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Page 23

by Anita Philmar

  She walked to the fireplace, grabbed the purple robe from a hook, and wrapped it around her shoulders.

  Rolling the rug in the middle of the floor to one side, she stood staring at the etched pattern in the floor. After casting a circle, she would read Omar’s mind and know the events occurring in Ardenia.

  Would he hate her for tapping into his thoughts?

  Would he rebel?

  Driven to discover the truth, she retrieved a thin cord of rope by the woodpile and walked back to the bed. She fashioned a loop at one end, fed the line over Omar’s wrist, then wove the rope through the wrought iron headboard and secured it to his other wrist.

  Her movement rocked the bed, but he didn’t stir. His eyes remain closed and his breathing even.

  She studied his face for a moment and considered just asking him about the things she wanted to know, but doubt plagued her. Without a spell, she couldn’t verify he spoke the truth. She’d lied. Why wouldn’t he?

  Turning away, Danni gathered her broom from the mantel and stepped to the center of the ceremonial circle, clearing all the debris.

  A soft cry whispered through the walls, and she paused. Familiar with the signal, she hurried to the door and opened it to inky blackness. An owl hopped across the threshold then rose and circled the inside of the cabin before flying back out with a low hoot of acknowledgment.

  Danni shut the door and guesstimated the time of her benefactor’s arrival. He liked it when she entertained other men and would relish the idea of a threesome. But what about Omar?

  Would her sexual games provide him with the proof he needed to discard her?

  She shook her head and rushed to perform her spell. She wanted answers in advance of Lei’s arrival. And before Omar bolted for the door.

  After walking back to the fireplace, she laid the broom along the back of the mantel and took down a wooden box. She placed the box in the center of the circle and opened the lid.

  Inside lay everything she needed for casting her circle—a long thin twine to mark the edge, a candle in the shape of a hawk, a shell with a small vital of fish oil nestled in the center, a shiny amethyst rock, and a dove’s feather. Taking the string from the box first, she placed it along the etched groove on the floor and kneeled inside the circle.

  “For my altar I offer these elements.

  “A fire hawk to bring its protection.

  “Wisdom to come for my amethyst stone.

  “Oil from a water creature held in an ocean shell to ease the tide of emotions from swimming in the world of dreams.

  “And illumination shall come from the feather of a dove.”

  “Danella, what are you doing?” Omar’s voice broke through the silence of the room.

  She rose and lifted her knife from the mantel. “Don’t worry about me. Just fall back asleep and enjoy your dreams.”

  The bed squeaked. “Why have you tied me to bed? Are you afraid I’ll run away?”

  Unable to keep from glancing his way, she met his gaze. For a moment, she allowed herself to bath in the luxury of the past. Fantasies of them finding a future together. If they had married, would they have been happy?

  “Or do you want to have your way with me again?” His mischievous smile shot a painful jolt through her heart.

  She looked at the items at her feet and grieved for a reality that would never see fulfillment. “No, I’m waiting for my benefactor so he can share in the fun.”

  “And who is your benefactor?”

  Fighting the desire to untie him and flee from burdens of the past, Danni slammed her fists onto her hips. “He’s a half-breed elf, who likes to fuck my ass during a threesome.”

  Omar’s gaze sped down the part in her robe and narrowed in on the knife in her hand. “Then why call him your benefactor?”

  “He bought and paid for me a long time ago.” She slashed the blade through the air and walked back into her circle. The four elements on the floor calmed the fury burning through her. Lei lost his ability to rule her anymore. She led her life, and when he visited, she paid him for the cabin.

  “Is he the one who purchased you from the dwarves and giants?” The bed groaned again. “Your sisters told us you were captured by a band of renegades. They were bent on punishing Ardenia for helping the humans back in the war. But your sisters know the truth now. Melvin restored their memories.”

  “Then they’re lucky. I learned of my sin years ago and have suffered with the guilt ever since.” Closing her eyes, she lowered her head and let her mind drift. “I only planned to step through the gate and into the other world for a moment. I never...”

