Hitman's Journey Back in Time

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Hitman's Journey Back in Time Page 13

by Joshua Schank

  With the temperature being in the low sixties, Ben is wearing his usual “black suit.” Ben takes several hits from his cigarette- every few minutes letting the ashes come off of it. He takes a bigger hit than usual and makes Ben cough uncontrollably. Ben pounds on his chest to catch his breath. Ben throws the lit cigarette on the papers and begins walking to the barn.

  Meanwhile, his target “Jacob” is sitting in the barn at a long table drinking a beer and listening to his radio. It’s obvious the man was doing carpentry work earlier, as there is a lot of plywood and a circular saw on the table not too far away from where he is sitting at. Plus, the fact that he is wearing a very dirty shirt and sweat on his neck is a dead “give away.”

  The man takes a big chug of his beer can when he notices a man wearing a suit enters his barn.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Jacob shouts as he’s getting to his feet.

  Ben throws his Top hat like a Frisbee about forty feet away and begins doing cartwheels in the direction of his hat. Jacob has a shocked look and begins walking slowly sideways to his shotgun that is about thirty feet away. Jacob nears where his shotgun is at as Ben finishes doing his last cartwheel and then picks his hat off the ground- putting it back on. Jacob reaches for his shotgun. Ben shoots his gun at Jacob’s hands, which are centimeters away from grabbing the gun. The bullet glazes Jacob’s right hand as he quickly moves his right hand away in pain.

  Ben begins walking over to Jacob as Jacob is swinging his right hand to ease the pain. Ben points his gun at Jacob to get him to back away from the shotgun. Ben grabs Jacob’s shotgun and begins emptying all the bullets. He then does the same with his handgun.

  “I believe in fair play. If I’m going beat you, I want to do it the proper way,” said Ben.

  “I’m not sure what this is all about, or what it is you want from me. But you best be going before I lay a true hillbilly ‘beat down’ on your punk ass!” Jacob exclaimed.

  Ben sits Jacob’s shotgun down and puts his Smith & Wesson behind him in his pants. Ben walks right up to into Jacob’s face and gives him a hard shove, which infuriates Jacob.

  Jacob begins to swing. His swings were missing terribly, and it was obvious that the man is somewhat drunk. The man goes for Ben’s head and misses wildly again, as Ben ducks out of the way. Jacob has several more misses before finally connecting. His connection was only with Ben’s shoulders, which did very little damage. Ben got tired of taunting Jacob and throws a low, hard punch to Jacob’s lower stomach. Jacob falls to the ground in severe pain. Jacob begins throwing up on the ground.

  “Please, go away! I don’t have any money here,” said Jacob.

  “You sure didn’t have a problem pretending to be an investment salesman ripping millions of people off, now did you?” Ben asked.

  “Please, that was a long time ago,” said Jacob, who was spitting out what was left of the puke that was in him. “As you can see, I don’t have any money left.”

  Ben looks around, and outside of the plywood, circular saw, a cooler full of beer cans, and all the empty beer cans lying on the table, there really wasn’t much.

  “Still doesn’t change what you did!” Ben exclaimed.

  Ben picks up a piece of wood and hits Jacob over the head as Jacob is trying to get to his feet. Jacob falls back over on his back. Jacob blinks a few times while lying down. Jacob finally gets to his knees and then is able to get to his feet, but he’s extremely wobbly.

  “Please, don’t do this.” Jacob pleads. Jacob is exhausted and very wobbly.

  Ben charges forward with a nasty high kick knocking Jacob backwards onto the ground. Jacob is completely winded as he’s lying on his back, spitting out blood as he stares up at the barn’s ceiling. Jacob attempts to get up by moving his head, but he’s in too much pain as well as too drunk for the situation.

  Ben grabs Jacob and helps him to his feet. Ben drags him over to the circular saw. Ben turns on the saw. Jacob could hear the saw turning on, and he knew right away Ben’s intentions. Jacob began to frantically throw punches at Ben’s stomach. The punches weren’t solid punches, and they didn’t seem to be fazing Ben in any way.

  “Please, don’t take off my hands!” Jacob screams.

  “It’s not your hands I want!” Ben shouted.

