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Nascent (The Stork Tower Book 1)

Page 30

by Tony Corden

  Leah, Wisp and the others spent several hours talking about their adventures before Leah and Wisp had to log out. They were shown to a hut, and after promising to meet at eight the next morning, they logged out.

  Leah arrived back in the Tower and did a little dance, then slumping into her sofa she said, “Gèng, how much money have I collected now?”

  “Well, I will let you deal with your messages, and then I will give you a final answer.”

  Leah added one of each type of Zerten Zele coin to her collections. She had received over 145,000 Experience Points and jumped to Level Forty-one. Gèng then said, “If we ignore the specialised coins, and they at auction may be worth a fortune. In fact, often people find a coin to swap rather than buy. If we ignore those, then you have a total of 6 Diamond, 49 Platinum, 45 Gold, 166 Silver, and 113 Copper in coins. Several of your Auction items are due to close soon, and you have a lot of material to sell.”

  “So I have sufficient to enrol in four subjects at MIT! I’ll need to think a little and see about those other Diamonds and how to exchange them for different types. But for now, I’m going to have another breakfast and call my mum. Thanks for all you help Gèng. After breakfast, I think I’ll do my Chemistry and Biology subjects before heading back and choosing from the Chief’s Treasure House.”

  Leah then faded out into the real world to have breakfast.

  After a second breakfast and talking with both parents Leah headed into the Pod and attended her Chemistry Course. Professor Franklin’s class had progressed to discussing equations and stoichiometry. Leah forgot all about Dunyanin and the other worlds as she focussed on balancing and using complex chemical equations. After Chemistry, she took Human Biology and concentrated on how cells, tissues and organs work together. She was amazed at how much easier it was to learn when she shrunk to the size of a cell to watch osmosis and diffusion happening; she was able to vary the parameters and see the various effects on cells. Leah found the classes engaging and more complex than she’d expected from a community college. Much of the material was a revision of what she had already covered in her private studies. She’d made some assumptions about the Community Colleges and decided that she displayed prejudiced behaviour. She hated prejudice and was embarrassed and chastened at the thought.

  Leah still had some time before she headed back to Dunyanin, so she looked through the various courses at MIT hoping to find something that genuinely attracted her. She was fascinated by mathematics and physics but wanted to apply the knowledge to something practical, so maybe Engineering, but what sort? She read and viewed the various course descriptions and subject offerings.

  Finally, Gèng reminded Leah of the time, and she slipped out of the Pod for a bathroom break and a small snack before logging in and heading straight for the Dunyanin Portal. Wisp was not in-world, so Leah sat and meditated while she waited. A few minutes later Wisp arrived, and together they left the tent to see what the day would bring and hopefully get further along the trail toward the mountains.

  Yabin and Sarisin were talking with Reis and Sakin when Leah and Wisp arrived. They all turned and greeted the two travellers. Reis said, “The story of your escape has filled me with shame, hope and fear. Shame that I have agreed with evil by doing nothing and even helping it to grow. Hope that one day these Dark Brethren will be defeated. Fear that other tribes will continue the practices of the past and we may need more help in future. But for now, come collect your staff and my treasure. I considered my oath and believe it only holds for the four who were present when it was given. I do not think that all who returned have a claim, do you agree?”

  Leah answered, “If your oath were taken by its words alone then I believe all should receive a treasure; however the deal I agreed upon was for myself, Annairë, Sarisin and Yabin, I agree with you.”

  Reis led them into the woodlands to small guarded hillock which had been hollowed out. He took them inside and allowed them to see his treasures; some were handed down through his family and collected over thousands of years. After they all had searched the room they all chose something beginning with Leah, then Wisp, then Sarisin and finally Yabin. They chose the following, in order:

  Belt of Zekâ Irfan, Light Mage of Sihirbazlari

  Zekâ Irfan was a forest elf from Yesil-Orman. After achieving mastery of her art, she travelled the known world seeking to increase her knowledge of the world. She is the author of many books, the most well known is her Tome on the Study of Light. The Belt was commissioned by her and made by the famed enchanter Ek’Lemek. This belt adds to both the Wisdom and the Intelligence Characteristics to an amount equal to the Level of the Owner.

