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Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series

Page 20

by S Lawrence

  “How am I supposed to sleep after that, jeez Kai?”

  “How about you snuggle in, and I’ll sing you very old songs from long before your time.” It takes a while before my pulse stops pounding but I eventually fall asleep. I dream of Kai and his wicked tongue.

  When I come awake, the sun is just starting to pinken the sky. In the night, I have rolled to my side, and Kai is tucked tight to my back, his arm over my side resting on my breast. I look at his tanned fingers resting against my alabaster flesh, the contrast is intriguing, and I picture them elsewhere. I squeeze my thighs together as my sex pulses at the image. Having seen him in the shower, I know all of his skin is golden. A rumbling purr comes from behind me as his length pulses against me. I guess I’m not the only one still aroused. His mouth is near my ear, and I hear him draw in a deep breath, his arms tighten.

  “You’re not making this easy, love.”

  “Neither are you, stop rubbing me and purring. We need to get up and get moving. I am sure the boys are getting ready to leave.” I roll towards him, and his lips look luscious. I am staring when he speaks. “You sure I canna talk you into staying here in bed today?”

  I reach up running my tongue across his lips in a slow sensual lick, delighting in his sharp inhale. “No!” giggling I jump off the bed, racing to the bathroom slamming the door. Laughing as I hear his frustrated growl “You will pay for that in the best sorta way, love!” I think I just made a tactical error. Turning on the shower, I yell at him for coffee adding a sugary sweet please to the end. I need him and his senses outta the room.

  We all leave the house at the same time, planning to be back for dinner to go over the plans. We get to the portal, and I am once again amazed at the magic. Stepping through, I call for my father. “Daddy?” I know he will be close. I bark a laugh as he swoops down from above, my hair flying in the wind. I can’t help the huge grin that spreads across my face.


  She is beautiful, glowing with happiness at Faolan’s antics. A day with him, here in this magical place will do her good. I wrap my arm around her shoulder leaning down I place a kiss on the corner of her lips and then move to her ear, “Don’t forget, payback is a bitch, darling.” I let my gaze drift over her body as I walk away, chuckling at her worried look. I leave her with her father. Hoping to enlist help with the reconnaissance of the compound if it proves to be what we are looking for, I go to talk to some other Guardians.


  I stare after him, flabbergasted by his whispered threat. Instantly aroused, and embarrassed that every guardian can smell me. ‘You want them all to smell my honey?’ I raise my eyebrows when he whips his head around ‘Didn’t think of that did you, but I think I might be looking forward to some payback of my own now.’

  I give him the same slow perusal he just gave me, lingering on the growing bulge in his pants, his groan echoes through my head when I bite my lip. A blast of air hits me in the face, and I laugh turning to face the huge dragon face that is inches away. Dragons don’t smile, but he would be if he could as it is I’m greeted with teeth, his lips pulled back. “Daddy.”

  ‘Daughter. Are you teasing your mate?’

  ‘Mate? Is that what you call it?’

  ‘It is, it’s how the dragon sees our loves, mates to be protected above all other. Kai is yours. I knew as soon as I saw you together but Danu confirmed it. He was slower to admit it. I think because he hated the thought that he’d let his destined mate be harmed, hadn’t protected you.’

  ‘He couldn’t have known.’

  ‘We know that, but he still blames himself, but that is the man he is, has been for as long as I’ve known him.’

  I look in the direction Kai had gone, thinking of what he’d told me, my heart aching at the thought of him hurting. Turning back to my father, I lean onto his side, marveling at the warmth and smoothness of the scales, I place my hand on one measuring, it’s bigger than my hand. Looking at the color, I realize it’s close to the color of one of the stones in the bracelet.

  ‘The bracelet, the stones represent the two of you, don’t they.’

  ‘Yes, your mother loved my dragon, so when I asked Danu for a way to track her, she brought forth stones from the earth to represent us, opals, one milky. The other like the stars in the galaxy represent your mother, my destined one.’

