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Valaisha Defenders

Page 11

by Lara Rose Lee

  “How do we stop the flames? On Earth, we call the fire department and forestry. But, we are not on Earth.” Galen said looking around at the growing flames.

  “We do have the fire brigade, but since we are here, we can try and slow the flames until they get here. So, I suggest first we get ahead of the flames,” Bryden suggested. We flew until we reached the front of the flames. “We will need to go lower.” We began coughing from the smoke again. “This is only a theory, but we need to get the tayrens to flap their wings towards the flames.”

  As we did that, we failed to notice that my mother was a little too close to a large tree that was on fire. We began to fan the fire to change the direction towards the already burned area. The tree nearest my mother exploded from the extreme heat, and as I screamed for my mom, she held her hands up to shield herself when something amazing happened.

  The flames and debris, acted as if it hit an invisible wall and didn’t even reach her or her tayren. My mother kept her hands up and looked over at us, and we all were looking at her stunned at what we saw. “It’s a shield!” Exclaimed Bryden. “Shannon, that’s amazing.”

  My mom looked in complete shock. “I didn’t even know about this.” She spoke breathlessly still in amazement. “I wonder what else I can do with this?!” As she noticed the fire blocked by the shield, she turned and said,

  “I want to try something.” My mom then began to spread her hands, and we could see the flames seeming to be blocked and climb up a wall right in front of us too. “It seems I can spread the shield further.” The smoke seemed to clear for us and stayed behind the invisible shield.

  “What else do you think you can do?” Bryden asked in amazement.

  “I have no idea. I never heard of anyone else having a shield ability. Do you think I can enlarge it the full length of the fire?” My mom asked wondering.

  “Only one way to find out, but Hun, be careful.”

  My mom seemed to focus and moved her hands, and it seemed to be working. She closed her eyes now and seemed to be somehow controlling it to surround the fire; then it looked as if the shield was now going up and over the flames and right before our eyes the flames seemed to be dying down.

  “She is smothering the flames,” Galen said in total wonder.

  I looked over at my mother, and she had her eyes still closed in concentration. She smiled and said, “I can see it with my eyes closed. The flames are almost out.” I looked at the embers and saw she was right; it was almost out.

  She moved her hands down, and the light smoke broke loose, and the shield was gone. We looked at my mother with an amazed look. “I, I mean, we need to research if there ever has been a shield ability.” Bryden was saying as we turned to head back towards the palace. As we traveled, we could hear the sounds of the fire brigade heading towards the fire.

  Once back at the palace Galen contacted the other military bases and informed them there had been another attack and this time no survivors. They assured Galen they will investigate the site and increase security.

  We invited my mother and Bryden to stay the night since Kaihu had a vast library of books that Bryden wanted to use for researching. He was determined to see if anyone has ever had a shield ability or if this is a first-time occurrence.

  My mother and I teleported to Valaisha as my mother wanted to ask Al if he knew anything about it and see if she can control it in different other ways.

  12 second prophecy

  My mother went over and activated Al. “Back so soon, Your Majesties?”

  “Yes, Al I have a question I need answering.” My mother said pacing.

  “How may I be of help?”

  “Has there ever been anyone ever… who had a shield ability?” My mother stopped and turned to look at Al.

  “A shield you say?” Al asked.

  My mother turned to an obstacle and pushed it using her shield ability. “Yes Al, A shield.”

  “Ah, I see. I will have to check my data banks; this will take a few minutes.” He stood there frozen.

  My mother began to pace again. “I still cannot help but wonder what all I can do in manipulating this shield.”

  “Well whatever, it seems you can control it,” I said impressed.

  “I just focus on what I need or want from it, and it does it.” She shook her head slowly, “I am still amazed, and can’t believe it never activated until now.”

  “Your Majesty, according to my database there has never been known another shield ability. You seem to be one of a kind, unique.” Al came back and said.

  My mother and I both looked at each other. “Wait, mother, I get it now.” I began.

  “Get what, Rayna?” She asked waiting.

  “The Prophet. When he rescued Galen and me from the cell, he told us to go north, and we did. It was to rescue you. You are just as important as we are. Galen and I are the only light ever known, and that was prophesied. You are a shield and the only one. I feel the light and shield are going to be both needed, for this new threat to our worlds.”

  “Al, do you know anything about the prophecy?” My mother asked.

  “The Prophet Elijah was a prophet and a miracle worker who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of Ahab in the 9th century BC on Earth. He was a man who God did not let die as he was caught up in a fiery chariot.

  Later the Lord God had him brought to our worlds and lived many years here. God gave him a prophecy for the Royals along with a few gifts for the chosen ones of the prophecy. He also made a second prophecy about…”

  “Stop! Wait, what second prophecy?” My mom asked.

  “The second prophecy about a second threat against the worlds and God,” Al said.

  “Tell me more about this threat?” My mom asked.

  “A threat from one that is only thinking revenge, and a leader of a rebellious group against God and His way of peace.”

  “Does the prophesy mention who is out for revenge?”