  Ben grabs Jacob’s head and puts his head under the circular saw. He brings the moving circular saw down quickly onto Jacob’s neck. Jacob begins screaming, “Help!”

  The circular saw blade goes through the neck and quickly begins cutting off Jacob’s head while blood sprays all over Ben’s face and clothes. The head tumbles to the ground. Ben looks at the severed head.

  “Look at the mess that you did to my good suit. That’s going to stain, you know?”

  Chapter 16

  Henry is smoking a cigar while sitting directly across from Ben. Ben is still wearing his bloody suit with many blood stains on it.

  “Don’t you worry, Ben, we will get you a new suit,” said Henry.

  “So, who’s next?” Ben asked.

  “God damn, you sure don’t mess around at all, do you, kid?” Henry asked.

  “You do remember that I am thirty now, don’t you?” Ben asked.

  “Damn, you are that old? Time sure flies by so fast!” Henry exclaimed excitedly.

  Henry lets out a short laugh. “Hey, William, can you get us a glass of whiskey?”

  William, who is by the door, quickly leaves the room to retrieve the whiskey.

  “I think your fine work of art, deserves a celebration. Don’t you agree?” Henry asked.

  Ben smiles, “Well, of course.”

  William returns with a bottle of whiskey and two small “party” cups. He puts a cup down in front of both Henry and Ben and pours both of them a glass of whiskey. Williams then takes the bottle and walks away to put the bottle away.

  Henry lifts up his cup and waits for Ben to raise his, hoping that Ben will follow suit and hit his cup with his. Ben lifts his cup up and hits Henry’s.

  “Cheers to you and all the fine work that you’ve done for our beloved company,” said Henry.

  They both chug down their drinks with Ben finishing just a split second before Henry.

  “I never thought I would see the day that someone could out drink me,” said Henry.

  “I didn’t out drink you, only drank a tad faster than you is all,” said Ben.

  Henry laughed. “Keep this up, and one day, you will take my seat,” said Henry.

  Ben began laughing but stopped shortly thereafter, when he seen Henry’s serious face.

  “I’m serious. I won’t be around forever, and you’re one of my most respected and trusted hit men,” said Henry.

  “I would be honored to take over for you, I just don’t think I’m ready for that,” said Ben.

  “No one is ever ready. Do you think I was ready when I got thrown into this seat? No one is ever ready. We just make due, with what our situations call for,” said Henry.

  William returns back to his normal position, which is just a few feet away from Henry. Henry reaches into his second drawer under his desk and pulls out a large envelope. He throws the envelope in front of Ben.

  “You’re probably tired of seeing these. I’m going to send you out on a very special ‘hit’ as I think you’re ready for the big time,” said Henry.

  “Big hit?” Ben asked.

  “Yes, I need a good, reliable hitman to take down a very powerful drug lord,” said Henry.

  “You know, I’m not really into killing those kinds of people,” said Ben.

  “Don’t worry, it’s not overseas. This man is responsible for over 300 deaths, just in the past three months from people buying drugs from him. You don’t have to believe me; it’s all in that paperwork. Have a look for yourself,” said Henry.

  “I believe you, and I’m ready for any challenge,” said Ben.

  “That a boy, you are dismissed,” said Henry.

  Ben grabs the stacks of papers and leaves.

Ben enters the bar “Rusty Nails.” He takes a seat at the bar. A bartender in his mid-forties with slick black hair is drying off mugs.

  “I’ll take a Seven and Seven,” said Ben to the bartender. The bartender finishes drying off the mug he’s working on and makes Ben an alcoholic drink.

  “It will be $6,” said the bartender.

  Ben gives the man a $5 bill and a $1 bill. As the man walks way with the cash to the register, Ben sits a $1 at the end of the table for a tip to the man.

  As Ben is sipping on his beer, he notices a girl that looks very familiar. It took him a few glances before he realized and was completely sure that it was Jennifer. It is the same Jennifer that Ben had a huge crush on back in his elementary school days. His memories surfaced of his dad picking on him in the car and at home about his crush on the girl. He never did have the balls growing up to ask her on a date.