  We move across a meadow finding a spot beside a small pond, and I recline against his massive chest. We spend the hours, talking. He tells me stories of his life, friends, battles and his love of momma. I tell him about New Orleans, living with momma and then moving to Saint Charles. I cry talking about her last few weeks. Drying my eyes, I try to describe Grandda, his love, his stories. A rumbled chuckle vibrates against my back as I talk of Conall Flanery’s shenanigans. Last, I talk about Emma, what she means to me and how I miss her. His massive head turns, I look to see Kai approaching in the distance. We have lost all track of time.

  ‘He comes for you. Are you going to give yourself a chance with him?’

  I blow out a deep breath I didn’t realize I was holding. ‘I’m just so hurt, I want someone else to hurt, but I don’t want it to be him.’ I don’t say it out loud, I can’t.

  ‘I know how you feel, I really do. He is a good man with some demons of his own. The fates joined you for a reason. Maybe it is so you can love each other as you are.’ His great eye is looking at me, and I run my hands along his jaw, nodding slightly as I raise up on my tiptoes and place a kiss on his snout.

  “Are you ready?” I turn to look at his handsome face and move into him, wrapping my arms around him. I feel his arms engulf me, but I don’t see the questioning look he sends daddy’s way or the awkward shrug of massive dragon shoulders. Turning in his arms, I tell my father goodbye, taking Kai’s hand, I lead him away toward the portal. Once, there I turn and say “See you soon, Daddy.” before stepping through.

  Chapter 42

  We get back to the house after the boys, Jason is still gone, to where we aren’t sure. Heading to the kitchen, I decide to cook. I scour the cabinets, wishing I had the stuff to make gumbo. I do find chicken and potatoes, so I start getting everything together to make my grandmother’s famous fried chicken. Our time together in the kitchen was when I felt close to her. She would talk while she cooked, her anger drifting away. She was proud of my cooking skills. I find myself humming one of the old songs she would sing while she cooked, grandmother had a beautiful voice.

  Potatoes are boiling, biscuits in the oven and chicken frying, I look up to see all the guys have come into the kitchen. The sound of a stomach growling rumbles over the other kitchen noises. “Out! It’ll be done in like fifteen minutes. Why don’t you get the plans and set it up in Chris’s room so we can look at them while I check to see if Sammy sent any more information?” Grumbling about starving they leave, except Kai.

  “That smells really good. Almost as good as you.” I sputter, turning red. “You stop it, I gotta watch this chicken, or it will burn and if it does you’re going to have some angry druids on your hands.”

  “I can handle the druids.” He walks out laughing. I mutter “I bet you can.” Dinner reminded me of Emma’s house when we were teenagers, her cousins often giving us a hard time, teasing and picking on us. I can practically see the love flowing from these men.

  After we have eaten our fill, Patrick stands and begins to clear the dishes. Sean and Michael grab the uneaten food putting it away. As I watch, they are fluid in their movements; I can tell this is their routine. I realize Chris must have cleaned the table because it is left, crumbs and trash sitting like a sad reminder of his absence.

  I head to his room, sitting at the computer I log in, but there is nothing new from Sammy. I am biting the corner of my nail when Kai’s hand pulls it away from my mouth, kissing it. Heat instantly flares through me. My body shifts toward him as if pulled, just as the boys walk into the room, damn it!

  Patrick starts talking about what they found at the archives, while the
other two look between Kai’s grinning face and my flustered one. I bring my middle finger up in slow motion, rolling my eyes at them. I seriously can’t wait until they meet someone, it will be on then.

  “Are any of ye listening to me?” Busted we all turn to Patrick. I manage a sheepish shake of my head no, mouthing the word sorry at him. Pointing at the bed, he starts talking again. I move closer leaning over to study the architecture plans. Since the building is two hundred years old there are originals and updates, computer generated copies. The updated ones have information about the new security measures on them.

  We all study them, talking about not only the layout but also the land surrounding it. On the way back from Edinburgh, the boys had done a quick drive by of the property getting, an idea of the terrain and physical exterior security. They felt some wards but they were inside the buildings, maybe on specific rooms. Sean and Michael take over as the discussion turns more operational. I am intrigued by the change in them from jokesters to serious operators.

