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The Captain's Conquest

Page 14

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  A man dressed all in black pointed a revolver at her.

  Her gun was behind him, on the bed. She was trapped with no one to help her.

  “Yous come with me.”

  Lucy tilted her head and considered her opponent. “Where do you propose to take me?” If she could keep him talking long enough Jared would return.

  “Yur da is wantin’ ta meet cha.”

  “I have not seen my father for a long time. Last I heard he was banished to France and stripped of his title and lands. He doesn’t sound like the kind of man I am inclined to want to meet.”

  The man growled. “Git oot the window.”

  “In my nightrail? Are you mad?” Lucy crossed her hands in front of her chest.

  “I hadn’t thought ‘er dat.” He dropped his arm a bit and scratched his head.

  Good. Her father didn’t hire the most intelligent of men.

  “I’ll tell you what. I will grab my robe and slippers and we can walk down the stairs to the front door. A lady cannot climb out a window. You must realize that.”

  “Dat’ll be fine. Git on wit ye.” He waved his gun at her to move.

  She grabbed her robe and pulled on her boots. She would make a spectacle of herself and surprise the proprietor when she appeared as a woman, but she trusted that once this man was dispatched, that little problem would be easily taken care of.

  “Could we stop for a pint before we depart? I’ve not had my dinner yet and that would at least tide me over until we arrive wherever my father is.”

  The buffoon scratched his head with the gun which made her wonder if it was really loaded or he was an idiot.

  “Nah, we’s gotta go, quick-like.” He waved her to the door with the gun.

  She moved to the door and unlocked it. She stepped out into the hallway and tried to speak loudly. “Where did you say my father is staying?”

  “I didn’t. Now keep quiet.”

  Lucy held her head up, tripped lightly down the stairs, and came to a stop in the public room. “Jared!”

  The gun came up to her spine and the would-be kidnapper pushed her forward to the door.

  A shot was fired.

  Lucy fell forward to the ground and tried to catch herself with her hands. “Ow!”

  The room erupted into shouts.

  Lucy struggled to rise, stepping on her gown. A hand at her elbow pulled her to her feet.

  “Are you injured?” Jared asked.

  She shook her head.

  The would-be kidnapper rolled on the floor. His attempt to rise was stopped by Michael’s fist. Blood was seeping from the man’s shoulder and his gun was too far away.

  Michael pulled the man to his feet. “Who hired you?”

  The man was mute.

  “He told me he was taking me to see my father.”

  Michael glared at the man. “Where is he?”

  The man remained silent.

  “Fine. You can tell the constable all about your attempted kidnapping.” Michael called for a rope that was procured from the stable.

  The man was tied to a supporting post in the room while one of the stable hands rode for the local law.

  “Come, milady, and let us get you to your room.” Jared escorted her away from the leers of the men in the pub. Once they entered the room he closed and latched the window and locked the door. He enfolded her in his arms. “I am grateful you were wise enough to bring him to where we could help you.”

  “He wasn’t very sharp.”

  “I’m glad he wasn’t successful.” Jared leaned down to kiss her. They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

  Jared went to open it.

  Michael stepped in. “The constable is here and he would like to talk to you, Lucy.”

  “I guess I have some explaining to do?”

  Michael nodded and gave her a wink. “That’s my sister, outsmarting the criminals. I’m proud of you, Luce.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jared put an arm at her back and walked beside her down the narrow stairs as if to make his claim known to all and sundry. She felt conspicuous in her nightrail, robe, and boots. Michael led them to a private parlor and she recounted the night’s events.

  She was escorted back to her room and Jared once again locked the door. He stripped for bed and checked his gun in case there were any more unwanted visitors. He held her close and she felt safe, loved, and very much wanted.

  The next morning dawned dark and grey. They met for breakfast in the private parlour, Lucy dressed as a valet again.

  “Shall we set out? We are sure to get wet,” Michael asked.

  “I hate sitting here. It makes us too easy to find after last night’s botched abduction. Someone is sure to try again.” Jared shoveled in his breakfast.

  Lucy tried to eat heartily as they might not be able to eat again until evening.

  “We’ve traveled in rain before, Jared, and survived.” Lucy didn’t mind getting a little wet.

  “My horse is untried with thunder.” Michael chewed some more toast.

  “I say we try. We are only two or three days ride from London. We are too close to lose heart now.”

  “Remember, Michael, even if we set out in a carriage, you would still get drenched.”

  Lucy sipped her tea and winked at her brother. It felt good to have a family to belong to.

  “It’s settled then. We leave as soon as we can make ready.” Michael rose to leave.

  “We are ready. We only need to grab our luggage and we can be off.” Jared rose and assisted Lucy to her feet.

  “Remember, Jared, I’m your servant. As much as I love being treated like a lady, you will draw suspicion if people see you treating me like that.”

  Jared frowned and nodded. “I’ll try to remember. It is hard to refrain from kissing you, no matter how you are dressed.”

  Lucy grinned, walked past him, and whispered, “Later.”


  She nodded and headed up the stairs to get their bags.


  The rain pelted them about an hour into their journey. They took to the main road as few would be traveling on this day.

