Irresistibly Undeniable

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Irresistibly Undeniable Page 30

by Zoey Derrick

  “So are you going to just stand there and stare at me?” he mumbles through the pillow.

  “Yup,” I tease him back and he moves the pillow to look straight at me. I cross my arms under my tits, putting them up and on display for him. He groans, throwing his head back.


  An idea comes to mind and before I can let it over ride whatever confidence I think I have to do this, I climb up on the bed between his legs. He lifts his head and an eyebrow at me, wondering what I’m doing.

  I lean back on one arm and throw my legs over the tops of his thighs. With my free hand, I tweak a nipple and watch as his mouth falls slack and his chest freezes. I slide my hand over my chest to my other breast and this time I pull up on my nipple. The shot of pain quickly melts into the most delicious pleasure as I roll it between my fingers.

  He props himself up on an elbow and watches me intently. I slide my hand slowly down my body until my fingers brush along the triangle of hair at the junction of my thighs and he groans. I bypass my clit and slide my hand over and down my thigh. I throw my head back, watching him is almost too much.

  “Look at me, princess. I want to look into your eyes as you pleasure yourself.”

  Oh, fuck. That’s hot.

  I lift my head up, meeting his eyes and his hand wraps around his cock and my pussy pulses with the need to be filled by him. The ache I felt when I woke up is still there, but it turns to pleasure as I slide my fingers into my slit. Finding my clit, I circle it gently at the same time he strokes up on his cock. The pleasure he’s giving himself is enough to make his eyes flutter, but he keeps them open, holding mine. They’re encouraging and enabling all at the same time and I can’t stop myself from circling my clit again and again.

  “Don’t come,” he tells me in a way that suggests I shouldn’t argue with him, but I let out a whine in protest. “I want to make you come, princess, only me.”

  I moan, “Then you better fucking get over here.” I barely recognize the wanton voice that comes from my lips but just like that, Dyson moves, pulling his legs out from underneath mine and then he’s hovering over me.

  “Say my name,” he orders as the head of his cock teases my entrance.

  “Fiend.” Two can play at this game.

  He shakes his head. “Try again, tigress.”

  The nickname sends a new thrill trough me and on instinct I start circling my clit faster. He notices and wraps his fingers around my wrist, pulling my hand from my clit. I cry out in frustration. “Say it,” he commands.


  His eyes narrow. “Oh darling, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He pulls my fingers to his mouth and he kisses the pads of my middle and forefinger, and then licks them. When my juices meet his mouth, his eyes flutter before he wraps his entire mouth over my fingers, sucking them in and his tongue works them clean. I fall into the pillows watching him.

  His cock shifts, pressing into me a little more and I clamp down involuntarily and I push him from my body. “You’re close, aren’t you?” I shake my head at him. “Liar. All you have to do is say my name.”

  “Self-assured cocky fiend.” He narrows his eyes at me. Then his cock is back at my entrance. “Fuck. Dammit, Dyson, fuck me,” I cry out and he slams into me and I explode all over his cock. My orgasm shatters me as he works his cock in and out of me until he is consumed with his own release.

  Chapter 54


  “Good Morning Beautiful” - Steve Holy

  Waking up to the feisty tigress that is my Ireland has become my new goal in life. I want to have her in my bed every night and wake up to her every morning. God, she never ceases to surprise and amaze me.

  Her little stunt this morning was something I would have never imagined from her and her fucking mouth. God, she’s going to keep me on my toes.

  I’m standing in her kitchen, drinking coffee while she gets dressed and ready for her day. I’m already ready, but we need to make some wardrobe adjustments so she has a change or three of clothes at my house when we stay there. Hmm, wonder what she would think about me keeping clothes here too.

  I ignore the thought as I scroll through emails on my phone.

  There are too many to count and far too many to answer while I’m standing here. Business is booming and my life is finally getting to where I’ve always wanted it to be, thanks to Ireland. But more importantly, I finally feel like work isn’t the most important thing in my life. Yeah, I’m a workaholic, but I think Ireland is starting to help me see there are more important things than working fourteen hours a day.

  I look at my watch, it’s nearly seven-thirty.

  “You about ready, princess?”

  “Just a minute,” she shouts back. Her roommate Becca wasn’t home when we got here and I could see Ireland is bothered by her absence. I tried to convince her that maybe she has a new boyfriend or something, but she’s not buying it. I have this horrible feeling tonight is the last night I’m going to see Ireland before Thursday. She’s a strong girl, but I haven’t begun to process how she is going to react. I have a feeling there are going to be some choice words said.

  “I’m ready,” she says as she comes into the kitchen.

  My eyes bug out of my head. “That’s it, the next time we have sex, you’re keeping those on,” I tell her as I stare down at her knee high, stiletto heeled boots. She laughs. My eyes roam up the rest of her body. She looks simply beautiful in a long sleeved emerald green wrap dress that’s both professional and comfortable looking. Her hair’s pulled back in a messy bun. “I thought you liked your hair down?” I ask also noting she’s wearing a hint of makeup on her eyes. It looks good and unpainted. This is how I like her.

