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Waiting For Rachel: A Christian Romance (Those Karlsson Boys)

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by Jordan, Kimberly Rae

All the men she’d loved in her life had let her down in a big way when she’d needed them most, even the ones who had claimed to be Christian. And Damian had already dumped one long-time girlfriend. What guarantee did Rachel have he wouldn’t do that to her once he learned the secrets she held close?

  Chapter Four

  As Damian led the congregation in the singing of “Silent Night”, his gaze searched for Rachel. Thankfully he knew the carol by heart because his mind wasn’t on the words. He finally spotted her seated in a pew near the back. As their gazes met, Damian’s heart lifted, and he gave her a quick smile. He was thrilled when she smiled back, also briefly, but it was encouraging. At least she hadn’t scowled at him.

  Content to know Rachel was there, Damian turned his attention back to the service. He planned to talk with her after his responsibility for the morning service had ended, as long as she didn’t attempt to make a quick escape.

  As Reverend Anderson’s preached, Damian tried to keep his thoughts on what the man was saying. Unfortunately, the image of Rachel’s face kept creeping into his mind. He thought of how she’d looked the night before as she stood out in the lightly falling snow, her face illuminated by the street light overhead. And how satiny soft her cheek had felt beneath his fingertips. He’d also enjoyed her witty exchange with Annie, glad to see Rachel could hold her own.

  Oh God, when will this waiting end? Damian’s hands clenched his Bible. An intensity had grown within his heart these past few months, a restlessness he couldn’t ignore. He was confident God had placed these feelings in his heart, but Damian wondered why Rachel hadn’t experienced them as well. Surely she could see they were meant to be together. People might think he was nuts to be so certain, but he couldn’t deny the feelings in his heart and how sure he was that it was God’s will for them to be together.

  After Damian had finished his duties in the morning service, he made his way toward the back of the sanctuary. Church members stood in clusters, talking, and he had to weave his way among them, stopping periodically to shake a hand.

  As he neared the middle of the sanctuary, Damian spotted Rachel headed out the doors leading to the foyer, Serena by her side. He found it interesting that after several years of knowing each other, Rachel and Serena finally seemed to be taking their friendship to a deeper level. He was glad to see it as he was sure that Rachel needed a good friend these days.

  He followed them to the foyer, watching as Serena veered off towards the offices.

  “Rachel,” Damian said as he came up behind her.

  She turned, and Damian’s heart sank a little as he saw the brief flash of apprehension in her eyes before she smiled. It was almost as if she didn’t trust him, but as far as Damian knew he’d never given her reason to feel that way. Or maybe she was expecting him to pounce. After all, he had stepped up his pursuit of her.

  “Hi Damian,” Rachel pulled her coat off a hanger. “Good singing this morning.”

  “One of the perks of the job.” Damian took the coat from her. “Here, let me help you.”

  He held out the soft wool coat so she could slip her arms into the sleeves then lifted it onto her shoulders. When Rachel turned back around, she had already begun to button it.

  “Are you in charge of the carol singing service tonight?”

  Damian nodded. “I seem to have taken on most the music responsibilities in the church, along with the youth ministry. Guess Reverend Anderson means to keep me so busy I don’t get into any trouble.”

  “You? Into trouble?” Rachel’s mouth curved into a half smile. “I can’t imagine.”

  “I’m not a troublemaker, just ask my mom. I’m the oldest, the reliable one.” Damian grinned. “So you’re coming tonight?”

  “I plan to. I need to start attending some Christmas events. I’ve been so focused on the store, the season is getting lost on me.”

  “Well, the program tonight should help get you in the mood.”

  Nodding, Rachel slipped the strap of her purse over her shoulder.

  “Ready to go, Rache?” Serena appeared behind Rachel, also wearing her coat.

  Rachel turned slightly and stepped back, allowing Serena to join them. “Yep.”

  “Going out to eat?” Damian asked.

  Serena nodded. “We’re going to the buffet. I know we shouldn’t after last night, but we promised each other not to make it a regular event. Did you want to join us?”