  Michael hoped the Black Diamond’s minions would believe they had stayed put. He’d told the landlord to put it out that they were resting and playing cards in their room. It would not be long before their ruse was discovered.

  They stopped mid-day to eat under the shade of the trees.

  Scallywag leapt about to burn off energy before chewing on some grass.

  Michael, Jared, and Lucy ate some damp bread and cheese and drank the water.

  Lucy shivered as water sloshed in her boots. A bath tonight would be heaven. The heat of the summer day, along with the moisture, was creating a fog that made their journey spooky.

  The fog made the going slower even as the rain stopped. The horses plodded along with their heads lowered.

  Lucy’s spirits sank as well. In two days, they might be in London and her life as she had known it, since meeting Jared, would drastically change. She was afraid it might not be for the better.

  Jared dropped back to ride by her side. “Soon, Lucy. This will all be over soon. We’ll have to get through Whitehall and then we can go to Rose Hill. My home is not far from there and needs a woman’s touch.”

  Out of the fog emerged several horses. Large men were holding guns trained on Jared and herself.

  Lucy looked behind her.

  More men appeared with guns aimed at Michael.

  “Ye’ll want ta come wit us,” snarled the man who must be their leader.

  “And if we don’t?” Jared asked.

  “We shoot the men and take her anyway. Throw your guns down.”

  Grief and a glimmer of fear crossed Jared’s features before his face was void of all emotion. He tossed his guns down. Michael frowned and followed suit.

  Scallywag was across her saddle today and let out a baaaa of protest. One of the men cocked his gun and took aim.

bent over to shield the lamb.

  Another man bellowed. “Leave her and the ball of wool alone. He can be dealt with later.”

  Lucy still had her gun tucked in her bag and a knife in one boot. Did Jared or Michael possess other weapons?

  They were herded off the main road to a side one as quietly as a death march. Silence permeated the fog and gave her a chill.

  Jared glanced at her with an eyebrow raised as if to ask if she was well.

  Lucy pursed her lips and nodded. She was well, but scared. To get this far only to be stopped now seemed unjust. God? Can You see what’s happening? Help us, please!

  It seemed like hours before they reached a small house. They all dismounted.

  Scallywag stayed close to Lucy.

  Hands were tied behind their backs, and with Lucy in the middle, the captors marched them to the back of the house and in the door, leaving the lamb and horses unattended. A set of steps went down and they were prodded forward. Jared almost stumbled but caught himself. She prayed he was not beset with fears from his past captivity. The air grew cool as they descended.

  Lucy felt safe sandwiched between Jared and Michael. They would do anything to protect her. Besides their love of her, she was also their mission, and these were men of honor.

  They reached the bottom and continued on through a dark hallway. The men in front and behind had torches, but the three captives were left without.

  Lucy had no doubts evil was planned, especially for her. If her father planned to sacrifice his daughter at age six, what would stop him from doing so now that she was an adult?

  She smiled. If he hoped for a virgin sacrifice to satisfy his satanic god, he would be disappointed there. She would never regret that night or ever knowing Jared. He brought her adventure and had shown her strengths she didn’t realize she possessed.

  She had stepped away from everything she ever knew to follow him. Even now, with the spectre of death possibly imminent, she had no regrets. She only hoped he would be spared any harm.

  Michael was whispering prayers to Jesus. The guard behind Michael scolded him to be quiet even as he shoved her brother into her.

  What would become of Scallywag? She never had a pet before, it would be a shame to be parted from one now. After all, the little lamb needed her. Didn’t he?

  Metal creaked ahead.

  Jared was shoved to the dirt. The men grabbed her and shoved her in but she managed to stay standing. Michael followed.

  The door slammed shut, a lock turned, and the men left, joking and laughing.

  They were all alone. In the dark.


  Jared spat dirt out of his mouth. His heartbeat accelerated, and his hands became clammy. His shoulders ached from the angle at which they had been tied behind him.


  Lucy’s voice. She was here. She was safe. For now. He had a job to do. He mustn’t forget. “I’m here,” he croaked through the tightening in his throat.

  She was by his side. “I need you to sit up.”

  “What are you thinking, Luce?” Michael stood off to the side. Thumps indicated he was testing the size of the room with his boot as he walked around its interior walls.

  She whispered, “There is a knife in my right boot. If one of you could slide it out we could cut our bonds.”

  “Hopefully without lopping off a finger or two,” Michael quipped.

  Jared struggled to his knees. Lucy brought her boot between his legs and he was able to touch the top and lift out the knife. “Got it.”

  “Good. I’ll take it from you and cut your ropes first.” Lucy dropped to her knees behind him.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea? Aren’t ladies supposed to go first?” Jared whimpered, ashamed of the fear that terrorized him.

  “You need to be free. Breathe deep.”

  He did as she bid. The knife was taken from his grip. It touched his bound hands and the ropes.

  She labored for a time, the only sound the friction of the knife against the rope and Michael’s boot, still hitting the walls.

  The rope loosened. He pulled, rolled his shoulders, and stretched them to ease the ache. “Good job, sprite.” He turned to cut hers and stood to do Michael’s.