  “No, Your Majesty, it does not,” Al answered my mother.

  “What else does this second prophesy say?”

  “It is said, that God at the right time will grant a gift to another royal to be a protector of the worlds. This gift will work with the light to defend the worlds.” He stopped and looked as if in thought. “Say, Your Majesty, could He mean you and this shield gift?”

  My mom stood there quiet as if in thought. “Mom?”

  “I’m in the second prophesy. Bryden is not going to find anything unless he were to know of this second prophecy.” My mom looked over at me. “We need to get back and let them know what we found out.” She walked over and before shutting down Al, “Thank you, Al. You were very helpful.”

  “Good to be of service Majesty.” We walked out of the training room, and my mom closed the door. I took hold of her hand, and we teleported to where the boys were going through book after book.

  “Guys?” My mom said getting their attention. They both looked up at us. “There was a second Prophesy. It wasn’t documented, but it was in the database, and Al told us about it.”

  “A second prophesy?” Bryden said.

  “About me and this new ability.” My mom was saying. “It was said that a new threat was to come against our worlds and God. And because of the new threat, God would present to one of the Royals a gift that together with the light will defend the worlds.”

  “Elijah knew it was you. That was why he sent us to rescue you.” Galen said.

  “It is making so much more sense. I was the chosen one much like you and Rayna were to be the light.” My mom said. “I guess as the prophecy says the shield and light works together we need to understand how?!” My mom began to pace in thought. “We will need to train together and see how this is to work.”

  Bryden was sitting there as in thought. He lifted his head and looked at us, suggesting we all go outside on the balcony. He had a theory and wanted to see. So, we all followed him out to the balcony and stood where he wanted us to stand.

  “Now Galen and Rayna take hold of your hands and lift your weapons. Hun, you stand here, and I would like you to see if you can create your shield, uh let’s see…over there.” He said pointing upwards and away from the palace. As my mother began creating the shield, he continued, “Okay, that’s it. Now Galen and Rayna get your light going.”

  We lifted our weapons and began waving them in a circle to get the light ignited. “That’s it, now point the light in the direction of the shield. Hun, when the light hits the shield, create a ball around the light like you did the fire. Yes, perfect. Shannon, can you push or throw what you created over in that direction away from us and others? I have a hunch.” My mom did as Bryden suggested and as it flew there was a massive boulder in the distance, and the ball hit the boulder, and it exploded like a bomb spraying rock debris high in the air and back to the ground. We all looked at each other in stunned silence until Bryden broke the silence by saying.

  “God has given us a weapon for battle. They are using explosives, and now we are equipped. It made me think when the prophecy said that together the light and shield would defend the world.”

  “That makes a lot of sense,” Galen said. “Would the blast be stronger if we used the flaming light from the flaming swords?”

  “I believe it would be. Of course, we will need plenty of space for practicing.” Bryden said.

  Later we sat around and discussed a good and safe location for practicing our new found weapon.

  “Why not the area that had been destroyed already. It is charred and damaged.” Galen suggested.

  “I agree, we need a place to practice and once the investigations finished, that would be a good place,” I said agreeing.

  “You know a proper announcement about the bombing needs to made to the people with a sincere heart to the families who lost loved ones at the base.” Leave it to my mother to remind us of our royal duties. Of course, she is right.

  “I will do it,” I said feeling sad about those lost.

  “You did a great job with the announcement when your mother was hurt. It was very moving and made the people love you more.” Galen spoke with pride for me. I smiled and squeezed his hand as we sat next to each other.

  “Your Majesty, there is call for you from General Quincy.” A young servant came to inform Galen.

  He stood, “Thank you, I will take it in my study.” The young servant bowed and left. “Excuse me; I will be right back,” Galen said as he left to take the call.

  “I wonder what it could be about?” I asked in general not expecting an answer until Galen gets back.

  I looked over at my mother and Bryden, and my mother softly shrugged her shoulder with a puzzled look on her face like she might be seeing something. Bryden noticed too as he said, “Hun? What do you see?”

  “Good news for some. Sad news for others.” She said, just then Galen came back in.

  He stood there looking at my mom and said, “You already know, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I know what it was about. You go ahead and tell them.” She said to Galen.

  He nodded and began, “There were survivors of the base.”

  “Wait, how?” Bryden said, “We saw the site, there was only a crater from the blast left.”

  Galen nodded, “Yeah, but the survivors were out training on the other side of the blast. They were heading back when it happened. A few suffered minor injuries and that was it.”

  “How many?” Bryden asked.

  My mom and Galen said together, “Twenty-Three.”

  “Out of how many that were stationed there?” Bryden continued to ask.

  My mother answered alone this time. “Nearly three hundred.” My mother’s voice almost broke with emotion.

  “Twenty-three out of three hundred survived. Was it mentioned what caused the explosion?” Bryden asked sounding a little emotional.

  “Yeah, a hidden music box among the weapons hut. It was all the weapons together that caused the larger explosion.” Galen said. “They are clearing the site now and will be done in a couple of days.”

