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Tangled Redemption

Page 4

by Tina Christopher

  She was totally insane and needed a swift kick to the head to rearrange her priorities.

  After what felt like an age but probably was no longer than fifteen minutes they arrived outside a door. Calatrave entered a code and then leaned forward for an iris scan. He then put his hand into another scanner. It took her a moment to identify it as an aura scanner. “Jade, talk about paranoia,” she muttered, angry with herself that she’d been so busy with berating herself she hadn’t paid any attention to where they had been going or what they’d walked past.

  She was completely useless at this operative business.

  But that was about to change.

  Sydney was at the center of ring, at the very core of where things were decided and planned. She would do everything in her power to gather intel and send it to Duncan and Tanasha. The Vampires underestimated her. She could use that.

  And if it killed her at least she’d tried.

  They stepped through the door into a wide-open, sparsely decorated room. “Wow, you are a follower of minimalists-are-us.” Along one wall was a medium-sized wardrobe. A comfortable seating area made up from a sofa and two large chairs took up another corner. No knickknacks, no decorative touches, no personal effects. Nothing that said anything about him as a man.

  And no digital access to anything. Not even a handheld comp. That would have to change if she stood any chance of gathering intel or working on the encrypted data she had left behind. She’d find a way to access it.

  A set of double doors stood open to her right and showed her a big bed surrounded by an equally empty room.

  A door chime interrupted her observations. Sydney tightened her grip around Calatrave’s hand, only now realizing she had not let go. She tried to, but he wouldn’t allow it. Gritting her teeth she stood at his side as he ordered the computer to open the door.

  Two men, wearing tight flight suits and armed within an inch of their lives, stepped through the door. It wasn’t the weapons that scared Sydney; it was the impenetrable cloud of darkness that surrounded them.

  Marissa’s buyers had arrived.

  Chapter Three

  Sydney readied herself. She wouldn’t let Marissa go without a fight.

  Calatrave released her as one of the buyers approached. They stepped to the side. Big Guy’s brown eyes matched his skin color and his shaved head added to his menace. The second stood slightly behind him, his ash-blond hair long and tied back in a queue, his indigo eyes never staying still. She studied them, trying to memorize every single detail so she could identify them once she was free.

  When Buyer Two’s gaze settled on Marissa he turned predatory.

  Marissa’s cheeks flushed and she took a couple of steps forward. For a moment Sydney worried the Vampire had bespelled the human, but Marissa’s eyes were clear and, for the first time since they’d met, not clouded by fear.

  Calatrave shook Big Guy’s hand and they exchanged a few words but too quietly for Sydney to overhear.

  Jayden stepped closer. “Whatever you have up your sleeve, sweetheart, let it go. Those two are not to be trifled with.”

  His breath teased her ear and made her shiver. Calatrave turned to Buyer Two and Sydney met Big Guy’s eyes. She stilled.

  For a second it was as if he dropped a mask. The dark cloud around him lifted and she saw him without distortion. He was still dangerous, but his eyes held no rage or need to hurt. They held the darkness of a man who had seen too much, but the drive to protect burned in his expression.

  It was gone so fast she wasn’t sure if it had all been her imagination.

  Once again he looked ready to chew nails and to tear her apart with his bare hands. Buyer Two had his hand around Marissa’s neck and after a nod to Calatrave guided her to the door. As he turned he also met Sydney’s eyes and it was as if a fog lifted. For a second he was filled with purpose, with the drive to protect and cherish. And then it was gone again.

  But she knew.

  Sydney’s breath caught in her chest, her thoughts whirling through her mind. She knew the two men taking Marissa away would not harm her, would safeguard her, and not drain her of blood. She couldn’t tell why they had allowed her to see the truth. Maybe they knew who she was. Maybe they understood she’d been ready to fight. She didn’t know if they were undercover agents or mercenaries, but they were not Feral, no matter what they pretended.

  And she couldn’t give away her knowledge.