  When they were finished, Lucy hid the knife back in her boot.

  Lucy stood by Jared and placed her hand on his forearm. He trembled. “You will be fine, Jared. I need you to be strong. We will get through this.”

  Michael stepped close. “The room is small. The walls are dirt. I can touch the ceiling and it is wood. My guess is we are under the cellar of some estate.”

  “So, what do we do now?” Lucy asked.


  Lucy’s words bounced around in Jared’s mind.

  What do we do?

  What do we do?

  What do we do?

  Her touch brought him back from the brink of the madness he feared. How would he get through this without humiliating himself? She had no idea how his body had been tortured but his mind still bore gaping wounds.

  “Will you give us what we want?”

  “No.” Jared gritted his teeth in anticipation of the punishment to come. He despised these men. Not a very ‘Christian’ thing to do and he prayed for the ability to forgive but the pain continued and his heart shriveled up inside of him. Life no longer held any attraction. Better to die here, for his country, than to survive this having failed his mission.

  The most pathetic part was that he preferred his torture to the time laying in the dark, wondering and waiting for the next visit. At least they were in human form even if the Frogs lacked any decency.

  Someone touched him in the dark and he recoiled.


  They never called him by his name. What new game was this?

  “Allendale, its Michael, snap out of it.”

  Jared shook his head and felt a light hand. In spite of the dank, musty smell there was something new. Heather? Since when?

  A humming by a woman. What was that? Then he heard it. A whisper. Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. He shook his head again.

  Darkness. “Michael?”

  “Here, Allendale.”

  A soft hand came up to touch his face, it sneaked behind his neck and pulled him down until his lips touched hers for a sweet kiss that grounded him firmly in reality. This was a different kind of torture and one he would gladly suffer.

  “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear. He pulled her into his full embrace and held her close. How God knew he needed this woman didn’t surprise him. The fact that God orchestrated their meeting did.

  “Are you weel then, mah loue?” Lucy whispered.

  “I’m back. For now. Thanks to you.” He planted a kiss on the top of her head and inhaled her scent which helped to drive the darkness out of his mind.

  “Any time.” She pulled back. “So, what do we do now?”

  “Anyone else have a weapon they didn’t confiscate?” Michael queried.

  Jared wished he could see his friend, but could guess that his expression was grim. “Nothing. Lucy, I didn’t realize you’d taken to carrying a knife in your boot. Clever minx.”

  She gave a soft giggle. “Glad I can still surprise you. I have matches. If I had been wearing my skirts I might have been able to get away with a gun tucked in there, but not with these breeches.”

  Jared tapped her bottom, thankful he could tease her in the dark. He imagined her blush even though no one else could see it.

  “No shenanigans over there, you two. I can still hear,” Michael said with a tinge of humor.

  “Any ideas, guys? You’re the experts.” Lucy left his embrace but held onto his hand. He needed her touch.

  “Experts? You would trust men who have been captured time and again and whose only achievement is somehow escaping with our lives?” The humor was gone, and Jared’s heart echoed the futility he heard in Michael’s voice.

  “There is nothing we can do at the moment, but rest and somehow be alert. T
he door is a gate so we can hear them coming and feel air flow and possible temperature changes.” He turned to Lucy, walked to the door with her in tow, and then took a few steps to the side of the opening. He slid to the ground and dragged her down with him. “For now, we sit and wait. Michael, we are close to the door. Where do you feel would be opportune for you?”

  “I’ll find a spot. Don’t worry about me. Keep your bride warm.” Michael followed that with a sound of a kiss.

  “If you insist.” Jared replied. He drew Lucy close to his body, wrapped his arm around her, and kissed her in a long and lingering embrace.

  “You do have to come up for air sometime. I sure wish Katrina were here, though. Not a whole lot of privacy with a toddler and a baby demanding attention.”

  “Complaining, are you?”

  “Not really, Jared. You just wait and see the wonderful things that await you two when we get past this.”

  “Waiting is the one thing we have no choice about. But we can choose to pray.”

  “Aye,” Lucy whispered, “and we’d better be getting to it.”

  The fear and darkness evaporated within. Jared held Lucy close, sought God’s help, and thanked Him for all He had already done for him. For them. He looked forward to a boring life as a farmer when this was over. That, along with being a husband and father. Life would definitely be worth experiencing with his pixie bride by his side.

  Silence chilled him as it continued.

  They listened.

  A chill ran down his spine. He thought he was immune to the cold by now, but they were coming. He could hear their footsteps. Rage built like a small campfire where his fear fed it until it was a towering inferno. His skin warmed, almost burned from the heat. From the inside out it consumed him until he thought he would burst.

  They entered and he exploded into a fireball of action, but lack of food and water left him weak, and soon he was flat on his stomach with a knee to his kidney, and retching from the punches they kept leveling at his head. The flame was doused as he slid into oblivion.

  The humming. Someone was humming, but whom? He was the only one down here in this god-forsaken dungeon. His entire body shuddered in cold and pain, and every bruise was as if he was being pummeled all over again.


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