Hitman's Journey Back in Time

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Hitman's Journey Back in Time Page 14

by Joshua Schank

  “Give the man some space. I think he is finally coming around to talk,” said Julio.

  Cain turned off the power drill and sat it down and backed away. Julio walked up to Ben.

  Julio reaches his hand out onto Ben’s shoulders.

  “I think you’ve had plenty of time to think about it. Time to speak up,” said Julio.

  Despite the severe pain Ben is in, he still won’t back down. “Fuck you.” Ben is in way too much pain to say the words with any authority, but the message was enough to truly piss off Julio.

  “Just remember, I gave you a chance,” said Julio.

  Julio turned to Cain. “Cain, this man won’t learn. Cut his fingers off,” said Julio.

  Cain put a rag in Ben’s mouth to quiet the screams. Diego runs up to Julio.

  “Just got a call on my cell phone, Scott is a half hour out. He’s coming to buy $50,000 worth of heroine.”

  “Well, what do you know, one of my favorite customers,” said Julio.

  Julio walked over to Cain before he could cut any fingers off of Ben.

  “Looks like we aren’t going to have time to torture this inconsiderate bastard,” said Julio to Cain.

  “Please, boss, let me just cut off one finger,” said Cain.

  Julio laughs. “I’m going to need you to get the heroine ready in a little bit.” Julio looks at Ben. “You see, I can be a nice guy, and being that I’m short on time, I’m going to do you a favor and put you out of your misery.” Julio looks over at Diego. “Diego, put this fool out of his misery.”

  Diego walks up to Ben, pulling out his handgun from his pants. Diego points the gun at Ben, and Ben closes his eyes waiting for the gun shot. A gun shot is fired. Ben hears the shot and realizes he’s still alive. Ben opens his eyes and sees Diego dead on the ground.

  “What the fuck!” Julio shouts.

  Julio grabs one of the shotguns while Cain grabs his machine gun. Cain opens fire in the direction of where the gun shot came from. Cain shoots up all the areas near where the gun shot came from. The shots fired hit many of the bags of crack and cocaine causing them to open and spill from the pallets to the ground. Julio is shooting a shotgun, so he aims and shoots in more precise areas trying to make the best educated guess where the intruder is shooting from.

  “Whoever the bastard is, he’s dead now,” said Julio.

  Out of nowhere “Smasher” appears from behind one of the pallets that he was hiding behind. He has two handguns in his hands and is firing at Cain and Julio. One of his many shots ended up being a clean shot at Cain’s head- killing him instantly. A shot fired from “Smasher” hit a small part of Julio’s right shoulder. Julio aimed at Smasher and landed a clean shot to Smasher’s lower stomach.

  “Got the cocksucker!” Julio shouted in joy and anger.

  Julio walks over to Smasher’s injured body. He points the shotgun at Smasher’s head. “Tell Lucifer, hi for me.”

  A gun shot is fired. The shot fired came from Ben, who had escaped and is sitting on the floor next to Cain’s dead body. Julio falls over onto Smasher. Smasher breathes a sigh of relief. Smasher pushes Julio’s dead body off of him with the little bit of strength he still has. Ben puts his Smith & Wesson under his back in his pants. Ben gets himself into a crouched position. He takes Diego’s shirt off of him and puts the shirt over his stomach to help the bleeding a little bit. Ben gets up slowly with his left hand holding Diego’s shirt over his stomach and begins walking over to Smasher. Ben wraps right arm around “Smasher” and helps him out the door. Smasher’s two handguns got left behind next to Julio’s dead body. As Ben is helping Smasher out the garage, he sees two dead bodyguards on the ground dead with their throats slit.

