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The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abington, Edward
Acquaviva, Claudio
Act Against Fugitives over the Sea
Act for Apparel
Act of Settlement
Act of Supremacy
Act of Uniformity
Acts and Monuments (Foxe)
Admonition to Parliament, An (Field and Wilcox)
Adrian VI, Pope
Adryan, Peter
Agazzari, Alfonso
Agnus Dei
Alba, Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of
Council of Troubles
in Netherlands
pay of troops and trade
plot to invade England
Segovia Woods letters
Alexander VI, Pope
Allen, William
death of
at English College at Douai
Marian purges
political involvements of
in Rome
Alleyn, Edward
All Saints’ Day
Amboise conspiracy
Anglican Church
Anjou, Duke of. See Henry III, King of France
Anne, Queen of England
Anne Boleyn
Antoine of Navarre
António I, King of Portugal
Apology of the Church of England (Jewel)
Aquinas, Thomas
Aretino, Pietro
Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Earl of
Armada. See Spanish Armada
Arnault, Jean
Arran, James Stewart, Earl of
Arundel, Philip Howard, 20th Earl of
Assonleville, Christophe d’
Aubigny, Esmé Stuart, 6th Seigneur d’
Babington, Anthony
Babington Plot
Bacon, Anne
Bacon, Anthony
Bacon, Francis
Bacon, Nicholas
education system and
Lord Privy Seal
religious matters and
Bailly, Charles
Ballard, John
Bancroft, Richard
Bannister, Laurence
Barnard, Robert
Barnewell, Janet
Barrow, Henry
Battle of Dreux
Battle of Yellow Ford
Beaton, James
Bedingfield, Henry
Bedingfield, Thomas
belief systems
Berden, Nicholas
Berney, Kenelm
Bess of Hardwick
Blois Treaty
Bodley, Thomas
Boncompagni, Giacomo
Bonner, Edmund
Book of Common Prayer
Book of the Ocean to Cynthia (Raleigh)
Borghese, Venturini
Borromeo, Charles
Bothwell, James Hepburn, 4th Earl of
Chaseabout Raid and
imprisoned in Denmark
Lord Darnley’s murder and
Bowes, Robert
Breughel, Pieter
Brooke, William, 10th Baron Cobham
Browne, Robert
Browne, Thomas
Brûlart, Pierre, seigneur de Genlis
Bull, Eleanor
Bullinger, Heinrich
Bullingham, Nicholas
Burghley, Lord. See Cecil, William, 1st Baron Burghley
burning at the stake
Burroughs, William
Butler, Thomas, 10th Earl of Ormond
Calvert, Charles, 3rd Baron Baltimore
Calvin, John
Campion, Edmund
execution of
in exile
History of Ireland
imprisonment and trial
in Ireland
mission to England
Oxford debate
Campion’s Brag
Carafa War
Carey, George
Carleill, Christopher
Carranza, Bartolomé
Cartwright, Thomas
Casket Letters
Castelnau, Michel de
Castiglione, Baldesar
Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of
Catesby, William
Catherine de’ Medici
Amboise conspiracy and
Cateau-Cambrésis Treaty
Elisabeth’s marriage to Philip II
Elizabeth I marriage proposals and
Guise faction and
Huguenots and
Marguerite and Henry’s marriage
Mary and Scotland
Nemours Treaty and
overtures of “peace” and
Segovia Woods letters
Catherine Howard, Queen of England
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine Parr, Queen of England
Catholicism (Catholic Church)
Council of Trent
in England. See English Catholicism
Spain and Philip II
Catholic League
Catholic Mass
Catlyn, Maliverny
Caveat for Parsons Howlet, A (Field)
Cavendish, Thomas
Cawarden, Thomas
Cecil, John
Cecil, Mildred
Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury
Cholmeley assassination plot
death of father
foreign affairs and
influence of
James and succession claims
Southwell and
theater censorship and
transition from Tudor to Stuart England
Cecil, William, 1st Baron Burghley
death of
domestic politics and
Elizabeth and marriage question
as Elizabeth’s most important advisor
England Triumphant
foreign affairs and
Mary and
Parliament and
religious issues and
Chaderton, Laurence
Chaloner, Thomas
Champernowne, Arthur
Charke, William
Charles, Archduke of Austria
Charles II, King of England
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles IX, King of France