  “Only if I can bring my folks and Jace. I told them I’d take care of dinner today.”

  “Hey, the more the merrier,” Serena said with a smile.

  Rachel laid her hand on Serena’s sleeve. “I’ll be right back.”

  Damian watched Rachel move through the crowd and soon spotted her target. She reached out and touched the shoulder of the slender girl walking alone toward the exit of the church. When the girl turned towards Rachel, a smile transformed her thin face, and Damian recognized her as a clerk from Rachel’s store.

  Within a few minutes Rachel was back, young woman in tow.

  “Serena. Damian. I’d like you to meet Mari. She recently started working for me.”

  Mari pulled her hand out of her mitt and held it out, first to Serena then to Damian.

  “I’ve met you at the store, right?” Damian said as he took her hand and gave it a firm shake.

  Mari nodded. “I was working when you came in last week.”

  “Is this your first time to our church?”

  Again she nodded. “I’m new in town, so I’ve been looking for a church. I really enjoyed the service.”

  Rachel looked at Mari, dismay on her face. “I’m so sorry I didn’t think to invite you. I just assumed you had a church already.”

  “I’ve tried a few churches, but they’ve been a bit different from what I’m used to.”

  “Well, I hope you find what you need in our church and keep coming,” Damian said, then grinned. “I have to do my job recruiting people to attend.”

  “Consider me recruited,” Mari said, smiling in return and igniting a spark of recognition in Damian…one he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

  Rachel looked at Serena. “I invited Mari to join us for lunch, too.”

  “That’s great. Like I already said, the more the merrier.”

  “Hey, Damian.” Damian turned to see his younger brother Jace standing behind him. “Can I ride with you?”

  Damian nodded then gestured to Mari. “Mari works in Rachel’s store. This is her first time to our church.” Damian didn’t miss the flash of interest on Jace’s face when he smiled at the young woman. “This is my brother Jace. He’s involved with the youth, so if you’re interested he could tell you about it over lunch.”

  Jace held out his hand and shook Mari’s. “Nice to meet you.” He turned back to Damian. “We’re going out to eat?”

  Damian nodded. “These nice ladies have been generous enough to include us in their lunch plans.”

  “Sounds good,” Jace said, glancing again at Mari.

  “We’ll meet you at the restaurant, okay?” Damian said. “Which one are you going to?”

  Rachel gave him directions then left the church with Serena and Mari. Damian went in search of his folks, not wanting to delay getting to the restaurant any longer than necessary. He just hoped his mother didn’t drop any subtle, or not-so-subtle, hints about him and Rachel. That would probably scare her off but good.


  Rachel surveyed the long line of people just inside the door of the restaurant, wondering if their idea had been such a good one. It would take forever to get a table.

  “The line should move quickly,” Serena said, as if reading Rachel’s mind. “I see a few empty tables.”

  “I guess we’re in no rush.” Rachel looked at Mari. “Are you okay with waiting?”

  “Sure, no problem. All I was planning to do this afternoon was read, and I can do that any time.” The line moved forward a couple of steps.

  “What are you reading?” Rachel asked.
Her passion for books had led her to open the bookstore, and she always enjoyed talking books with other avid readers.

  Mari mentioned the name of a well-known Christian author. “I love her work. This latest one has a great suspense plot as well as the romance I enjoy so much. I’m halfway through and still haven’t guessed who the bad guy is. I would have finished reading it last night, but it was late, and I didn’t want to miss church this morning.”

  Rachel smiled. “I read that one already, and it really is great. I won’t spoil the ending, but will tell you that there are quite a few twists and turns in the last half of the book.”

  “I can hardly wait. Maybe I do have something I need to get home for,” Mari said, a grin playing around the edges of her lips.

  “Too late. You’re stuck with us now.” Rachel laughed, appreciating the young woman’s sense of humor.

  Mari’s eyes got a faraway, dreamy look in them. “I’d love to be a writer someday.”

  “Really?” Rachel looked at Mari, so young, with her whole future ahead of her. “So why don’t you go for it?”

  Mari’s gaze focused on her. “Do you think I should?”