  Marissa had nearly reached the door. “Marissa!”

  The human turned, the Vampire’s hand still at her nape.

  “Stay safe and alive.”

  “You too.” She disappeared through the door.

  Sydney thought she would float away. The bone-deep relief at knowing Marissa was safe had lifted a weight of her shoulders far heavier than she had imagined possible. For the first time since stepping off the spaceship she could focus on herself, focus on the impossible situation she now found herself in.

  About to have sex with two Vampires.

  The two men watched her. It dawned on her that she had stopped protesting Marissa’s departure as soon as she understood the human was safe. Sydney marched forward as if to follow Marissa, but Jayden moved into her way, forcing her to stop abruptly or run into him.

  “Easy, love, you don’t want to follow them.” His soft brogue slid over her.

  “Why not? Do you honestly think I’m just going to let you sell her off like a piece of meat?”

  He smiled. Her core heated.

  She took a step back, but he wrapped his arm around her waist.

  Sparks like static electricity zapped through her.

  “Sydney, you’re going to give me a complex.”

  She studied his hazel eyes, but his big smile and his touch distracted her. She tried to move, but he tightened his grip. “Stay for a while. Let’s get to know each other. Are you hungry?”

  Her mouth grew dry.

  His smile gentled. “I was concerned for you.”

  Her stomach growled before she could reply.

  Jayden laughed and guided her to the seating area. She sat while he tapped the small food processor and prepared a meal.

  “No meat.” Miguel’s dark voice echoed through the room.

  She’d been right. He knew about her vegetarianism. It concerned her.

  “Sure.” Jayden reprogrammed the meal and moments later a steaming plate of vegetables and meat substitute appeared before her. Jayden dropped onto the sofa beside her.

  She took the provided utensils and, feeling rather self-conscious, began to eat. Sydney couldn’t suppress a moan of appreciation. The food was far better than she had anticipated coming from a processor.

  Slowly tension she hadn’t even been aware of drained out of her body and she took her first deep breath. Something she regretted when Miguel took the seat opposite her. Pressure of a different kind invaded her body. She did her best to ignore him and the silence that fell over the room until she’d finished. Then she set her plate aside. “How is this going to work?” Their behavior did not match her expectations. Where she’d anticipated force and violence she’d found calm.

  Jayden took her hand and she let him. “I know Nasir—and you—expected our encounter to be filled with violence.” He shook his head. “I find voluntary submission much more erotic.” He turned to Miguel. “Don’t you?” Challenge echoed through his words despite his even tone.

  Sydney looked up and found Jayden and Miguel’s gazes locked. The Spaniard’s black eyes gave little away, but she saw no disagreement. In the end Calatrave nodded. Jayden smiled and dropped his gaze first.

  The final weight that had tied her stomach into multiple knots eased. Sydney exhaled. She didn’t understand their motivation but knowing she wouldn’t have to fight them filled her with relief.

  “Let me show you.” Distracted by Jayden’s smile and the way he didn’t seem to take anything seriously she didn’t see him move. He wrapped both arms around her, pulled her close against his chest an
d kissed her.

  His lips were firm but soft. Where she had expected coercion she got seduction. His lips teased her. Force she could have fought, but his approach left her helpless to fend off. It had been too long since she had kissed a man. And Jayden was a formidable kisser who left her hungry for more.

  She leaned closer and he tightened his grip. His tongue slid across her parted lips and inside her mouth. His taste burst through her like a shot of fine wine. She reciprocated and rubbed her tongue against his, a shiver racing though her. Her nipples tightened and moisture gathered between her legs.

  For a moment she sought solace from her impossible situation and only enjoyed this beautiful and seductive kiss.

  You always behaved like a bitch in heat, always wanting sex. No wonder you’d kiss a Vampire and enjoy it. Marius’ voice inside her head froze every muscle in her body.

  Jayden pulled back, his arms around her.