  Jennifer began to notice Ben staring at her. She is only four chairs down. “You look very familiar,” Jennifer said.

  Ben got up from his seat and had a seat next to Jennifer. “Well, my name is Ben. I knew you quite well from elementary school.”

  Jennifer had her left hand gripped firmly on her left thigh, and her right hand was over her chin thinking. “I really have no idea.”

  “Remember, we used to play basketball together all time, you, me, and your friend. I can’t think of her name off hand. I used to have a huge problem with the bullies,” said Ben.

  “You mean, little Ben?” Jennifer asked.

  “Yup, that’s me,” said Ben blushing.

  “Oh my god, you are so built now. What happened?” Jennifer asked smiling.

  “The Army is what happened. After going through all of that training, you become a different person,” said Ben.

  “What do you do now?” Jennifer asked.

  “I work as a gas station attendant,” said Ben.

  Jennifer starts to laugh. “Well, it’s a job anyways.”

  “It’s definitely not my ‘dream job,’ by any means,” said Ben laughing.

  “I always thought you would grow up to become an accountant or something of that nature,” said Jennifer.

  Ben laughs. “Nope, you sure couldn’t have been more wrong.”

  Jennifer laughs. “Listen, Ben, I really need to get back. Do you want to come over to my place for a bit?” Jennifer asked.

  “I would love to!” Ben exclaimed.

  Ben follows Jennifer into her bedroom. There are papers and clothes all over the place.

  “I’m really sorry about the mess,” said Jennifer.

  Ben laughs. “It looks like a man’s bedroom.”

  Jennifer hits him playfully in the arm and laughs with Ben.

  “The books are for college. I’m going to be a nurse,” said Jennifer.

  “Wow! That is perfect for you. You’ve always been such a caring person,” said Ben.

  “With that hat and the suit you are wearing, you look like a very dangerous and professional man,” said Jennifer smiling.

  “If you only knew,” Ben said.

  Jennifer keeps smiling. She takes a seat on the bed.

  “So, I take it you never got married or had kids?” Ben asked.

  “No kids, but I lived with a guy for three years. He was quite the jack ass,” said Jennifer. “What about you?”

  “Still a bachelor,” said Ben laughing.

  Ben takes a seat next to Jennifer. Ben looks into Jennifer’s eyes trying to determine if he should make a move or not. Why is that I can kill people but can’t move a move in the bedroom with a girl? Ben thinks to himself. Jennifer puts her arms around Ben’s neck, and now, Ben knows for sure she’s into him. He brings his face close to hers, and they begin making love. Jennifer begins taking her shirt off and Ben follows suite shortly afterwards. Within a few minutes both are completely naked with Ben lying on top of Jennifer, making love. They have sex under the covers with Jennifer making loud moaning sounds.

  Ben is driving his car. Ben is wearing casual clothes- a red t-shirt and jeans. Ben is wearing his Top hat like always. Usually, Ben wears his suit for his job, because the boss always wants his men to dress professional when out on the job. But since this particular job is much more dangerous than most, and because he doesn’t want anyone to get suspicious, casual clothing for this particular “hit” is for Ben’s safety. Ben also decides that he will leave his gloves in the car, as he doesn’t want to bring any attention to him whatsoever.

  His GPS says “Take a left.” Ben pulls into an alley surrounded by a bunch of trees. Ben continues driving looking around but nothing is in sight besides trees. Ben squints out the window as it looks like there are men in the middle of the alley a few hundred yards away. As Ben gets closer he sees a “stop point” set up similar to a toll booth. The two men that have the alley blocked off are foreigners in their fifties, one is overweight and the other is slender.

  “How can I help you?” The fat foreigner asked.

  “Not sure I’m in the right place to be honest. I’m looking for ‘Wicked Julio’s’ place,” said Ben.

  “You’re in the right place, what is it that you want?” The fat foreigner asked.

  “I’m trying to buy forty pounds of cocaine,” said Ben.

  Both foreigners smiled. “You’re going to go straight for two miles, drive slowly as there are many bumps in the road. You will come to a huge sign pointing to the left. You will turn left and will pass three small houses. You will pass those and keep going until you see a sign that says ‘The Wicked Shall Rise.’ You will turn in there. It will take you to your destination,” said the fat foreigner.

