrence

  "I, well, I just don't want to keep reminding you of it all. I want you to remember him before that monster hurt him. Did he tell you what he wanted to tell me about the bracelet? Can you tell me?" I can hear the hope in my voice; I want to be distracted.

  “Did he tell us? He certainly did, he went on and on about it for hours.” Sean barked. “I didn’t understand most of it. Canna you tell her Patrick?”

  "Well, I doona ken if I ken get it all right, but I will try." Patrick stroked his beard, gathering his thoughts to him. I lean forward, my elbows resting on the table, shivering slightly when Kai's hand begins to rub up and down my back slowly. I can feel his heat, not just where his hand touches but throughout my entire body. This is the first touch that doesn't make me cringe, doesn't make me feel like flinching away. I want to lean into it, but don't. I don't want to make him think I could do more. I am torn, afraid of wanting more because I'm scared of how I'll react. I refocus on Patrick, my lips curling slightly. He begins telling me Chris's tale of the bracelet.

  “The entire earth has ley lines running through it. They connect the most spiritual places to each other the energy running along the lines. These spiritual places are also places that have portals, or wormholes connected to them. The Earth, all of nature resonates At 432 Hz it is the frequency of life. The bracelet was designed to connect to the ley lines when it is worn. It connects but it resonates at 900 Hz a pure tone, we call it the God tone mixed with your tone and creates a type of song that is unique to you. It is how yer da knew that it wasn't his beloved Jean that was here, the song was different. We know of his torture and of how his mind was fractured by it, which might be the reason he chose to hope. Also, the song, if you will, is similar to your mother's simply because of who you are. One thing that Chris loved is dragons emit the same God tone when they ‘purr.' The bracelet first connected with the line that runs near your hometown but then it disappeared when you took it off. Next it rang clear right here in Scotland, the Guardians can feel it long before the rest of us do. Those of us with magic or that are in tune with the earth can feel the vibrations of it quite clearly. We were looking for the source of the tone before we realized that others were also."

  We were all looking at the bracelet. I am pretty sure we were suddenly thinking the same thought. I ripped it from my arm, dropping it on the table. "That's how they found me, found us," I whispered. "I was so excited to finally have something of my mom's. Damn them for taking something else from me."

  I stand up and pace away. My rage feels like a volcano just waiting to erupt. Then strong arms are encircling me, and this time I do lean back into him. "Neach-gaoil, we will find a way for you to have that bracelet back on your arm, I wullnae let them take another thing from you." I turn in his arms and look up at his ruggedly handsome face, slowly I run my hands along his waist pulling him closer and murmur my thanks.

  I hear a throat clearing, I move my hands to the hair at the base of his neck, raising up on my tiptoes I pull his head down and brush the barest of kisses across his firm lips. I can't help but hear the swift intake of air as his eyes round in surprise. Letting him go I turn back to the others, realizing in my head I have labeled them my boys. That makes me smile and they all smile back at me. I also realize that while I let him go, Kai is not letting me go, his hand on my waist pulls me under his shoulder. The look on his face dares me to move away; he doesn't realize yet that I don’t want to, I never have, I just don't want to hurt him. I've always had a hard time letting people in the past a certain point and now I'm not sure I can ever let anyone again

  “Have you been able to find anything out about the Order? Have you heard anything about Dorran? When will we go after him?”

  "We?" I am amazed at their synchronicity; every male face was poised to argue, I raise my hand to stop them.

  “He took from me, I watched him torture and kill Chris. I have be there. None of you can stop me.”

  It is Jason who begins to speak. "We haven't found out much. I have contacted others in many different lands, all know of the Sceach, but just bits and pieces. I do know their original headquarters is here somewhere in Scotland. But I don't know where it is. I assume that is where Dorran has run to."

  “That’s all, what about the ship? The crew on it?” I am flabbergasted that they, these powerful beings seem to have no idea.