  “Well, of course. If this is a dream you have, you must at least try to follow it. If you don’t, you’ll always have regrets and wonder about the road not taken.” Rachel knew all about roads not taken and wondered about giving the advice to someone when she herself hadn’t followed it. And didn’t intend to. The only dream she’d really pursued had been her bookstore.

  “I’ve got so many ideas running round in my head, characters telling me their stories,” Mari explained, her eyes bright with excitement. Then she looked sheepish. “Okay, that must sound really weird.”

  “Not at all. It sounds like you have some work to do. Get those ideas down on paper. You have to start somewhere,” Rachel advised. “Just don’t quit your day job.”

  Mari laughed, a soft, sweet laugh. “No, I won’t be quitting my day job any time soon. Unless my boss fires me.”

  “Not gonna happen,” Rachel assured her.

  “Hey, you two, here come the Karlssons.” Serena pointed to the entrance.

  Rachel watched Damian walk in with his parents and Jace. Damian’s parents, Mike and Sharon, were almost the same height, with Mike having only an inch or so on his wife. Damian and Jace, however, both towered over their parents. Jace still bore the look of youth since he was only in his early twenties, twelve years younger than Damian. His hair, the same blond as Damian’s, was clipped close to his head in a brush cut, and he sported a small stud in his left ear. Rachel wondered what his folks thought about it. She well remembered the furor over her brother’s desire to get his ear pierced.

  “Hi, Serena.” Sharon reached them first and gave Serena a hug. “And Rachel, it’s so good to see you.”

  Rachel stepped into Sharon’s motherly embrace, feeling her mom’s absence acutely. “It’s good to see you again too, Mrs. Karlsson.”

  “And who is this young lady?”

  “This is Mari Hewitt. She’s a new clerk in my store.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, Mari. I’m Sharon Karlsson, Damian’s mom.”

  The men joined them and introductions were made all around. Jace’s interest in Mari wasn’t lost on Rachel. They were close in age, so it wasn’t a big surprise that they gravitated towards each other.

  As Serena had promised, it didn’t take long for the line to move forward, and soon they were at the cashier’s to pay for their meal. Before anyone could stop him, Damian had stepped up and paid for the whole lot of them.

  “Damian, you shouldn’t have done that,” Rachel admonished him quietly. “We were prepared to pay for our own meals.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Damian said. “I enjoy doing this for you, all of you.” He leaned down. “And it’s not like I have a girlfriend to spend my money on.”

  Warmth flooded Rachel’s cheeks, and she stepped back. “None of that today, Damian. Let’s just enjoy our meal.”

  Damian smiled. “I plan to.”

  They had to wait for a table to be prepared for them since they were a large group, but it wasn’t long till they were seated.

  “Shall we say the blessing before anyone goes to get their food, so we can start eating as soon as we get back?” Damian asked.

  “Sounds good,” Serena said with a nod. “Why don’t you go ahead and say it, Damian.”

  They all bowed their heads as Damian prayed. “Father, thank you for bringing us together today. Help our fellowship to be uplifting to one another and glorifying to You. Bless this food we are about to partake of and bless the hands that prepared it. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

  Rachel echoed Damian’s amen, as did the others around the table then opened her eyes. They all rose, heading for the buffet. Rachel hoped she could control herself, but her eyes were always bigger than her stomach when it came to places like this.

  Back at the table ten minutes later it was apparent she wasn’t the only one with that problem. As the table occupants returned from the buffet, they exchanged sheepish looks as they slid plates heaped with food onto the table.

  Somehow Rachel ended up seated next to Damian. He sat at the end of the table, and she was to his left. When they’d gotten up to go to the food, Serena had been the one sitting next to him, but now she sat where Rachel had originally been, leaving the seat next to Damian vacant.

  “I don’t appreciate the maneuvering,” Rachel whispered as she leaned towards Serena.

  Serena turned to her, an innocent look on her face. “Maneuvering?”

  “This is your seat. You’re in mine.”

  “Really?” Serena couldn’t have looked more surprised if she tried, which of course, she had. “Do you want to trade?”

