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Irresistibly Undeniable

Page 19

by Zoey Derrick

  Satisfied, I pull my shirt over my head, then reach up between my tits and unhook my bra, pulling it off. I push my pants down and I am suddenly overcome with the fact I am naked in Dyson Cole’s bedroom. The desire I’d managed to suppress during breakfast comes back and I tremble. My nipples harden and my sex heats.

  The idea of Dyson, here, with me, naked, is almost too much to bear but a chime from the bathroom brings me out of my sex fueled fantasy and I drop my clothes in my suitcase and head into the bathroom.

  My cheeks heat when I see the text from Dyson.

  It’s killing me that you’re in my apartment and I’m stuck here. Tell me, princess, what are you doing?

  I smile wide. This is so not going to help, but I can’t resist the opportunity to mess with him, even if it just a little tease.


  Concentrating is my middle name. I can do this…I can… my phone vibrates and I pick it up.

  Ireland: Wishing you were here.

  Then ‘Ireland sent a photo’, is displays on my screen and I pull it back from the table, shielding it so only I can see it.

  Big fucking mistake.

  My cock swells to the size of Texas and I have to hold back the rush of air I need to release. My eyes grow hooded as I take in the picture that’s been sent to me.

  She’s standing, with her back to the mirror, the bathtub in the background; she’s standing in front of my mirror. But who gives a fuck about that. Her back is to the mirror, her left arm across the front of her body, her phone over her right shoulder. She’s completely naked. Her right hand is cupping her left breast, and her hair is cascading down her back into a point just before it disappears below the counter. Giving me the perfect view of her gorgeous curves. My eyes finally make it up to hers in the picture and she’s giving me a hooded look. I can’t see all of her face, but it’s enough to practically having me coming right here and now.

  I finally manage to pull my head out of my ass when someone says something, not toward me, but just enough to pull me back to the reality of the conference room I’m sitting in conducting business.

  I let my fingers fly over the keyboard as I text her back a reply. A mischievous grin on my lips as I do.

  Chapter 31


  “I Want Crazy” - Hunter Hayes

  My phone chimes.

  I don’t know what the hell came over me to send him that picture, but I am so fucking horny, and I want him to feel as miserable as I do. If only for a minute, I pray that the picture affected him, made him waiver in his confidence, just for a moment.

  I look at my phone and I smile in victory.

  I almost came in my pants, in the middle of a conference room, surrounded by fifteen different people, including my lawyer.

  I smile wider than I thought was possible. I grab a couple towels and move to the bathtub. I put one towel on the side of the tub and my phone on top of it, the other I drape over the side.

  The tub stopped filling shortly after I shot the picture. I am pretty impressed with my bathroom mirror selfie skills. I grab the bath bomb I’d chosen and I drop it into the tub and I watch as it immediately starts to fizz up to the surface. Looking at the control screen again, listening to the sounds of one of my all-time favorite songs by Bonnie Raitt called Lover’s Will, I see a whirlpool option with various settings, I set them to low and listen as the water kicks up just a notch and I smile, climbing into the warm water.

  The fizz of the bomb tickles my legs as I walk past it to sit on the other side and I lower myself in just as my phone chimes again.

  I pick it up, grateful my hands aren’t wet yet.

  Dyson: how’s my tub?

  I smile and lower myself to sit on the low bench and stretch out a little.

  The whirl of the water and the bath bomb is enough to blur the water so I snap another picture, this time of my legs, under the water, stretched out.

  I send it to him with a caption that says, ‘almost perfect’.

  His reply is almost instant.

  Dyson: you’re fucking killing me here, tigress… y almost?


  We’re wrapping up our meeting. It’s gone well, despite my distractions with Ireland back in my apartment. She hadn’t replied to my last question before we started wrapping up and I stowed my phone. I didn’t know how long this meeting was going to last and I have some things I need to do in the office, but I don’t know that much is going to get done knowing she’s home, naked, in my bathtub.

  I feel my phone vibrate but I’m talking to the owner of a company Tigress needs to bring into the fold and I ignore it until a more appropriate time.

  Normally, I’m not one to fuck around on my phone during a meeting and it’s making me off kilter, but I realize I’m not the only one checking their phones, iPads or tablets. I guess this is the market of business anymore. A market we’re desperate to tap into as soon as possible.

  I pull my phone from my pocket, grinning like an idiot as I look at it. Then my face falls when I see a name that doesn’t belong to Ireland and it’s a name I never wanted to see again. I remove it from my lock screen and go back to my conversation.

  The name on my screen sends my blood to boil and my cock softens like someone poured ice water on him. Fuck.

  Chapter 32


  “Already Home” - A Great Big World

  I am headed back to my office when my phone buzzes again. I pull it from my pocket and my melancholy mood disappears immediately.

  Ireland: Because you’re not here.

  I reply back to her,

  I’m almost done.

  Ireland: Good, hurry.

