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Back to Life

Page 16

by Mellie George

  “You promise?” he asked, sticking his bottom lip out. God damn it, I wanted to suck on his lip so bad.

  I decided to turn the tables on him, and I ran my hand down his toned stomach and ran my pinky inside the waist of his jeans, making his abs contract. I leaned up until my lips were almost touching his, and I said, “Promise.” I quickly pulled away and placed my hand on the door handle, but he stopped me.

  He opened the door for me and asked, “You really play dirty, don’t you?”

  I winked at him and said, “You know it, baby,” before I slid into his car. He smiled and groaned as he shut the door and ran over to the driver’s side of Elvira and climbed in. I giggled loudly as he adjusted his erection before he put the key in the ignition and started the car.

  “Keep laughing and I’ll shut off the engine and fuck you right in this car,” he laughed, his tone laced with seriousness.

  I shivered at his words, and the feeling went straight down to my core. If I wasn’t wet before, I was damn near soaking now. As hot as car sex with Liam sounded right now, it was important that we make it to Water Mill on time so I put my fingers to my lips and pretended to lock them shut with a key. He shifted in his seat again and I stifled another laugh as we pulled out onto the street and began our drive.

  Two hours later, we had arrived at Liam’s parent’s home in Water Mill…and I was in awe. The house was absolutely exquisite. There was a fountain in the middle of the round driveway that circled in front of the house, and there were beautiful vines that climbed up the columns at the front of the house. For a home in the Hamptons, it looked a lot less “east coast” and a lot more “southern plantation”. It was so beautiful and elegant that I suddenly felt very out of place being here. However, Liam didn’t really want to come to this thing in the first place, but he did it for me. It was the least I could do for him to try and get over my nerves and enjoy myself. Liam parked his car and shut off the engine. He took my hand in his and said, “So, are you ready to go into the shark tank?” he asked, a smile on his face. I nodded and smiled, trying to seem confident. My nervousness showed obviously, because he said, “Angel, relax, okay? It’s going to be fine. If you can win over someone like Grayson Tanner and have him eating out of the palm of your hand, then these other old bastards don’t stand a chance.”

  I giggled and sighed. “That’s sweet of you to say, Liam, and you know I don’t care what those people think of me. I only wanted to come for your parents because I love them both so much. I just don’t want to cause any problems for them, having to explain the crazy looking tattooed girl clinging to their only heir’s arm,” I admitted, and he snapped his head back. His face wore an expression like he’d just eaten something sour.

  “Rory, how can you say something like that? You should know you don’t have to worry about what people might say to my parents about us. If my mother is anything, she’s crazy protective of those she loves, and she loves you, Rory. Besides, with all of the ink I have on me we look like we’re a match made in tattoo heaven,” he said, and I giggled. “You are going to charm everyone just like you charmed my parents. And me.” He guided my hand to his lips and he kissed my knuckles.

  “I charmed you too, huh?” I said, smiling. “You mean it’s not all about the sex?”

  “Trust me, as hot as sex with you is, I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you at Shadow. There’s something about you that commands attention, baby, and I’m so lucky I got to be the one to command yours,” he said. I fell in love with him in that moment all over again. “Come on. Let’s get this over with,” he said, and he gave my hand another squeeze. He opened his door and after he shut it, he quickly raced over to my side and helped me out of the car. I placed my hand in his and we started walking up the steps to his house. Just as we stepped onto the top step when I heard someone call out our names.

  “Rory, Liam!” I turned to see Brody and Marissa bounding up the steps behind us, followed by Nick and Samantha. I smiled at them and waved.

  “Hey, you guys made it,” Liam said, looking at Nick. He was holding Samantha’s hand and she was leaning into him. It was still weird for me to see them together. I was happy for the both of them, but I just felt a bit overprotective of Samantha, especially knowing her dating history. She’d been single for the past year by choice after getting out a verbally abusive relationship and for a long time after the breakup she had very low self esteem. I know that Nick must be treating her right if she was in any kind of relationship with him, but I couldn’t help but worry. I also loved Nick like a brother, and I knew the alarmingly fast rate he went through women before he met Samantha. I just wondered how long being with one woman, no matter how wonderful she was, was going to satisfy him before he missed his old carefree days. I loved them both and only wanted what was best for them.