  “We won’t have anything to worry about, as I killed the two foreigners a couple miles away as well,” said Smasher, who said the words very lightly. Ben helps Smasher into the car and went to his trunk to get the First Aid Kit. He threw Diego’s bloody shirt on the ground. He pulled out a roll of “gauze.” He began wrapping the gauze around his lower stomach several times using his left hand while his right hand kept the gauze in place from falling. Ben used a small pair of scissors to cut what was left of the roll. Ben, then using his left hand grabbed the medical tape “Durapore.” He began wrapping the medical tape around the gauze, so that the gauze wouldn’t fall off. Ben reached into a small bag he had in the trunk and pulled a plain black t-shirt out of it. He then put the plain black t-shirt on.

  Ben walked over to the passenger side door to talk to Smasher. “We need to get you treated as well.”

  “Don’t worry about me. Get in the car, because we are running out of time,” said Smasher.

  Ben is on the highway. Smasher is sitting next to him with his right arm around his lower waist in severe pain and agony from the gun shot.

  “We really need to get you to the hospital,” said Ben.

  “No hospitals for us, pal. Drive us to the Holiday Inn. I have a nurse there that will take good care of us,” said Smasher.

  Ben types in Holiday in his GPS. The GPS responds “One hour and twenty-three minutes away.”

  “How did you get here without transportation?” Ben asked.

  “I walked through the woods,” said Smasher.

  “Damn, that had to be at least twenty miles,” said Ben.

  “I was a Marine, I’m used to it,” said Smasher.

  “Yeah, I hear that. I did four years in the Army,” said Ben.

  “Boss loves to hire veterans. Over 90% of the people he hires are ex military. Hell, even his office workers usually have ties to the military,” said Smasher.

  Little did Ben know, but Smasher had camped himself out in the woods for a few days. After seeing Ben get directions from the two foreigners, Smasher proceeded to take them out. Smasher was able to catch up to Ben in time due being able to walk extremely fast, and that Julio and his crew waited several minutes before waking Ben up after knocking him out.

  “How did you know I would be there?” Ben asked.

  Smasher just sits still not saying anything. Ben looks outside his driver’s side window when it hits him.

  “You have been following me for a long time, haven’t you?” said Ben.

  Smasher nods. Though Smasher is in a great deal of pain, he is able to still speak clearly. The words sometimes come out a little light, but his overall speech and speaking in complete sentences is still excellent.

  “I waited downstairs on one of the bottom stairs for you to kill that child molester. After you left, I saw your handy work. When you were yelling at that crack whore about killing her own baby with hot water, I was right outside the porch window watching it go down. I guess you can say I had front seats,” laughed Smasher.

  It was actually the girl’s niece that Stacy took in that killed the baby, but since Stacy was the one responsible for her baby’s death, Ben didn’t interrupt Smasher.

  “I never did get to see you kill that guy in the bathroom when you in process of killing that crack whore,” said Smasher. Smasher then took a short break before speaking again.

  “I waited in the parking lot and seen you throw out the bank robber’s girlfriend. I never did go on to check to see if you killed the bank robber. The fact that you had the woman by the window for as long as you did and not to be disturbed by the robber? Yeah, I knew he was either dead or fucked up enough that he couldn’t move.”

  “The mob boss said that he trusted me,” said Ben.

  Smasher laughs. “He tells that to everyone. Truth be told, he did trust you. He just needed to cover his tracks, just in case. So, he had someone like me to confirm the killings. Not to mention that he gives us a lot of money up front. He has to know that he can trust us not to take off with his money. He only really had me watch you for your first three assigned ‘kills.’ By that time he trusted you enough that I could go back to being a hitman myself, instead of watching over you. The past seven years, he’s had me watch you off and on, but I don’t think it was because of a tru
st issue, but it was more of seeing how you were progressing. I only got involved with this one because I knew you would have problems with it, as it’s more of a two or three person type job. It was a pretty big step up from what you were used to doing,” said Smasher.

  “I would rather go after the ‘little people’ of the world,” said Ben.

  “I admire you for going after those types of people, but I figure if I’m going to be killing people, I’m going to get paid ‘well’ for doing so,” said Smasher.

  “It’s the little people that had a huge effect on my life,” said Ben.