  “I do, but I was moving around a lot yesterday and I realized I was a little warmer, so I wanted it up.”

  I wrap my arm around her, pulling her to my side. “Well, you look beautiful.”

  She blushes, but smiles. “Thank you.”

  “You ready?”

  “Yup, just need to grab my bag.” She walks over to the table where she put it when we got back her and she’s looking for something. “Okay, I’m good.”

  “Find everything?” I raise an eyebrow in question.

  “Yup, just wanted to make sure my other shoes were in here.”

  “What for?”

  “In case I can’t take the boots anymore, and I’m taking the train after work.”


  “Because I’m meeting Reese for dinner, remember?” She looks at me as if I could have forgotten the fact I won’t be able to see her tonight.

  “I remember, but I can take you.”

  She shakes her head. “No, that’s okay. I’m sure you’ve got work to catch up on.”

  “Then let me have Byron take you? He’s quite fond of you, you know?”

  She gives me a warm smile. “And I him, but I’m not his responsibility.”

  “On the contrary, you’re my responsibility, therefore you’re his.”

  “Are we going to argue about it?” she asks me.

  “Nope, it’s all set.”

  She narrows her eyes at me and I don’t blame her, I’m being a dick. “I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Dyson.” There’s my name again, but not in a way I enjoy. “I’ve been taking the train for as long as it has been up and running, I carry mace in my bag, easily accessible, and I’ve taken more than enough self-defense classes to be able to defend myself. Please don’t argue with me on this. I will let you have your way more than you probably want, but if you try forcing me to do shit all the time you’re going to make me crazy.”

  She has a point and I no valid argument for it. “Okay, but will you do something for me?”

  “What?” She’s not angry, just curious.

  “Text me when you’re leaving and when you get home so I know you’re safe?”

  “That is a reasonable request.” She smiles and comes over, slinging her bag over her should
er and kissing me on the cheek. “But remember, I’ve been independent for a long time, so don’t go flipping your shit on me if I forget.”

  I chuckle, but it’s really not funny. “I will try,” I tell her, because in truth, I can’t promise I won’t. Having her out of my sight makes me crazy, having her riding the train, alone, at night, makes me mad with worry.

  “Good, now let’s go or I’m going to be late for my second day of work.”

  She grabs her to-go coffee cup off the counter and tosses it in her bag and leads me to the door and out into the chilly morning air.

  Chapter 55


  "9 to 5” - Emily Ann Roberts

  Day two at Wellington goes much better than yesterday. I hate meeting new people, especially people I will be working with, for the first time. There is always those moments of awkward we can never seem to get past until we’ve been around people for a few days.

  Shelly put me to task on a new marketing plan surrounding the slogan I’d come up with in my interview. Now that I know the business plan behind Tigress, making these changes is a whole lot easier. I wrote the damn thing.

  Infinite possibilities, today.

  That’s what I’d come up with, that’s what I was working with. The product line is a new cellphone. Sure, it’s a cell phone but even I’m impressed with the features on this thing. There are a lot of similarities to what is already on the market today, so people won’t be overwhelmed, but at the end of the day, this one is much better.

  By lunch time, I am starving and in an attempt to keep good on my word to Dyson about communicating with him, I let him know I’m leaving the office and head across the street. Downtown Phoenix has a plethora of restaurants but most of them are reservations or seating only. Except in the City Center, which has more of my speed of food.

  Dyson paying for all those clothes at the store has allowed me a little more leeway in my budget for things like coffee and lunch. But I should really plan on bringing my own lunch from now on. If Dyson ever lets me sleep in my own bed again.

  I have to admit, last night was nicer than I’d expected it to be. After having worked all day, I didn’t think I would want to hang around anyone, but in this case, it was nice. It was normal. Almost.

  Jesus, the sex.

  Fucking. Amazing.

  But if this keeps up, this man is going to kill me with pleasure.

  Then again, that might not be a bad way to go.

  I’m standing in line at Chipotle, waiting my turn when my phone buzzes. I pull it out.

  Dyson: Where’d you go?

  Ireland: Chipotle, want something?

  Dyson: Yes please. Burrito bowl, white rice, chicken, corn salsa, cheese and sour cream.

  Ireland: next time just say what you’re having minus the guac.

  Dyson: Guac sounds awesome.

  I smile at my phone and I’m up next when I text him back.

  Ireland: most people would consider that creepy.

  Dyson: I think it’s cute. :-*

  I roll my eyes and stow my phone before placing the order and making my way down the line to check out. I also order side guac and chips for each of us. If he doesn’t want 'em, I’ll save it for lunch tomorrow.

  I walk back to the office, checking my phone again for the time. I have about thirty minutes left before my lunch is up and I head straight for the elevator, swiping my ultra-special, nearly all-access badge that I’m pretty sure doesn’t come with a Wellington job and I push for the top floor and the elevator whisks me up.

  When I step off the elevator, the receptionist from yesterday is there. She smiles at me and says, “Go on back, Ms. McKidd.”

  “Oh, thank you.” I shake my head and smile. Obviously Dyson told them to let me through.

