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Nascent (The Stork Tower Book 1)

Page 6

by Tony Corden

  “Aye, I see that. It’ll take you a couple of weeks to travel there but yer a Traveller, so you’ll be moving around anyhow. The area will be hard for ya, that’s fer sure, but you’ve got some time to level up and yer smart. I’d go meself, but I’m sorta banished at the moment. I won’t tell yer why but I can’t go right at the moment. What do ya say?”

  For the first time in well over an hour, Leah asked her AI a silent question. “What do you think? How far is it and is it a good deal?”

  “I checked the player-accessible maps and forums. It is about fifty leagues on the maps which would be around 280 kilometres. I am approximating because the maps are very rough. At auction, the knives he is offering cost around two silver coins each and are usually only available around Level 10. I calculate what he’s asking you to do is worth more than he is offering, I note that the forums suggest that dwarves like to bargain. I believe it is worth probably double what he’s offering.”

  Leah looked at Durustfuar and sighed, “What is the world coming to when a fierce dwarf like yourself would try and take advantage of a poor innocent maiden like me? I’d be happy to take the letter because I think family is important but I’d be happier with the steel boot knives rather than the iron ones, two belt knives and a neck sheath. And for the almost 100 leagues you want me to travel, I think a good sturdy staff would help.”

  Durustfuar glared and said, “Innocent, for what yer asking I imagine you skylark as a thief, besides its obvious yer not as bright as I thought, ya canna tell the difference between thirty leagues and 100. I can’t give ye the steel knives no matter how much I’d like to, and a good staff; that be highway robbery. I may be able to give you a couple of belt knives, though they’d be of the lower quality as would the neck knife, all common iron. What do ya say, lass? I’m treating you like my very own kin with this deal.”

  “A thief, you accuse me of being a thief. And yet you want me to walk fifty leagues for a pittance. I don’t want to bring up a painful subject, but I can believe you are treating me like kin, they banished you. And that is something I do want to make right, so I’ll agree to help for the two sharpened iron boot knives, two iron belt knives and one for behind my neck. I can do without a staff but will need a good whetstone and some oil.”

  “Yer gouging me, not just kin but you think I’m yer father to help you so. If I weren't such a kind-hearted and generous dwarf, I’d reject yer offer, but ok I’ll meet your terms.” He then smiled and said, “Ya gave up on the staff too early, lass, but the whetstone was a good move. Well done. Now let’s get the knives together and go get the rest of yer gear.”

  It took some time as Leah and Durustfuar haggled back and forth over most of the items. Leah didn’t get many other bonuses but did get the best quality he could give. She received a backpack with fifty slots that had a space to slide in some fighting sticks or swords. Durustfuar pointed out that a couple of light rapiers or short swords might be used similarly as the fighting sticks. She also received a water bottle and some travel bread. She looked at the shelves which were covered with lots of other gear: tents and cooking utensils; bags and bandages; money, jewellery and armour; potions and empty flasks; scrolls and books. If you had the money, you could start with almost anything.

  Durustfuar asked her to wait while he quickly went and got the letter. He returned almost immediately with a parchment which was folded and sealed with wax. Handing Leah the parchment, he said, “Off you go, lass, I’ll be waiting to hear how you made it to my brother. Now head through that doorway, and you’ll meet Jonathan. Take care as he’s a bit stuffy, and angry most of the time.”

  Leah headed through the door and into a room with potions, scrolls and books lining the walls. There was a podium, and a tall, slender, dark-skinned man was standing behind it. He was wearing spectacles and had a long thin beard. He was wearing a robe and scowling as she walked in. She smiled at the man hoping to build some rapport but got no response at all.

  “I am the Mage Jonathan. This is the final step before entering the world of Dunyanin. I am responsible for sealing your decisions and locking them into your name. For this, I need a drop of your blood with which to write the name by which you wish to be known. The giving of blood is your legal assent that the makers and sustainers of Dunyanin have met their obligations to you. Tell me the name you have chosen and hold out your arm.”

  “Hello, Jonathan, could you please tell me what type of mage you are?”

