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Man Made God 003

Page 18

by Brandon Varnell

  “Now that we are speaking face to face, please allow me to clear up the misunderstanding between us.” Fayte smiled, and the woman before her could say nothing, allowing her to continue. “My companions and I have something very important to discuss and were looking for a private room so we can talk. That is why we wish to rent out a room at your inn. I promise you that nothing ‘lewd’ will happen while we are here. Won’t you please let us rent out a room?”

  “Well… um… sure, I guess. So long as nothing of that nature is going to happen…”

  “Thank you very much for understanding.”

  It cost fifty gold coins to rent a room here. Once Fayte handed over the necessary currency, she led their group up the stairs after receiving the key, opened the door to their room, and walked inside with them trailing close behind her.

  “Fayte is really impressive, huh?” Aris whispered in Adam’s ear.

  “She’s definitely an amazing woman,” he agreed.

  “Hee-hee. It sounds like you really like her.”

  Adam frowned, not sure how to take the comment, but he was not given a chance to say anything as the girl walked into the room with the others and sat down on the bed. There was only one. It also wasn’t large enough for all six of them. Aris, Fayte, Susan, and Lilith sat together while Titania fluttered down and took her own spot. Kureha hopped off his head and curled up on Lilith’s lap, much to the woman’s pleasure.

  Aris pouted when she saw this.

  “We found a place to speak in private now.” Fayte set her hands on her lap. “What did you want to talk about?”

  Adam disregarded the distracting thoughts that Aris’s words had caused, reached into his item pouch, and pulled out an object.

  “I wanted to talk about this.”

  It was a strange object no bigger than his palm. Shaped like a hexagon, it had a simple appearance with a single set of characters on both sides. Each side had the same characters. Adam could not read it, but the name that appeared on its display screen was [Guild Creation Token].

  “This [Guild Creation Token] was something we received after defeating the Elemental Master,” Adam said. “I’m sure you all know the significance of this token.”

  “You can’t create a guild without one,” Susan said, staring at the object with some fervency. “Not only that, but no other [Guild Creation Token] has appeared yet, according to the online forums, meaning this is the first one to show up.”

  “Right. This is the first.” Adam nodded. “We have a [Guild Creation Token], and I think it is important that we decide on what to do with it.”

  Adam swept his gaze across the five women and one fox. Titania did not seem to be paying much attention, but she didn’t care much for matters like this. On the other hand, Fayte and Susan seemed to understand his meaning and had gone silent. Lilith may or may not understand his words. Busy pampering Kureha, the assassin had never played a video game before now. Aris was the only one who appeared confused.

  “Shouldn’t we just use it to create a guild?” the innocent woman asked. “I mean, that is what they are for, right?”

  “That is correct, but there are a lot of political issues involved with forming the first guild,” Fayte said. When Aris just continued to stare at her, the woman smiled and explained. “The creation of the first guild almost always comes with certain benefits and privileges that other guilds do not have. For example, the Pleonexia Alliance created the first guild in the previous game, and not only were other players unable to attack them for one month, but they were given first priority in shops, able to do more business with NPCs, and their reputation climbed higher than any other guild in the game simply because they were the first. It goes without saying that being able to create the first guild comes with huge benefits.”

  “And because it comes with huge benefits, it also comes with a lot of danger,” Adam added. “Even if, like in the previous game, we are given an entire month of protection, once that month wears off, it is very likely our guild will be beset upon by all sides by the other guilds.”

  Aris finally seemed to understand where they were coming from. Her eyes went wide.

  “Now that you understand the problem, I think we should talk about how to resolve it,” Adam said.

  “I assume you have an idea,” Titania finally spoke up, arms crossed and legs kicking back and forth as they dangled off the bed. “You might seem reckless when you fight, but I have noticed that you are very cunning outside of battle. I cannot believe you have not already thought of some method for dealing with this.”

  Adam smiled behind his own mask. “You are right. I have already thought of a method to resolve this issue, but I would like everyone to tell me what you think of this idea before we do anything.”

  The women shifted in their seats as they waited for Adam to compose himself. He closed his eyes and briefly thought over his idea before speaking, double and triple-checking his idea from every angle. Adam couldn’t find any flaws in his plan, but no plan ever survived first contact with the enemy. Who knew what would happen once they put it into action.

  “I was thinking of talking to Solum’s Mayor, Bromley Paxton, and asking him to host a tournament for players… with this [Guild Creation Token] as the prize,” Adam said.

  “Ah?!” Aris and Susan exclaimed at the same time.

  “I see.” Fayte narrowed her eyes. “Your idea is to have it seem like the mayor is putting this up as a prize to the winner of the tournament, and then you plan to participate and defeat everyone in the tournament as a means of showcasing your power.”

  Adam couldn’t help but be amazed by this woman’s intelligence. “That’s right. Once everyone learns that a [Guild Creation Token] is being offered as the prize for this tournament, every major guild and power will sign up for it. This will not only give us a great opportunity to observe all the major players, but it will also let us showcase our own powers.”

  “Our?” Susan asked, suddenly seeming to realize something. “You mean…?”