  I feel like I’m in the middle of a military movie, and some of the jargon is lost on me, but I get the gist. Kai might not know the lingo but hundreds of years of war and battles gives him all the insight he needs. I listen but offer no help. I plan on going and I have to see Dorran dead either by my hand or another’s.

  We do reach a consensus that we need to have eyes on the compound for a couple of weeks before we act. Kai makes some calls to a few of the guardians that are his friends, asking for their help. We’ve decided to use the heightened senses of the dragons to watch the property, giving us the ability to see and hear from a great distance, making it more unlikely for us to be discovered by the Order. The guardians work out a schedule that will keep the property under surveillance twenty-four hours a day. As they work out more details, I leave going to the bedroom to call my grandfather and Emma.

  “I miss you Grandda. So Much.”

  “Och I miss you too, baby girl. Is it going well then? With that man, your father?”

  “It is, I think you would really like him. We spent the day together yesterday. Just talking about…well everything. So much to catch up on. He told me about his childhood and about meeting momma.”

  “Has he said why he never showed up?” Anger has thickened Grandda’s brogue.

  “Oh, Athair Crionna, he didn’t abandon her.” I had thought of what I would say when this question was asked, the truth couldn’t be told, exactly. “He was in the military. He was captured and held for a few years. He was so damaged when he was finally freed he couldn’t come for her. He doesn’t leave his home.”

  “Ach, so much tragedy in their love story, it is like a folktale. I‘m sorry for the anger I’ve long held toward him then. I am also glad you have found him if he brings you happiness. I know you have needed a father.”

  I smile, “No, I didn’t need a father. I had you! You’re more than I could have ever hoped for, unconditional love. But I’ll admit, I often wondered about him, why he hadn’t come for momma and me. I plan to stay here at least a few more weeks, now that I’ve found him. If you don’t mind.”

  “Of course I don’t mind, I have already talked to your Grandmother and assured her that you are fine. She worries that something will happen.”

  I can’t help the harsh chuckle. “Yeah, I bet she does, but tell her I’m being careful. I love you both so much.”

  “We love you too, Sweet Pea. Call me soon.”

  “I will, love you.” I disconnect the call. Sitting down I realize that what I said to him was right. I didn’t come here to find a father. I had always had one, a great one that taught me not only how I should be but what I should look for in a man. I came here to find answers, and I did. But I also found a dad, one I know loves me already and who loved my mother as much as I do. Sighing I scroll to Emma’s name, looking at it I try to think of what to tell her. I can’t let her find out what we are planning, she would freak out but, she will be suspicious if I don’t check in. I look up as Kai walks in, I can’t help the smile that breaks out on my face. Grandda would love Kai.

  “Hey love, wit ye doing in here?” Kai asks.

  “I decided I should check in with everyone before they begin to worry. I just got off the phone with grandda; now I’m trying to come up with something to tell Emma.”

  “You figure it out yet?”

  “Nope. She knows me too well; she’ll smell a lie from a mile away.”

  “Tell her you to want to spend time with me.” I look him over, narrowing my eyes, she might believe that. Although, since I told her what happened she won’t believe I'm over it and moved on.

  “I don’t know.” He grabs my phone and hits the video call button. I just get my hands on it when her smiling face comes on the screen.

  “Kai, give it to me right now!” I’m yelling and pulling on the phone.

  “Emma, tell her she should stay here and give me a chance to win her heart. Ach, I canna live without her.” He has deepened his voice, and Emma is basically a putty in his hands. He hands the phone back to me; I am glaring at him as I bring it up.

  “Get outta here, Kai!” I look at her and smile. “Hi! I miss you so much. Sorry about that.”

  “Oh My God! How do you not give him anything he wants? That face, those eyes and that voice” she is sighing, laughing at her antics.

  “You have no idea. He knows how to use that voice, whispering in my ear, singing me to sleep.”

  Her eyes round, “Really, to sleep, huh?” her eyebrows waggle at me. “Yes, to SLEEP. Nothing more. I just don’t know if I can do anything more after everything.”