  When I round the corner, I’m met with the same man from yesterday, but Dyson’s door is closed. The glass is clear, and there are two men inside with Dyson. His assistant stops me. “Just a moment, Ms. McKidd.”

  “Vy, please,” I tell him and extend my hand.

  “Andy, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Vy.”

  “Likewise. Is he going to be long?” I pull my phone out and notice I’m down to about twenty-five minutes. Just as I ask the question, Dyson’s eyes meet mine through the glass and he’s ushering the two men from his office.

  “Nope,” Andy laughs and takes his seat behind his desk.

  “Thanks, Andy,” Dyson says as he follows the two men out.

  “You busy today?”

  Dyson smiles at me. “Swamped, but I have a few minutes.”

  “I should get downstairs, so I can eat.”

  “Come inside, we can eat together. I have a meeting at two.” He turns to Andy. “Hold my calls, please.”

  “No problem, sir.” Andy winks at me as Dyson ushers me into his office. He leaves the door open and the glass clear as we sit down at the bar. I pull his food out for him and he laughs.

  “Fiend, huh?”

  I wink at him and pull mine from the bag, handing him a bag of chips and plastic cup of guac as I do. “Thank you,” he says softly.

  “Anytime,” I tell him and pop the foil lid off my container revealing the same thing that’s in his bowl and he chuckles.

  “Is that really what you eat regularly?”

  I smile around a bite of my dish, and swallow it before speaking. “Yes, though the guac is hit or miss. Depends on my mood.”

  He shakes his head, his smile spreads a little wider and he digs into his food. We don’t say anything during the meal, but there is this completely comfortable silence between us, it’s normal.

  When we finish, I have about ten minutes to get back downstairs. “How’s your day been?” he asks.

  “Good. Shelly has tasked me with your marketing project, though I think it’s going to be more like a contest than anything.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because everyone seems to be talking about it. Though I have a rather unfair advantage,” I say as I stand up to clean up our trays. Neither one of us touched our chips and guac. “You want this for later?” I ask. He nods and I turn around, putting it into the little fridge and setting the chips next to it.

  “You were saying about unfair advantages?” he prompts.

  I snort. “I know your business plan inside and out.” I wink at him.

  “That you do, Ms. McKidd. Speaking of which, I will be meeting with my lawyers and some of my top advisors to discuss some of the changes you mentioned over the weekend.”

  “Really?” I ask, shocked.

  “Really,” he states as fact. “They’re brilliant ideas and I think Tigress can really benefit from them.”

  “Huh,” I say. “I should really stop giving free advice,” I mutter and he gives me a smile that says he knows something I don’t, but Andy comes in.

  “Five minutes, sir.”

  “Thank you, Andy,” Dyson says but his eyes never leave mine. “What makes you say that?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “Nothing,”

  “Ireland?” he says in a way that makes me feel like I’ve just been busted with my hand in the candy jar.

  I look at him. “We don’t have time to discuss this right now. I have to go back to work,” I tell him, and it’s true. Plus, I need some time to get over whatever it was that just washed over me before I say something I’ll regret.

  “Later, promise me?” he says as he puts his hand in mine, leading me toward the door.

  “Promise.” I smile and he kisses my forehead before I walk out past Andy.

  I pause and go back to Andy. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything, Ms.…” he stops himself. “Vy.”

  “Are you seeing anyone?”

  I watch as he blushes, confirming my initial suspicion about his sexual orientation. I lean in closer, “Not for me.” I wink.

  “No, I’m not.”

  I smile wide. “Good. I’ll be in touch,” I tell him and walk back toward reception and t
he elevator.

  “What was that all about?” I hear Dyson ask as I round the corner.


  “I’m not sure, sir. She asked me if I was seeing anyone.”

  I chuckle. “And what did you tell her?” He blushes again, same as I saw when she was talking to him.

  “She winked at me and told me that it wasn’t for her.”

  Reese, “well I would hope not.”

  “No, sir.” He stiffens behind the desk.

  “I’m not blind, or dumb, and I don’t care.” I tell Andy and he relaxes. “So are you?”

  “Am I what, sir?”

  “Seeing anyone?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Good,” I tell him and walk away shaking my head at the idea of Ireland setting up her friend Reese with my assistant.

  As I walk toward my meeting, Ireland’s comment plays in my head over and over again. I should really stop giving free advice. That comment brings new hope to our Thursday night discussion that will take place with Charlie and Mick, who were just in my office discussing Thursday. Mick is setting everything up for her. Her accounts, etcetera so he can hand her everything she needs in order to access her funds. When I tried to press for more information from yesterday, they both shot me down. It pissed me off, but then I saw Ireland standing there talking to Andy and I kicked them out.

  So in other words, the money might not spook her as much, but apparently whatever else Mick has up his sleeve just might.

  Chapter 56


  “The Only Exception” - Paramore

  Walking into Kobult – a trendy Central Phoenix restaurant, I see Reese sitting at our usual table. He jumps up and wraps his arms around me. “God, look at you. Are you getting laid?”


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