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Surrender Among the Stars (Alien BDSM Science Fiction Romance)

Page 3

by Macy Babineaux

  “If you want to find out what it feels like to be me right now,” she said. “Let’s switch places.”

  He laughed at that. “At least you have spirit in the face of adversity,” he said. “But I’ll soon purge you of that.”

  She felt his bare hand smack her right ass cheek, hard, but not has hard as she would have thought him capable, given his size and strength. The sound echoed in the small chamber. It hurt, but the humiliation of being completely at his mercy was worse. Besides, she could take physical pain. That hadn’t been part of training, but she had always been tough.

  He smacked her other cheek, and she felt the stinging imprint of his hand a couple of seconds after the blow, the heat rising on her flesh.

  “I must admit,” Drokoma said, “I am pleased that you decided to make this offer. Our other ships were able to stay behind and capture any humans they wished. But we had to make a hasty pursuit of your ship. This is my first experience with a human up close.”

  He smacked her ass again, harder this time.

  “I am enjoying this already,” he said. “Are you?”

  I’d enjoy killing you, she thought, wondering if he might let his guard down at some point, giving her an opportunity. There was no way she was going to overpower him. But if she could get the bracelet away from him somehow, or get to his kilt, she might have a chance.

  In the meantime, she was beginning to feel slightly confused. Her sexual encounter with Dack in the maintenance shaft had only been yesterday, but it seemed like a thousand years ago now. As she stood in the alien chamber, prone, her hands and neck bound in their strange technology, her ass high in the air, she remembered wanting to feel this way with Dack.

  She had grown weary with the mantle of leadership, the constant stress of caring for the safety of her crew, the remnants of humanity itself. She had just want to let go, to lose all control and power, to feel helpless for once.

  And now she was getting what she had wished for, though she would never have thought it would have been under these circumstances. She closed her eyes, hating herself a little because part of her was beginning to enjoy what was happening.

  “Again,” she said to him.

  “What?” he said, surprise in his voice.

  “Smack me again,” she said. “Feels good.”

  She heard him take a deep breath, almost a snort of exasperation. He hadn’t expected that. It was supposed to feel good.

  He walked from behind her, back to his kilt where it lay on the floor near the door. He unhooked some kind of implement from it, a silver cylinder, and as she craned her neck up to watch, three bright yellow strips of light slid out of the tip of the device like luminescent ribbons reaching to the floor.

  Drokoma walked behind her again, cracking the ribbons in the air with an electric snap.

  Ooh, a whip, Cora thought.

  “Let’s see if this feels good,” he said. She heard a crackling sound, like intense static electricity, and heard the ribbons slicing through the air.

  Then the alien whip struck both her ass cheeks, the pain instant and intense, causing her to jump up on the balls of her feet. She squeezed her eyes shut and hissed through clenched teeth. Yes, that hurt much more than his hand had, but in another way, it still felt good.

  “Yes!” she cried out. The afterglow of the blow stung, now in three distinct stripes across her ass. But she was relishing the pain, drinking it in. “Do it again!”

  She couldn’t see him, but she felt the hesitation. This wasn’t the script. This wasn’t how his play time was supposed to go.

  She heard the crackle and the whoosh, then the whip fell harder this time, biting into her. She jumped again, letting out a squeal. But even in her own ears the cry was a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  “I didn’t realize how much I wanted this,” she said. “Whip me more. Punish me, you big blue son of a bitch.”

  And he did, criss-crossing her ass and thighs with a series of strokes that made her lose count. She felt her eyes sting as tears filled them, but at the same time she felt her pussy getting wet, wetter than she could ever remember. Maybe he saw her own juices running down her inner thigh, or could sense somehow that she was actually enjoying this, because he stepped back in front of her again. He tossed the whip aside.

  “Impossible,” he said. “You are truly a strange specimen.”

  She blinked away tears and saw that his cock was a little stiff, but certainly not fully erect. Maybe he needed for her to cry and beg to get hard all the way.

  “You want me to suck that for you?” she asked, nodding at his dark blue meat.

  He looked down at himself, and he stiffened a bit more. “I don’t under—”

  “Just come a little closer,” she said. “I’ll do the rest.”

  He hesitated. This hadn’t been in the plan, either. She couldn’t see his face from this angle, but his body language indicated he was unsure of what to do. But eventually he stepped forward, putting his rising cock near her face.

  She smelled that strong musky cinnamon scent again and it nearly put her into a frenzy. Her pussy felt slick, her nipples almost painfully erect, pinching the skin around them as they hardened. And the pulse of pain throbbing across her ass only added to the hotness.

  Cora opened up, stuck out her tongue, and took the head of his cock into her warm, wet mouth. She looked up at him to see a dazed look in his eyes, not only from confusion, but also from arousal.

  She began to suck.

  Little crackles of static electricity filled her mouth, tingling her tongue and the insides of her cheeks.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she had sucked her cock. Was it after fleet school graduation? Things and gotten a little out of hand.

  But she found as she sucked the alien’s crackling, cinnamon-spiced length of meat that she actually missed it. Restrained by the clay, her ass pulsing with pain, with the alien’s dick filling her mouth she felt more submissive than ever, and that in turn made her more aroused than ever.

