Irresistibly Undeniable

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Irresistibly Undeniable Page 31

by Zoey Derrick

  “Reese, seriously?” I playfully sock him in the arm.

  “Oh my god, you are, aren’t you?” he laughs. “Bitch.” His lip curls up in a playful sneer.

  “Well, if we’re going to start off like this, I’m giving your number to a hottie I met at my new job.” I sway side to side in my chair. The music is a little more upbeat than normal, but I like dangling boy carrots in front of Reese.

  “Oh really? Do tell.”

  I launch into the details about Andy and Reese is all too excited for me to hand over his number. I promise Reese I would the next time I saw him with explicit instructions that they should at least text first. I roll my eyes. “What happened to meeting people the old-fashioned way?” I laugh.

  Dinner with Reese is effortless. We talk about my new job, how things are going at his job. Then he prattles on about the concert I missed and the hotties that were there that night.

  Then he brings up a subject I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about. “What the hell is wrong with Becca?” he asks me. I should have expected the question. Becca and Reese are friends, though not close like Reese and I are, or Becca and me for that matter. I think I’m the mutual glue of that project, but they are friends and they do talk outside of our mutual get togethers. It’s no wonder he knows. He probably tried reaching out to her when I bailed on him Saturday night, which is more than likely how he knows she’s being a bitch.

  “Not you too?”

  “What do you mean, not me too?” He gives me a ‘what the fuck’ kind of look that is a signature Reese facial expression.

  “She’s being a royal bitch to me and I’m her damn roommate.” I tell him as the waitress sets down our food and I ask for another drink. I don’t know why, but I ordered coke tonight instead of my usual Cosmo. Reese looked at me funny and I just brushed him off. Something about Dyson’s confession about keeping me safe rolls around in my brain and I realize that drinking isn’t the best idea.

  “She said that something happened a couple weeks ago?” he quirks an eyebrow at me, “something to do with why you were in New York?”

  “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag now. I might as well spill the beans.” I smile and the waitress returns with my coke. Reese and I dive into our food. I’m eating a margarita pizza and Reese is working his way through his customary seven cheese macaroni and cheese while I tell him about what happened the night at Blu.

  “So she figured since you kneed him in the nads, he was fair game.”

  “I guess so,” I shrug. “But he went running after me which probably pissed her off even more.”

  “That girl has some real issues.”

  “Honestly,” I tell him. “I think it has more to do with some type of abandonment issues.”

  “Oh, baby girl, do tell.” He props his elbows up on the table, interlocks his fingers and rests his chin on them before batting his eyes.

  I shake my head, but tell him my theory. “I don’t know, but it’s starting to make sense now. Sure, one night stands are easy for her. She can walk away on her terms. But when they leave on their own terms, she’s pissed too. Or if they won’t leave, she’s pissed. I just think she has to find a way to control her surroundings. She wasn’t ready to walk away from Dyson and he walked away from her and now she’s pissed.”

  “Why would she still be pissed? She gets rejected by guys all the time.”


  “Oh no, baby girl, spill this shit.”

  “Because Dyson and I are together.”

  “No shit,” Reese squeals.

  “Shhh, jeez, the whole restaurant is going to hear this conversation if you keep that up.”

  “Oh honey,” he smirks. His eyes carry that mischievous look he wears so well, and I know I’m in trouble. “If you think nobody up in here ain’t listenin’, they always listenin’.” He rolls his fingers closed before pressing his fist to the side of his face.

  I laugh, “Because you are quite possibly the loudest person I know.”

  “So, do tell about this Mr. Dyson man who’s finally got you spreading your legs.”

  “Reese, Jesus.” My eyes go wide in shock and my face explodes in redness. I feel the flush of my cheeks and realize I’ve been busted.

  “So, sweetheart, tell me he has a magic cock or something because-”

  I blush even redder and he erupts into laughter. “Will you quit?” I scold him.

