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Bell, Book, and Sandals

Page 31

by Melissa L. Webb

  I sat in Van’s office, dripping water on the carpet. I couldn’t control the flood of tears escaping my eyes. I, Maxie Duncan, misunderstood rich girl from Maine, was now a killer. How had this happened? Where had I gone wrong? Next thing you know, I’d be robbing banks and kidnapping babies.

  Was this what being a witch was about? If it was, I wanted nothing to do with it anymore. I wanted to go back to my normal life. One where all I had to worry about was when the next sale was or who I was going to marry. I wasn’t cut out for this kind of life. I didn’t want to be a killer.

  “Maxie, calm down. It’s over,” Van said as she finished bandaging my shoulder.

  “I killed people, Van. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

  She took a deep breath and stood up. “Relax. They weren’t people. From the sound of it, they were Candilejas. Ancient spectral entities. I’m surprised they would come after you. They’re vicious, but usually they only attack if provoked.”

  I looked up at her, wiping at the tears. I couldn’t believe we were even having this conversation. “I didn’t do anything to them. I didn’t even know they existed.”

  “I don’t know,” she said, heading for the door. “You should talk to Jensen. He knows a lot more about this stuff than I do. He could put Giles to shame with the knowledge he has.” She chuckled as she looked at me. Great. Just what I needed. Some pop culture reference that wasn’t even current.

  She saw the roll of my eyes and continued quickly, “You should have him look at that shoulder, too. It’s pretty bad. He could help the healing process. Speed it up.” She opened the door. “I’ll get you some towels and some hot tea,” she said, slipping out.

  I glanced over at my shoulder, moving it slightly. Van had gotten it to stop bleeding, but it still hurt. A lot. Maybe I should have Jensen look at it. He healed my head on the spot. Maybe he could also tell me why these things were attacking me. I needed someone to explain that to me. The attack in the elevator might have been random, but this, this was planned. What had I done to cause it? Why was I suddenly wearing a bull’s-eye on my back? I honestly needed answers. I couldn’t stop them until I knew what was going on.

  I felt a vibration at my right hip and reached in the pocket of my slacks, pulling out my phone. I was surprised it still worked given how soaked I was. I glanced at the caller ID. Ryan! My knight-in-shining-armor come to rescue me from my new life of weirdness.

  Well, one could dream, couldn’t she?

  Wiping as much water as I could from the side of my face, I answered my phone. It was a good thing he couldn’t see me right now. I’d be mortified. The drowned rat look never inspired romance.

  “Hi,” I said quickly, almost too breathlessly for my own taste. Nothing like telling a guy how vulnerable you are.

  “God, how I missed the sound of your voice,” Ryan said, his voice making me tremble inside. I think I was luckier in that department. I could listen to him read the phone book all day and still beg for more.

  “I missed you,” I told him, trying hard to keep the misery out of my voice. It didn’t work.

  “What’s wrong, Maxie?”


  “Don’t give me that,” he said, seriousness backing his words. “Did something happen while I was gone?”

  Yes. I wanted to scream it. I wanted to tell him everything. I needed him to tell me everything would be alright. But I couldn’t. This new world of mine was a horrible, dangerous place. I couldn’t involve him in that. I just couldn’t.

  “No,” I lied. “Everything’s fine. It’s just been a long week. Work’s been busy. And I’ve been missing you like crazy.”

  “Well,” he said, a grin creeping into his voice. “You don’t have to miss me any longer. I’m back at the hotel. Come see me.”

  Now that sounded like pure paradise. I looked down at my clothes and felt the joy drain from me. I couldn’t go see him like this, soaked, wet, and bloody, he’d have a heart attack on the spot. I wouldn’t be able to keep the truth from him after that. I’d be lucky if he’d ever let me out of his sight again. Then again,…that could be a good thing.

  Reason won out and I sighed. “I have a few errands I need to get done today,” I heard myself say. Who said I couldn’t act? I almost believed it myself. “Can I come see you this evening?”

  “Sure,” he said, sounding more than a little disappointed. “I’ll be here when you’re ready.”

  “Thanks, Ryan. I won’t be too long. I promise.”

  “Good. The sooner I have you in my arms, the happier I’ll be.”

  Twenty Six


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