  "The ship was blown to bits; we made sure no other person would be held in that room. The crew was either killed or fled. There was nothing on board that could lead us to them." Jason said, shaking his head in frustration. Sean and Michael were pacing around the table, and Kai was growling softly.

  “Do we not know anything about it?”

  "All we know is the name of the ship, The A ~irne."

  I smile slightly an idea coming to mind. "I need my things from the hotel, specifically my phone. I need to call a friend, Emma, and Grandda. Emma must be losing her mind; it's been days since she's heard from me."

  All eyes turn to Jason. He has a slightly sheepish look on his face. Narrowing my eyes I ask, "What have you done?"

  “I’ve been texting them both as you." He shrugs unrepentantly.

  "Ha, maybe Grandda has fallen for it, but no way has Emma. Give me my phone, so I can call her before she gets on a plane and comes here."

  He digs it out of his jean pocket, handing it to me, “She suspects nothing.”

  "You're an idiot, Jason, she has been my best friend for most of my life, and I talk to her every day. She will wonder why she hasn't seen my face, not to mention, I doubt very seriously you text like me." six messages, and ten missed calls, oh yeah she knows. I’m surprised if she isn't already here.

  I skim through the texts, they start with who is this and end with if you've hurt her I am going to cut your balls off and shove them down your throat and dance on your dead body. I Facetime her; she will need to see my face. I walk away from the others. I have to tell her some of what happened, and I don't want to relive it in front of everyone. I see her face pop onto my screen, and tears spring into my eyes.

  "Oh My God, finally! Where you have been? Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt? Say something!"

  I'm laughing and crying; I can't help it. "Oh God Em so much has happened, I'm ok, I was just hurt and couldn't get to the phone. Jason thought he could text you until I could so that you wouldn't worry."

  "You were so hurt you couldn't call? Tell me what is going on Aislin Morrigan Flanery, right now, or I am getting on a plane and coming over there."

  I tell her everything, all the awful details and the amazing ones. And she sobs along with me.

  "That's it; I‘m coming right there. I'm booking a ticket right now."

  "No, Em, listen I'm with Kai and the boys. My dad is close and he’s a fucking dragon. They won't let them get me again. I don't want you getting sucked into this. Just give me a few days to work everything out. Then I will decide what I am going to do. I want to get to know Faolan. Kai feels paramount to me. Even after everything well, you know."

  “Oh, I know alright. Your girl bits are interested. But, sweetheart, what about your heart, are you sure you’re not just turning to the first guy who is strong enough to keep you safe?”

  “I know what you’re saying Em, but this started the first night I heard him sing, I just couldn’t get him out of my head, I didn’t know then that he looks like some kinda fitness model slash movie star. He is so outta my league but he says there is only one that is destined for him and I’m it.”

  "First of all, you are beautiful, smart and the best person I know, so hell no he is not outta your league. Second, I need you to send me a pic." She's shaking her head, her brows furrow in thought her next words are spoken mostly to herself. "I don't want you over there without me. If I'd just been there."

  "Stop, Em, if you had been with me that monster would have grabbed you too. I can't even think about that. Listen, I promise to call as much as I can and send you pics. I will even include a few of my boys, ps that's
what I've named them, they're mine now. Maybe if you are very good, I'll sneak one of Jason." I waggled my eyebrows at her holding my phone up high enough that she could get a glimpse of his yummy ass in his rather snug jeans. I was rewarded with her wicked grin, her head bouncing up and down yes.

  "Okay, I better go I need to call Grandda, although it seems he fell for Jason's ruse. I love you so much. Soul sisters."

  I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and then scroll through my contacts and hit call. I’ll phone Grandda after I’m done getting the information I need.

  "Yea." I chuckle for as long as I've known Mr. Pierre that is how the grizzly old man has answered the phone. He's worked the shipyards for sixty years, and he knows everything there is to know about ships. "Mr. Pierre, how are ya, sir?"

  "Miss Aislin, whatcha callin for? Ain't nothing happened to Mr. Conall has there?"

