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The Captain's Conquest

Page 8

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “You’ve been beaten up, almost drowned, and saved me from a wildcat attack.”

  “You killed an adder for me. You also saved me from finding my security in safety and showed me that I have more to offer this world than drawings and dreams.”

  Jared shook his head. “I can’t see that as enough of a benefit for what we’ve already been through and we are a long way from the end of our journey. I worry about my ability to keep you safe.”

  “Did it ever occur to you that it’s not your job to keep me safe? It’s God’s. God was the one to awaken me to the danger and give me that shot. God was the one who led you to tie a rope around us both to ensure our safety. God was even with me after you attacked me. Jared, you had rage so deep I have no doubt that if I had been a real threat to you, you might have killed me. God stayed your hand.”

  Jared reclined on his back to look up at the stars. “I never knew when I was in Portugal, Spain, France, and even at our family’s estate, Rose Hill, that someone like you was looking up at the same stars and that God was connecting the dots to bring us together.”

  Lucy smiled and closed her eyes.


  A day later they reached Blairgowrie. Lucy was grateful for a hot bath and the opportunity to wash clothes. The hot meal of soup, fresh cooked bread, and a meat pie were like slices of heaven.

  Jared had kept a respectful distance but playfully referred to her as ‘sprite’ or ‘his pixie bride’.

  She loved the way he said those words in his proper British accent. At the inn in Blairgowrie there was only one room available and she felt bad that he once again slept on the floor in deference to her. He even bought her a new dress and replaced her boots.

  They started the journey to Perth on a more established road.


  Tension rose within Jared as they headed south. He wasn’t sure why, but now that they were done with traveling through the mountain paths, he feared there might be other, larger dangers that could await them. While the Duke of Diamonte had been banished, he did have minions all over England and he had no doubt that if they could interfere with Lucy’s journey, they would.

  That is, if they knew about it. He hoped they didn’t.


  Jared led the way through the door of the Rooster’s Crow in Perth. He arranged for a hot bath for Lucy and left her to it while he sat in the public room with a pint of ale. He was surprised to see Lord Alfred Minter walk through the doors.

  “Captain Allendale, what a pleasure to see you here. What brings you to this neck of the woods? Have the British decided to take over Scotland?”

  Jared raised his mug. “Ferdie, one could say the same of you.”

  Lord Minter waved a hand in dismissal. “Same old story. Some ancient relative dies and leaves an inheritance of a pile of stone that is supposed to have some historical significance. In reality all it will do is suck me dry if I try to make it even modestly habitable. Because of that I’ve chosen to sell and came here to finalize the deal.”

  “Who would purchase a pile of rocks in the middle of Scotland?”

  “Some dude called McAllister. He had the money, but I will admit he was creepy.”

  Jared traced his memory back. He’d overheard unsavory rumors about McAllister and a possible connection to the Black Diamond.

  The hair on the back of Jared’s head stood on end. One of Diamonte’s minions was close. He needed to get Lucy out of here as quickly as possible.

  He encouraged Alfie to join him for a few rounds and when the young lord was asleep at the table, Jared rose and headed up to the room. He rapped three times and gave the lamb’s name.

  Lucy opened the door, gun in hand. She closed it behind him and turned the key in the lock.

  “You bathed but have not dressed?” he asked.

  “Something’s amiss.”

  “What? What do you know?”

  She pocketed her gun and went to sit down, but her right foot beat a tattoo on the wooden slats of the room. “Nothing. We need to leave. Go ahead and bathe, but then we must be gone.”

  Jared went behind the screen, stripped, and slipped into the lukewarm water.

  “What kept you so long downstairs?”

  “An acquaintance walked into the public room. He talked and I plied him with several pints of ale. He’s asleep for the nonce, but you are right, we need to leave.” He poured a pail of water over his head to rinse out the soap and stood to dry off and change. “I’m sorry that you don’t get a soft bed tonight. Do you think Fiona can handle a few hours of riding?”