  “Child, I was once third Arch Mage in Sihirbazlari, Citadel of Magic. I am quite capable of working with all magical attributes. Now, name and arm!”

  “My apologies sir Mage but would you just let someone have some of your blood without checking their bona fides?”

  The mage stared at her and finally sighed, saying, “No child, I would not. There are very few people I would trust to have possession of my blood. Be assured I will not use your gift other than to seal this agreement.” His voice then took on a different quality, it was deeper and more fluid and filled with meaning as he said, “You have my word and oath.” When he finished speaking there was a brief flash of sparkling green light, and Leah felt a tingle run up her spine. She wasn’t aware what happened but knew the mage had done something unusual. He stood there, eyebrows raised quizzically and watched her.

  “Thank you, Jonathan.” She said and bowed as she would have to her grandfather had he been alive. “I would like to be known by my name Atherleah. Is this sufficient or must it be unique?”

  “It is both sufficient, and unique. So, if I understand your given name, you have chosen war over tranquillity?”

  Leah stopped and pondered the question before answering, “No sir. But I have learned that most of the time tranquillity only comes after war, even if it is only a struggle within myself. I am starting a journey, and for the moment, I think, in this world at least, I need to embrace war if I am to have tranquillity in the rest of my life.” She then held out her arm.

  He took a silver knife and made a small cut on Leah’s palm. He waited for some blood to pool before dipping the quill into her blood and writing her name on the scroll which had appeared before him. He then took a cloth and wiped the quill and gave the cloth to Leah to hold against her palm. She cleaned her palm and noticed the cut already beginning to heal. She looked up at Jonathan who smiled and said, “A small thing for an Arch Mage. Do you have any final questions.”

  “Yes sir, is all magic green or was that a particular type of magic you used?”

  “Ahh, so you saw the green, any other colours?”

  “It sparkled, it had specks of silver and dark green.”

  “The green was the magic of my breath, of words spoken. The dark green is the force of life itself as I bound my life to these words. The silver, a pledge, bound to this world, the magic of the creators and sustainers. Do you plan to study the art?”

  “I think so, I am interested in things that grow, and I also want to have some ability in healing.”

  “Well then, as you go let me give you this scroll to take on your way, it will start you on your way in healing. If you are ever in Sihirbazlari, come and visit. It will be good to hear of your journeys. Take care child.”

  Before Leah could say anything else, Jonathan disappeared, and a doorway opened, it was a portal into what looked like a forest glade. Leah smiled, tucked the scroll into her bag and stepped through.


  November 18, 2073 C

  Leah looked around at the sudden change in location: she was suddenly in an old forest. She stared at the trees in wonder: she could smell the earth, it was like immediately after it had rained. Looking at the ground, she could see the sheen of water from a recent shower. Bird noise filtered through the leaves as the wind caused them to wave back and forth gently. She was distracted by her AI, “You have numerous messages from Dunyanin that require your attention. I suggest you either find a quiet place to deal with these messages or you ask me to bring you back to your room where you ca
n attend to matters, in peace.”

  Looking around, Leah selected a shady spot at the base of a gnarled elm, took off her backpack and cape, and used the cape as a cushion she sat down.

  “That took longer than I thought it would, but it was so realistic. And this, this wood, it’s incredible.”

  After receiving no response from the AI, she said, “Ok let's look at these messages first. When did they arrive?”

  “All of them arrived just as you stepped outside the setup area and into the woods. This message is the first.”

  A small message screen opened in front of Leah.

  Nudity is frowned upon within Dunyanin.

  You will lose reputation with most factions. Please accept this gift of basic clothing.

  Stockings: No offence or defence, Durability: Average

  Linen Tunic: No offence or defence, Durability: Average

  Belt: No offence or defence, Durability: Average

  Boots: No offence or defence, Durability: Average

  “Ok! Next!”

  “I am capable of registering when you have finished reading. Would you like me to progress the messages automatically except those awaiting a response.”

  “That sounds great.”

  Your politeness has increased your reputation with Advocate Julian from Neutral to Friendly!

  Your honesty has increased your reputation with Advocate Julian from Friendly to Low Respect!

