Book Read Free

Irresistibly Undeniable

Page 39

by Zoey Derrick

  I sigh, “Yes, yes, it is. Now it’s time to get my happily ever after.”

  She smiles wide. “I heard. Let’s go get him.”

  We all pile into a huge limo. I can’t stop myself from looking over at Dyson’s condo. There are lights on inside but the curtains are all drawn tight.

  “He’ll come,” Cami whispers in my ear. “If not, I’ll come and drag his ass out.” I give her a soft laugh. “It will be alright. Look at it this way, he never stopped looking, he never stopped hoping and he said something before I went to Joplin that I think you need to hear.”

  “What’s that?” I ask, my nerves shaking my voice.

  “That he would do anything to hold you in his arms on this day. So if he has any inclination that you’ll be at Blu tonight, he will be there.” She winks and climbs in the limo. I reluctantly pull my eyes away from Dyson’s windows and I follow her. Once the door is closed, we’re off. As we drive past his place, the curtain on the top floor pulls back and he looks out the window at the limo as we drive through the parking lot.

  “I’m here,” I whisper.

  The girls take all of two seconds to distract me. “Did the boys come?” Raine asks of someone.

  Cotah is the one who answers with a chuckle. “They did. I have to tell you, those two, they’ve got it bad for each other.”

  Raine squeals and starts bouncing up and down.

  “What are you two talking about?” Addison cuts in and now they have everyone’s undivided attention.

  “You don’t know?” Raine looks at her, obvious confusion in her eyes.

  “Obviously not if I’m asking,” she playfully scowls at Raine.

  “If it makes you feel any better, we have no idea what their talking about either,” Jolene cuts in.

  Naomi laughs. “That’s nothing new.”

  “Truth,” Jolene says with a smirk. “So spill it already.”

  Raine looks nervous, even a little green. She looks at Cotah. “Will we get in trouble?”

  Cotah snorts, “Yes.”

  “Okay, good.” She is absolutely beaming with dreamy eyes.

  “You’re incorrigible. You know this, right, Raine? If I get my ass beat because you can’t keep your mouth shut, I’ll tell Dex.”

  “Back up the freight train. What the hell are you two talking about?” Cami interjects. “Why would you get your ass beat?” She turns to Cotah who turns as red as a damn cherry.

  “Uh, Derek isn’t just my husband.” She smiles in a way that makes my insides melt. “He’s my Master.”

  “As in,” Addison chimes in, “he’s a Dom?”

  Cotah nods. “Dex is too.”

  Raine lights up with giddiness, as if it’s the best news ever.

  “Huh,” Addison sits back, “and here I thought my sex life was kinky.”

  The entire limo erupts with laughter, including mine. “You have the kinkiest sex life, trust me, but Dex introduced Beck to the lifestyle,” Raine says to Addison and Cami more than anyone else.

  “Oh, shit,” Cami says, “And?”

  “Oh, he found what he was looking for without knowing he was looking for it,” Cotah says gleefully.

  “And that was?” Beau says, raising an eyebrow.

  “His own Master.”

  “Beck’s gay?” Addison squeals. “Jesus, I would have never…”

  “Who’s Beck?” Naomi pipes up.

  “Jesus, I would have never…” Cami trails off.

  “Okay, in Beck’s defense, I’m not entirely sure he knew it either. It’s more like, he found what he was looking for, but it wasn’t between the legs of a woman,” Raine says. “Though…” she stops herself.

  “Oh no, spill it,” Addison says, and it’s obvious they’re close – Raine and Addison.

  “Erm…I kind of had a threesome with Beck and Dex.” She blushes.

  “What?” Everyone in the limo squeals. I sit back and watch the show.

  Raine sighs. “Remember when I showed up in New York, after Cami sent me to help you?”

  “Vaguely, that wasn’t the happiest of times for me,” she reminds Raine.

  “No, it wasn’t, but anyway Dex was putting the moves on me pretty hard and I made him work for it. Without thinking about it, I pulled Beck into the room with us. I…I needed buffer of sorts. But it all fell apart.”

  “That’s disappointing,” Cami chimes in. “That’s a man sandwich I wouldn’t mind being between.”