  “Oh no, darling, spill it.”

  And spill it, I did.

  I spilled everything to him. It was effortless and easy and I didn’t realize until I was telling him everything, just how much I needed someone to talk to about everything going on in my brain about Dyson.

  Reese listened like a champ and offered advice where it was needed, and by the end of my story, I think he was just as in love with Dyson as I am.

  The reality of being in love with Dyson is something I didn’t think I would let happen again, but in truth, I can’t imagine a day without him. Without his banter, his affection, caring, and the most enjoyable, amazing sex.

  I look at my phone to see it’s nearly eleven when Reese and I are leaving the restaurant. I text Dyson.

  Ireland: Reese is driving me home.

  His reply is quick and sweet.

  Dyson: Good, tell him to drop you off at my house.

  I smile at my phone.

  Ireland: aw, you miss me.

  Dyson: of course I do. Please?

  Ireland: are you begging?

  Dyson: yes.

  Ireland: no clothes with me. Too tired.

  I don’t get a reply before Reese is dropping me off in front of my apartment. Our assigned space is empty which means Becca’s not home, again.

  “Why does she feel like she can’t even stay in her own house?” I mumble as Reese pulls to a stop.

  “Let her go, baby girl. Eventually she’ll come crawling back.”

  “I hope so,” I tell him and then wrap my arms around his neck. “Miss your face.” I kiss his cheek.

  He laughs, “Miss yours more. Now go, you look exhausted.”

  I snort, “You have no idea.”

  “Get ‘er done, girlfriend.” I love Reese. There are no filters, no boundaries between us. He says the first thing that comes to his mind and he doesn’t care who he pisses off. “Oh, and give that boy my number.”

  I smile and wink at him. “Oh, I will.” He squeezes my hand.


  I stop exiting the car and look at him. “Yeah?”

  “Be careful, okay?”

  I cock my head at him. His expression is somber in a way I don’t normally see from him. “Always.”

  “I mean it. Don’t let this guy railroad you like he did before.” His eyes are filled with concern. “I didn’t realize, until tonight, how much pain you must have really been in. This is a side of you I’ve never seen in nearly six years and I like it.”

  I smile. “I’m being cautious, Reese, I promise.”

  “Good, because that cranky bitch you once were can stay far, far away,” he laughs and I scoff.

  “Call me this weekend?” I ask.

  “Oh, you know I will, unless of course, Andy calls me.” He winks, gives me a knowing smirk and I climb out of the car. As is customary for Reese, he waits until I’m inside the apartment before I give him one final wave and close the door.

  I toss my purse on the island and take a look around the apartment, looking for a note or something from Becca and I don’t see anything. Then there’s a knock on the door. “Reese, what’d you forget?” I shout and open the door without looking.

  “Well, hello there, hot stuff,” I breathe as I take in the sexy, casual version of Dyson standing in my doorway. “What are you doing here?”

  He holds up a garment bag. “I brought clothes.”

  “Oh really? And just what do you plan on doing with those clothes, Mister Sex on legs?”

  He quirks an eyebrow at my name for him. “Wearing them to work tomorrow.”<
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  “Oh really, you had to pack your clothes for tomorrow. You couldn’t just pull them out of your closet?”

  He knows I’m going to let him in, so he plays me, plucking the strings of any attempt I would have made to shoo him back to his own house. “I could, but I don’t plan on seeing my closet in the morning.”

  “Oh, got a girlfriend you’re running off to go see?” I tease.

  “No, just this fiery redheaded tigress who likes to push my buttons. I’m hoping she’ll let me snuggle her tonight. My bed and my condo are awfully lonely without her.”

  I smile wide and open the door. “You certainly know how to butter a girl up.”

  “Kisses were next,” he snickers.

  “Oh, those are still required.”