  Ben is seated at a table in a room at Holiday Inn. Smasher is on the same side of the table but clear on the other end of it. The nurse is stitching up both of Ben’s wounds. Ben felt oozy from the several pain killers the nurse had given him the past several hours. Ben looked over at Smasher and could see that he didn’t look good at all. Smasher’s face is very pale. Smasher had covers over him to keep him warm. He began to shake really badly. It’s painfully obvious he’s about to die.

  The nurse (Katrina) walked over to Smasher. “Katrina… (the words came out really lightly), do me a favor. Tell my kids I love them.” Right after the words came out, Smasher stopped moving. Ben turned away.

  Katrina closed Smasher’s eyes and looked over at Ben. “Henry is really going to miss that one. I’ve never met a more dangerous man,” said Katrina.

  “I didn’t know he even had kids,” said Ben.

  “Don’t worry. I will get in touch with Henry about this. I also will speak to his family,” said Katrina.

  “Does his family know that he’s a hitman?” Ben asked.

  The nurse laughed. “His family thinks he travels all over because he’s a ‘bounty hunter,’ ’’ said Katrina smiling.

  Ben sits in his car in front of his next target. It’s been two months since Ben’s last hit. He is now fully healed from his stomach wounds. He goes through the papers and comes across a picture of an older man in his sixties. The next page says: “Convicted of drunken driving 9 times.” Ben turns the page. It says: “3 years in prison for vehicular manslaughter.”

  “The man only gets three years for killing someone while drinking and driving!” Ben shouted loudly in his car to himself. “Well, isn’t that a surprise,” said Ben to himself.

  Ben looks at his huge kitchen knife on the passenger seat. He feels the blade as his phone begins to ring. Ben takes off his leather black gloves, sitting them on the dashboard. Ben takes his phone out of his pocket so he can answer it.

  “Mom, well, you sure do know how to pick the best time to call me,” said Ben.

  He could hear his mom crying on the other line. “Is everything ok, mom?” Ben asked. His mother continues to cry. “Mother, what is it?”

  “It’s your sister, she’s…”

  “Mom, what the hell is going on?” Ben shouted.

  “She committed suicide, Ben. I’m so very sorry,” said Tina.

  Tina’s sobs grew louder on the phone. Ben dropped the phone, and he began slamming his hands on the steering wheel.

  “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” Ben shouted in disbelief and disgust.

  Ben picked the phone back up. “Look, mom, I have to get going. I’ll give you a call back tomorrow.” Ben hung up before he could give his crying mother a chance to speak.

  Ben grabbed the large kitchen knife. He looked in the rearview mirror and all he could see was “evil” in himself and rightfully so. Ben is so filled with anger, that he left his gloves behind on the dashboard.

  Ben rushed to the man’s door and doesn’t even mess around with trying to pick the lock. His patience and care had gone out the window. Ben took three steps back and charges forward. The door wouldn’t budge. Ben walks back to the end of the porch and then runs at sprint speed at the door. It finally budges a tad but still stuck. Ben uses his right hand to put the knife into his left hand. Ben then using his right hand takes out his Smith & Wesson and shoots the door knob. Ben puts his gun back behind his lower back in his pants. Ben uses his right hand to take the knife out of his left hand, since he is right-handed. Ben opens the door and rushes to the stairs. He goes up the stairs at a rapid pace without a care for all the creaking sounds he was making. Ben races to the hallway by the middle room, which is the old man’s bedroom. The old man is sleeping under the covers. The man picks his head off the covers.

  “Is someone there?”

  Ben rushes over and says, “Yes, someone is.” The old man’s face goes to terror as he sees the anger in Ben’s eyes. Ben begins to stab the old man. The old man screams as Ben continually stabs the old man. Ben has already stabbed the man over ten times, but with so much anger and rage is inside of him, he refuses to stop. We can see Ben’s reflection from the window. The anger and frustration in his face is “from out of this world.” Ben keeps stabbing away. The man has been dead several stabs ago, but Ben doesn’t care. Ben keeps bring the knife up and down, while blood sprays all over his demented face as well as the bed and his suit.


