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Bell, Book, and Sandals

Page 39

by Melissa L. Webb

  I hurried across the city, my convertible going as fast as traffic would allow. The last thing I wanted was for something to attack while I was behind the wheel. I didn’t know how well someone could sling magic while steering, and I didn’t want to find out.

  I pulled into the parking lot of my favorite coffee shop. So far, so good. Mocha-deliciousness here I come. The line was short and before I knew it, I had my latte. Now if I could only survive the trip back home, everything would be perfect.

  I hurried back out to the car. I didn’t want to tempt fate any more than I already had. Digging through my purse, I looked for my keys. Why is it they never stay on the top where you put them?

  “Hello, Maxie,” a voice greeted me. I glanced up. Standing on the other side of my car was a young guy. He smiled at me, his handsome face lighting up as he did.

  “Hello,” I said, not wanting to be rude. I had no idea who this guy was, but his casual manner and boyish good looks helped set me at ease. I was used to being hit on. This was a return to the normal for me.

  Wait a minute. That wasn’t right. Fear suddenly washed through me. He knew my name. This wasn’t some random come-on.

  His startling green eyes shifted, sensing something had changed in my stance. He stepped a little closer to my car. “Someone wants to have a word with you.” He smiled again, his perfect white teeth reminding me of someone else.

  This guy looked too perfect to be human. I could only guess what he truly was, but vampire was at the top of my list. I tapped the energy inside of me. I thought about turning him into a frog, but decided that was too good for this slimy lackey sent to do someone else’s dirty work.

  His smile deepened as he felt the energy crackle around me. “Oh, the attack’s not coming from me,” he said, amusement making his green eyes dance.

  Realization dawned on me. Smug-boy had only been a distraction…and I fell for it. I turned, but it was too late. Something very heavy collided with the side of my head. I saw fireworks that rivaled the best shows in the world as the cement reached up to greet me. I laid there, fading into the darkness around me and groaned. If I lived through this, Van was so going to kill me.

  Thirty Three


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