The Captain's Conquest

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The Captain's Conquest Page 7

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “We could move the horses closer to the entrance,” Jared suggested.

  “No, we’ll sit tight here until it passes over, but it could be a long-winded storm.”

  “If you’re not too afraid of me, we can sit close here, share a blanket, and some warmth.”

  Lucy stood by Fiona and glanced over to Jared. He awaited her answer. She considered her options. If she wanted to sit, she either had to cram herself into the narrower spot leading deeper into the mountain, or sit by Jared. She had thought all day about what happened last night. Her head and nose ached, and her wrist shot arrows of pain up her arm which left her in a chronic state of being on the edge of tears.

  This was the man she sketched and prayed for. This was the man she had entrusted her entire life and future to as they traveled to London. She understood it was the demons inside that tortured him from his past and that Jared would never intentionally hurt her. Her heart ached almost as much as her head for the agony he was going through.

  “If I say I’m sorry again for what happened, will you sit by me then?”

  Lucy gazed down and dropped to her knees beside him. With her one good hand, she reached out to touch Jared’s whisker-hewn chin. “You would never intentionally hurt me, Jared. I don’t know who you thought I was last night or who had betrayed you, but the person you raged at in the dark was not me. Yes, I got hurt and I was scared, but I forgive you.” Lucy sat down by Jared’s side.

  He wrapped a blanket around them both. His arm wrapped around her shoulder to bring her close to him, and she nestled against the strength of his chest. Jared leaned against the wall of the cave.

  From inside it looked as though they were behind a waterfall, the rain came down so fast and hard.

  Lucy’s eyelids grew heavy and dropped. The rhythm of the storm and the warmth of the man next to her lulled her into slumber.


  When she awoke, it was dark out and the rain still came down, but not as fast.

  Jared’s head leaned against the wall, snoring lightly.

  Scallywag was snuggled up by her feet, almost like a dog would do. His little head popped up to look at her, and he bleated to make her aware of his dissatisfaction with the way the rain was keeping him from dinner.

  Lucy’s stomach growled too, and she needed to relieve herself. She sneaked further back behind the horses to take care of her business and returned to find Jared’s eyes open.

  “This has been a miserable trip, Luce. We should have sailed instead.”

  “We could have hit storms, you could have had nightmares, and we could have drowned or been set upon by pirates.”

  Jared smiled. “Point well taken. We’re committed to this course anyway. We’ll be stuck here tonight though.”

  Lucy sat back down. “Yes, so what keeps me safe if we cannot have space?”

  “I’ve been pondering that all day. My brother learned to leave me be during my terrors. They don’t happen every night, so I hope tonight will be free of that.”

  “Maybe we should pray about it.”

  Jared frowned. “I doubt God is concerned about my terrible dreams.”

  Lucy caressed his cheek with her good hand. “You couldn’t be more wrong.”

  “Pray if you like.”

  Lucy left a light kiss on his cheek and grabbed one free hand while resting her broken wrist on her lap.

  “God, You love Jared and are fully aware of these dark dreams that torment him. I ask, in the name of Jesus, that You would keep his mind free of these images and memories so he can rest and I can be safe. Thank You for Your protection and provision on our journey. Thank You for giving me a man to call my husband who lives and loves me as You do.” She squeezed Jared’s hand and let go. She rose to grab her bedroll and stretched it out. “I’m afraid we’ll have to sleep side by side. There’s no space for anything else and no way to build a fire in here, even if we had dry wood.”

  Jared went behind the horses to take care of his immediate needs and then returned. He brought his great coat and long cloak. “I suggest we use these as an extra layer of warmth.”

  Lucy put her coat on and lay down on her side so that her sore wrist could rest on the saddlebag Jared placed on the floor for her.

  Jared dropped down on the hard ground behind her. He moved the blankets over both of them. He brought the length of his body up against hers to avoid being rained on. He draped one arm over her torso to pull her close and snug to his body. His head was behind hers and her ear was tickled by his breath before he whispered in her ear, “Sweet dreams, my pixie sprite.”

  “Sweet dreams, husband.”


  The night passed in peaceful slumber and in spite of the events of the previous evening, Lucy slept well, safe, and secure in Jared’s arms. When he had awakened, he pulled her close to his body and kissed her neck. It tickled and created other new sensations as well. Lucy slid on to her back and he kept his arm wrapped around her. Their lips met.

  As Jared pulled back to peer at her in the morning haze, he took in her bruises. “I’m so sorry that happened.”

  Lucy tried to give a smile but couldn’t quite manage it. “It did. We can’t erase it, Jared. I still love you.”

  Jared sat up. “Love? What do you know of love, sprite?”

  She sat up as well, and wrapped her arms around her bent knees as she rested next to him against the damp cave wall. A shiver ran through her body. “A little, but never experienced it beyond my mother, Nanna, and Terrance. And now, you.”

  “I never said I loved you.” His voice held a harsh edge to it.

  “You didn’t need to. Love speaks volumes in the words it doesn’t say.”

  He stared at her with darkened blue eyes.

  “You protect me, provide for me, are concerned for my welfare. You have never been anything but kind and considerate.”

