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Tangled Redemption

Page 17

by Tina Christopher

  Chapter Twelve

  Sydney kept her eyes closed as she leaned against Miguel. Jayden stood at her back, his big body protective. She should feel safe, secure.

  But she didn’t.

  She understood their actions on an intellectual level, but on an emotional level it was as if she hadn’t lived up to expectations and rejection tore through her. Even though the door between them was closed and sealed, Sydney knew Miguel would not change his mind. And she wouldn’t beg for his acceptance.

  It wasn’t the first time she hadn’t been good enough and it most likely wouldn’t be the last. For the first time in her life the rejection tore her apart inside. She had really believed that she had finally found her place with Jayden and Miguel, but it was not meant to be. They said their decision was driven by military advantage, but she didn’t believe that was all there was to it.

  The connection between the two of them shimmered green and black and silver and emerald. Constantly changing. Always beautiful.

  She studied the red link between her and Miguel. The depth of color had increased a little bit as they spoke mind to mind, but it lacked the strength and intensity of the connection between the two men.

  That was how Jade rolled. Her destiny was to be alone and it was about time she finally made peace with that. With one last inhale of their scents to tuck away for those coming lonely nights, she straightened and smiled at them both. “We should get some sleep. You have a big day coming up.”

  She didn’t give either of them the opportunity to study her expression too closely and climbed under the sheets. She had locked the mental door again as soon as Miguel had stopped talking.

  They followed her example, Jayden at her front and Miguel at her back. Each of them gave her a soft kiss before they settled down to sleep. Sydney pressed her eyes closed to keep the tears from falling. She loved them so much. It killed her that they didn’t feel the same for her, but she couldn’t give them up. If it meant she had to watch them love each other and be happy for the scraps they threw her then she would do it.

  This was the way it had to be.

  No matter how difficult.

  * * * * *

  The next morning Sydney sat at the table eating breakfast while the two men got ready for battle. Armored clothing and a lot of weapons appeared to be the style this year. She was amazed at how many short knives Jayden managed to line up on his arms.

  The door chime sounded and before anyone could respond Nasir walked in, followed by three Ferals. Her heartbeat stopped for a moment when she saw his big grin.

  He had come for her. For some reason she knew it. And there would be nothing either of her men could do.

  “Good morning, good morning.”

  Miguel stood before him. “What brings you to my rooms?”

  Jayden had come closer to her and Sydney tried to be invisible even knowing it would make no difference.

  Nasir sat on one of the chairs. “Last night something occurred to me. With the majority of the troops involved in the attack we should really collect all our valuables and keep them under close guard. What do you think?” He waved his hand around. “Just in case our enemies use this moment to attack.”

  Miguel pressed his lips together. “We’re not leaving the compound weakened. We have a whole company to defend it as well as your personal guard. I do not see the need to—” He drew quotation marks in the air. “To collect our valuables.”

  “I disagree.” Nasir nodded at his Ferals. “Which is why I’ve come to collect your pet.”

  Two Ferals approached her. Sydney smacked away their hands when they were about to grab her and rose to her feet without assistance. There was nothing they could do and all three of them knew it.

  She opened the link between Miguel and her. The good of the many outweighs the good of the one. Their link wavered as if a frequency disrupter had been fired. Save the inhabitants of the moon.

  Miguel nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. “Just remember, Nasir, she is mine and I don’t like other people taking my stuff. She better be in perfect condition when I come back.”

  Nasir burst into laughter. “That is what I like about you, Miguel. You stand your ground.” He climbed to his feet. “But I think this one time you will have to make an exception.”

  Sydney swallowed. The malevolence in the room had suddenly shot through the roof.

  “Why is that?” Jayden now stood beside Miguel, the two of them facing off against Nasir.

  “Because I no longer want to have to go through Jayden here to get what I want.”

  Miguel frowned and glanced at Jayden. “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, he didn’t tell you. He’s been supplying me with her blood.”