  "Oh no, Mr. Pierre, I was just wondering if you could find out the company that owns a ship I seen over here on my vacation, she's a might pretty." Whenever I talk to any old Cajuns, my accent comes on thick.

  “You tell me her name, miss and I can get Robbie to look her up on that dang computer, sho nuff.”

  "Thank you, Mr. Pierre, I knew I could count on you. You never let a girl down. Her name is A `irne, spelt A I R N E, I suspect she's registered outta Scotland, but I might be wrong, sir

  “Girl, you give me just a minute.” I hear him yelling at Robbie, who is probably right in the same office.

  "Alrighty, hun, that girl is registered to a Thorne Incorporated, and you were right, she is registered out of Scotland. You need anything else you just call Ole Pierre."

  "Thank you so much; I'll tell Grandda you asked after him. Bye, now."

  “Bye Suga.” A quick call to Grandda to let him know I’m doing well with a promise to call again later when I have longer to talk. I tell him I have a lot to tell him.

  I turn, grinning like the Cheshire cat and saunter over to the lads with a fair bit of swagger. Jason looks at me, "What? I know you didn't find anything out. You were only over there thirty minutes and ninety-nine percent of that was on the phone with your friend."

  "You're right, Jason and her name is Emma, and you might want to remember that." I raise my eyebrow and smirk at him; I saw the way he looked at Em, that first night. "But you're also wrong, because my second call was to Mr. Pierre, who works on the docks in New Orleans, has for sixty years. In that other one percent, he told me the ship is registered to Thorne, Inc. Also, if you can get me somewhere with a computer and decent internet service, I can use all my experience in advertising and business to find out everything we need to know about the company including, their other holdings. If I can't find it, I might know a certain someone who can, but I feel pretty good about my cyber-stalking skills, or as I call it research."

  Laughter almost drowned out the last few words as the guys lost it. I had a feeling Jason didn't get talked to like that often, maybe ever. He was at least a little mad, I know because his eyes seemed to flicker a little red. He didn't say anything, and I wonder about that. I‘m not one to hold back my thoughts. I could see him trying to calm down, and Kai was talking to him saying things like being careful. I'm getting more confused.

  Suddenly, I realize he isn't a Druid, but I know he isn't a Guardian so just what is this gorgeous man who has to be careful of what he says. I'm staring intently at him when Michael starts talking, I slowly look away, puzzling at what he might be. I am shaking my head because at my crazy life, like here I am wondering if this guy is some supernatural being when last week I was blissfully unaware of just how real my books were. Wait a minute; my eyes shift sideways as I try to look at Kai covertly, I have read books with shifters in them, sexy books, with super shifty sex.

  “Lass, HELLO, what are you thinking about? Your face is bright red.” Sean is smirking as he looks from Kai to me and back again.

  "What? Huh, oh shut up, Sean. None of your business." I feel my face heating, even more. God what a jerk. I'm so going to make him pay for that. Glancing back at Kai my eyes collide with his, which are overflowing with lust.


  Her blush is flaming now that Sean has called her out. What she doesn't realize is that I heard her heartbeat pick up and smelled her arousal before the Druid had spoken. I break contact and turn away adjusting my throbbing cock, her scent is killing me. I've been in a constant state of arousal since I held her in my arms, but this is the first time her scent had changed, and it is filling my head. My entire body feels tight, even knowing she isn't ready I can't help but draw in a deep breath filling my lungs with her scent, it is my turn to be tortured, and I’m doing it to myself. They were talking, but I haven't heard any of it.

  “House in Inverness where we stay when we are home. We all share it. It has everything you need. Jason already got your things from the hotel.” Patrick is explaining that we can all stay at the druid’s house.

  "Good, it's settled then. Kai can take you to see your dad to tell him where we are going. You can leave the bracelet there, so they can't find you again. Then we'll meet you there. We can make a plan and find Dorran." Sean has decided for us all which has Jason and I looking at each other, then shrugging.