  “I won’t be the only one participating,” Adam said with a nod. “All of us will be participating. It’s important to show everyone how strong we are. If we can display our strength now by defeating every player who participates, they will understand that we aren’t a group you can simply mess with just because we lack numbers.”

  Adam’s idea was simple and direct. Have the mayor host a tournament, offer a prize that no one could resist, and then have him and the other members of his party crush every person in the competition. After they won, they could create their own guild. While Adam was sure some people would not be able to resist attacking after their guild was created, showcasing their powers like this would serve as a huge deterrent to smaller guilds who might have otherwise attacked.

  “We will still have to worry about the Pleonexia Alliance,” Fayte said after thinking things through. “We might have to worry about Daggerfall Dynasty as well. They are the two largest guilds in the American Federation right now. Both have constantly competed against the other, and many people consider their competition to be the only one that matters. If we interfere with that, it might invite trouble.”

  “This is true, but that just means we need to become powerful enough that we don’t have to worry about them,” Adam announced.

  Fayte went silent. She still seemed uncertain about the idea of forming the first guild, but she also knew that if she wanted to win her bet, then big risks needed to be taken. The higher the risk, the higher the reward.

  “If you are worried about being caught up in a fight with the Pleonexia Alliance and Daggerfall Dynasty, then don’t worry. I have already thought of a couple solutions to deal with them,” Adam said.

  “You have?” Fayte looked a little shocked. It hadn’t been that long since they had gotten the [Guild Creation Token], after all, but Adam had already thought of a solution to keep the two largest guilds off their backs? Anyone would be surprised.

  “I have.” Adam nodded. “It will
take a bit of work. I have to contact a few people. However, my idea should serve as an adequate deterrent—at least, in the short term.”

  Adam grew silent as he waited for Fayte to say something. He took that moment to observe the others. Titania still seemed more or less disinterested in what they were talking about, but she was at least paying attention to him. On the other hand, Susan was staring at him with wide eyes, seemingly enamored by the confidence he projected. Lilith also seemed that way. Her fervent gaze, as she looked at him, was a bit… disturbing, but he knew that was just how she was.

  “I think it’s a great idea,” Aris said at last. “We should do it.”

  “Should we?” Fayte looked amused as she crossed her arms. The gesture had the effect of pushing her breasts up and causing her robes to stretch taut. Now that he was thinking about it, those robes did not leave much to the imagination—and as he was thinking this, Fayte continued. “Are you agreeing with Adam because he’s your lover?”

  “That’s only half the reason,” Aris declared.

  “And what is the other half?”

  “Hee-hee. I just want to kick some butt and take some names.”


  No one, not even Adam, knew what to say to that.

  Once it was decided they would follow Adam’s advice, the others logged off. It was getting late. The only ones who didn’t log off just yet were Adam and Lilith.


  Lilith knelt on the floor the moment everyone vanished. Titania stared at the woman with that odd look of hers. She was most definitely trying to figure out what kind of relationship he shared with this mysterious woman.

  “Please stand up. And don’t call me that. Don’t forget we’re still not alone.”

  Adam glanced at Titania, who noticed his gaze and turned her head to stare right back at him. He had convinced the little fairy not to say anything to the others. However, she did not approve of him keeping his relationship with Lilith a secret.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Struggling to contain his exasperation and guilt, Adam said, “I want you to get in contact with Astaroth and tell him about my plans. He’ll know what to do. Can I count on you?”

  “Of course you can.” Lilith placed a hand against her chest. “You know there is nothing I would not do for you. If you ever have anything you need of me, no matter what it is, just say what you need and this servant will do it without question.”

  “I’ve noticed you only ever talk this much when we’re discussing matters concerning your loyalty to me.” Adam sighed, then waved his hand when Lilith tilted her head like she didn’t understand. “Never mind. Please do what I said. Let me know when Astaroth receives the message.”

  Lilith acknowledged his orders one last time before logging out and leaving a very awkward, very stifling silence behind.

  Adam did not want to look at Titania. The woman was drilling holes into his head with her eyes, which were sharp enough to penetrate steel.

  “So, what was that about… master?” Titania said.

  “Please don’t say anything,” Adam muttered bitterly.

  Adam did not want to explain his complicated relationship with Lilith to this woman, and to keep her from asking questions, he traveled out of the inn with Kureha in his arms and began walking to the mayor’s mansion. Titania, of course, landed right on his shoulder and began talking anyway.

  “Do the other women know that Lilith calls you ‘master’ yet? I do hope you will tell them eventually. I would also love to know just what sort of brainwashing magic you used to make her call you that.”

  “What makes you think I did anything?” Adam scowled behind his mask. “I have constantly told her that I am not her master and she has no need to call me that. It was Lilith who made the decision to call me master, and Lilith who refuses to call me anything else.”

  “Uh-huh. I’m not sure I believe that.”

  “Are you messing with me?”

  “Of course I am.”

  Adam nearly tripped when Titania admitted she was messing with him. Grumbling about the pint-sized and nosy woman, he continued on his way, spoke with the guards, and was eventually allowed to meet with Bromley Paxton.