  Time stopped. Sydney did not want to believe Nasir’s words, but when she looked at Jayden she knew they were the truth. His expression hadn’t changed, but there was a tightness around his eyes that hadn’t been there before.

  He had betrayed her.

  She had trusted him. Neither he nor Miguel had taken blood, had seemingly accepted her line in the sand and he had done it in secret.

  She felt violated.

  “After last night’s attack I decided I didn’t want to play around anymore. It was her blood that made me the man I am today and this time I am not prepared to share.”

  Gray edged her vision. Sydney took a deep breath to remain on her feet.

  Nasir waved at his minions and they pushed her to the door. Sydney was numb. The betrayal was too deep to care what was about to happen next when the implications started to sink in. Marius had mentioned he had a customer for her blood. She had been certain that she was about to meet that client when Miguel had kidnapped her. Then Nasir had handed her over to Miguel and Jayden, making her believe she’d been wrong.

  There was a buzzing in her head. It sounded like someone spoke in her mind, but she couldn’t listen. Her world had narrowed down to one thing.

  She hadn’t been wrong but walked beside the Vampire who had drunk her blood. And that gave her the one thing no one else had.

  The ability to kill Nasir.

  Jayden struggled to grasp the events unfolding before him. When Miguel slammed into the mental door connecting them he didn’t stand in his way, but allowed the other man to see that he didn’t understand what was happening. He gave himself up completely and let Miguel see everything he was, why he had come, who he worked for and what his mission was. Why he had believed giving Sydney’s blood was the best solution to keep the three of them together.

  He held nothing back.

  Naema blood increases power in a Vampire exponentially.

  At Miguel’s words he nearly dropped to his knees. I didn’t know. I promise you, I didn’t know. I didn’t see giving him her blood in exchange for letting us stay together as a big deal.

  The avalanche that was Miguel and had torn through every part of his soul calmed. His rage drained away. It is a secret the Council has kept very, very quiet.

  I was prepared to deal with her anger at me taking her blood in secret. I didn’t realize I had made our primary mission more difficult.

  Comfort and support flooded into him.

  There is nothing we can do about it now. I tried to tell her you didn’t know and that we would come for her, but she hasn’t responded. Pain echoed along their link. It appears as if our bond is fading.

  What are we going to do?

  Follow my lead.

  Miguel shrugged. “I did say that I do not like people taking my stuff. Sydney was the first pet I found myself interested in. How will you make it up to me that I have to give her up?”

  Nasir laughed again. He stepped closer and tapped Miguel on the shoulder. “I will come up with something special for you, don’t you worry.” Still laughing he left the room.

  Jayden wanted to roar with rage. He needed to find an outlet for the pain and despair raging through him.

  Miguel grabbed him by the hair and kissed him. Hard. Sharp. Th
eir teeth clashed. He bit Jayden’s lip and drew blood. Jayden threw himself into the kiss, let everything power through him until he had found a kernel of control again.

  He wrapped his arms around Miguel and just hung on. The other man didn’t say anything but cupped his nape and held him. Thank you.

  Always. Out loud Miguel said, “We need to get ready.”

  “Indeed.” Jayden’s voice was rough and uneven. He needed to find his equilibrium again if he was going to be of any use during the attack. He didn’t fucking care about the attack. You go, I will grab one of the missile throwers and take out Nasir.

  Miguel grabbed his arm and held on hard enough to break through the haze of emotion swirling through him. Nasir will have her with him. He will not let her out of his sight. He wants her for her blood, but he is also using her to keep us in line. Now snap out of it or I will punch you in the face. He released Jayden and finished getting dressed.

  Jayden bent over, hands on his thighs, and breathed. He needed to put his emotions to one side and focus on the mission. After about five minutes of breathing he was back where he needed to be and straightened. Miguel waited with the rest of his weapons and helped him put everything on.