  “But you were caught under a forget blanket, and all thoughts of your life in Ardenia retreated from your mind. You didn’t know to run.” The deep bass tone of his voice played like a soothing solace against her senses.

  “Yes, all ties disappeared.” The reminder of that cursed day attacked her strength, and she swayed on her feet. Digging deep inside herself, she fought to block out her doubts along with his reply.

  A low chant whispered from her lips,

  “Past you come, past you’ll be, I’ll see the future, open your mind, and reveal your dreams. Now I’ll see the truth.”

  Chapter Four

  Omar stared at Danella as energy sizzled around her in an elaborate display of light. Her eyes glowed, and she drew him into a swirling vortex of fire. Flames licked at his thoughts. “Danella?”

  He blinked and the rural cabin disappeared. Instead, he was by the door of the queen’s chamber. Oxford, the queen’s personal guard, stood on the other side. The Queen, Melvin, and Jack Avery occupied the elegant chairs in front of the fireplace.

  The old memory of Jack’s return to Ardenia tickled his senses, and he adjusted his stiff military stance. A light touch on his arm drew his focus back to Danella. She stood beside him. “There is nothing to fear.”

  “But why take me back to this moment in time?”

  A smile flickered across her face. “I want information.”

  The voices in the room grew in volume, and the door to the queen’s suite burst open. Danella’s sister, Noelani, rushed in and to her husband’s side. “Jack, what are you doing here? Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.” Jack rose and slid his arms around her waist. The love visible between the two caused a dull ache in Omar’s chest.

  “We were just discussing your father.” The queen’s regal tone echoed through the room.

  A shove on his shoulder pushed Omar out of the way. Rodman, the head of the people’s council, stepped through the doorway in his normal highhanded manner. “And did he tell you he is the one who killed him?”

  “What?” the queen choked out.

  “He’s wearing the proof.” Rodman pointed to the pendant around Jack’s neck. “I gave that necklace to King Harris before he left for the human world for the last time. The only way he could have gotten it is if he killed him.”

  “Enough.” Danella’s voice propelled the scene ahead.

  Melvin, the queen’s wizard spoke. “Would you mind removing the necklace?”

  Jack fingered the string and appeared nervous about the request. “I can’t seem to find...” He lowered his head and turned in his seat.

  “Just as I suspected. The special properties of the metal bind the jewelry to its owner.” Melvin’s gnarly fingers touched the medallion, and his mystical scrutiny appeared to absorb the enchanted charm of the piece. “I can sense the magic in the metal. Only the person who connects the ends should disconnect them.”

  “Witch’s curse. It’s worse than I expected.” Danella’s words jerked Omar back to the present, and the aged wood framing the cabin again greeted him.

  “Is that what you wanted to know? That Jack still had on your father’s necklace.” Omar studied the woman before him, but this time she appeared like the girl from his dreams. Her hair back to its original color, the golden locks fell in waves to her shoulders. The purple robe gone, she stood naked with random i
tems scattered at her feet. A musky scent teased lust into a flame that ignited his blood.

  “I’m not the innocent maiden of our youth.” She turned her head, and the dark glow of her eyes lightened to their normal blue. “I’ve done things no princess should do.”

  Omar caught a brief image of her stabbing a knife deep into a man’s gut. Just as quickly it dissolved. “I have to say, I’ve done things I’m not proud of either. During the war, I killed my fair share of the enemy.”

  Her hollow laugh brushed across his face, indicating her place near him. “Yes, but did you then rob the man of his money and walk away?”

  He blinked and again focused on her graceful form a few paces from the bed. “Nothing you’ve done will repulse me. You were thrust into a situation where you had to do whatever you could to survive. I understand and celebrate the fact that you are with me now.”

  “Really? Even though I’ve invaded your thoughts? Wouldn’t you consider it a breach of ethics to take memories without permission?” She spread her arms wide and rocked back and forth.