  With what little leeway she had given the clay bond around her neck, she bobbed up and down, licking and slobbering with genuine enthusiasm. Part of her felt ashamed, even mad at herself. But some animal part of her brain was swept up in pure lust.

  In the alien was enjoying it as well.

  “I had no idea you were capable of—”

  Cora pushed herself as far as she could on his cock, his head reaching the back of her throat. She relaxed as much as she could to try to take him down her throat. He couldn’t finish his thought, the words degenerating into a low groan.

  All she could think about was the alien coming in her mouth, wondering what it would taste like, what it would feel like. Did it have an electric charge like the surface of his skin?

  And then there was a part of her that thought about biting down, trying to cause the alien as much pain as possible, even killing him. But that was too risky. Even if the alien bled out on the floor, his comrades would still finish her ship. And she would probably slowly starve to death in this strange clay prison.

  So she put that thought out of her mind and focused on pleasuring the alien instead, relishing her role. She was wild with lust, but some rational parts of her brain were still working, and if she saw an opening, anything that might help her escape or help her ship, she was damn sure going to take it. In the meantime she was going to enjoy this unexpected release the best she could.

  Commander Drokoma, seemingly lost in the moment, reached down with both hands to put them on either side of her head, to cradle it as she sucked.

  “Perhaps I underestimated your species,” he whispered. “Perhaps there is more to you than the joy of hunting you down.”

  And as he spoke, something incredible happened. His bracelet, the one he used to control nearly everything on the ship, brushed against Cora’s cheek. In that moment, she felt a deeper crackle of electricity, and then she saw.

  Somehow, in that brief moment, Cora actually interfaced with the b
racelet, which in turn was interfaced with the entire ship. She not only saw the flexible clay material that made up almost seventy percent of the ship’s volume, but she felt it as well.

  Her eyes flashed open, and she stopped sucking, stunned at the revelation. The bracelet was a conduit. The person wearing it was connected to everything on the ship, and could control everything on the ship, as if the clay was a system of musculature, an artificial nervous system radiating throughout. And the bracelet was the means of controlling it all.

  But when she paused, he noticed, and the edge of the bracelet that had been touching her cheek suddenly fell away. He looked down at her, and she realized she couldn’t let him know what had just happened. So she began to suck again, this time with twice as much enthusiasm.

  He relaxed, but did not put his wrists near her cheek again. Did he know? Could he feel it as well? She didn’t think so, and her heart leapt as she realized. This was the opening she had been looking for, waiting for. She had felt the entire ship, and only had a second or two to try to grasp its organization and layout. But there were only so many ways to design a ship, and the various functional parts were grouped together. The command center was actually in the core of the ship, a sensible location allowing the ship to take more damage while leaving one of the more critical structures in place. Living quarters were actually dispersed nearer the shell of the ship, putting more of the crew at risk. That said something telling about the Kolrathi, that they felt their own people were expendable.

  But the most exciting thing was that she had felt the engineering core, even in that brief flash. And if she could somehow touch the bracelet again, hold it for just a little while, she felt like she might actually be able to do something. What that something was, she wasn’t quite sure. But she might be able to stop the ship, maybe even permanently cripple it. Something to give her own ship time to escape.

  She realized she wasn’t doing as good a job pleasing the alien. She was distracted with thoughts of sabotage and possible escape. He couldn’t know what she had found out. So she began to hum and moan as she sucked, the saliva building up in her mouth, streaming down her chin.

  “Yes,” he said. “That is good.”

  But then he surprised her by pulling himself out of her mouth. Oh no, she thought. Had he realized what had happened with the bracelet?

  He moved swiftly behind her again, leaving her to stare at the starry walls, a trail of saliva dripping from her mouth, the spicy aftertaste of his cock in her mouth.

  Then she felt him positioned himself behind her, his thick, muscular thighs settling behind hers. She felt him reach down and grab his own cock, then guide it into her hungry, wet pussy.

  “Oh,” she heard herself gasp. She couldn’t help it. “Oh God.”

  He let out a little chuckle as he pushed himself deep inside her. “Yes, slave,” he said. “I am your new God now.”

  That electric crackle filled her, heightened by her wetness. It was like being fucked by a warm, meaty electrode, sending sparkling, tingling sensations throughout her pussy, down her thighs, and up into her belly.

  He reached out and put his hands around her waist, and for only half a second she felt the cold sliver of the bracelet brushed against her flesh again. But it wasn’t long enough, not for her to take hold, to send out any commands. Then the hand with the bracelet lifted from her waist, and she felt another crisp smack on her ass.

  Despite herself she was enjoying this. No, that wasn’t quite right. She was loving this. Sex with Dack had been good, but what she had really needed all this time was a savage fucking. She needed to be debased, used, and taken like a whore. That was the only way she could really let go. All that, combined with the realization that there might actually be a way out of all this, that the bracelet might actually be the key…

  She clenched her eyes shut, her body tensing. The alien was fucking her, shoving his crackling cock in and out of her pussy with brutal rhythm. She was being pushed open, splayed wide, and taken without mercy.