  Sydney couldn’t put together the words to reply. It was as if her bastard of a husband stood beside her, his presence a black cloud that clung to every part of her, inside and out.

  Suddenly Miguel’s warmth was on her other side, pushing back some of the panic gathering inside her. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Anger burst to the surface. Why in Jade’s name would she pay attention to the scecxi who nearly killed her for his greed? Why are you still listening to him? Marius no longer had power over her.

  So what if she used to enjoy sex? It didn’t make her a slut or a whore, even if he always made her feel like one when she indicated she wanted to make love. It had taken her some time to realize how deeply he had wounded her sexuality.

  She would no longer allow him to control her! No way, no how.

  Sydney closed her eyes. What are your options? She was attracted to these two men. Yes, they were Vampires, but there was something about them that pulled her in. She didn’t understand how or why, but she didn’t care. Nearly dying had made her appreciate life far more. Death could find her at any moment. She understood that very well. If that were supposed to be her fate she would make the most of the time she had.

  Sydney thrust her hand into Jayden’s hair and dragged him down for a kiss. This time she didn’t look for seduction.

  He hesitated for a second but then followed her direction wholeheartedly. Fire flashed through her. But at no point did she forget Miguel, his heat a blaze at her back. When he flattened his palms across her stomach and caressed her through her clothes, the flames fanned by Jaden’s kiss flared higher.

  Jayden kicked the sofa and it changed beneath them into a bench all of them ended up straddling. He smoothed his hand down her back, cupped her ass and pulled her against his erection. He deepened the kiss and she welcomed him. Their tongues tangled. She rubbed her tight nipples against his hard chest and savored the inferno.

  Jayden pulled back. They both breathed hard. “Holy Jade, woman, you’re dangerous.” His eyes matched the conflagration inside her, his lips still curved in a smile. He looked over her shoulder. “I think we should try something new.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Miguel leaned so close his voice vibrated through her body.

  “We should see how many times we can make her come, while the two of us remain in control.”

  Sydney leaned back a little, the back of her head bumping into Miguel’s broad shoulder. That definitely sounded interesting.

  She would have sex with two Vampires.

  And she would enjoy every second of it.

  “How many times are you going for?” Miguel asked.

  He could have been talking about the weather. Sydney tried to turn so she could see his face, but Miguel held her hips.

  Jayden looked at her and then at Miguel. “This first time I am going to pace myself and go for three.”

  Sydney gaped.

  “Three sounds like a good number.”

  Jayden grinned and looked at her. “This should be fun.”

  She twisted so she could see both their faces. “Hang on, we’re talking three in total, right?”

  The men exchanged a glace. A smirk curled Miguel’s full lips and Jayden’s body shook with suppressed laughter. He pulled her to her feet.

  Her jaw dropped. Seriously? She swallowed.

  Challenged burned in Miguel’s black eyes.

  She pressed her lips together and straightened her shoulders. “I’m going to make you work for it.”

  Jayden burst into laughter. “Love, I would expect nothing less.” He had no idea how he would survive the torture without his dick falling off, but this scenario was too close to forced sex and that was one line he’d never cross. Not even for the mission. The situation was untenable enough for Sydney. He did not want to add to it. By focusing on her pleasure and ensuring she enjoyed every second of it he hoped to give her opportunity to grow accustomed to them.

  That was why he’d asked Nasir about strategy. Should Calatrave plan to rat on him and his approach he could remind them of Nasir’s words and explain he preferred honey to vinegar.

  He didn’t think the other man would do that. So far he hadn’t shown any sign he disagreed with Jayden’s strategy. That didn’t mean that his mission hadn’t turned into a fucked if he did and fucked if he didn’t scenario.

  He knew Duncan would tell him to make sure he got Sydney out as soon as possible, that his number-one goal was her safety. He also knew Malachy would tell him that taking down Nasir was his ultimate objective and nothing and no one was to take him off this path.

  The lives of many or the life of one woman?