  “Of course we made it, man. It’s been too long since I’ve been to this place,” Nick said, walking up and man-slapping Liam on the arm. “Nice to see you, Rory. You look beautiful,” he said, leaning and kissing my cheek.

  “Thanks, Nick. You look nice too,” I said, biting my bottom lip to try to keep from snickering. It seemed today was the day for all my boys to bust out their polo shirts. When my eyes roamed from Nick, so Liam, to Brody, and back again, I broke out into a full blown laugh when I realized one was wearing red, one was wearing white, and the other was wearing blue. “It’s so sweet that you all decided to coordinate your polo shirts today. How patriotic,” I laughed, and Samantha and Marissa started giggling with me.

  “Shut up, Rory,” Nick smiled, and Samantha snuggled into him more and kissed his bicep.

  “This is such a beautiful house,” Marissa said, her eyes roaming the outside of the house with her mouth open in admiration.

  “Oh, wait until you see the inside of this place. It’s amazing,” Nick said, smiling. He obviously loved it here. Liam had told me in passing a few times that since Nick’s mother passed away, he usually spent most of his time with the Tanners. His father was absent and his grandmother was always working or busy with other commitments to care for him like he needed. Liam said that if Nick’s grandmother would have let them, Vivian and Grayson would have probably adopted him.

  “Well, let’s go see it then,” Liam said, and he squeezed my hand as we walked toward the door. He pressed the doorbell and we waited for a few moments before a woman in a plain white uniform dress opened the door and showed us in. My mouth fell open…this house was the most beautiful place I had ever been. We weren’t inside for very long before I heard a familiar motherly voice calling out through the foyer (which was bigger than mine and Liam’s apartments combined).

  “Well there you all are, and right on time!” Vivian exclaimed. She walked straight to me and pulled me into a warm embrace. “Rory, darling, you look simply stunning!”

  I hugged her back and pulled away. “Thank you, Vivian. So do you,” I said. She was wearing a crisp pair of white Capri pants, a blue peasant top, and white sandals. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail. She looked lovely. I smoothed my dress again while she said her hellos to Liam and Nick. “Vivian, I wanted to introduce you to…”

  She raised a hand. “No wait, don’t tell me. This handsome man must be your brother,” she said warmly, placing her hand on Brody’s arm.

  I smiled. “Yes, he is. I’d like you to meet my brother, Dr. Brody Shaw.”

  Brody smiled. “You couldn’t resist throwing the doctor thing in there, could you?”

  I shook my head and beamed at him. “Never.”

  Vivian smiled. “Well, I’m Vivian, and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Brody. Rory always speaks very highly of you,” she said, and Brody winked at me. “And this lovely lady must be Marissa, and you are a photographer, right?” she asked, taking Marissa’s hand.

  “That’s right, ma’am. Thank you so much for inviting us today. You have a lovely home,” Marissa said, and Vivian pulled her in to kiss her on both cheeks.

it’s my pleasure, dear. Liam’s father usually invites so many stuffy people here, so it will be nice change to have young people around again,” she said. She turned her gaze to Samantha, who looked nervous. “And you must be Nick’s girl Samantha,” she said, pulling her into a quick hug. “I have to say that when I heard he was bringing someone today I thought I was going to faint. It’s wonderful to meet you dear.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you too, Mrs. Tanner,” Samantha said, and Vivian winked at me.

  “Oh, none of that ‘Mrs. Tanner’ nonsense today. Please, call me Vivian,” she said.

  I laughed. “Trust me, she’s not kidding. She hounded me for three years to call her Vivian before I gave up.”

