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The Captain's Conquest

Page 17

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Can you afford this, Jared?”

  “Yes. My dearest wife, unbeknownst to me, there was a hefty dowry left for you by your father.”

  “We cannot accept it.”

  “It’s yours and has now become ours due to our marriage. It is not something we can accept or reject. It is.”

  “Blood money. The money is why they think you have sold out.”

  “I have sufficient funds of my own to clothe my wife. Never fear. If you want to leave the funds untouched I will bow to your wishes.”

  “I’m so glad I married you.” Lucy raised up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  “Shall we go and break my bank?”

  “If you insist.” Lucy placed her hand on his arm as he walked her out to the waiting carriage. Pleasing his wife was a surprising delight to him.


  “He’s in London, my lord, with Lady Penelope. She styles herself as Lady Lucille Allendale.”

  “He has dared touch her? I needed her a virgin,” he growled and the ineffectual minion standing in front of him cowered. It gave him pleasure. The Black Diamond templed his hands in front of his face, tapping his nose with them as his elbows rested on the mahogany desk in his study.

  “They will not stay in London long. Have men sent to scout out Rose Hill and infiltrate themselves into Captain Allendale’s estate as servants.”

  “Aye, my lord. It will be as you say.” The man bowed and scraped his way out the door.

  The Duke picked up a letter that had been received from the Little Emperor himself. Napoleon thought he deserved to rule France and more. The Black Diamond knew better. If anyone deserved to rule—it was him. His errant daughter was the key. Too many women had been branded and escaped, but he was not done and in the end, perhaps every one of them would be bowing before his throne in obeisance to his superior power. The thought made him smile.

  He knew just how he would stir up trouble for Michael, his worthy opponent and by-blow, and for his friends, Remington, Westcombe, Harrow, and Allendale. It was time to end this, and them, once and for all. It hadn’t been his original plan, but now that Penelope was mixed in with them, it had become a necessity. His master would be pleased and the Black Diamond anticipated some fun in the process. Fun, at least for him.


  Dizziness threatened Lucy as she turned this way and that and pins flew right and left in the dresser’s attempt to transform her into a lady of fashion. “Jared, is this necessary?”

  Jared sat in a fragile looking chair and grinned. “I’ve been told women enjoy this sort of thing.”

  “Well, I, for one, do not.” The dresser frowned. “No offense, Mrs. Bolton, I am certain your skills are unparalleled.” The woman visibly relaxed and resumed her work. Lucy looked back at her husband. “Clothes are functional and nothing more.”

  “I disagree. You are my wife and it is your duty to please me. It pleases me to see you in pretty colors and looking the equal to any woman of the ton. You will have to be presented to them to appease curiosity, and I want to be proud of the gorgeous woman who will be by my side and dancing in my arms.”

  Jared whisked her around town for shoes, hats, and other folderol to make her a ‘lady of fashion.’ She wore a new gown of the smoothest cotton and a matching pelisse in a vibrant blue he said brought out the color in her eyes. Her rough warrior had become a gallant gentleman about town.

  “This will be our last stop and then we can return home and you may rest.”

  Jared helped her down from the carriage and she found herself standing in front of a jewelry store. She glanced at him. “What could I have need of here?”

  “A wedding ring, for starters.”

  Lucy smiled and allowed herself to be led into the august establishment of Holmes Jewelers.

  Jared motioned for the clerk. “Curt, I’ve come to purchase a wedding ring for my wife. I would like to see something delicate with a sapphire the color of her eyes.”

  “Right away, Captain!” The spry clerk moved to another room and came back with a tray of sparkling gems. Lucy placed her hand on her chest. “Jared, this is too much.”

  “Nothing is too much for my bride. Consider this a bribe to put up with me for the rest of my miserable life.”

  “Your life with me is destined to be miserable?” Lucy tilted her head and raised an eyebrow as she asked.

  Jared shook his head. “No. It would only be misery if you were not a part of it.”

  Lucy grinned and turned to the rings.

  Jared picked up a delicate band with three perfectly matched sapphires and diamonds. He took her finger and slid it on. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Lucy stared in amazement at the ring. It sparkled and shone even in the dim light of the store. She looked up at Jared and smiled. “Thank you. It’s beautiful.”

  Jared nodded and turned to the clerk to finalize the sale.

  They turned to leave when a cheeky lad bumped into them right at the doorway.

  Jared reached down to catch the youngster as he fell.

  The boy looked at him with narrowed eyes.

  “Whoa, son, I’ll not harm you.”

  “Ca’tin Alndale?”

  “Yes, my lad.”

  “I’s bin try’n to catch ye all day.” The young boy straightened his cap.

  “Seems I caught you instead.”

  The boy grinned. “Aye, that ye did.” He reached into his waistcoat, pulled out a piece of paper, and handed it to Jared. Jared gave the boy a coin. The young lad tipped his hat and scampered off to disappear into the crowded sidewalk.

  “You knew him?”

  “He’s done work for me in the past. Come.” Jared led her into the carriage and sat across from her to read his missive. She watched his jaw clench and eyes narrow.

  “Jared? What is it?”