  Jared shook his head. “Don’t mistake duty for love. You are the daughter of a Duke, Lucy, or Penelope, whoever you are. I’m the second son of a Viscount, my brother now holds the title. I’m not in your class. I have no right to love you and already anticipate your brother calling me out for what has happened.”

  “A duel? What foolishness is this? First of all, he need never know what has happened. There is no point, and by the time we arrive in London the majority of my wounds will be healed. And no right to love? Who dictates to the heart where it may or may not seek love? Love is and love does, and you have loved in every action, whether you be a groom mucking out the stables, or a wealthy lord.”

  “I’m already in deep trouble for what has occurred on this journey. Let’s not complicate it with talk of love.”

  “And how will society think I came to be in London since I traveled alone in your company and with your name?”

  “We’ll try to cover it up and get a quiet annulment. It was an accident that we even find ourselves husband and wife.”

  “An accidental marriage, and yet you act like it is equal to the plague—something to endure and be healed of.”

  “I’m sorry, Lucy. I wish I could give you what you want and tell you what you long to hear.”

  “No, you don’t. You lie to me and to yourself and would lie to those in London. Whatever lies you tell to yourself, I know the truth and always will.” She rose to her feet. “Excuse me.” She exited into the cloud that blocked the cave entrance.

  The rain had ended. A misty layer rested over the valley and obscured their view outside the cave since they had not managed to get very high up.

  Lucy returned from taking care of her most urgent needs and Jared left to do the same. Scallywag grazed outside the cave as Lucy packed up their bedroll in anticipation of them moving on.

  Jared returned. “The river has risen considerably, and I don’t think we can safely cross to the other side again. There is not much of a path on this side and most of the bank is flooded.”

  Lucy watched the muscle in his jaw move as he clenched his teeth. Had she angered him by cal
ling him a liar? Or was he concerned about the difficulty of their travel?

  They looked out at the fog.

  “Do you want to wait until we can see further?” Lucy offered.

  “This journey has taken long enough. No, we’ll head out, but I’ll lead on foot. It will be slow, but the fog should lift in an hour or two and then we can reassess.”

  “Fair enough.” Lucy mounted with Jared’s assistance and they mutually agreed that at this pace, Scallywag could follow.

  They set out into the chilled morning air.

  A shiver went up her spine and she glanced around to see if anyone was there. She had a premonition that someone was, and whoever it was, was not a friend.


  Jared’s feet slipped on the muddy trail and he hoped the horses had better traction. They couldn’t afford to lose a mount in these hills. Lucy’s stomach grumbled as he threw her into the saddle, but she made no complaint. She had not lashed out at him for her injuries either.

  He was grateful for no terrors last night. In such close quarters where could Lucy have gone to avoid his rage? Holding her close was like donning armor against the evil that threatened his mind and soul. Lucy was his light in the darkness and he dreaded the end of this journey when he would have to let her go. A part of his mind chided him for being willing to give her up. Not easily because it would never be easy to move on in life without Lucy. It would tear part of his heart out to walk away from her in London. In the short time he’d known her she had been everything and more.

  She lacked all the accomplishments of a woman of the ton. How would she survive there? She would be a diamond of the first water wearing the pretty gowns and her hair done up. He smiled to think that even then some of her curls would likely escape. But would the beau monde treat her well once they heard her accent and realized she couldn’t dance or even ply a fan? She may be long in the tooth by London standards, but in many ways she was as innocent as that silly lamb that followed her everywhere.

  Who would be there to watch over her and protect her?

  He suspected she would hate London.

  If they truly were husband and wife, he could whisk her away to the country, prepare her well for a season, and show her off as the precious jewel she was.

  The more rational part of his brain wanted to punch him in the nose for daring to even sniff at Lucy’s skirts. He was a gentleman and a soldier, and he would do his duty. Emotions were not a part of any mission and he had forgotten that. Feelings got people killed. He could not afford to make that mistake. This was the most important mission of his life.

  Jared’s horse almost pushed him over as he came to the drop off of a high cliff. He looked around. How had they come to this pass? Did they have to go up or back, and then down, or risk the raging river? Jared cursed himself for his distraction.

  Scallywag wandered up and around the drop off, finding a slight path that traveled steeply towards the river bank. If the lamb could make the trip down, perhaps they could as well.

  He followed the animal.

  They descended down beneath the cloud and found a small place to rest.

  He helped Lucy off her saddle and she went to congratulate the lamb. Jared shook his head. He managed to bag a black grouse and prepared it for a mid-day meal, setting aside what they couldn’t finish to eat a little later on the trail. “Lucy, we lost time yesterday. Can we push forward as long as we have light?”

  His sprite looked up at him with those clear sapphire eyes and smiled. “Aye, ‘twill be as you say.”

  Why couldn’t she just get angry with him? She was too nice, too pure, too kind. He boosted her up onto the saddle and heard her loud exhale from the impact. She frowned at him. Good. Maybe she’d yell at him and affirm everything he already knew about himself.