  I was sitting there in utter disbelief. All this craziness. I never dreamed of growing up on Earth that one day I would be Queen of my own world and planning for a war to protect it. This is all so unreal.

  “So, it will be a couple of days before we can use that area for practice,” I said looking around at everyone.

  “It seems like that. I don’t see why Shannon can’t at least practice her shield ability.” Bryden added then to my mom, “Will you be up for that?”

  “Of course, I am. I would like to see what else I can do. Such as, I wonder if I can control it around those I want to protect?” My mother said while looking my way.

  “Mother, you know I am just about equal to you in combat.” I smiled at her.

  “Honey, I know you are I just am curious.” She stood up. “Well, it is getting late, and I am tired. I guess from all the emotions.” She walked over to me and hugged me. “Good night, Hun.” She kissed my cheek then walked over to Galen. “Good night, Galen.” She reached up and kissed his cheek and walked off towards the stairs to head to the room they usually stayed in.

  “Goodnight, you two. We will discuss things more tomorrow.” Bryden said heading off to follow my mother.

  “I believe she knows and saw more then she is letting on,” I said to Galen.

  “I agree she acted differently especially talking about protecting another with her shield.” Galen and I both agreed that my mother was keeping something from us.

  “Come on we can’t do any more tonight, let’s go to bed and try and see if your mother will open up and tell us tomorrow,” Galen said taking my hand to help me up from the settee.

  “I hope so,” I said as we walked towards the stairs and up to our room.

  The next morning at breakfast my mother was more quiet than usual. Bryden kept glancing at her, and I sat there watching. My mother glanced at Bryden, and he signaled something with his head, and she finally took a deep breath set her fork down, patted her mouth with her napkin and began. “I need to tell you both something.” My mother lifted her eyes and looked at us.

  “Bryden and I agreed it is only right that you know. I saw more of the future last night. I didn’t like what I saw; it was disturbing and frightening.” She took a sip of her water. “Rayna,” She reached over and took my hands in hers. “I saw your death.” Her eyes began to tear. “I saw you were battling far from where I was fighting, but within my sight, and you didn’t see the danger behind you. In the vision, I couldn’t get to you in time.” My mother began to shake as I felt her hands tremble. “I couldn’t save you.” Her voice broke with emotion.

  I looked over at Bryden. “You knew there was more my mother saw. That was why you followed her to bed last night.”

  He nodded, “I could tell she was hiding something. We both talked, and she was deeply shaken by what she saw.”

  “I need to learn to control my shield. Even though I was far away, I was still close enough to you in my vision to throw my shield around you. I just was not fast enough; if I can learn to use this shield, I can surround and protect you. I have to change the outcome of the vision.” My mom said squeezing my hands.

  “Mom, we will. We will work at it together.” I said trying to reassure her. She was disturbed by that vision. I squeezed her hands before releasing and added, “Why don’t we all head to your training room after breakfast and begin training your shield ability.” I suggested.

  “That would make me feel a lot better.” My mother smiled.

  After breakfast, we all held hands and teleported back to Valaisha. My mom went to change into her training outfit, and we met in the training room. Bryden already had Al-activated and explained to him what was planned.

  It seemed to be programmed all ready for him to help my mother to learn more about her shield ability.

  “Good morning Al.” my mother said as she walked in.

  “Good morning Your Majesty,” Al said with a
simple bow. “I am ready to help you learn more about your shield ability.”

  “I want to be able to shield another a good distance away. Is that possible?” My mother asked.

  “Yes, majesty it is possible with proper training.”

  My mother took a deep breath and seemed to relax with that answer. She squared up her shoulders and said, “Then teach me, Al!”

  “Show me what you already know.” He asked my mother.

  She stood and began doing a few things she knew to do. As she was showing Al, she was explaining, “There were a few things that came to me like instinct. Such as spreading the shield to smother a fire started from an explosion.”

  “Impressive,” Al said, and my mother stopped and stood there looking at Al.

  “So, now what?” She asked.

  “I want you to hit the further wall over there with your shield,” Al said pointing to the back wall.

  My mom looked at us and looked puzzled. “Why Al?”

  “Your Majesty just do it.”

  My mother put up her hands and created a ball shield and with one hand pushed it towards the back wall and just as the shield hit we heard a click and the wall opened. “What?” My mother said as it opened like a door and another light came on in that room.

  Suddenly Al was gone and in the new room. I looked at everyone, and we all were as surprised as my mother was. My mother slowly walked toward the new room, and we followed.

  “Al, what is all this?” My mother asked as we walked in.

  “After the second prophecy was foretold, rooms like this were created in all three palaces,” Al explained.

  “Why?” Bryden asked looking around the room at all the new training gear.

  “The prophecy clearly said a Royal; it did not specify who or where or what the new gift would be. The Royals decided to create these special rooms in all palaces to be safe. All this was kept secret until the one was to be revealed.”

  “And the only way to open the doors?” My mother asked.

  “The power of the shield is designed to open all the doors,” Al said as we all looked around the massive room. It was almost triple the size of the first chamber.


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