  Minimum: None


  Binds on pickup

  Spell Diary of K’tsal Linel, Mediator of Namus (God of Purity)

  K’tsal Linel was born of merchant parents in Ticareti the capital city of Merchant Kings of Tuccarlonca. After seeing the corruption which tore his family apart, he dedicated himself to the God of honesty, purity and virtue (Namus) eventually rising to the rank of mediator. His career has resulted in numerous stories perhaps the greatest of which is his victory over the Vampire Patriarch Kan Olumu in the City of Night.

  Note: You will only be able to learn spells appropriate to your level and skills

  A Master of Horses Sword of Ovalar

  The Horse Lords control the clans, and the clans control the plains of Ovalar. Each Horse Lord is bequeathed a signet weapon, a symbol of their power. In ancient times those who achieved greatness were bequeathed the rank of Master of Horses. As a symbol of their rank, they were given a sword of quality befitting their rank. Such swords are often kept in the same family as a symbol of honour.

  Minimum: Level 40 (A 30)

  Base Damage: 250HP

  Binds on pickup

  A Falcata of Yirtisi

  The Yirtisi are a group of savages who live on the Wild Islands in the far South East of the Continent of Vatan. Their weapon of choice is the Falcata. The Falcata has the power of an axe and the penetration of a sword. Only those with enormous strength can use these to effect. In the hands of the Yirtisi, they are deadly.

  Minimum: Level 40 (S 60, A 40)

  Base Damage: 350HP

  Binds on pickup

  Reis apologised once again for his unwillingness to fight against the Dark Brethren. The four Bukalemun decided to remain with Reis’ tribe; although Sakin did offer to leave with Leah. The other twenty-two ex-prisoners all decided to leave at the same time as Leah and most planned to stay together until they reached some settlement. So at nine in the morning, Leah and Wisp with the twenty-two others were led out of the woodland and back to the trail just a short distance from where they had met the logging crew. Once on the trail, Leah showed everyone the map and explained where she and Annairë were headed. Most decided to head east back toward Carson’s Loop. Only the dwarves wanted to head for the mountains, and after seeing the route, they decided to head off straight away. Everyone had given both Leah and Wisp their information and requested they be visited if Wisp and Leah were ever near their homes. Finally, Leah and Wisp were standing with only Sarisin and Yabin.

  Sarisin said, “On our honour, we believe we have a debt to pay and would request the opportunity to stay with you until we have met this obligation.”

  Leah, however, insisted that the two should head back and claim Sarisin’s love. He thought the sword might be enough to prove his worth to her family. Leah said she planned to visit Ovalar during her wanderings; she had some business to do with Clan Karanliklar and hoped she could visit while there. Sarisin explained that Clan Karanliklar was no longer a major force but that his home bordered on their lands. He would be glad to introduce Leah when she visited. Yabin gave her a huge hug and said if she ever got bored he would introduce her to his family; that would spice up her life a little. After some fond farewells, Sarisin and Yabin headed east, and Leah and Wisp, north-west.

  It was a ten-minute walk to the loggers’
camp where Leah and Wisp retrieved their horses and informed the loggers that their oxen had indeed been killed and they should remain vigilant as the disappearances would likely continue. Taking their leave, they pushed the horses into an ambling trot and road steadily along the trail. They soon passed the six dwarves and rode without interruption until a message appeared.

  You are leaving an area of play where the attacking MOBs are determined by Player Level. The area you are entering is inhabited by aggressive creatures that are at a higher level than some players in your party. It is suggested that you leave this area as soon as you are able.

  “Must be time for a break then.” Wisp said, and she and Leah stopped for a short break on the side of the trail.