  The next thing I know, Dyson’s stuff is laid out on the island next to my purse and he has me pressed against the entryway closet door. My hands are above my head and his lips hover just above mine. “I missed you too much to wait for morning,” he breathes before claiming my lips and turning every nerve in my body into a live wire of sensation.

  Chapter 57


  “It’s Over” - Civil Twilight

  Waking up in Ireland’s bed is almost better than my own.

  We woke up and repeated the process from the day before, only this time, no one had to go home first and I am liking this new kind of ‘normal’ we have going on.

  She’d gotten up early and put together a slow cooker full of chili for her and Becca tonight. When I asked why she was making chili, she just shrugged and said it was her and Becca’s thing and for whatever reason, chili makes Becca a little more forthcoming. She’s hoping like hell to finally get to the bottom of all this bullshit with her. I hope she does. I’d truly hate to come between Ireland and her best friend, but I have no qualms about making sure Becca drops the attitude toward Ireland. Ireland has done nothing wrong and she doesn’t deserve Becca’s ire. If I have to come between them on that matter, I will.

  Driving to work with Ireland in my car is even better. The normalcy of the whole thing is just…comforting.

  Our conversations about anything and nothing come easily. Much the way they did when we were kids. I didn’t give her much chance to tell me about dinner with Reese, but she passed his number to me to give to Andy. I gave her shit for ten minutes about delivering it to him herself. She said today would be hard. She had a couple meetings and even brought her own lunch with her. I scrunched up my nose at the frozen meal she pulled out. Not because I can afford so much better, but because, eww. Those things are gross. She didn’t seem to mind and I vowed to myself to have lunch delivered to her.

  The day flew by. I don’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, it was all kinds of suck because tonight, seeing Ireland isn’t going to happen and it’s killing me. Though she did let me drive her home.

  “If anything changes, call me,” I tell her as I pull away from her delectable body. My cock is hard, compliments of being in close proximity to my gorgeous tigress, but I reined him in. No point in getting all worked up and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  “I will, promise.”

  “Pick you up tomorrow for work?”

  She smiles. “I’d like that.”


  She nods and kisses me again. Becca pulled into her spot but waited until I was leaving to get out of the car. Apparently Becca has it out for me because she was throwing daggers at me with her eyes as I pulled away. This is going to be an interesting evening.

  Around ten, I get a text from Ireland.

  Becca is moving out.

  My heart breaks for her. I want to call her, but I don’t want to force her into a conversation she doesn’t want to have.

  Dyson: Are you ok?

  Ireland: I will be. I guess moving in with me wasn’t something she wanted to do. She wanted to move out on her own and since you and I are together, she doesn’t feel guilty about leaving me alone.

  I frown at my phone. Why do people do shit like that?

  Dyson: Can you afford the apartment on your own?

  I ask the question because I don’t want to give her any indication of what’s coming in the next twenty-four hours. I don’t know why, but I feel the need to be on her level right now and let her be her.

  Ireland: I think so. I’m going to have to look over everything to be sure. But I should be alright. And no, Dyson, you’re not going to help me.

  Hey, at least she said my name. Though it seems to flow out of her fingers when she’s pissed or warning me about something. I chuckle as I reply.

  Dyson: No promises, tigress. You know the rules, if I can fix it, I will. But I have a better solution.

  Ireland: What’s that?

  Dyson: Move in with me.

  Ireland: DYSON COLE!! You cannot be serious.

  Oh shit, I got the full name. I laugh.

  Dyson: as a heart attack.

  She doesn’t reply right away and I don’t know if she’s actually considering it or if she’s just trying not to freak out on me.

  My phone rings and her gorgeous face pops up.

  “Hello, princess.”

  “Are you serious?” she asks, and her voice has no real emotion shining through so I can’t read her.

  “I am.” But I decide I need to give her a little bit here. She needs to know there is an alternative. “If it would be easier for you to consider, I’ve got two rooms that are unoccupied, one completely empty. You could move in to my house, if moving into my bed scares you.”