  At that moment, Grayson walked out into the foyer. “Well, there you all are. Glad you could make it today,” he said, moving closer to us. “Rory, dear, how lovely to see you again,” he said, wrapping me in a fatherly hug.

  “It’s nice to see you too, Grayson,” I said, and as soon as we broke apart the introductions began all over again.

  This whole day had been going so great. I had been introduced to all of the lawyers in Grayson’s firm and their families and also some of his former colleagues, and they all seemed very nice. Well, most of them anyway. The men all seemed to like me and most of the women did too, all asking me different questions about their hair and how I would cut, color, or style it if I had the chance. They didn’t seem phased by the tattoos and piercings, not that I would have cared if they had. The only ones that seemed to look down their noses at me were the younger women that had come in hopes of getting a shot at Liam and were angered and jealous by the fact that he was here with someone like me. The thought made me do an internal happy dance.

  After we had all eaten, Liam told me that he wanted to take me on a tour of the house, but that he needed to talk to Vivian and Grayson about something first. I shrugged it off and ended up going down to the beach for a little bit with Nick, Samantha, Marissa, and Brody while I waited. After about forty-five minutes, he was back and he led me back up to the house to start the tour. His house was huge…I didn’t know how we were going to see it all on one afternoon. “Be easy on me, Rory, because I haven’t been to this house in a decade and apparently I am forgetting which doors lead to bathrooms or closets,” he said, and I giggled. We had seen the entire downstairs which included an indoor pool (which I couldn’t understand…why would you want an indoor pool when you lived right next to the ocean?), three huge bedrooms, and three bathrooms, one of which included a Jacuzzi. We had just climbed up the stairs and were about to look into yet another door when he stopped me. “That can wait, I want to show you something else,” he said, and he led me down the long hallway to the very last door on the right.

  “What’s behind this door, Liam?” I asked, and he grinned sexily at me. He turned the doorknob and let me inside the room, and when I was inside I looked around. I blinked a few times, and looked at him. “It’s another bedroom,” I said, smiling.

  He shut the door behind us and I heard the lock click. “This was my room,” he said, trailing his fingers down my arm, making me shiver.

  “Wow,” I said, trying to maintain my composure, “it looks so…ordinary. Not at all like a teenager lived here.” The carpet was a deep navy blue, and there was a huge king sized bed covered in the most comfortable and elegant looking white duvet.

  “Mom redid it after I left.”

  “That’s so sad,” I said. Vivian seemed like such a loving mother and I couldn’t imagine her just redecorating her son’s room as if he were no longer a part of her life.

  He noticed my tone and he shook his head as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “I told her to redo the room, it didn’t matter to me. Hell, even when I was here I never really spent much time in this room. I was always down on the beach chasing girls,” he said.

  I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck and started to play with the hair resting at the nape. “Oh really? Get lucky a lot?” I said, smiling.

  He smiled and shook his head. “Not very gentlemanly of me to tell you that babe,” he said, and he lowered his lips to mine. He wasted no time in tracing his tongue along my bottom lip and before I could think he spun me around and pressed me up against the door. He guided my leg up around his hip and he ran his hand up my thigh and right to the outline of my panties.

  “Liam,” I whimpered, “we are not having sex in your parent’s house!” I tried to shove against him but his teeth gently nipped at my ear and I was seeing stars.

  “You have been driving me crazy in that dress all day long, and there is no way I can make it until we get back home to have you,” he growled, and he lifted my other leg with ease and I wrapped my legs tightly against him, his best feature pressing hard into my core. He kissed me deeply, his tongue tangling with mine and he moved us toward the bed. “Tell me you don’t want me right now and I’ll stop,” he said, moving his hand from where it was holding onto my ass and sliding it into my panties. His fingers swirled around my clit for a moment before he thrust a finger inside me.

  I bit down on his shoulder to stifle my scream and I breathed out, “Don’t stop, Liam. I want you.”

  He moved his finger around making me cry out again. “You like that, baby?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Liam, please,” I begged.

