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Bell, Book, and Sandals

Page 25

by Melissa L. Webb

  I felt the knot of worry melt away completely. He didn’t leave me. He enjoyed last night as much as I did. Everything was absolutely fine. No, it was more than fine. It was wonderful. Ryan wanted to be with me.

  Finishing my coffee, I wondered what to do with myself today. I had the day off and who knew how long Zand would keep Ryan busy. I didn’t really want to hang out in the suite all day, especially with no clothes.

  Frowning, I realized I needed to go home. I could shower, take a nap, and then be dressed and ready by the time Ryan called. It sounded like a plan. A great plan considering how exhausted I was. There was only one flaw with the idea; I would have to do the walk of shame in no makeup and last night’s clothes.

  That wasn’t something I was used to. I’m not that type of girl. But, here I was, alone at a hotel, needing to catch a cab home. But I guess some things you just had to do for love. Oh, well. They say you should be open to trying new things.

  I put my dress back on, trying to fix myself as best as I could. Considering all I had in my handbag was a travel brush and a tube of passion pink lip gloss, I doubted I succeeded. Slipping my wedges on, I headed for the door, praying I could make it home without running into anyone I knew.

  But, alas, good fortune wasn’t mine that morning.

  “Maxie,” I heard a voice call as soon as I stepped into the lobby. Van was standing behind the counter, Danny nearby. She had a concerned look on her face as she waved me over.

  Well, that was just peachy. Why did Ryan have to bring me back to the place my roommate ran? Putting on a smile, I headed towards them, thinking I would make a bigger scene if I tried to run for it.

  As I neared, Van’s look of concern turned into a frown. She glanced over at Danny, who seemed to return her worry.

  “Good morning,” I said, trying to sound like this whole situation didn’t bother me.

  She gave me the once over, then leaned on the counter towards me. “You look like death warmed over, Max,” she said quietly.

  I folded my arms over my chest as I glared at her. “Thanks,” I said. “It’s good to see you, too.” At least she had said it quietly. It was one small thing to be grateful for.

  “You know what I mean.”

  I nodded, but didn’t answer. She wasn’t wrong. I had looked in the mirror before I left.

  “Ryan did this, didn’t he?”

  I looked at her, incredulously. Like what I did in my private time was any of her business. “If you are inferring that I didn’t get any sleep last night thanks to him, then you are correct.”

  The anger in her eyes softened as she took in my weary face. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I had a great evening. But I’d rather be at home right now taking a shower than here, talking about my love life,” I snapped. I turned on my heel, heading for the door.

  “Maxie, wait,” she said, coming out from behind the check-in desk.

  I stopped and waited for her. “What?”

  “You’re in no shape to catch a cab. Let Danny give you a ride home.”

  I glanced over at him, standing silently behind Van and wondered what he thought of me. After all, he was Jensen’s best friend. “It’s okay,” I said quickly, trying to avoid any more judgment from these people. “I’ll be fine.”

  “It’s no trouble. Really,” Danny said, stepping closer. “I need to head out anyway. I’ll be going right past the Cove on my way.”

  I looked from him to Van and wondered why they were being so nice to me.

  “Please,” Van said. “Let him take you. It would make me feel better.”

  I nodded with a sigh. There was no way I was getting out of here on my own and the sooner I accepted that, the sooner I could be in a hot shower. “Okay. Let’s go.”

  Danny said his goodbyes to Van and, after she promised to call later to check up on me, he ushered me through the doors and out to his jeep. Before I knew it, I was seat belted in and we were on our way. I silently wondered why I had complied so easily. I figured it was because I didn’t have the strength to protest anymore. Last night had really taken it out of me.

  I decided this would be the last time I would be at the mercy of someone chauffeuring me around. It was time to buy a car.

  Danny was quiet next to me. His eyes locked firmly to the traffic around us.

  I decided I had made enough people mad at me lately. I could at least try to be nice to him, especially since he was doing me a favor. “Thank you,” I said and meant it.

  He glanced over at me. “You’re welcome.” He was quiet another moment and then looked back over at me. “I know it’s none of my business. I’m not invested in you like the others are, but I do want us to be friends.”

  I stayed silent, waiting for him to go on. He didn’t disappoint.

  “I don’t think you should be seeing Ryan.”

  Not him too. “Why?”

  He shook his head and looked away. “I can’t tell you.”


  “Van made me swear not to say anything. She thinks this is all something you need to figure out on your own. Only then will it make sense to you.” He sighed. “Like any one of us were ready to know,” he muttered to himself.

  My eyes drifted to Enchantment Cove as we pulled up into the parking lot. What was Danny trying to say? He was obviously mad because I had blown off his best friend, but why was he talking in riddles? Everyone was, when it came to Ryan. And I didn’t like it.

  I looked over at him as we pulled to a stop, anger flashing in my eyes. What right did any of these people have to tell me who I could or couldn’t see? “This is about Jensen, isn’t it?”

  “No,” Danny said, shaking his head. “This is about you. Ryan is not what you need. He needs to stay with his own kind.”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that?” I fumed. “What is it supposed to mean?” I got out of the car and turned to face him. No one got to tell me what I needed. Especially someone who looked down on people who came from money. “Just for the record, Ryan and I are more alike then I’ll ever be to you guys. Maybe it’s time I stay with my own kind,” I said, slamming the door. Turning, I stormed across the parking lot, determined not to let anyone see the tears I knew were coming.

  I heard gravel crunch behind me and knew Danny’s jeep was following close behind. He wasn’t going to let this go. He pulled up next to me and rolled down his window. “That’s not what I meant, Max. Ryan’s dangerous. You’d live a lot longer if you stay away from him,” he said, driving off before I could respond.

  I stood there in shock, watching the jeep fade into the distance. Was he insane? Ryan Everheart? Dangerous? That couldn’t be right. Not the sweet guy I had gotten to know. Danny must have resorted to scare tactics. But it wouldn’t work. The only thing I had to fear from Ryan was a broken heart. Okay, that would be bad, but not particularly dangerous. Why was everyone so against me being with him?

  I entered the apartment building. What was wrong with the people here? Why did they feel the need to stand in the way of my happiness? It wasn’t like I wanted to marry Ryan tomorrow. I just wanted a chance to get to know him better, to see where destiny was leading us.

  And the notion he was dangerous, that was just ridiculous, wasn’t it? I hadn’t seen anything to convince me otherwise. But then again, I had only known him for a few days. Was that really enough time to get to know someone? Everyone had their secrets. Ryan wasn’t an exception to that. So what was it that everyone seemed to know but me? And how would it affect my future?



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