  Are our covers blown? Is that why you think he is using Sydney to keep us in line? he asked as they strode through the compound to the shuttle launch area.

  If he truly knew who we are we would be dead. He knows of my connection to the people on this moon and is using it to test me, to test my loyalty. As long as he believes us on his side she will be safe.

  I know we are making the right decision, that saving all those people is necessary and important, but for the first time in my life I want to throw duty to the wind and just do what is right for me, Jayden said.

  Miguel clasped his shoulder. If Sydney’s calculations are correct we will be able to take out the majority of the attacking forces without too much difficulty. We have both sent for backup. If they make it, we can turn around and come back to get Sydney. He exhaled. But I hear you.

  They reached the shuttle launch area and boarded their ride. Within minutes they were in the air and on their way to Baikal.

  Hours later the shuttles went into stealth mode and approached the moon.

  It took another fifteen minutes to land just outside of Kajaani. Miguel killed their pilots and Jayden took out the two other Ferals onboard with them in one quick strike.

  Miguel ordered the troops to line up outside and to launch the missiles. Only a very small contingent of Ferals remained inside the shuttles. Jayden hoped that Duncan and Malachy had understood his message and came prepared with masks. Then had to chuckle. Malachy was always prepared, as was his team.

  He stood at the window looking outside. At the Ferals. “We will have to join them soon otherwise some of them will grow suspicious.”

  Miguel nodded but remained focused on the launch pattern of the missiles.

  “Doesn’t it feel like we’re cheating?”

  Miguel looked up, brows raised.

  Jayden rubbed his jaw. “We’re not giving them a chance. No warning. No opportunity. If the gas works they’ll just be dead.”

  Miguel rose and stood at his side. “When I contacted Nikolai I told him to pull back anyone else who is undercover with us. No one left. I don’t see a single Feral out there who in the time I was with Nasir didn’t kill with vigor and delight.” He growled. “And none of them planned to give the humans a chance.”

  Jayden grimaced. “I know. I’m just not used to pressing a button.”

  Miguel cupped his nape. “The faster we are done, the faster we can get back to Sydney.”

  Jayden nodded. He knew that the companies outside were no innocents, unlike the humans in Kajaani, but the whole operation still left a queasy feeling in his stomach.

  “The missiles have reached optimal altitude and are dispersing the gas now.” Miguel picked up an oxygenator, a small mask that adhered just under the nostrils and filtered out any harmful substances. It flickered once and turned invisible. He passed a second to Jayden and headed to the exit ramp.

  Jayden put on the mask and fell into step behind him. They exited and stood a little apart from the Ferals. He used his comp to inform the company leaders that the gas had been dispersed successfully and instructed them on how long they had to wait for the gas to cover the town.

  The troops shuffled in place, impatient and raring to go.

  Seeing the malicious intent, the bloodlust in their eyes, Jayden felt a little better. They were saving lives.

  Minutes later the first Feral fell to the ground. More and more grasped their necks, coughing and choking, trying to breathe, trying to move as the babote attacked their nervous systems and shut down their bodies. A few of the men ran toward them, clearly understanding that they were not affected.

  Miguel executed them before they even got close, his face completely expressionless.

  Jayden gently opened the door between them and slid into his lover’s mind. Miguel had shut down fully. All he saw before his internal eye when he killed the approaching Ferals were scenes of each of them torturing and killing humans. Jayden withdrew but kept their link open. He pushed the last bit of hesitation away and allowed himself to sink into his own battle state.

  The companies fell. Some of them were affected faster, some of them appearing more resistant. Those were the ones he focused on and took out.

  It felt like only a few minutes but had to have been far longer. Everyone but them was dead.

  Movement at one of the shuttles drew his attention. He raised his gun but lowered it again when he saw who it was. Backup had arrived.

  Miguel directed his cold gaze to the group of approaching warriors. He did not holster his gun and remained battle ready.