  “No.” Cold terror bloomed in his chest. He sensed her withdrawal, her fear that he’d lambaste her for the terrible things she’d done. “You’ve shared my joy in making love to your body, and in time you will learn all there is to know about me. From you, I have no secrets. We made that promise a long time ago.”

  Another vision flashed. Only this time, he experienced the warm glow of the sun on his fur while the pad of his paws raced over the crisp grass of a spring meadow. Danella’s words skipped through his head.

  “Will you always love me?”

  He blinked several times. A reoccurring dream displayed a young lioness a few steps ahead. A granite wall rose behind her, and the moon slid behind a veil of clouds. The familiar setting reminded him of the last place he’d seen her. “You know I will. A day can’t pass without me thinking about you.”

  “But you agreed to travel into the human world and help the humans with their fight against the dwarves and the giants.” The cat strolled away, her tail waving defiantly in the mounting wind.

  A hunger grew in his loins. Her exotic scent excited him, and his dedication to his country wavered. “I’m only doing it to gain favor with your mother. We need her approval for us to get married.”

  “Then why not ask her now?”

  “Because she’ll say we’re too young.” Omar stood perfectly still while the sleek lioness doubled back and strutted closer. The light in her gaze reflected a hunger that matched his.

  With each step she took, his focus narrowed until her eyes alone filled his vision.

  “Why didn’t you make love to me that day?” Her words lanced through his body like a bolt of lightning. Blood gathered painfully in his cock. He yanked on the ties around his wrists, and the rope bit into his skin.

  “I wanted to, but I knew if I ever touched you I’d never leave.” He closed his eyes and sent the scene to a new place, one they never dared venture in their youth. He’d used the erotic fantasy to keep her close over the years. “I made a promise to follow our government’s directive. But I’ve...”

  He dipped his lion head and ran his tongue across the smooth skin of her belly. Her unique flavor rode over his taste buds.

  She yowled. “If your tongue ever touched me there, I would beg you to make love to me.”

  He worked his way behind her rear legs. Her long tail lay along her back, her body eager for his. Energy flooded his body.

  She wiggled on her haunches. “Oh, but I’ve ached to have you deep inside me.”

  Unable to stop the fantasy, he whispered, “Not nearly as much as I’ve yearned to fuck you in every form possible.”

  “Oh, yes.” A tight squeeze rode along his hard length.

  A sigh heightened his awareness, and the pressure in his groin grew. “Danella, please, let me make love to you for real.”

  “Then open your eyes.”

  He wrapped his hands around the rope binding his wrists and lifted his head. The wet petals of her cunt met his gaze. Crouched above him and facing the opposite direction, her seductive scent burned through his brain. She wiggled her ass and sucked his cock deep into her mouth.

  His endurance at its limits, he pumped his hips upward and strained for the moist flower. Unable to touch her, he treated her inflamed flesh to heated puffs of air.

  She nestled closer, and he lapped at her delicate folds. Sensual flavors rained over his tongue. His heart thundered in his chest, ready to explode. Yet he weathered the erotic storm until liquid shot from his cock in a tidal wave of bliss. The link between them deepened, and he absorbed the unique experience of her life mixing with his.

  The clouds cleared and the once innocent girl who’d captured his heart disappeared. In her place stood a woman who awoke his passion and thrilled him with sexual encounters he’d only dreamed about. He drifted deeper into her mind and enjoyed each new memory he uncovered.

  “Sleep, Omar. I’ll wake you when my benefactor arrives. Then you can learn all about the witch you’re involved with.”

  Wanting to deny her statement, Omar fought the seductive lure of sleep.

  “You don’t understand, I like...” The words slipped from his mind, and the peaceful scenery of Ardenia filled the gaps.

  His muscles relaxed, and Danella slipped away from him.


  After storing her sacred items, Danni changed into a short red robe, added a few more logs to the fire, and strolled to her cupboard. Lei, always hungry upon arriving, would expect something to eat.

  She set a loaf of bread on the table next to the water pitcher then retrieved a brick of cheese from the cooling box. Her supplies were limited due to the small amount of time she’d spent at the cabin lately.