  Leah had set her system to automatically divide most loot automatically if there were two of anything. Some things like the 900 Crystals of death remained in her bag until the task involving them was completed. Leah asked to keep both maps, and as Wisp didn’t think she would use them, that was easy. Leah, however, had yet to examine the things she had pilfered from the Crypt. So as they rested, she pulled it out, and together they examined the loot. Altogether she had taken four of the small bags and seven scrolls. Each bag contained a different treasure. One was full of pearls in a variety of colours from pure white to dark black, and other colours including copper, burgundy, indigo and lavender. The second was full of opals. The third had rubies, and the fourth was filled with diamonds. They weren’t sure of the value but decided to keep the bags until they could find a valuation; otherwise, they had no way of how to split them.

  Three scrolls were maps. One was a complete map of Vatan, the continent they were on. The boundary lines were different, but it marked trade routes, keeps and towns that had disappeared over the centuries. The second map was of the Demir Dovuyor Mountains and showed the location of many mines that Zerten Zele had controlled during his reign. The third was a route map to what was inscribed as S’hir B’zari but Leah thought over time might have become known as Sihirbazlari. There were no other towns marked, but she thought she could see enough geographic features that she should be able to find the way.

  While Leah was drooling over the maps, Wisp was ecstatic to find that the final scrolls were all spells. Two were major necromantic and death spells, but both Leah and Wisp were not interested in heading down that path. The other two, however, were spells in an area that Wisp had heard of though such spells were extremely rare and insanely expensive. Both were what was described as prophetic magic. The first was called ‘The Next Step’ and showed through superimposition where an enemy would be after their next action. The second was called “Safety” and showed the caster how and where to move to sidestep all danger if it was possible. At its highest level, the caster could glide around swordsmen and walk through an army, all without suffering damage. In the end, Leah kept the maps and Wisp the two spells.

  The next five hours brought several encounters with wild beasts. There was another Electric Horned Fox, this time at Level 33. Wisp practised her new spells and was able to sidestep the lightning bolt. There was also a Level 42 Barbed Wolf which was crossing the road in front of them. This beast was probably a meter and a half at the shoulder and had a mane of a lion, but rather than hair it was made of long sharp barbs. Its fur was dark as night, and the barbs they collected afterwards were straight and metallic. Leah spent some time collecting herbs while Wisp walked alongside keeping an eye out and practising her spells.

  As they walked, they talked about their lives and finally concentrated on Leah’s invitation to the party. Leah had decided to go to the party Jackson had invited her to, and Wisp was full of advice on what to expect; she realised that Leah was somewhat ignorant of boys and parties. The party meant that Leah would be late, so they agreed to meet at half past one in the afternoon the following day. This would give her four hours at the party; she thought this would be plenty of time. It was almost five when they found a small clearing and set up the tent. They had managed to cover eight leagues and hoped to finish the next section in two days.

  Leah bathed and had quick lunch of Ramen noodles. She had five hours before the party which was enough time to finish her Community College classes and complete both an archery and sword lesson, or two. Soon she was with Master Ning who begun to discuss several more complicated meditative techniques. In the Tai Chi section of their class master Ning began the sequence of postures and Leah was able to join in and only needed correction on a few of them. Her AI course was still reviewing the various historical approaches to developing AI and the fundamental concern for boundaries and safeguards. She did wonder if Gèng had sufficient safeguards as some boundaries and safeguards had been damaged in the upload. It was something she must discuss with him-her-it.

  Lady Flèche suggested that Leah needed to concentrate on greater accuracy at a distance, so most of their lesson had Leah working on firing at targets twenty to thirty metres away. Leah knew that her effectiveness with the bow had mostly been her ability to hit areas not covered with armour. Against an armoured knight, she would need to be highly accurate or have a greater depth of weaponry. She might benefit from some of the magic arrows like those that Wisp had acquired.