  She turns to look at me. I nod my head once before moving away with Jason. She moves to hug the boys telling them to be careful and that she will see them tonight in Inverness. I turn and hold my hand out to her; she seems surprised when she grabs it without hesitating. Taking her hand, I pull it to my mouth and kiss the pads of her fingers; a shiver runs the length of her body.

  Chapter 37

  After talking to my father and telling him about our plan to try to find out more about Thorne industries, Kai and I head to Inverness. I am surprised by the beautiful house overlooking the Loch. I had expected a bachelor pad, but the house was cute and homey, while being quite large. Patrick explained that they lived together whenever they were all here. Sean and Michael traveled with the military, and he lectured at colleges around the world on Celtic History.

  I could totally see girls swooning over him with his sweaters and glasses. I know Emma and I had signed up for at least a few classes based on the professor. They put Kai and me in adjoining rooms and told us to get settled. I decide to take a shower and changed into my own clothes. Jason had put my things in the room for me. Grabbing my favorite shampoo and soap, I walk into the bathroom and squeal in delight at the enormous shower with multiple heads. I turn the water hot and soon the room is filled with steam. Pouring my shower gel into my hand, I lather my body. My thoughts drift to Kai. I don't want him to see me like this. I look down at my skin, faint lines crisscrossing my body, thanks to Morrigan and her healing magic.


  I hear her moving in the water. Leaning my forehead on the door, I brace my arms against the frame holding myself back when I want to break the door down and join her in the shower. I can smell her. It is a heady mixture, her natural scent mixed with the sweetness of her mint soap and now a hint of her warm arousal. "Goddess, give me strength."


  I get out of the shower my mind on Kai and the bond I feel growing stronger between us. I know Kai is close, and my father told me of the guardians heightened senses. I wonder if he would be able to tell that I thought of him. I grab the towel and run it over my sensitive body. Heading into my room, I shut the door, grab my phone and turn on the music. I get dressed in leggings and a tank. Towel wrapped around my hair, earbuds in singing “Sugar in my Bowl”, I open the bathroom door planning to brush my teeth and my eyes land on Kai, naked, wet in the shower.

  My mouth flops open; I am frozen, he is soapy and stroking his very large erection. I can't look away. My mouth is watering. When I finally look up, he is watching me, watching him and I sputter before spinning away and running from the room. I slam the door and lean back on it fanning myself, holy smokes that was hot. I pull the towel and my earbuds throwing them on the bed and run from my room.

nbsp; Following the sound of the boy's voices I find them in the kitchen. Jason has brought food from somewhere, and it smells delicious. I am excited when I see it is Mediterranean. I am just biting into my kabob when Kai comes in, a blush flames across my face. My hand stops in front of my mouth as I again find myself staring at his bare flesh, the man needs to put on a shirt. The vee of stupidity as Emma and I call it, is deep on this one. I shiver in anticipation of someday running my tongue along it.

  “You goona eat that or just hold it, Lass?” Michael is winking at Sean as he smirks in my direction. Flipping him off I chomp into it harder than I need and enjoy his cringe. Kai is smiling a bit smugly but damn he has the right to be smug. I keep stuffing food in my mouth so I don’t have to speak, fearing I’d sound like an idiot. Finishing my food I look around.

  "Okay, where's the computer so I can get to work." Patrick shows me to Chris's room. I like that it is his system that is going to help me find the bastard that killed him. Powering it on, I sit and look at his pictures. Seeing my boys grow up together, makes me happy. Kai brings me a strong coffee; I am surprised and pleased when he kisses me lightly on the lips before turning and leaving me to my work.

  Conall Flanery always taught me that the best way to sign a new client is to know everything about the company, because of that advice and some hacker friends from college, I have some mad sleuthing skills. I start at the main company website and go from there. I send a quick email to a friend, asking her for a deep dive into their financial holdings worldwide, but to look specifically for businesses in Scotland.

  My hacker friend, Sammy responded back while I was still doing my own research, telling me that it might take a while. Apparently, they were using dummy corporations and keeping money in offshore accounts, making the search go slow.


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