  The mayor was in his office, sitting behind his desk and signing papers. When Adam entered with Titania and Kureha, the man smiled as if relieved, shoved his work aside, and greeted them.

  “If it isn’t Adam and his fairy and fox yokai companions. Thank you for coming. You have saved me from a mountain of paperwork—I mean, it seems like you have something important to talk about. How can I help you?”

  Adam almost paused when he heard the man speak. That statement about being saved from paperwork left him a little befuddled, but he soon got over it. NPCs in this game were just that realistic. This should not surprise him anymore.

  “I wanted to ask you for a favor,” Adam said.

  He explained what he wanted in the simplest terms possible, how he wanted Bromley Paxton to host a tournament, how he wanted the reward for winning to be the [Guild Creation Token] in his possession, and how he planned to have him and his party participate. Since he needed this man to be on board with the idea, he didn’t hold anything back.

  “So I see. That is quite the cunning idea you have.” Bromley Paxton rubbed his jaw with a thoughtful expression. “When the first guild is formed, they are given a one month period of absolute protection. During that time, no one can harm them. After it, however, they become an open target. You wish to display your strength to act as a deterrent in case someone decides to destroy your guild once that one month is up.”

  “That is correct,” Adam said.

  “And you are sure you can win?” asked the mayor.

  “Winning will not be a problem.”


  Adam did not interrupt the man as he thought and instead looked at Titania. She saw his gaze and shook her head, placed a hand on her lips, and gestured for him to look at Bromley Paxton again. This exchange did not go unnoticed by the mayor.

  “I can certainly do this for you. However, because of how much paperwork—I mean, because of how difficult it will be to host a tournament right now, I cannot do it for free. Would you be willing to accept a request from me in exchange?” he asked.

  Furrowing his brow, Adam did not accept or deny the man right away. “I suppose that would depend. What is the request?”

  “This one is not something you have to do right away, nor would I expect you to, but it is something I hope you will do for me at some point in the future.” The man coughed into his hand. “As you know, the Fairy Clan disappeared a long time ago. Nobody knows what happened to them or where they are. Now that a fairy has reappeared before me, I have become hopeful that it means the Fairy Clan has not gone extinct from this world. I would like you to discover what happened to the Fairy Clan for me.”


  [You have been offered a new quest: [Discover What Became of the Fairy Clan]! Will you accept? Yes or no?]

  Adam glanced at Titania, whose face had turned into a grimace. She didn’t seem to like the idea of accepting this quest. He didn’t know why since he hadn’t asked about her departure from the Fairy Clan. However, regardless of whether this woman wanted him to accept it or not, they really did not have much of a choice.

  “A quest like this might take a while, but I will definitely be sure to fulfill your expectations,” Adam said and pressed the “yes” button.

  “Good.” The mayor smiled. “I knew I could count on you.”


  [You have accepted the quest: [Discover What Became of the Fairy Clan]! This is a long-term quest. Because it is not something you can complete right away, you may also take other quests while fulfilling this one.]

  After accepting the quest, Adam and Titania left the mayor’s mansion and began traveling back to the inn. Since he was planning to log off, he wanted Titania and Kureha to be somewhere they could relax in peace and private.

sp; “Did you not get along with the other members of your clan?” Adam asked as they walked through the street.

  “What makes you say that?” asked Titania, face carefully void of emotion.

  “Just a hunch.” Adam paused, then spoke in a softer voice. “You know… I will probably find out eventually anyway. Don’t you think it would be better to tell me about this now before my opinion can be influenced by outside factors?”

  Titania sighed and ran a hand through her hair, pushing her bangs up. “I suppose you bring up a good point. Very well. I will tell you about it. Just… let’s wait until after we arrive back to the inn.”

  Adam accepted this and sped up. He moved around a group of players who had formed a party, passed several children running in the opposite direction swinging around toy sticks, and soon entered the inn. He went up to their room, locked the door, and sat down on the bed. Kureha hopped off and Titania fluttered down to sit on the mattress with her legs crossed.

  A moment of silence passed between them. Titania’s face was a cross between a grimace and resigned.

  “You have probably realized a bit already, but three thousand years ago was a time of great strife. The humans and beastmen declared war on each other, monsters were pouring out from the Forgotten Continent, and races like the Fairy Clan and the dwarves were caught in the middle of these vicious battles. Because of these factors, the Fairy Clan decided to seal themselves off, isolating themselves from the outside world… and I did not agree with their decision.”

  Adam still did not say anything, waiting for Titania to speak up. She looked at her own hands as if she was pondering something, sighed, and placed her hands behind her. This unconscious act resulted in her chest being thrust out. Adam was admittedly impressed that her breasts could bounce like that, but that was probably because Titania, unlike the other women in his party, did not wear a bra.

  “I thought sealing ourselves away was cowardly. I got into a huge argument with the elder council over it and left,” Titania finished. “I don’t know what happened to them after I left. I assume they created a barrier powerful enough to hide themselves away from the entire world. If the Fairy Clan still exists, they are likely hiding somewhere nobody can find them.”


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