  “Cami,” Beau, Jolene and Naomi scold her at the same time.

  “What?” Cami says defensively. “They’re fucking gorgeous and while I would never, ever sleep with anyone besides Tristan, I am a woman who isn’t oblivious to sexy men.” She blushes. “Besides, it would only be good for a night. Tristan is amazing for a lifetime.” She gets dreamy dopey love eyes.

  The rest of the car’s occupants do too because they all seem to agree when it comes to their men. I won’t lie, I had them too because Dyson was all I could think about.

  The conversation dies down a little after that, but Addison is probing Raine for more information on Beck and his Master. She even seems to be asking questions about their relationship.

  Cotah slides over to me, “you doing alright?”

  I nod. “I’m freaking out a little.”

  “Why is that?” she asks, her voice soft, as we watch the rest of the girls.

  “Because, it’s not just me he has to take back,” I tell her. I don’t know why but I can talk to Cotah, she’s easy and sweet to talk to. Maybe it’s because we both have come from similar backgrounds and have both fallen in love with rich businessmen. “I’m pregnant,” I whisper and despite my low tone, the entire limo seems to hear me and all eyes dart to me. “What?” I blush.

  Cami gives me a reassuring smile. “Congrats,” a couple of the girls say.

  “Thanks, I just, I just need to get through tonight then go from there.”

  All the girls smile back at me. “It’s all going to work out,” Beau says. “Trust me. You’re looking at a lot of women who’ve been in your shoes. Though Jo and Naomi had it a little easier. They just kind of fell in love. Right, Addison?” She turns her head to Addison.

  “I met the guys at the end of January last year and I gave birth to twins in early November.” She smiles wide. It’s obvious by her expression those kids light up her life. I’d heard about it, but you know gossip magazines and their track record.

  “I ran away from Tristan after finding out about our dad, because I was pregnant with Jaden and I didn’t know how he would handle it.”

  “Wait a minute?” Jolene cuts in. “Our dad?” She points to me and then back to Cami.

  Cami smiles at her, then at me. “You all know Bobby is a dick and has been for years. I found out recently Ireland is my half-sister.”

  There is a collective gasp.

  Cotah chimes in to finish the story. “Derek and I started off as a one week arrangement. As bad as that may sound, I was in Vegas with my girlfriends, he saw me, decided he had to have me, and he asked me to spend the week with him. That’s how I met Cami and Tristan,” she smiles at Cami, “and I made some new friends. By the end of the week, Derek wanted more. Afraid of what more meant, I ran away.” She laughs. “Ironically, I think we all end up running to Cami in some way. I was here, in Phoenix, when Derek found me a week or so later. We’ve been together almost two years and have since gotten married and collared.” She tacks on with a laugh.

  “Some of us are a little less drama filled,” Beau says. “But I met Mick because Cami was and is my best friend. We met in college and have been inseparable ever since.”

  “I was hired by Bobby,” Raine adds, “as his assistant. When he died, I stayed on and became Addison’s assistant. But she saw something more in me; I then became Addie’s assistant for 69 Bottles.”

  “So you see we’ve all got a story. We’ve all got a history that seems to revolve around Cami,” Naomi says.

  “Naomi and I met Travis and Tyson
because of Cami too.”

  “We’re just one big happy family,” Cami says. “They’re my family and that means they’re your family too.”

  The entire car nods in agreement and I start crying. “Dammit, you guys. You can’t pull this shit on me. I’m pregnant and crazy hormonal.” They laugh and I join them. Someone hands me a tissue and I clean up as best I can.

  “That’s how I know this will work out,” Cotah says to me. “Because family sticks together. So one way or another, you’ll have everything you need. Whether it’s with him or with us or both.”

  “I’m praying for both,” Beau chimes in. “I mean, come on, this is like the best romance novel in the world. They’re getting their second chance. It has to be true love.”

  “I like your attitude. Can I borrow it for a while?” I ask Beau and she smiles.

  “You already have it.” She winks.