Chartley Manor
Chaseabout Raid
Châteauneuf, Ambassador
Châtelherault, James Hamilton, Duke of
Chettle, Henry
Cholmeley, Ranulph
Cholmeley, Richard
Church of England
“activist” women and
Cartwright and
Elizabeth as Supreme Head
establishment of
reconciliation with Rome
Vestments Controversy
Cinque Ports
Clement VII, Pope
Cobham, Henry de, 1st Baron Cobham
Coligny, Gaspard II de
Amboise conspiracy and
Charles IX and
civil wars
St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre and assassination
Collington, John
Colloquy of Poissy
Comans, Jerome
Compromise of the Nobility
Condé, Louis de, Prince of
Battle of Dreux
Chartres and
English intervention in France
Tumult of Amboise
Congregation of the Index
Cooke, Anthony
Cooper, Thomas
Corporation of London
Council of Blood
Council of the North
Council of Trent
Courtenay, William
Coverdale, Miles
Cranmer, Thomas
Cromwell, Thomas
Crowley, Robert
Curwen, Henry
Dacre, Leonard
Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord
“crown matrimonial” and
marriage to Mary
murder of
Rizzio’s murder and involvement with rebels
Davison, William
de Brès, Guy
Declaration of Breda
Dee, John
de Feria, Gómez Suárez de Figueroa
de Foix, Paul
de Quadra, Alvarez
Dering, Edward
des Gallars, Nicholas
de Spes, Guerau
des Sechelles, Monsieur
Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex. See Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of
de Vives, Juan
Dissolution of the Monasteries
Douai Bible
Douglas, Margaret. See Lennox, Margaret Douglas, Countess of
Drake, Francis
Spanish Armada
Spanish raids
voyage of circumnavigation
Drury, William
Dudley, Ambrose, 3rd Earl of Warwick
Dudley, Amy
Dudley, Robert, 1st Earl of Leicester. See Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of
Dunne, John
Dutch Revolt
Dyer, Edward
Edict of Amboise
Edict of Nantes
Edict of St. Germain
Edinburgh, Treaty of
education system
Edward III, King of England
Edward VI, King of England
Egmont, Lamoral, Count of
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eliot, George
Elisabeth of Austria
Elisabeth of France
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
accession to throne
coronation festivities
at Hatfield House
Henry VIII and
illegitimacy question
imprisonment by Mary Tudor
advisors. See also Privy Council; and specific advisors
assassination attempts and plots
Babington Plot
Cholmeley plot
de Quadra
Ridolfi plot
Throckmorton Plot
Catholicism and
Act of Supremacy
Act of Uniformity
papal-sponsored invasions
Pius V’s excommunication
church settlement
court life
Cult of
death of
French Huguenots and
Ireland and
marriage proposals and negotiations
Archduke Charles
Francis of Anjou
Robert Dudley
Mary Stuart and
attempts to reclaim English throne
Babington Plot
Casket Letters
Darnley marriage
Duke of Norfolk marriage plans
rapprochement with
return to Scotland through England
succession questions
trial and execution
Netherlands (Low Countries) and
nobility and
Parliaments. See Parliament
Philip and Spain
Catholicism and papacy
French insurrection
maritime voyages
as marriage prospect
trade war
Protestants and
Puritans and
Marprelate Controversy
religious issues
clerical vestments
education system
Knox and
middle way
need for tolerance
Oxford visit
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Spanish Armada
succession problem
Hertford affair
Elphinstone, Nicholas
England Triumphant (Cecil)
Englefield, Francis
at Louvain
Mary and
returning England to Catholicism
English Catholicism
Campion and
Edward VI and
Elizabeth I and
Act of Supremacy
Act of Uniformity
Pius’s Regnans in Excelsis
religious settlement
Enterprise of England
Gunpowder Plot
Mary I and
Northern Rising
parish churches
seminary priests
English College (Rome)
Enterprise of England
Eric XIV of Sweden
espionage. See secret service
Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of
court and military life
death of Lord Strange