  Done with the chore, she sat on the wooden bench and reviewed what she’d learned. Rodman, in his attempt to kill his nephew, Jack, and her sister, had arranged for their demise before they returned to Ardenia.

  Elmer, one of Rodman’s thugs, relayed the details of the fight between Jack and Elmer’s friend. Thankfully, she’d had the foresight to protect Jack with the amulet or he would have died in the skirmish and her sister would’ve never made it home.

  But now, back in Ardenia, they had to deal with Rodman directly, and the man wouldn’t relent. He’d even admitted giving the necklace to her father. After finding the piece, she’d not been able to determine the exact spell attached it. But the chain still held a strong essence of her father.

  But why did Rodman give it to him? Did he hope to protect her father or somehow cause his death?

  Was his plan to someday become ruler?

  As the second most powerful person in Ardenia, he led the people’s council and drafted new laws. But her mother had the final decision on all rulings. Why not just kill her?

  Or had he manipulated her into doing his will over the years?

  As her sisters returned home, they were allowed a say. Did he resent their interference? Is that why he was plotting to kill them?

  A loud banging sounded against the oak threshold. “Open the fucking door, witch. I want in.”

  A deep groan came from the bed. Danni pushed to her feet just as the door flew open. “Lei, if you’d given me a second, I would’ve let you in.”

  “Nay, I figured you’d be casting a spell or cursing some scoundrel.” The roguish man slammed the door and dumped his load on the floor. He shrugged off his thick fur coat, revealing his long, lean frame and rippling muscles beneath tight clothing. “Come here and give me a kiss. I haven’t touched a woman in days, and I’m horny as hell.”

  “Yes, and I’ve heard you like it even better when an extra partner join in on the fun.”

  Danni turned to Omar lying naked on the bed. He glared at Lei’s tight buckskin pants stretched to the limit of their elasticity by his thick cock.

  Lifting his hands, Omar indicated the bindings around his wrists. “Maybe you can convince Danella to untie me and we can all enjoy ourselves

  Lei’s hand gripped her waist and pulled her into his hard chest. Black velvet eyes scanned her face and a wicked grin curled his lips upwards. “You are such a good bitch. Did you secure this man for my enjoyment or have you been having some fun without me?”

  “What do you think?” She shifted, and the silky tie on her robe slipped loose. Lei tossed his raven hair from his eyes and shoved the material out of the way to ogle her breasts.

  Determined to show Omar her lustful nature, she slid her hand down the front of Lei’s pants and cupped his cock. “Have you ever known me not to take advantage of opportunity when it arose?”

  Lei’s deep throat groan echoed through the room. “Holy Lucifer, witch, how I love fucking you.”

  Chapter Five

  The thick cock under Lei’s pants stirred Danni’s lust but not her heart. She’d pleasured the man many times and knew he couldn’t come close to touching the deep hunger in her soul.

  Lei’s heated breath caressed her cheek as he leaned closer and rubbed his prickly beard along her jaw. The rough pads of his fingers brushed her nipples, and he squeezed her breasts. “This man sounds like he’d enjoy a few rounds with us?”

  Uncertain what Omar would do, she shrugged and the robe slipped down her arms. He’d changed over the years, too, but she couldn’t believe he’d want a long-term relationship with a woman who fucked two men at once. “Or maybe he’s hoping I’ll untie him so he can escape.”

  Lei shook his head. “A man with his cock that hard wouldn’t run far unless it’s to a woman.” He ran his hands along her waist and stopped at her hipbone. “It’d be an amazing sight to watch you ride him or suck on his rod while I’m pumping into you.”

  She loosened the string holding his pants together. “Should we ask what he thinks about the idea or just proceed with the adventure without his approval?”

  Lei released her and turned to Omar. “We can play this two ways. One, we can keep you tied and I’ll have the witch here fulfill her desire where she may. Or...we can untie you and you can join in the fun. The choice is yours.”


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