  “She is a sturdy horse. It won’t be a problem.”

  Jared dressed and repacked his saddle bag. He grabbed a roll off the tray and sipped some cool tea. Lucy methodically packed up the leftover food in a napkin to take with them. She threw her cloak on.

  “I’m ready when you are.”

  “We need to exit out the back, Luce. I can’t take you through the public room and risk you being seen by Lord Minter or anyone else. He recognized me and may have no idea who you are, but if I claim you as my wife to him, I can guarantee it will spread like wildfire through London within a week.”

  Lucy nodded.

  Jared was proud to be with a woman who was not prone to hysterics and was active in resolving the issue, instead of fighting him over details or talking it to death.

  They stole down the back stairs and managed to sneak into the stables, saddled their horses, and led Scallywag out. They walked into the woods and around the village at least a mile before mounting and galloping south.

  The lamb rested across Jared’s lap.

  The path to Kinross was long and winding. After a few hours, they dismounted and moved into the woods until they found a clearing. They decided against a fire for the night and snuggled up close together for warmth as both fell into an exhausted slumber.


  Jared awoke the next morning aware of the soft scent of heather and the tickle of hair against his face. He smiled. No matter how difficult things had been, this woman was game to tackle it with no missishness. He hugged Lucy tight.

  She sighed and stretched.

  What would it be like to wake up to this woman every day for the rest of his life? He had consistently seen her at her worse and she had seen him at his. He glanced at her bandaged wrist. It was like pouring a bucket of ice water over his ardor. There was no way. Lucy deserved far better than him when it came to a life-mate.

  “Morning, Jared.” Lucy managed to face him and support herself on her elbow. She bent over and kissed his cheek. “Shall we go outwit my father’s minions?”

  “We don’t even know for sure they are here.” Jared rose to his knees facing her and bent forward to kiss her cute little nose. “But let’s outfox them anyway.” He helped her to her feet.

  Together they packed up their bedding. They had a quick bite of what little food was left.

  They took to the road but at any sign of a conveyance or traveler from any direction, they escaped into the woods. When they were surrounded by pastures, they gave the horses their heads and galloped.

  They reached Kinross but avoided the main posting inn and stayed in one that was not as well kept.

  Jared hated doing that, but figured it would be easier to get in and out. He really wanted Lucy to have the opportunity for a bath and a real bed, even if only for a few hours. He took care to order everything and sat downstairs with a pint of ale watching and listening as he had done so often through the years. He was disappointed and relieved to learn nothing that could in any way be alarming. He collected food he had purchased from the cook and took it up to the room.

  Lucy was fully dressed in cleaner clothes and resting on the bed. He bent to give her a kiss and she gave a little smile, sighed, and never opened her eyes. He looked longingly at the bed. Twice now, for the sake of mutual warmth, they had shared body heat. Tonight, however, he had no such excuse, no matter how much he longed for the comfort of that mattress, pillow, and

  He changed his clothes quickly and stretched with a blanket on the floor by the fire.

  A few hours later a commotion was heard in the hallway. A body banged against their locked door.

  Jared shot to his feet and readied his gun.

  Lucy jumped up and did the same.

  Loud questions were heard. A deep male voice, in French, looking for a Scots woman and Englishman traveling together.

  Jared and Lucy looked at each other in alarm.

  They heard the proprietor lie to the man and lure him down the stairs with the promise of some ale for his troubles.

  Jared peeked out the door. The hallway was empty. The only way out of the first floor was down through the common room. He stepped back into the room and saw Lucy don her cloak.

  Their eyes locked and time stood still. “Are you sure, Luce?”

  She shook her head and went to throw open the window. “It’s the only way.”

  Jared strode across the room, picked up their bags, and tossed them out the window, grateful their room was on the back side of the shoddy inn. He stepped out onto a smaller overhang and helped Lucy out. He balanced on the roof as Lucy poised to climb down a trellis. “Careful,” he whispered.

  She dropped the last few feet to the ground and grinned.