  My head is spinning from all the talk and information I’ve learned from the fifteen-minute ride to the bar. These girls are as nuts as I am and for the first time in my life, I actually feel like I truly belong somewhere. Becca has completely ditched me. Not once has she called me since I left all those weeks ago. At least Reese and Dyson called, frequently. I guess that goes to show where I stand in her book. It hurts to think I gave so much of myself to someone who was too selfish to see what she had in front of her.

  I shrug it off as we pull in front of Blu. There are dozens of cars in the lot and I’m not surprised I don’t see the Tesla or the Nissan. He was still in his condo when we left. Outside, waiting by the doors are two very large men. One of them is the spitting image of Michael Clarke Duncan. The other is smaller, has slightly reddish hair, and a toned body. Not bad looking, if you ask me. The doors to the limo are opened by our driver.

  “Let’s party,” Cami says and I slide out we step toward the entrance of Blu. I fall back with Dacotah and she walks in with me. Then a very tall, very handsome man with his hair tied at the nape of his neck comes over and wraps his arms around Cotah possessively and I smile at her obvious pleasure.

  “Master,” Cotah whispers. I see Derek stiffen and look at me, I blush. “Raine egged me on, I couldn’t help myself,” she says by way of explanation. “The entire car now knows you’re my Master.”

  Derek smiles and shakes his head. “Well then.” His voice is like melted chocolate, smooth and creamy in a way that makes my insides flutter.

  “Master, this is Ireland, she’s Cami’s sister. Ireland, this is Derek.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Derek.”

  “Likewise.” His smile is warm, welcoming and inviting in a way I didn’t expect when I found out he was Cotah’s Master. He takes my hand.

  “Dex,” Derek says and my eyes follow Derek’s to see Raine cringing in the corner, but there is a smirk on her face that tells me she’s going to love this. “Kitten?”

  “Yes, Master?” Cotah answers so naturally I look away.

  “If they know about me, I’m assuming they know about Dex?”

  “Yes, Master,” she says sheepishly. “And Master Caden.”

  “Girl, you try my patience,” he says, but there is a playful light in his eye that tells me she may get punished for her actions, but he’s going to make sure she enjoys it.

  “I’m sorry, Master. We were all talking about stuff and Raine asked if the boys came along and it…” she starts rambling, trying to explain things.

  Dex joins us. “Our secrets out,” Derek tells Dex.

  “Oh thank god.” Dex smirks then looks at me. “And who’s this gorgeous drink of water?”

  “Dex Harris,” Raine snaps at him and Dex slinks back a little. “That’s Cami’s sister and you, Master, are with me. Don’t you forget it.”

  “Your ass is mine,” he groans and claims her mouth in a way that makes me look away again.

  “Ireland,” Cami calls for me and I excuse myself and join her. She’s standing with Tristan and Mick.

  “I knew I’d seen you somewhere before,” I tell Mick, while narrowing my eyes. “I just couldn’t place it.”

  He nods. “Are you doing okay?” he asks.

  “I’m better, but I’ll truly be better when everything settles back to normal and I have Dyson back.” I tell him.

  He nods. “I am sorry about everything.”

  “I’m not.” I smile at him and wink at Cami. I watch as Mick visibly relaxes.

  “Good,” he smiles.

  I turn to Tristan. “I owe you an apology,” I tell him and he raises an eyebrow at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  “For what, exactly?” he says. His voice is playful.

  “For making out with my brother-in-law.”

  It takes a minute for him to remember and he bursts out laughing, bringing Cami, Mick and Beau into his laughter and he wraps his arms around me.

  “You’re welcome to use me anytime you need.”

  “Ewww,” I breathe in his ear.

  “Good point,” he snorts. “Welcome home,” he says and releases me. His voice is soft, tender and it's like a wave of calm washes over me. The words hold so much meaning, so much promise, and it makes my heart soar. He leans back in, whispering in my ear, “Have you told him?”

  I shake my head. “I wanted to, in the letter you gave him last night, but I thought it might be better in person.”

  “Wise choice.”

  “I see Cami hasn’t told anyone.” I wink.

  He shakes his head. “She won’t for another month or so.”