  Jayden didn’t bother talking him down. In Miguel’s situation he would have done the same. “Duncan. Malachy.” Behind the two Vampire warriors were a couple of Malachy’s men, a Vampire he was not familiar with, two women who appeared more than capable and a Naema.

  “Jayden.” Duncan nodded at him, but his gaze drifted to Miguel.

  “It appears you have received my message, Nikolai.” To Jayden’s surprise Miguel addressed the unfamiliar Vampire, who responded with a smile.

  “I did and let me just say I was relieved to receive the intel from you. No one knew which side you were on. It took me a little time to remember your ancient code, but once I had the details Galen, Brooke and I headed your way.”

  The Vampire had to be Nikolai Ranweth, the Naema with him his lifemate ArchNaema Galen Kinwin and the female his second lifemate Brooke Deverell. He was the only other Vampire Jayden had heard of who had two lifemates.

  Nikolai continued introductions. “This is Duncan O’Clare and Malachy Dorven as well as Adira Kapur, Malachy’s lifemate and his men.”

  “I know who everyone is. Are the pilots and shuttle crew member dead?”

  Jayden winced a little at Miguel’s tone. It was sharp enough to slice, but Nikolai didn’t seem to mind.

  “Everyone has been taken care of,” Malachy said. “We outnumbered them.”

  Miguel nodded. He pulled out his comp. “You will remove the bodies?”

  Nikolai nodded.

  Miguel activated a holo feature on the comp showing the compound. “Jayden and I need to go back to get Sydney and to take down Nasir. The latter is going to be nigh impossible as he has had a steady diet of Naema blood for some time.”

  “You saw the feed I sent you?” Jayden asked.

  Everyone nodded.

  “Galen and I should go against him,” Nikolai said. “I have been drinking Galen’s blood for years.”

  “Jayden and I will go in first. If we don’t succeed you will have your chance.” His tone left no doubt that it was his way or the hyperspace way. Miguel walked everyone through the defense systems of the compound, where the remaining company was stationed and whatever other obstacles they may run into.

  They would take the Feral s
huttles and utilize the slave ships to transport the bulk of the men. The Ferals would expect frightened and terrorized humans and end up facing a ship full of well-trained and well-armed mercenaries.

  Jayden was amazed how everyone fell in with Miguel’s suggestions. There was hardly any back and forth. This was a strong group. Each and every one of them was a warrior and experienced in battle, but Miguel held them in his palm with his knowledge, his strategy, his charisma. You are incredibly sexy standing there and directing everyone.

  Miguel shot him a look that made Jayden bite his lip so he didn’t laugh. His lifemate did not appreciate the distraction, but Jayden was so proud of him he had to share it somehow.

  “What condition will Sydney be in?” Duncan asked. “My lifemate is asking.”

  Tanasha Omeiko had been instrumental in saving Sydney from her bastard husband. The two women were closely linked. “She was in good condition this morning. Miguel and I have protected her until now. Nasir wants her for her blood, so we don’t believe he will harm her.”

  “That may change once we attack the compound. He may kill her to take revenge on us, especially if he has any idea how we feel about her.” Miguel’s heavy words fell like stones in a pond. Ripples of worry and concern fanned out.

  “What can we do to minimize the risk?” Malachy asked.

  “We need to be as stealthy as possible. You have enough men to take on the remaining company?”

  Nikolai and Duncan nodded.

  Without a word Miguel turned around and walked back to the shuttle. Jayden chuckled.

  “Not the most talkative, eh?” Malachy asked, a small grin curving his lips.

  Jayden grinned too. “No, but he knows what he’s doing.”

  Everyone nodded and with a quick wave Jayden followed Miguel. He locked and sealed the door and slid into the co-pilot seat. “You really know how to make friends and influence people.”

  His lover frowned at him. “What was I supposed to do differently? We don’t have time for small talk.”

  Jayden laughed. I love you, you know that, don’t you?


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