  “Then you should definitely stay there to find out. You owe it to yourself, you deserve to be happy, and if he is the one, then you can’t let that fucking asshole take it away from you. How long have we wanted to find the guy that could love us just the way we are?”

  “Umm since puberty, since we realized our sometimes snarky attitudes weren’t a turn on for most guys.”

  “Right, ugh, men. They don’t know what they are missing. But seriously, he seems great; he really wants you to see where it might go, at least it seems that way.”

  “No, you’re right. I already ask Grandda for more time off so I could spend more time with Faolan. I guess I need to split that time with Kai. I’m worried though Em, what if I’m just broken?”

  Shaking her head, she gives me her best glare, the one she gives me when she thinks I'm being silly. “Not broken, just bent. Down but not out. I love you so much, but I gotta go, seven eight-year-olds just scrambled through the front door. You stay, follow your heart, everything else will fall into place.”

  “Love you more!” I sit on the bed thinking of what she said. I look up at a soft noise realizing Kai had never left, he had just moved to the doorway. “You heard it all?”

  “Love, I already told you, you’re not broken and even if you were, so am I.” He kneels down between my legs. Cupping my face in his hands, he brushes his lips across mine, and the most tender kiss and I feel his love in it.

  Chapter 43

  We spend the next week, going from the house to see dad and back. Evenings are spent wrapped around each other, telling our stories. Learning about other's life.

  He has decided that Emma and I were and are still a handful. I’ve just finished telling him about seeing my mom after the torture; he told me what Danu had said about my mom’s spirit waiting for Faolan. It is beautiful and sad at the same time. Drifting off to sleep I dream of my momma and the opal dragon flying through the skies.

  I wake to the smell of coffee. Kai is lying beside me, his arm thrown over his eyes. I gently rise up, careful not to shake the bed; the man is a very light sleeper. Staring at the expanse of his chest, the ripple of his abs as he breathes and the taper of copper hair that disappears into his pajama bottoms, I smile thinking it is just awful, how fit he is. That vee, the one girls lose their minds over is chiseled into his hips. I slowly lick my lips, imagining tracing it with my tongue. He shift
s, his muscles flex, and I can’t stop the groan that escapes my lips. ”You see something you like, love?” He purrs.

  I see him peeking out from under his forearm. Shaking my head yes I begin my descent toward said vee. Suddenly there is a knock at the door, and it is his turn to groan. Laughing I jump up, opening the door, Jason is standing there hold her coffee.

  “I knew I liked you for a reason.” I rise up on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. I really, truly enjoy these tall men around here, relishing the feeling of being positively petite next to them. Jason frowns at me, but I know how he feels about me, all of them really. “So, where did you disappear to? Leaving us here to do all the planning and work.”

  “I was away, getting goodies. Come on, let’s get those lazy Druids up.” Mischief shines in his eyes as he whispers. She pads down the hall after him, laughing as he throws their doors open, yelling get up! Laughing that is, until Michael comes up swinging and Sean levels a gun at them. Jason has her behind his back before she even knew what happened.

  “Are ye fuckin daft, never do that again I coulda killed ye.” Sean is visibly upset, and I shove around Jason and move over to him. Sitting down I reach out, grabbing his hand, forcing him to look at me. “We are fine; we shouldn’t have startled you. Don’t worry about it.” I smile gently, and he nods slightly, his eyes are haunted. I’ve read all about PTSD because of Emma’s dad, and it breaks my heart, thinking of the horrors they have seen. Giving him a quick hug and standing I pull him up.

  My eyes are widening at another ridiculous set of abs. Good grief how’s a girl supposed to think with all these muscles slapping her in the face. Turning for the door, I see Jason is the only one with a shirt on. “Jesus, people put some clothes on. “ I mumble as I walk toward the living room, masculine laughter follows me.

  Jason comes into the living room and points to a few military looking crates lined up against the wall. Sean and Michael shoved by everyone, pulling their shirts over their heads as they practically run to the crates. Rubbing their hands together like schoolboys they open the first one. My mouth forms an O when I spy all the weaponry.


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