  “Yeah, my beans got spilled in the car on the way over. Inadvertently, of course. He has to decide if he wants to take me back, but he also has to decide if he can take both of us back.”

  Tristan smiles at me. “Oh he will. You’d be amazed at what the idea of a baby can do to someone.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  It’s true. Dyson and I are barely getting started and now this? Somehow I think I knew all along this was going to happen. It was inevitable. Then when I got to reading through mom’s letters, I was wondering if I was going to become her. Alone with a paycheck. That’s what scares me the most. So, if he decides he can’t take both of us back, then I don’t want anything from him. I’ll move back into the house in Joplin. It was good to me growing up. It will be good for my child too.

  I move around the room, meeting the rest of the people who are here tonight. I meet Beck, whose real name is Aryn, and his Master, Caden. They’re quite sweet together and it’s heartwarming. Then I move on to Eric and Calvin, better known in 69 Bottles terms as Mouse and Peacock. They’re together too and the way they look at each other tells me they’ve lived a thousand lives to get where they are today. Then I finally get to meet the infamous Talon Carver and good god, Addison is one lucky as hell woman. Because he’s gorgeous in a rough, rocker kind of way, and then you have Kyle who is equally as beautiful, in a clean cut way that makes your insides tingle. The band was setting up the stage outside, intending to jam a little tonight and I’m excited because I get an exclusive, nearly private concert of one of my favorite bands.

  After about an hour, everyone moves out back, and the drinks are flowing from the bar back there. I hadn’t gotten around to meeting everyone, but I am determined at some point to do just that, and then 69 Bottles starts to play, and all else is lost. I’m enraptured watching them, then pulled onto the dance floor by nearly all the girls with the guys standing around watching us.

  When the song ends, the guys kick over to one of my personal faves. I was at the concert in Phoenix when Addison joined them for what I think was the first time. Addison squeals and hops up on stage.

  Over the last year or so, they’ve perfected it, from a single singer to an amazing duet. I’m watching them while most of the girls dance with their guys, and that’s when I feel him before I see him.

  The hair on the back of my neck stands on end and I slowly turn around.

  ****** DYSON ******

  Storm Warning - Hunter Hayes

  I’d come in to find the bar empty, but I could hear the music from the front of the building. I sat in the parking lot for a good twenty minutes trying to find the courage to come in here. I wasn’t sure what I was going to find when I got inside.

  Once I got to the door, there were two guys standing guard. From the car, I’d watched them turn away several people who tried to get in. Tristan had said it was a private party so I wasn’t surprised.

  When I approach, the shorter of the two at the door greet me, “You must be Dyson.”

  “I am.”

  “I’m Rusty, this is Leroy. We’re part of Cami and 69 Bottles’ security team.”

  “Ah, gotcha.”

  Rusty opens up the door for me. “Enjoy your night.”


  “Oh, and wait by the door before you go out back, someone wants to talk to you.”

  “Uh, okay,” I tell him and I do as he says. Cami joins me.

  “I’m glad you came,” she says.

  I can’t stop myself from asking the thing I need to know most. “Is she here?”

  She smiles wide. “She is, she’s expecting you. But the guys are gonna help you with that.”

  She leaves me to stand there alone as the band finishes their song. That’s when I hear the familiar chords of a song I’ve always enjoyed. Everyone starts to shout with excitement and I step into the doorway as Cami joins her husband. The rest of their friends move in with them next and they all start dancing together. As they move, they part the seas of people and there, standing alone with one arm across her chest, the other arm resting on it, but her hand is playing with a stand of her hair.

  God, she’s so fucking gorgeous.

  God, I fucking missed her.

  I move into the courtyard, and stand there with my hands in my pockets, willing her to turn around. The guys slow the song, drawing it out, giving me more time and I smile at Addison. She gives me a small smile back, not wanting to give me away. I stare at Ireland. Praying the connection to her I’m feeling is felt in her too.

  I watch as she stiffens, her hand stills in her hair and she slowly starts to turn around. This is it. This is the moment I’ve been praying for these last several weeks. She’s here, I’m here. Either she’ll come to me, or she’ll walk away. God, please don’t let her walk away. I can’t take that again.


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