  He saddled up as they were on lower ground and they took off at a steady pace. Given the difficult terrain there were no gallops to be had, but they managed a decent trot at times.

  As the sun was getting low, the temperature dropped.

  Jared located a portion of the river that didn’t look quite so dangerous. He took Scallywag up on Rogue with him and started across the river.

  The current was stronger than anticipated and he was grateful he had tied a rope around Lucy’s waist as well as his own. If one of them got knocked off…

  He reached the shore and the rope went taut. He dismounted, set the lamb on the bank of the river and turned to watch Lucy’s progress.

  Fiona struggled against the water and did well until a large branch struck her broadside. The horse slipped and while she managed to regain her footing, the combination of the slippery saddle and the angle in which she slid caused Lucy to splash into the icy waters. She emerged and tried to stand. Fiona kept coming to the shore and Lucy held on to the saddle horn with her good hand, but she wasn’t strong enough to withstand the rushing water.

  Jared wrapped himself around a tree and grabbed the rope to pull Lucy ashore. He helped her up the bank and enfolded her in his arms.

  She shivered and gasped for air after her dunking.

  “If I’d known you wanted to bathe right away, we could have arranged it, Luce.”

  That got a smile out of her. The fear he didn’t recognize at first began to dissipate and he couldn’t resist placing a kiss on her slightly blue lips. All in the interest of restoring circulation and warming her up, of course.

  Lucy returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck to hold him closer.

  Jared was the first to come back to his senses. He pulled back. Her cheeks and lips were both flushed with a healthy pink color. He couldn’t hide his self-satisfied grin. He hugged her close. “Let me get a fire started so you can warm up. Get out of those wet clothes and put something dry on.”

  Lucy went to her saddlebag to get her stuff and went behind some trees to change.

  Jared stood there for some time wishing…he shook his head to get images out of his mind that he had no right entertaining. He went about building the fire and warming up the meat they had not finished.

  Lucy came out and hung her wet clothes on nearby branches to dry.

  Jared had already unrolled her blankets.

  She settled down across the fire and ate in silence.

  “Are you well, my pixie bride?”

  “Well enough. You had good foresight to use the rope. Thank you for pulling me to safety.”

  “Holding you in my arms was thanks enough. I hope you can sleep well.”



  “You seemed to sleep better when we, um, cozied up last night. Perhaps we should try that again?”

  “I managed one night without ravishing you, but not for lack of desire. It is better for your virtue that we stay on opposite sides of the fire. Which also means that you let me battle my demons on my own should they arrive.”

  “Interesting choice of words, Captain.”

  “’Tis how it feels when the past rises up and forces me to relive it.”

  The corners of Lucy’s lips drooped and she yawned. “I will honor your request, sir.”

  “Thanks, sprite, I would hate it should something bad happen again.”

  Lucy nodded to him and stretched out. She wrapped up in her blankets with her wounded arm elevated by the saddle bag. Her breathing slowed and the worry lines eased away from her forehead.

  Jared was fascinated by the way her lashes fanned against her cheeks. The fire splashed light here and there in a constant changing watercolor painting that was mesmerizing to watch. He prayed he could be the man she thought he was. More than that, he prayed that tonight he would sleep peacefully.


  Lucy struggled to consciousness at the sound of rustling. Someone or something was out there. She shivered and reached for her gun. She closed her eyes, prayed, opened them again, and waited for them to adjust to the dark. She heard the rustling again.

  Something emerge from the brush and the eyes glowed golden. It
crept towards Jared.

  Lucy raised the pistol slowly and pulled the safety.

  The being stopped for a moment, growled low and deep, and took another step forward.

  Lucy pulled the trigger. The report jolted her.

  Whatever it was howled and dropped.

  Lucy cocked the trigger back, rose to her feet. and came around the fire to the far side.

  Jared stirred.

  A large wildcat lay with a bullet hole between his eyes. No movement or breath.

  She pocketed the pistol, and went back to Jared.

  He struggled to sit and rubbed his eyes. “Luce?”

  “We had a visitor.”

  He looked to the large animal who sprawled too close for comfort. “How…?”

  Lucy bent to add kindling to the fire. Due to the moisture in the sticks it grew smoky. Lucy coughed and went back to her pallet and sleeping lamb. She reclined.

  “You are fey, aren’t you?”

  “Not in the way of the Gaelic tradition. I have no supernatural powers except what God gives me in any given moment and then I am a vehicle for His work.”

  “Do you think He brought you into my life because I needed you to be a vehicle for His work in my heart?”

  Lucy stared at the diamonds in the night sky as they twinkled above. “You probably know the answer to that if you asked the question.”

  She heard no response and turned her head.

  Jared was sitting up and staring in to the fire.

  “Does it bother you that He would go through such trouble for you?”

  “It bothers me that he would put an innocent woman in danger for me. How do I reconcile a loving God with that?”

  “I didn’t balk for long at His leading to come with you, Jared. He paved the way to make me willing and I’m glad He did. I believe this adventure is doing a work deep inside of me.”

  “You think God brought me to you as well?”

  “Maybe. God knew we needed each other to do the work He has called us to do, in each other.”


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