  I’m smiling like a loon, staring at my phone as I step into my office and movement catches my eye. I snap my head up. A pair of dark brown eyes stares back at me. She looks slightly frazzled, which is actually a strange comfort to me.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Jill?”

  She smiles, tries to smooth herself out, checks her hair with her hand and then steps toward me. I put my hands up and lock my phone at the same time.

  “I came to ask you about tomorrow night?”

  “What about it, Jill?” I say her name with complete and total disdain.

  She fidgets. She knows she’s not wanted here and I’m pissed the receptionist let her come back to my office.

  “Are we still going together?”

  I scowl at her. “Jill, we were never going together. I don’t know what put that in your head, but we are never going anywhere, ever again, together.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whines. “I…I thought we could work this out.”

  I roll my eyes. “We have nothing to work out, Jill. It was one night, a long time ago.”

  “But it wasn’t just one night and you know it.”

  My heart hurts. “I don’t know that for sure, and neither do you. So why,” I shake my head, closing my eyes, “why do you keep bringing it up?”

  “Because it was real, it was us.”

  “Jill, enough. Stop calling, stop texting me, and stop showing up at my office. We had a one-night stand that meant nothing to me.” I watch my words slice through her and I have no compassion for her whatsoever. What she did to me was completely inexcusable and I know the truth, despite what she wants me to think.

  “There’s someone else?” She scrutinizes my face.

  “What the fuck, Jill?” She steps closer to me and I back up toward the door. I don’t want her getting her hands on me because every time she does, she gets crazier than she already is.

  “There is, isn’t there?”

  “Whether there is or not is none of your fucking business. Now leave, before I call security and have them escort you out.”

  “You wouldn’t,” she challenges.

  I square my shoulders. “Then I’ll have them call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing.” I side step, clearing the way for her to make her exit without coming close to me.

“We had something really special, you and I. Why can’t you see that?”

  I step toward her, and I whisper, “The only thing special about you, Jillian, is that you think you’re deserving of my money.” She sucks in a breath. I’d known what she was immediately when she approached me eight months ago. She’s a gold digging bitch. What followed a few weeks later made me shake my head in shame, not for me, but definitely for her. She’s so desperate to get her claws into some rich son of a bitch that she did something no self-respecting woman would do. The anger roars its head again. “Get out, now.” I growl in her ear. “Do not come back here, do not call me, do not try to contact me, ever again,” I snap and she jumps, scurrying away from me and out the door as fast as she can.

  I hear her fake as fuck sob as she passes by my assistant’s desk. “Call security, make sure Ms. Polis leaves this building.” I hear her sob again, only further down the hall. I’m not exactly being quiet about my request. “She is never permitted in this building again. Should she come here, she is to be handed over to the police for trespassing.”

  “Yes, sir,” the blonde at the desk tells me as she picks up the phone.

  I don’t even know the girl’s name. She hasn’t been here that long and this is only the second time she’s encountered me. She’s an executive assistant, but she’s more of an assistant to my management than she is to me since I’m not in New York much. Andy, my assistant in Phoenix, lives and works in Phoenix, but when I have to make the inevitable move back to New York, he’s coming with me. I don’t care what it will cost to make him do it, it will happen.

  Jill’s ignored text then her showing up in my office unannounced and uninvited really did a number on my Ireland buzz and I need to return my focus to Ireland. I debate on whether or not I need to tell Ireland about the bullshit Jill pulled, but I can’t see a real reason to tell her. No matter the logic in my mind, I can’t seem to find a good enough reason to bring it up.

  Once I make that decision, I bury myself in paperwork. I talk to my COO about some things, and we discuss the meeting we had today.

  The next thing I know, it’s nearly four in the afternoon and after looking at the clock, I can’t stop thinking about Ireland back in my apartment.

  I managed to remove Jill from my mind with work and now all I can think about is getting home.

  After wrapping up at the office, Byron manages New York City rush hour with efficiency and gets me home in record time.

  Walking into the apartment I smell something cooking, it smells wonderful. I go into the kitchen and see Kathy cleaning up. “Good evening, sir.” I purse my lips. No matter how often I tell her to not call me ‘sir’, she refuses. She’s a good fifteen years older than I am and it seems weird.

  “Kathy, everything alright today?”

  She turns and smiles wide. “Perfect. I went ahead and made lasagna for dinner. You just need to pull it out. There is garlic bread in the warming oven and salad ready in the fridge.”

  “You’re too kind.” I smile at her.

  “She’s a gorgeous girl. Very sweet.”

  I smile wider. “I know,” I tell her despite myself.

  “Good, then I will be off. Will you be here Monday?”

  “I will, leaving sometime Monday afternoon.”

  “Okay, keep me posted,” Kathy says as she finishes what she’s doing. She’s my full-time housekeeper and I pay her as such, despite the part time stays here in New York. When I’d told her I was going to Phoenix indefinitely she panicked, thinking I was going to let her go. I explained that wouldn’t be the case and she was all too excited since it meant she could spend more time with her granddaughter.