  A loud thud sound is coming from the stairs. Ben either doesn’t hear it or does but could care less. Ben continues to stab the dead man, with tears pouring out of his eyes.

  The cops are in the hallway and now in the middle room. “Get on the fucking ground!” One of the cops shouted at Ben.

  Ben drops the knife and kneels on the floor. The cops rush over and handcuff him. The whole hallway and bedroom is filled with cops.

  Chapter 17

  A police car pulls up to the mob headquarters. A policeman gets out of the car with a suitcase and walks up to the door. The policeman is greeted by Paul.

  “Hey, look, I don’t care if you’re a cop or not, you’re going to have to kill me to see more than this room,” said Paul.

  “Relax, Paul. It’s me.”

  The man takes off his police hat.

  “Oh, shit, I’m used to seeing you without your cop uniform on, Todd” said Paul.

  “I need to see your boss.”

  “I can’t have you bringing any guns in the boss’s office,” said Paul.

  Todd sits his suitcase down and throws his arms in the air. “Look…” Todd says this with his eyes meeting Paul. “I don’t have any guns on me.”

  “How do I know you don’t have any in that suitcase,” said Paul.

  “C’mon, Paul, I’ve been dealing with your boss for how long now, and you’re going to come at me with that line of questioning,” said Todd.

  “Henry only trusts a small handful of people, and I can promise you that your name isn’t on that list,” said Paul.

  There aren’t any guns in my suitcase, but if you feel the need to check because you don’t trust me, maybe I should take my business to someone that does.

  “You know what, you’re right,” said Paul.

  Paul throws him the key to the door. Todd unlocks the hinge to the door and puts his body through the tight space. He walks to the mob boss’s door.

  “Who is it?” William asked.

  “It’s me, Todd.”

  “Let him in,” Henry said. Williams opens the door and Todd comes walking in.

  “You may have a seat,” said Henry. “Is there something I can help you out with? I’m sure by now you heard about Ben, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I did, but my job nor yours is done, nor will it ever be. Lowlifes need to be executed. I want to hire a new hitman,” said Todd.

  Henry laughs. “I get why you want ‘us’ to take care of these kinds of people. Look, Todd, it’s terrible what happened to your kids and wife. I get that you are upset that some ‘piece of shit’ gang member took your wife and two children’s life. I get all of that. But, why not seek revenge on the sick fuck that did this to you, instead of hiring a hitman to kill other ‘lowlifes.’ ”

  “Do you think that his death is prison by another prisoner was just random? The bastard was only going to do twe
lve years,” said Todd.

  “You just made my point for me, Todd. No matter how many lowlife degenerates you pay us to kill, it will never satisfy you. No offense, Todd, but this is a sick obsession. You follow a child molester around in your civilian car and know he’s guilty, because you seen him burying these kids in an undisclosed location. Right there, you could have called the cops. That’s all the evidence they would have needed. Or hell, you could have arrested the molester yourself. Of course, the police enforcement from that county and state would wonder why you’re so far out of your jurisdiction.

  “These people don’t deserve three meals a day on our tax dollars,” said a frustrated Todd. “That child molester was upset that the cops had found three of the children that he had killed, so he chose a different hiding spot. He didn’t want the cops to find these kids, so he could come back later and have sex with their dead corpse. That’s why I didn’t think a simple arrest would do the ‘sick fuck’ any justice. Do you still think the man deserved to live?”

  Perhaps not. Look, even if Ben didn’t get caught, I really wouldn’t want him doing this ‘small stuff’ anymore. I lost one of my best soldiers a couple of months ago. I was going to have Ben take his place but never got a chance to sit down with him. You really need to seek help, Todd.”

  “Fuck getting help!” Todd screamed. “Like you are in a position to advise someone to get help.”

  “Todd, let me tell you something. Big time people come to us to exterminate the higher ups of the world. We get millions of dollars to take out CEO’s, drug lords, people in political power, so on and so on. We just don’t make enough to deal with this petty shit anymore,” said Henry.


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