  Yep, he was fucked either way.

  All he could try was to protect Sydney while he took out the Big Bad endangering the whole galaxy.

  No problem.

  Jayden pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. Instead he focused on the gorgeous woman in his arms.

  He savored the feel of her. She was nearly as tall as him, but where he was built like a tank, she was half his size. But she was no frail beauty. She had stood up to Nasir without flinching, driving the bastard close to the edge.

  And now she challenged him.

  He pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Well, looks like I should get to work.” He took her hand and led her to the bedroom, which held a bed big enough to accommodate a man of Miguel’s size comfortably.

  He wondered about the narrow door leading off to the side. It wasn’t standard. The bathroom door stood half open, so Calatrave hadn’t modified his washroom. He filed it away, knowing he would look for opportunities to open that door.

  Sydney had slowed down when they entered the bedroom as if whatever had given her the courage to open herself to their touch was draining away. He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back before turning it over and teasing the soft skin over her pulse with his lips and teeth.

  Her blood pounded beneath his caress and he had to clench his jaw against the need to taste her. Before he had a chance to realign his priorities Sydney yanked her hand out of his grip and took a step back. Her blue eyes flashed with rage, fear and, for a brief moment, a pain so deep it nearly drove him to his knees.

  “You will not take my blood. I will die before I allow you to drink from me.”

  Jayden studied her. He kept his distance, giving her the space she clearly needed. He threw Calatrave a quick glance, but the Spaniard remained impassive. He looked back at Sydney. She had balled her fists and her body nearly shook she held herself so tightly. “Sydney, I give you my word, I don’t plan to take your blood. I only teased.” He waved between him and Calatrave. “We won’t drink your blood without your permission.”

  Calatrave didn’t respond. Jayden glared at him. This was important to Sydney. He knew enough about what happened to her at the hands of her husband that Jayden didn’t begrudge her this demand.

  He didn’t understand why the other Vampire was so reluctant to give it.

  Finally Calatrave gave a brief nod. “We won’t take your blood without your p
ermission.” He looked as if he was about to say something else, but he didn’t.

  She studied their faces, uncertain if she could believe them. Jayden put his most convincing and harmless expression on. Not an easy feat when he tended to make grown men nervous just because of his size. After another minute she relaxed and nodded. “Good then.”

  “All right.” Jayden rubbed his hands together. “So, what should we do first?”

  “First you will undress Sydney. Then you will lay her out on the bed and feast on her until you have brought her to pleasure three times.”

  Jayden frowned at Calatrave. “Who has gone and made you king?”

  The other Vampire didn’t respond but walked—no strode—to a large, surprisingly comfortable looking chair at the foot end of the bed and sat down, his fingers steepled beneath his chin, for all intents and purpose looking like a master waiting for his minions to fall in line.

  Jayden paused. Maybe that was it. The Spaniard definitely had the personality for it. He mentally shrugged. Jayden would never go so far to call himself a submissive, but he didn’t have to be in complete and utter control every moment of every day. If following Calatrave’s orders made things easier for everyone involved, he had no trouble doing so.

  Especially if they matched what he had planned anyway.

  He turned to Sydney and held out his hand. “Would you be willing to acquiesce to this request, Honorable Radnall?”

  Her bottom lip trembled for a moment, but then she appeared to come to a decision. A small smile curved her lips. “I am, Estimable Maywater.”

  He liked that despite the circumstances she still managed to retain her sense of humor. Her hand was warm in his. He’d expected it to be clammy or cold, but it appeared that once Sydney had made up her mind she stuck to her guns, in this instance agreeing to be pleasured by him and Calatrave.

  But that didn’t mean he couldn’t add a little seduction.

  He hummed a popular love song and twirled Sydney in a slow dance. Surprise flashed through her eyes, but she fell into step with him. Unsurprisingly as the daughter of a senator, and therefore the regular attendant of political functions, she knew how to dance.


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