  “I’m not afraid of you,” she states matter of fact. “Or your bed,” she adds in a softer tone.

  “Good.” I smile into the phone. “Want to come over?” I ask. I already know the answer.

  “No, I just need some time to process everything from tonight.” She sounds hurt.

  “What’s wrong, princess?”

  She sighs into the phone. “I’m just surprised. I mean she was reluctant when we got this place, but I knew she couldn’t afford a place on her own. But because I don’t have a car, I kind of forced her into this neighborhood. It’s expensive and…” she pauses, taking a deep breath, “she would rather live someplace else for the amount of money she has to pay. It’s really childish. But now we’re in a lease and she wants out.”

  “Then she should pay her way out of the lease.”

  She snorts into the phone. “Becca isn’t exactly the type with savings or the ability to pay for two places.”

  “Not that I want to steer you away from the idea of moving in with me, but is there someone else, Reese maybe, who you could get as a roommate?”

  “Reese owns his house. So again, I’m the one needing to move into something more affordable. We haven’t even been here a month, so I don’t know if there’s some way I can get out of the lease under those circumstances. Or if I could transfer to a one bedroom or studio.”

  “Not likely,” I tell her. “Unfortunately those contracts are pretty iron clad.”

  I hear her sniffle on the other end of the phone. “I don’t know what to do,” she says and I get up, grabbing a suit for tomorrow and throw it in my garment bag. “I’m just so…I don’t need this right now, Dyson, I really don’t. It’s all just too much for me to handle anymore.”

  “Is Becca still there?” I ask.

  “No, she ran off somewhere, said not to wait up for her. The problem I have with all of this is she didn’t apologize for last week. She doesn’t even seem to care that what she said hurt me. I just…I feel betrayed.”

  I grab my keys off the hook and head down to the garage and I pass Byron’s room. “Hang on, princess.”

  “Okay.” Her voice is cracking with the emotion she’s feeling and my heart breaks for her pain.

  I put my phone to my chest. “I’m going to Ireland’s,” I whisper and he nods.

  “Be careful,” he says quietly back.

  “I’m taking the Tesla.
” He nods. I’m taking the Tesla because I can start the car and she won’t know. “Okay, baby, I’m back.”

  “I should go,” she sniffs again.

  “No, stay on the phone with me, please, I’m worried about you,” I tell her as I toss the garment bag on the passenger seat, close the door and then open the garage and start the car. Its quiet purr tells me that she’s running and I back out of the garage.

  “I’ll be alright. I just, I don’t know what to do.”

  “Well, we will figure it out, baby, I promise.”

  “I know, I just, with everything, I feel so…” There is a long pause, but I don’t say anything. She needs to find it in herself. “Lost,” she finally says and her voice is barely a whisper.

  “You’re not lost, love. Not in the slightest.”

  “But I’ve lost my best friend, and I don’t even know what I did to deserve it. That’s the part that’s eating at me the most. She didn’t even tell me why, didn’t even tell me if we were going to stay friends after this and I don’t know if I want to. She’s putting me in such an awful position and she doesn’t even care. Can I afford it here, sure I can, but I won’t be able to afford much else, not that I need much besides food.” She’s rambling and I let her go on as I pull into her parking lot. There is definitely a perk to being kitty-corner from her, makes getting here quick and easy. “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Walking up to your door. Will you please come open it?”

  “Dyson…” She’s shocked, but I know she’s going to relent because she needs someone right now and I’m all she’s got.

  The next thing I know, the phone goes dead and the door lock disengages and the door opens. She’s obviously been crying judging by the redness in her eyes. I walk in, drop my bag and wrap her in my arms and she falls apart. Her legs give out, her body weakens with sobs. I hold her to me for a moment before I scoop her up in my arms and carry her toward her bedroom. I sit her down on the bed. “I’ll be right back,” I tell her. “I’m just going to lock the door and get my stuff, okay?”


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