  He came down beside her, grabbed the saddlebags.

  Jared headed for the stables.

  Lucy stayed hidden in the woods.

  Jared went in to saddle up the horses and load the bags. He led them out with Scallywag following dutifully behind.

  Once mounted, they traveled through the woods for many miles before they felt it was safe to take to the road. They traveled most of the night.

  Jared decided to stop and helped a drooping Lucy off her horse. They set out their bedrolls and lay together for warmth. Jared found he didn’t feel quite so bad that he was deprived of a soft mattress if the alternative was inhaling Lucy’s heather scent and feeling her petite frame snuggled up to his. His only regret was that he didn’t smell anywhere as good and he hoped she didn’t mind too terribly.


  Lucy didn’t mind anything as long as Jared was close. He would always protect her or die trying and she would do anything to keep him from that fate. She took several deep breaths to slow her heartbeat down. As the fear and anxiety of their escape waned in the moonlight she grew so weary and fought to keep her seat. She was grateful he noticed, cared, and brought them here. Sleep came quickly.

  At dawn, she turned in the circle of Jared’s arm. He moved to his back and she cozied up alongside his length. She could feel his heart beating, steady, and strong. This was the third time they had, of necessity, slept so close together, and Jared did not have any nightmares. She wasn’t sure if Jared was aware of that. He didn’t have them every night, but she couldn’t recall him having one since she’d been hit.

  He kissed the top of her head and she leaned her face up to see if she could snag another on her lips. She smiled in satisfaction when he did kiss her again.

  “Good morning, my pixie bride.”

  “Good morning, my handsome and noble husband.”

  His lazy smile faded. “I deserve neither of those compliments, but I thank you anyway.”

  They both rose to their feet and prepared for their journey.

  At noon, they came upon a small thatched roof cottage with an older lady who called to them as they were passing by. “Come, you two weary travelers, come and break bread with me.”

  The woman’s hair was pulled back in a cap, her dress was worn, and her shoulders hunched. She was probably lonely.

  Lucy nodded to Jared who spoke for them both.

  “We are grateful for your hospitality.”

  They dismounted and entered the tiny cottage to partake of cabbage soup and fresh baked bread.

  Lucy thought it was divine.

  Miss Angstrom, was a spinster who had cared for her mother up until her death, and was lonely. She stared at Lucy.

  “Miss Angstrom, are you weel then?” Lucy asked, an edge of fear creeping up as she returned the woman’s stare.

  “You, my dear, are in some kind of trouble. This handsome man is assisting you. If we dye your hair, it will be harder for them to find you.”

  “We are not sure if we are in trouble or not, but we are being careful,” Jared answered.

  Lucy touched Jared’s sleeve. “She is not a threat.” Lucy turned to Miss Angstrom. “You have a suggestion for us?”

  The older woman nodded her head and smiled. “I can dye your hair a soft brown. Black would be too dramatic with your pale complexion.”

  “How would you do this?” Jared asked.

  “With some herbs applied to her hair. They might tame some of that curl too. The entire process would take about an hour. Can you spare the time? I would like to help.”

  Lucy looked to Jared. “It would help me to not be so distinctive.”

  “How would they even know? You’ve been hidden away for years.”

  “My dad knew my hair color and the curl. He would have expected that would not change.”

  Jared glanced from one woman to the next and nodded his head. “Then let us proceed quickly. We have much ground to cover.”

  Jared was shooed to the small living area where he was invited to stretch out on the large divan as long as he removed his boots. He took her up on that offer and dozed.

  Lucy allowed Miss Angstrom her way with the hair. The sweet lady hummed as she worked, and Lucy couldn’t help but yawn and close her eyes. Miss Angstrom washed out the dye and combed through the snarls in Lucy’s hair, then braided and put it up for her. She finally showed Lucy her reflection in the mirror.

  Lucy gasped. She appeared so different with her hair a soft brown. Her bruise was more yellow.

  Miss Angstrom applied some salve and something else to minimize the color.