  “From now on no more reputation messages unless they have something substantially different included.”

  Unique Personal Quest

  Advocate Julian has invited you to visit him and his family in his hometown of Harika in the Kingdom of Ovalar.

  Difficulty: Medium

  Reward if successful: Unknown

  Consequences of failure: Loss of reputation with Advocate Julian

  Do you wish to accept this Quest?

  [Yes] [No]

  “Yes, next.”

  Level 1 Named Personal Achievement

  Starting with a Quest (1/4) - Achieved (Opal)

  You have earned respect and garnered a quest from a character in the setup scenario.

  Reward 1: 50 Experience Points x Player Level - 50 (50/1000)

  Reward 2: 10 Silver x #L1 NPA (Opal) = 10 Silver

  Reward 3: 5 Fame Points (5 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Leah took out the plaque which was rectangular with an Opal border. It had her name, the achievement, and the date. “All right, that’s going straight to the pool room!”

  “Excuse me” her AI interjected, “I am not sure of the meaning of that phrase.”

  “It’s something my dad says about stuff he likes. He got it from an old 2D movie his grandfather told him about. Don’t worry about it. Next message!”

  Unique Personal Quest

  Stylist Yvette has invited you to visit her and her family in her hometown of Ticareti the capital city of Merchant Kings of Tuccarlonca.

  Difficulty: Medium

  Reward if successful: Unknown

  Consequences of failure: Loss of reputation with Stylist Yvette

  Do you wish to accept this Quest?

  [Yes] [No]

  “Yes, next.”

  Level 2 Named Personal Achievement

  Starting with a Quest (2/4) - Achieved (Opal)

  You have earned respect and garnered a quest from two (2) characters in the setup scenario.

  Reward 1: 50 Experience Points x Player Level - 50 (100/1000)

  Reward 2: 10 Silver x #L2 NPA (Opal) = 10 Silver

  Reward 3: 5 Fame Points (10 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  You’ve used a new active skill: Bargaining (Novice Level 1)

  Bargaining is the art of negotiation to find the best terms and conditions of any given situation.

  Current Skill Level: Novice Level 1

  Effect: At Novice level 1 you will receive a 1% reduction in prices from NPC vendors.

  Please note that this is a freeform skill and your repeated use will modify its success rate.

  Do you wish to receive further notifications concerning this skill?

  [Yes] [No]

  “No! Next! Also, no more skill messages, unless I ask.”

  Unique Personal Quest

  Quartermaster Durustfuar has invited you to take a letter to his brother Durustguclu at the settlement of Daglar Duman in the Demir Dovuyor Mountains.

  Difficulty: Hard

  Time Constraint: 2 Dunyanin months

  Time Remaining: 60 days

  Reward if successful: Unknown

  Consequences of failure: a. The loss of two Common Iron Boot Knives, two Common Iron Belt Knives, one Common Concealed Knife with Neck Sheath and one Whetstone with Oil. b. Loss of reputation with Quartermaster Durustfuar

  Do you wish to accept this Quest?

  [Yes] [No]

  “Hard, you say. Yes, next.”

  Level 3 Named Personal Achievement

  Starting with a Quest (3/4) - Achieved (Opal)

  You have earned respect and garnered a quest from three (3) characters in the setup scenario.

  Reward 1: 50 Experience Points x Player Level - 50 (150/1000)

  Reward 2: 10 Silver x #L3 NPA (Opal) = 10 Silver

  Reward 3: 5 Fame Points (15 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  The Mage Jonathan has made a magically Binding Oath to use your blood only to seal your acceptance agreement with the Dunyanin World creators and sustainers.

  Consequences of failure: Should Mage Jonathan break his Oath he will lose reputation with all individuals, factions and races.

  Your interest in magic observed by Mage Jonathan (who looks on you with respect) has gained you an unexpected reward.

  Reward: 1 Scroll of Healing

  Do you wish to use this scroll?