  I don’t know why but the idea of coming home to Ireland in my kitchen sounds much more appealing than having Kathy around. It warms my heart and I give her a warm smile. “She upstairs?”

  She shakes her head and points down the hall toward the game room. “She went in there a couple hours ago.” She chuckles, “After she got done freaking out about her iPad following her from room to room over the Bluetooth.”

  I laugh softly, “I didn’t even think to tell her about that.”

  “I explained it to her because I thought the poor girl was going to lose her mind.”

  “I appreciate that, thank you.” I turn toward the living room and wave a farewell to Kathy as I go in search of my girl.

  The closer I get to the game room, the louder her music becomes. JonnySwim’s ‘Pay Dearly’ is playing and I wonder if she’s listening to my playlist. When I walk around the corner into the room, I see she’s curled up in the chair near the window. The room has grown quite dark, but the table lamp near her is on.

  She’s sound asleep and my heart skips a beat watching her slow, steady breathing.

  She’s so peaceful. She looks younger than her years. I can still see the sweet fifteen year old girl I once knew. The song ends and the piano chords of Jason Walk’s ‘Down’ starts to play and I’m convinced now that she’s listening to my playlist and it makes me smile. I go to the wall controls and lower the volume a little. Her music’s not loud, but I am going to wake her up and I don’t know how this is going to go.

  I turn back and she’s stirred a little, but she’s still sleeping. She’s shifted, giving me some room on the chair to sit next to her. A part of me is bummed she’s wearing clothes, but after being gone longer than I wanted to be, I didn’t truly expect her to be naked.

  I sit down on the chair and she stirs. She leans into me and I wrap my arms around her and adjust myself so she’s more on top of me, snuggled in my arms.

  I can’t help taking a deep breath, pulling in the scent that is very sweetly Ireland. Her hair smells like fresh strawberries. I absently start playing her hair. It’s so soft, and I love how it curls around my fingers as I gently run my fingers through it.

  “You’re home?”

  I smile and put my lips to the top of her head, ignoring the fact she said home and my heart jumped in my chest. “I’m sorry it took so long.”

  “S’okay,” she yawns. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  I smile and kiss the top of her head again, I can’t stop myself. I need to touch her, kiss her and make sure that she’s truly real. “I’m glad you did. You were dead on your feet this morning.”

  She snorts, “That’s because someone demanded I fly through the night.”

  “And you’re complaining?” I tease.

  She shifts in my lap and I pray my erection remains unnoticed. She looks at me and her eyes are still heavy from sleep but I can tell she’s waking up. “Not one single bit.” She smiles at me and I lean in a little closer. For some reason I feel the need to seek her permission and it’s a strange novelty to me.

  She meets me halfway and I crush my lips to hers. The hand I had in her hair tightens and I pull her close to me, as close as I can get her isn’t close enough, and she whimpers in my mouth.

  I seize my chance and slide my tongue in along hers and she responds quickly as she squirms on my lap. She manages to turn herself so she’s straddling my legs and her hands come to the sides of my neck and she pulls me into her I still can’t seem to reach the closeness that my body needs.

  Her breathing changes. She’s pulling me in harder, begging for something deeper. We’re both desperate for it. Our breathing is ragged but she won’t pull her lips away from me. She needs this as much as I do. Her hands slide down my shoulders until she finds my tie. One of her hands winds around it, holding on to it for dear life as she moans into my mouth. She flicks her hips against me and then I’m the one groaning.

  I break our kiss and she puts her forehead against mine as we both fight to catch our breath.

  Somewhere in the distance an alarm goes off.

  She slowly blinks at me. “Wow,” she breathes.

  I chuckle, “My thoughts exactly.”

  “What’s that noise?” she asks, though I can tell by her tone she really doesn’t want to ask that question because she doe
sn’t want it to be what it is.

  “That would be dinner.”

  “Oh,” she smiles and pushes her lips against mine again in a chaste kiss. “That’s an amazing way to wake up, Mr. Cole.”

  I smile back at her. This is the way I want to wake her up every day, but I have to keep myself in check, we’re not fifteen and seventeen anymore. I can’t assume that’s what she’d want. And I’m determined to take this as slow as possible. I need to make sure that she’s truly forgiven me.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask her.


  “We can’t have that now, can we?”

  She giggles, “No, I suppose not.” She moves to stand up and I hold her to me, I don’t want her to get up just yet. “That alarm is really annoying,” she says through her giggles.

  I press my lips to hers, this time it’s not so chaste but it’s softer, sweeter. My desire hasn’t cooled from when she assaulted me moments ago. “Food,” I murmur against her lips and she smiles as she stands up.

  I take her hand in mine and grab her iPad off the table and bring it with us. I’d set up all the Bluetooth information on it before sending it to her. The information here is the same as in Phoenix so bringing her here wasn’t preconceived. I never expected her to forgive me so fast.


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