  He looked up and smiled at her. “Nothing to be concerned about. We can go home now to rest. We have an invitation to a ball at Lord and Lady Simpson’s home tonight.”

  “A ball? I do not know how to dance.” Her palms began to sweat.

  “All the better. I will claim the waltz and lead you through it and we can tell all the men that the Loch Ness Monster was not a very good dance master.”

  Lucy grinned. “Not if every time he showed his face, someone died.”

  “Does put a damper on any occasion.”



  Jared escorted Lucy to their room and left her in the hands of her new abigail, Moose. He laughed at the woman’s name because she was a slight thing, but he had heard she was as stubborn as those odd creatures found in the northern part of the Americas called Canada.

  It was hard to deny the plea he saw in his wife’s eyes for his company. If he stayed she would not get any rest. It was nice to be desired though, and she was a tempting morsel that he was sure every buck in town would be rutting after.

  He sought out Michael’s study and opened the note again. Why had they not killed Diamonte when they’d encountered him last time? They had been too noble in allowing him to live, and now? Now the demons were surrounding him on every side and from within, and he feared he could not come out of this alive. He threw the letter in the fireplace and strode out the door. Time to visit his man of affairs and make sure Lucy was adequately provided for if something should happen to him.


  Later that evening he chafed at the freshly pressed cravat. Michael had loaned him his valet to assist in fitting him out for the ball. He hadn’t been to a London ball since Josie’s come-out. He wished Marcus would be there. He missed his brother. He had written to appraise him of his marriage and to expect that they would have a real wedding with family shortly after they arrived at Rose Hill. Marcus wrote back expressing his delight.

  Jared waited for Lucy in the drawing room. He turned when Michael entered.


  Jared shook his head, and shrugged. “Perhaps a little.”

�What worries you most? Let’s see what the options are. Every man will want your wife. The women of the ton will be panting after you but ready to scratch Lucy’s eyes out when they realize she won your hand. Or, perhaps, that one of our enemies will be there and all will go terribly awry.”

  Jared poured himself a brandy and went to sit down. “All of the above and then some.”

  “Much ado about nothing, as Shakespeare would say. Now if you asked Jesus, He would tell you He knows the beginning from the end.”


  The cheeky spy waved him off. “No. Let me tell you what I think. I think you’re in trouble. Whitehall is now suspecting you of espionage against the Crown, in other words, a double agent who has turned traitor.”

  “I had feared that would happen. It was the main reason I hoped to annul the marriage.”

  “But you fell in love with your wife, and what man wouldn’t?”

  “Michael, they might toss me in the tower if they believe they have enough evidence.”

  “But they don’t and won’t. There is no possibility of that because it is not true. No man has suffered more than you for the sake of King George and the people of this country.”

  “If it comes to it, see that I’m locked up in Bedlam, not the Tower, will you?”

  “You are not mad, Jared. You are sane, and life will get better.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  Lucy walked through the door which had been left open. Jared set down his drink and rose to take a step towards her. The expression on her face was one of despair. Her eyes were dry but they didn’t sparkle, and her lips were pursed.

  She held up a hand to indicate she wanted him to stop. “I had not intended to eavesdrop but was waiting outside the door to hand my wrap to the butler before entering. It was enough time to overhear your words.”

  “Luce, I’m sure you haven’t heard anything more than what I have said before.”

  “I didn’t realize that an annulment would have freed you from suspicion of treason. How naïve I was. You had told me I would find someone more suitable. That you loved me too much to keep me. In reality, you loved yourself too much to willingly slip the matrimonial noose over your head. But I wouldn’t leave it alone, would I?” She started to pace.

  He glanced at Michael whose wide eyes and open mouth indicated his alarm. Jared shrugged and Michael returned the gesture. Great. No help from that quarter.


  “Do not try to sweet talk me, Jared. I went searching for you after you had left to places unknown. I walked into Michael’s study and saw a piece of paper singed, laying in the fireplace. I admit to a curiosity and picked it up.” She looked at him. “It was the missive you received today.”

  Jared gulped.

  Michael tilted his head. “What missive?”

  “Shall I tell him? Wait. Let me share what I understand and you can tell me where I’m misinformed.” She didn’t wait for him. “The letter states that you are to bring me to a designated place and if you don’t the word will spread like wildfire that you have betrayed everything everybody thought you believed in. Your reputation will be destroyed, your military record blackened, and you will end your days in the tower or worse, hanging on the gibbet with common criminals.”

  Jared stared at the floor with his hands clasped behind his back. He swallowed and it hurt. His blood pounded in his ears.

  “Who was this from?” Michael asked.

  “Does it matter?” Jared sat down. Even though Lucy still stood he couldn’t stand for fear he would do such an unmanly thing as faint.

  “Jared, I thought you were speaking in rhetorical terms, not that you really believed this could happen.”

  “It can, and it will.”

  “Why?” Michael asked.

  “Because I will not sacrifice my wife for the sake of my name.”

  “A name I share. Your shame is my shame. That may not mean much to me now but if we have conceived, it could haunt your child his whole life.”

  Jared looked up and stars flickered behind is eyes. “Children?”