  Finally, she went for a second lesson in Ardenvale. Faron continued to have her practice the two forms she knew and introduced two more for her to learn. Toward the end of the lesson, he began to spar with her but only allowed her to use the four forms that she knew. He explained that she needed to know what worked best and how each form flowed into the next. By the end of the hour she was drenched in sweat and tired from having to hold the practice sword, it was much heavier than the sticks she normally used. The absolute realism of the world was stunning as was its take on skill development.

  With just over two hours real time until the party, she spent some time out of the pod and had an evening meal of curry and rice and then sat waiting until ten to seven before getting in the pod and preparing for the party. She had already decided on a pair of jeans, a button-up top, her tweed newsboy hat and a nice pair of flats for the party. She had no experience with makeup and had considered visiting a virtual salon but chickened out at the last moment; all the advertising was of styles she just couldn’t imagine wearing. She didn’t understand the concept of being fashionably late, and so, at precisely seven pm she asked Gèng to open a portal to Jackson’s v-world. A door appeared on her wall, and she stepped forward through it hoping that she’d have an enjoyable time and make some friends, Leah was slightly apprehensive as she had memories of the Wildercat with Jackson’s eyes.

  She arrived at a closed-in portico. There was a large wooden door with a golden bell. She rang the bell, and a sweet note rang out before morphing into a fanfare as the door opened. Jackson wore dark jeans and a light shirt with buttons. He welcomed her and ushered her in saying she should come and meet some friends. Leah thought the space she entered tastefully designed; there were multiple areas for people to lounge and talk, a dance floor and several tables filled with food. There was a drinks area and what she assumed was a virtual barkeep. Several other constructs wandered throughout the hall offering food and drinks to guests. The music was loud but not overwhelming; when people were having a conversation, the music faded in their vicinity.

  Jackson explained that most people would probably be a little late, but she should first meet his parents who would be leaving before the party got going. Jackson’s father was built like the son, tall with dark toffee coloured hair, but where Jackson’s was slightly unruly his father’s hair was well tailored, he looked friendly. Their eyes were both the same electric green. In contrast to Jackson’s jeans, his father was wearing a charcoal suit with pinstripes and leather shoes. Jackson’s mother was also tall, and slender, the welcome she gave Leah didn’t reach the ice blue eyes though. Jackson excused himself for a moment to get Leah a drink while his parents tried to get some information from her about background and parentage. Leah was a very private person and kept the informatio
n light and neutral. When Jackson returned, he handed Leah a Coke and asked his parents to excuse them so he could introduce Leah to a few friends.

  Leah took a sip of the drink and began to follow Jackson to another group of people closer to their age. Before Leah had taken two steps, Gèng said, “That drink has an aggressive code mixed in it, and it is attempting to access your chip. I am unsure of its purpose, but I am certain I would not have identified it except for the high-level security protocols given by Security Controller 11-5. I believe the code is attempting to access the hardware locks present on the intended PAI(N) chips.”

  Leah stumbled slightly but continued walking as she carried on the conversation silently with Gèng, “Can you contact Security Controller 11-5 and see if he can determine the purpose of the attack?”

  “I am having difficulty in accessing an external data link. Most of my processing capacity is currently being used to fight this malware.”

  "Can you log me out?”

  “Not at present.”

  Leah continued to follow Jackson toward his friends. After he had introduced Leah to them all, Jackson looked at her drink and suggested that they all toast to having a great night. Leah sub-vocalized, “Am I in danger if I drink more of this?”

  “I don't know.”

  Leah stumbled a little and dropped the cup. She said, “I’m a little clumsy today, just feeling a bit light headed all of a sudden.”

  Jackson waved the spill away and said, “No worries, let me get you another.”

  Soon he was back with another drink and said, “Here, now drink that up.”

  Leah was horrified when her hand moved the cup toward her mouth almost of its own volition. She tried to stop it but instead opened her mouth and took a long drink. She said to Gèng, “What is going on? My body isn't obeying me.”


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