  [Yes] [No]


  The scroll materialised in her hand. She unfurled it and read the spell. It was in a flowing magical looking script and as she read she saw a light blue mist rise from the paper and flow up her arms which began to tingle. When she finished learning what was on the scroll, it turned to ash and disappeared. A spell book, labelled ‘Atherleah’s Spell Book’ was created and placed in her bag so she could access the spell at any time.

  “Ok, …, next.”

  Unique Personal Quest

  Mage Jonathan has invited you to visit him in his hometown in Sihirbazlari, the Citadel of Magic.

  Difficulty: Almost Impossible

  Reward if successful: Unknown

  Consequences of failure: Loss of reputation with Mage Jonathan

  Do you wish to accept this Quest?

  [Yes] [No]

  “Almost impossible! I’ll have to think about that. No, I've already told him I would so, Yes! Next!”

  Level 4 Named Personal Achievement

  Starting with a Quest (4/4) - First 1000 (Emerald)

  You have earned respect and garnered a quest from all four (4) characters in the setup scenario.

  Reward 1: 1o0 Experience Points x Player Level - 100 (250/1000)

  Reward 2: 1 Gold x #L4 NPA (Emerald) = 1 Gold

  Reward 3: +0.5% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 10 Fame Points (25 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  “OK, so what’s next?”

  “You need to distribute your Characteristic Points. You have the fourteen to distribute, and your statistics currently are as follows.”

  ATHERLEAH (Level 1) (250/1000) (+0.5%)

  Characteristics - Points Total, (Assigned, Racial) 14 Undistributed

  Strength (S)- 1 (1)

  Constitution (C)- 1 (1)

  Agility (A)- 3 (1, 2)

  Wisdom (W) - 3 (1, 2)

  Intelligence (I)- 1 (1)

  Luck (L)- 1 (1)

  Statistics (Available, Capacity)

  Health -
100+(S+C)xPL - (102, 102)HP

  Stamina - 100+(C+A)xPL - (104, 104) SP

  Mana- 100+(W+I)xPL- (104, 104) MP

  Ki-100+(W+[S+A]/2)xPL - (105, 105) KP

  “Now as I understand it. Strength increases my health, it allows me to carry more, and when I hit something, there is more damage. Constitution means I’m tough and have greater health and stamina. Agility helps me move both faster and easier, and so I become less tired. I can also hit more accurately and so cause more damage. Wisdom is for learning and using magic. Intelligence increases my rate of learning, so skills increase in level faster. Finally, Luck increases the odds of hitting something or dodging something. Is that right?”

  “Simply put, yes. Although Luck also increases the odds of dropping better material when completing tasks or defeating enemies.”

  “Health and Stamina are self-explanatory, Mana is for magic use. Ki is my life energy to help fuel certain attacks. Right?”

  “That is correct. Now, you need to assign the points. You have only three hours game time before you must stop for lunch.”

  Leah and the AI talked back and forth looking at the effect of various points allocations, but in the end, the decision was more a guess than anything. Leah liked being agile and wanted to have high stamina. She needed money and didn’t understand the magic side of things. When she finished, she had another final look at her statistics.

  ATHERLEAH (Level 1) (250/1000) (+0.5%)

  Characteristics - Points Total, (Assigned, Racial) 0 Undistributed

  Strength (S) - 5 (5)

  Constitution (C) - 5 (5)

  Agility (A) - 7 (5)

  Wisdom (W) - 3 (1, 2)

  Intelligence (I) - 1 (1)

  Luck (L) - 3 (3)

  Statistics (Available, Capacity)

  Health - 100+(S+C)xPL - (110, 110)HP

  Stamina - 100+(C+A)xPL - (112, 112) SP

  Mana - 100+(W+I)xPL - (104, 104) MP

  Ki -100+(W+[S+A]/2)xPL - (109, 109) KP

  Looking around the glade, Leah stood up, stretched and said, “All done. Where to now?”

  “This is the starter area and nothing beyond level 5. You can be killed but will lose nothing until reaching level 5. You will resurrect in this glade unless you set your bind location elsewhere. Just beyond the trees is a small town which provides simple quests to help players become used to the game. If you desire a different challenge, there is a larger town some 20 kilometres from the village which has a different set of quests. It’s currently 8.45 am local time.”


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