  Rachel shook her head. “Now that would look ridiculous, wouldn’t it?”

  “Just trying to help,” Serena said with a shrug and a sly smile.

  As the meal progressed, Rachel watched the interaction between mother and son with interest. The relationship between her mother and brother had been strained, and it had only gotten worse when Matthew left with their father.

  Sharon and Damian seemed to have such a good relationship. Damian had held his mother’s chair when she came back with her food. He’d gotten her a drink when she realized she’d forgotten one, and he teased her about being forgetful.

  Sharon winked at Rachel. “Just wait ‘til you have kids of your own. Never a moment’s peace from that point on.”

  Rachel clenched a fist against her stomach as pain shot through her. Having kids of her own was one thing she didn’t want to think about. That would turn her thoughts toward a future with Damian, the one she’d never have.

  “Oh Mom, you’re all talk. We’re the ones that keep you young. You don’t have a gray hair on your head,” Damian pointed out.

  “That’s thanks to Miss Clairol, not you three,” Sharon informed them without embarrassment. “She and I have been best friends for years. From about the time Alexander decided to make an appearance.”

  “Well, you could have just left him in that basket on the front porch,” Damian said.

  “Damian,” Sharon chided. “You know I don’t like it when you refer to how we got you boys like that.”

  “How you got the boys?” Rachel asked before she could stop herself.

  “We’re adopted,” Damian told her.

  Hope she hadn’t even realized existed within her heart suddenly took hold. “All three of you?”

  “Yes, we weren’t able to have kids.” Sharon glanced at her sons, a big smile on her face. “And most of the time we’re glad we got these two and Alexander.”

  “I didn’t realize you weren’t biologically related.” Rachel wanted to jump for joy at the news, but she managed to control herself.

  “At least Jace and I look like Mom and Dad,” Damian said. “Poor Alexander with that black hair of his sticks out like a sore thumb.”

  “Stop picking on your brother,”
Sharon admonished Damian good-naturedly. “Especially when he’s not here to defend himself.”

  “I didn’t mean to pry,” Rachel said, hoping she hadn’t prodded where she shouldn’t have.

  Sharon her head with a smile. “It’s not prying. We’ve never kept it a secret. The boys had a right to know, and we told them when they were quite young.”

  Rachel stared down at her plate, suddenly wondering if things could work out between her and Damian. If he was adopted himself, perhaps he wouldn’t be opposed to adopting a child. If only she could bring it up without making him suspicious. Maybe her fears had all been unfounded. Rachel was suddenly eager to find out.

  “Anyone want seconds?” Damian asked as he stood.

  Rachel shook her head. “Still trying to wade through this plateful.” Between Sharon’s comment earlier on having kids, and finding out about Damian being adopted, Rachel’s appetite had fled.

  It wasn’t long, however, before Damian, Jace and Mike returned with plates once again piled high.

  Rachel eyed Damian’s speculatively. “Do you really think you can eat all that?”

  Damian’s leg brushed hers as he sat back down. Rachel didn’t pull away but lingered briefly.

  “Of course I can,” Damian responded with mock indignation. “I’m a man after all.”

  “A single man,” Sharon interjected.

  Rachel’s heartbeat escalated. She had no idea how much Sharon knew about her relationship with Damian.

  “Yeah, Mom, I’m still single. Guess you’d better pray a little harder.” Damian lifted his fork and began to eat.

  Sharon gave Rachel a questioning look. No doubt wanting to know why she didn’t jump at the chance to be with Damian. Rachel wished she could give her an answer, but right then she was too confused to understand it herself, let alone explain it to anyone else. The news about Damian’s adoption had changed everything in her mind, and now she had a bunch of questions for him. If only she could get him alone.

  Chapter Five

  Damian cut his meat with more force than necessary, wishing his mother would keep quiet. On the way to the restaurant he’d asked her not to say anything that might make Rachel uncomfortable, but Mom, being Mom, hadn’t listened to him. He hoped Sharon’s comments didn’t make Rachel more skittish than she already was.


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