  “What do you want me to do, angel?” He’d gotten into a habit of making me completely bat shit crazy when it came to sex and loved when I would beg for him to make love to me. Even though it was irritating sometimes, I had to admit that I loved it because the anticipation from pleading made the initial contact so worth it. “Just say the words,” he said.

  My body was on the verge of exploding, and I was done being teased. I yanked hard on his hair and said, “You. Bed. Inside me. Now.”

  He grinned and tossed me on the bed with ease, and covered my body with his. His hands slid up my dress and were reaching up to take my panties off, but I pushed him off me and climbed on top of him after he was on his back. I moved down to undo his pants and in no time at all I had his rock hard erection in my hands, stroking it up and down. “Condom?” I whispered.

  “Wallet,” he grunted, and I forcefully pulled his wallet out of the back of his pants, found the condom, and tore it open with my teeth, causing him to chuckle. I rolled it onto his long length and I wasted no time in climbing back on top of him. I took one of his hands in mine and my other was lying on his chest when I felt his free hand move my panties to the side and I slid down onto his dick. I threw my head back and sucked in as much air as I could to keep from screaming in pleasure. “Aw, fuck, baby!” he moaned, and I started to rock my hips back and forth.

  “Oh God, Liam,” I breathed. Oh my God he felt amazing. I was racing toward an orgasm already at the thought of being caught, and I knew I wasn’t going to hold on much longer. He always knew how to touch me just right to send me over the edge, and when his fingers rolled around my clit I was a goner. I shattered a thousand times over and while I was coming down from my pleasure, I felt his hands grab a rough hold on my hips as he found his release as well, stilling as he emptied himself into me. I collapsed onto his chest, completely sated. “Wow,” I said, “I’ve never done that fully clothed before.”

  He laughed and wrapped his arms around my back. “Well, while this was incredible, I much prefer you naked, I must say.”

  After lying on his chest and in his arms for a few moments, I realized we’d been on our “tour” of the house for a while now, and people were going to start wondering where we were. “Come on, Liam,” I said, climbing off him, “we need to get back downstairs.” I stood up on wobbly legs and adjusted my panties back into place. I walked over to an adjoining bathroom and grabbed a few tissues and took them back to Liam. “Here you go,” I said, handing them to him. He sat on the bed for a moment, staring at me and smiling. “What is it?” I asked.

  “You just had hot rough sex with me on a ten thousand dollar bed, and then just a
djusted your clothes and gave me a tissue to clean myself off and didn’t even bat an eyelash. You are fucking awesome,” he said, and I grinned. I walked over to the vanity mirror and checked my makeup while he discarded the condom and fastened his pants.

  “Gee, thanks,” I said. I turned to him and he was all zipped and presentable again. “You ready to go back down there? It’s getting dark, so the fireworks should start soon,” I said, excitement filling me. I had always loved fireworks ever since I was a little kid, and I still got excited over them every year just like a child.

  He took my hand and brushed his lips across my knuckles. “Then let’s go see some fireworks,” he said, unlocking the door and holding it open for me. If I had known what would happen after the fireworks were over, I would have stayed up in that room with Liam forever. The last thing I was expecting tonight was to be faced with my past and for it to bite me in the ass.

  Chapter 14


  This day had gone way better than I had hoped it would. I had spent a great day with my beautiful girlfriend and my friends at my parent’s Hamptons home, my father and I were getting along better than ever, and I just had a totally hot quickie with Rory in my old bedroom. This day couldn’t have been more wonderful, and now there was just one more thing I had to do that would make it the best night of my life. I had snuck away for a little bit because I had a plan on how to end the night with Rory and I wanted to talk to my parent’s about it. I knew they’d be happy when I told them what I had in mind, but I wasn’t expecting waterworks from my mother…

  “Son?” my father asked, puzzled. “You mother came and told me you wanted to speak with the both of us in private. Is anything wrong?” He closed the doors of the library behind us and now I was alone with my mother and father.


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