  And then light and heat simultaneously bloomed in her pussy and behind her eyelids, filling her world with a mixture of pleasure and pain. She screamed from the back of her throat, a primal wail of ecstasy.

  And as she came, she felt the alien do the same. She hadn’t been sure how closely they had taken on human physiology. But the sexual response of his body was all too human. She felt the hot crackle of his cum spurt into her, a hot, electric bloom, closely followed by another. He kept fucking her through it all, his hips ramming into her ass as he kept up the rhythm, pumping waves of hot cum inside her, so much it began to leak out, streaming down her inner thighs, the electric charge of it tingling.

  The strangeness and shock of the alien’s hot cum exploding inside her turned her on even more, and just as she was descending from her first orgasm, trying to catch her breath, a second wave of pleasure slammed into her. She arched her neck and back, crying out again, clenching and unclenching her fists.

  The alien finally pulled out of her with a thick sloshing sound, and smacked her one last time on the ass, like an exclamation point punctuating the entire act.

  Cora felt her entire body go slack. She panted like a dog, her entire body feeling like it had just been pushed sexually beyond anything she had ever imagined.

  She saw the alien walk back to the door and pick up his kilt, fastening it back on. As he did, he began to talk.

  “I will tell you a secret about my people,” he said. “Something no other human knows.” He slid his finger across the bracelet and she felt the clay bonds slip away. She hadn’t been expecting it, and she slumped to the floor, lying curled in a puddle, softly aching but strangely satisfied.

  “We usually feed off the fear and anxiety of others,” he said. “We are what you might call sadophages. This is why we seek out sentient life, why we terrorize and then destroy them. Nothing matches the terror a life form feel just before it knows it is going to die. And worldwide panic washes over us like waves of nectar, sustaining us for long periods of time.”

  Oh God, Cora thought. What a horrifying way of existing. But so much more made sense now. Why they wouldn’t negotiate. Why they hadn’t cared if the earth’s natural resources had been destroyed. The only resource they cared about was humanity’s intense terror at the moment of extinction.

  “I entered this room intent on punishing you,” Drokoma went on. “Of eliciting as much fear and pain as I could from you, to feed upon it. But I have to say, you surprised me. I derived pleasure from punishing you. That’s true. And I never would have considered taking you anywhere close as an equal. But what I felt just now…”

  His voice trailed off. He shook his head, as if trying to clear it. Then he swiped his bracelet and the floor sank into a shallow indention in front of her, filling with water, a tiny little lake for her to drink from.

  Then Drokoma turned and left the room without another word, the clay door swirling closed behind him.

  Cora crawled toward the artificial basin, lowered her head, and drank. She was so thirsty, and the water was cool and delicious, the faint smell of ozone rising up from it as she drank.

  She considered what he had said. Had she just changed him somehow? Changed the possible relationship between their people? Could they possibly coexist? An interesting idea, but probably not feasible. After all, if what he said were true, the Kolrathi lifestyle centered around finding and destroying other intelligent races. One sexual encounter wasn’t likely to turn that all around.

  She had to prepare herself for the next opening, for a plan which would involved getting access to his command bracelet for more than just a moment or two. She had to have a detailed plan of action in place, and she needed to be ready for it.

  After drinking her fill, Cora rolled over onto her back, staring up at the star-lit ceiling of the chamber. She reached down and felt his warm cum slicking her inner thighs. She took a pinch of it between her thumb and forefinger, rubbing it together.

  Now mo
re than ever she wondered: Just how close physiologically were they?

  Dack sat in the command chair, staring at the screen, watching the Kolrathi ship close the gap between them. The lattice had lost another twenty percent of its integrity, and they were slowing down by the minute.

  “Engineering,” he said through the com.

  “Here, sir,” Kayla said back.

  “Can you do anything else to slow the power loss?”

  “I’m sorry, sir,” she said. “We’re doing everything we know how to do down here.”

  “All right,” he said. “Then there something else I need you to do. I’m coming down to engineering.”

  Cora woke up. She had no idea how much time had passed. Knowing how much time had passed was crucial, but unfortunately in this dark, starry cell that was impossible to know.

  She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She was sore all over.

  Just then the door opened, the clay dilating to let in more light. Drokoma stepped through, a smug smile on his face. The wall sealed behind him.

  “I was confused earlier,” he said. “I said things I should not have. But my thoughts are clear once again, and I wanted to show you something.”

  He touched his finger to his bracelet and one wall of the room swirled, morphing into a screen. Cora gasped as she saw the Salvation. She hadn’t expected the alien to live up to his word, but there had always been that sliver of hope. Seeing her ship abolished any hope that might have remained.

  The alien on clasped his kilt, letting it slide to the floor. He took a step towards her, his cock already nearly fully erect.

  “That’s right, little one,” he said. “Your ship’s engines are failing. Now it is obvious why you wanted to try to make a deal. But once again, the superior do not make deals with the inferior.”

  She wanted to say: Fuck you. But she couldn’t. Her only shot now, the Salvation’s only shot now, was for her to get close enough to that bracelet. So she had to keep her mouth shut, unless she was going to use it to suck him off. But Drokoma had other ideas.


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