  Michael chuckled. “You hadn’t thought that far? It only takes one time, Jared, for you to become a father.”

  Jared hung his head with his elbows on his knees and hands clasped in front of him.

  Lucy stood in front of him and crouched down, balancing on her toes. “I have another option.”

  Jared looked at her adorable face.

  “I will be your bait. You lure these men with the reward of getting what they have wanted all along—me. But because we know when and where, you can capture them and bring them to justice.”

  Jared shook his head. “It’s too dangerous, Luce.”

  Michael jumped in. “I agree. You cannot do that.”

  “I can and I will.” Lucy stood and took a step back. “Jared has been everything good and noble and I will not see his hard work and the pain he has endured end with him getting the death my father deserves.”

  “It’s my fault he’s free, Luce.” Jared grabbed his drink and took a sip. The burn enlivened him as much as it relaxed the tense muscles in his shoulders.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was the one who discovered his crimes, arranged for him to be deported, and the title shift to his grandson. I escorted him to the ship at the dock and we let it out that he had died.”


  “He’s a peer of the realm and justice is different for them. I couldn’t risk the Diamonte name being ruined for that little boy who is now the legal Duke. Our friend Theo is guardian over the estate and funds.”

  “It sounds like the Black Diamond might have an issue with more than you, Jared. Shouldn’t we warn your friends as weel then?”

  Jared took another sip. “I already sent missives to them all. They will receive them tomorrow, I suspect.” Jared put the glass down again and came to stand in front of Lucy. “Do not ever doubt the depth of my love for you. I’ve been the least impressive husband to date, but if we can get through this I would love to introduce you to the bucolic life in the English countryside, where Scallywag can romp and our children can play.”

  “No monsters.”

  He hesitated. “I can’t promise that. You know that.”

  She twitched a corner of her lips down. “I realize that. We cannot predict the future nor the victories that will be ours.”

  “Or defeats,” Jared whispered.

  “You’ve grown cynical, Jared. That’s a side I hadn’t seen in you before this mission,” Michael stated.

  Jared pivoted. “The world has been a brutal teacher, Michael, and in my mind the abuses are relived over and over again. I do not fear death. I know my future is secure and that final healing would be found once my spirit soars to meet our Lord.”

  “Sounds like a death wish. I know something of those.”

  Jared put his arm on his friend’s shoulder. “Yes, I remember. I’m glad you lived to see the other side of that darkness.”

  “When I was stuck in it, I felt much like you do now.”

  “And how do you think I ‘feel’?”

  “Helpless, defeated, tired of the battle.”

  Jared nodded. “All that and more.”

  “We will accomplish little here tonight. I suggest we put on happier faces and attend this ball. It is a torture I would prefer to put behind me.” Lucy strode toward the door and the men followed.


  Jared led Lucy up the steps to the Simpson townhouse. The door opened, and they joined the crowd pushing through to gain entrance to the ballroom after being greeted by their hosts.

  Jared kept a hand at Lucy’s back. He looked down on his fey wife, his pixie bride. Would she enchant everyone she met here tonight just as she had him?

  They reached the front of the line.

  “Captain Allendale. We were delighted to hear you had returned, hale and whole.”

  “Lady Simpson, no one is gladder for that fact than I am. May I in
troduce my wife, Lady Lucy Allendale?”

  “I saw you were bringing a guest but had no idea you had wed,” the woman gushed. “Lady Allendale? Who were your parents?”

  “My parents are deceased, my lady. I am the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Diamonte.”

  Jared added, “We met in the Highlands of Scotland where she had been living and she swept me up in her magic.”

  Lady Simpson tittered and fluttered her fan. “I do so adore love stories, and to think we have the honor of revealing your marriage here. Congratulations to you both and I hope you enjoy your evening.”

  Jared shuffled Lucy toward the ballroom and along one wall.

  Within minutes, Jared was surrounded by men. He fidgeted with his cravat which had shrunk in proportion to the number of people around him.

  Lucy blushed, stayed glued to his side, and was gracious with every introduction and refusal to dance. Soon the men dispersed to more available prey and Jared found the air he had somehow been bereft of in their presence.

  “Bad memories?” She looked up at him with eyes that saw too much.

  “Yes. One of the reasons I generally avoid occasions like this.”

  “We need not stay long.” Lucy winked at him. Did that mean he was forgiven? She had been initially angry that he would not spare his reputation to save her life. As if there was even a choice in the matter. He hoped she wasn’t plotting…no, no she wouldn’t consider it. He shook his head and reached for two glasses of punch as a footman came past. He presented one to his pixie bride and for what would not be the last time, marveled that she had chosen him.


  “We have him right where we want him, my lord.” Lord Winter rubbed his hands together.

  The Black Diamond leaned back in his chair. “He has to respond to the letter, first. When we have him, we have her. If we are fortunate enough we might even get my by-blow in the process. A three-for-one opportunity.” He leaned forward and scowled at Winter. “No mistakes this time. This is your last opportunity to prove you are worthy to rule alongside me at the Pavilion after we have taken over the country. Napoleon will be coming soon, and I desire to give him a warm welcome.”


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