  “Miss Angstrom, have you ever thought to be a lady’s maid? You work wonders with hair and I’m sure you would be a great asset to any woman of quality.”

  The older woman stood back and bit her lip. “Ah prayed fur God tae send me someone wi’ a clear message o’ His wull fur me.”

  “So, you would be willing to give up your little cottage for a life in service?”

  “Aye, if ‘twer for a lady like yourself. I would pack up instantly and go with you.”


  “Ah prayed, ye came ‘n’ brought up th’ subject. It must be God’s will, if ye’ll have me.

  Lucy rose from her chair and went to where Jared dozed. She bent down to give him a kiss by his ear and blew at it. He moved his shoulder to cut off her access and opened his eyes. She moved back and he opened his eyes wider and rubbed them as he sat up straight.


  “Aye, ‘tis me, mah loue. I have acquired a lady’s maid for myself.”

  Jared looked from Lucy to Miss Angstrom. “You want to become an abigail in London?”

  Miss Angstrom nodded her head vigorously.


  “Ah have nothing left ‘ere ’n’ a’m needin’ employment.”

  Jared looked to Lucy. “How do we transport a maid and her belongings to London given our current circumstances?”

  “Ah have a carriage, though it’s not fancy. Ah have two fine horses tae pull it.”

  “May I see it?”

  Miss Angstrom smiled and escorted them to the small stable where two sturdy horses raised their heads to appraise the visitors. The carriage was well-maintained and while not of quality of a Duke, nor even as nice as the one Jared’s brother drove, it was better than most travel carriages he’d seen.

  “This would do well. When could you be ready to depart? I am willing to pay you in full for the carriage and horses when we reach London.”

  “Do not worry aboot that. Ah could be ready within the hour.”


  Lucy nodded and smiled. “I must know your first name though, as it is the fashion t
o prefer to just use a plain name for those in service.”

  Miss Angstrom bobbed a curtsy. “Aye, milady, I be Agnes.”

  “Well, Agnes, I believe I’ve acquired a lady’s maid. Let us prepare for our journey.”

  Lucy packed up food and supplies in the kitchen and they transferred the saddlebags to the boot of the carriage along with Agnes’s trunk.

  Agnes also pulled out some dresses her mother used to wear as many could be made to fit Lucy and were brought along for the maid to alter.


  Within the hour, the horses were harnessed and ready to go, with Rogue and Fiona tied on behind. Lucy wore a bonnet and a nice dress and looked so different, Jared was certain she wouldn’t be identified as the Duke’s daughter by any of that man’s minions. If Jared tried, he could not have planned for a better disguise.

  Agnes had even darkened his own hair color and as long as he shaved he would not be easily discovered.

  He handed the women into the carriage leaving the cottage stripped of as much as they could manage to take that they thought could be useful. They would reach another town by evening and ‘Miss Abernanthy’, as Lucy would go by, would get a room with her maid. The ‘coachman’, Jared, would bed down in the stable. At least, that was his plan, he needed to discuss it with Lucy first.

  Shy of town he pulled over and leaned in to talk to the women and lay out his plan.

  Lucy would have none of it.

  “No. You will sleep in my room as usual, for you are my husband. If you want us to be Mr. and Mrs. Allendale I would agree to that, but none other.”

  “Come on, Luce,” he pleaded.

  Lucy remained steadfast. “I’m sorry if I disappoint you, Jared, but remember your night terrors. I would hate to be evicted because my coachman tried to defend the stable with a pitchfork again.”

  Jared’s blood chilled. “I don’t know that it’s safe for me to be with you either.”

  “I would feel safer with you there too in case our disguise doesn’t work.”

  Jared sighed and nodded his head. “You win this round, my pixie bride.” He tipped his hat, secured the door, and resumed with the horses. When had things spun out of control?

  Then he remembered. His life had spun out of control the day he met the sprite who now sat inside the carriage. And He thanked God for disturbing his life with his accidental wife.


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