  “Thank you,” said Ben. Ben nodded with his hand on his hat and began driving again.

  Ben passes the sign that says “The Wicked Shall Rise” and then turns down a dirt trail road. The car jerks right and left as he drives down this trail. Ben comes to a long, wide white house. Half of the house looks like a garage. Ben sees two built black men holding shotguns right outside the garage area. One of the burly men came up to Ben’s car.

  “What do you want?”

  “Just here to buy drugs,” said Ben.

  “Park your car, and then follow me,” said the burly black man. The black man points to where Ben can park. Ben parks and gets out of his car and then follows one of the burly black men into the garage area of the house. The place looks like a factory. There are bags of drugs on top of pallets everywhere but mostly on the left side. Some pallets are stacked on others while some are more spread out. The big black burly man leaves the garage. Ben walks up to three men. The three men are smoking cigarettes and chatting among themselves. The black man is Julio, the skinny Hispanic is Diego, and the built Hispanic is Cain. Julio notices Ben.

  “What is it I can help you with, young man?” said Julio.

  “I’m here to buy thirty pounds of cocaine,” said Ben.

  “Is that so now?” Julio asks. “Diego, go get “this” man thirty pounds of cocaine,” said Julio.

  Diego quickly leaves to get the drugs. Ben begins to observe the garage in greater depth when out of nowhere a large object from Cain knocks him over the head, knocking him out cold.

  Cain waves a rag with a strong alcohol substance on it underneath Ben’s nose. Ben wakes up tied to a chair with no shirt on. He is surrounded by Julio, Diego, and Cain. Ben looks around and sees his Smith & Wesson on a table next to an ashtray twenty feet away. Several shotguns and a machine gun lay leaning on the same table.

  “Now, it’s time for you to stop bullshitting. I got a call from my guard, and he said you told him forty pounds of cocaine. But, you told me thirty,” said Julio.

  “I simply changed my mind,” said Ben lying.

  “BULLSHIT! We are going to play a little game. If you tell me the truth, you go home free. If you lie, I will cut you up and feed you to my dogs. Do we have ourselves a deal?” Julio asked.

  Ben nods his head.

  “Why are you here?” Julio asked.

o buy drugs,” said Ben.

  “Cain, show this punk what we do to liars,” said Julio.

  Cain put on some hand knuckles and cocks back his right arm and then swings at Ben’s face, causing his nose to bleed. Cain grabs a knife out of his pocket and begins to rub the blade gently all over Ben’s chest and lower stomach.

  “This can all end right now. You can go home, and I’ll pretend you were never here. You just need to tell me what I want to hear,” said Julio.

  “I told you already,” said Ben.

  Julio laughs. “Cain, please, do the honors.”

  Cain stuck the knife in deep in Ben’s lower stomach, luckily for Ben it was a small knife but still extremely painful nonetheless. He turned and twisted the knife while it’s in Ben’s stomach, making Ben scream. He pulled the bloody knife out and took a rag to it.

  “That is about the nicest thing we have in store for you. Do you feel like talking now?” Julio asked.

  “Fuck you!” Ben shouted.

  Julio walked over to Ben. I may look like a gentle man, but if you don’t start telling me what I want to hear, I’m going to have Cain cut off every single one of your fingers and toes and feed them to my two dogs. The choice is yours,” said Julio.

  “Fuck you.” Ben said the words with much less authority. He still wasn’t going to give in though.

  “I think he wants to talk, he just needs a little encouragement. Cain, grab the power drill.”

  Ben’s eyes got big and his face went into panic mode as he seen Cain starting up a Dewalt cordless power drill.

  “I’m afraid this might hurt just a little,” Cain said laughing as he began moving the drill near Ben’s stomach. Ben began to scream as Cain began to penetrate Ben’s lower left stomach area with a drill bit. Cain drilled the drill bit in about half way before pulling it out. Ben’s eyes were extremely watery as tears uncontrollably came down his cheeks. Ben’s pants were soaked with blood. A lot of blood is draining on the floor by his chair creating a small puddle around his chair.


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