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The Captain's Conquest

Page 22

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “What did you need to warn us of?”

  “Guards are en route to come and arrest Captain Allendale on charges of treason.”

  Jared dropped his head. So much for a wedding night. It had come to this?

  “You and I both know that my brother is a patriot of England. He was tortured for his country. Is Wellington aware of this?”

  “I don’t think so. Someone within the organization has initiated this. Even Lord Hughes was unable to stop it. He doesn’t believe it is true.”

  “Where is Wellington?” Michael asked.

  “Due in England any day.”

  Jared’s head snapped up. “It’s a trap.”

  “What do you mean?” Marcus asked.

  “They mean to kill Wellington. The Duke of Diamonte is behind this. If they can distract the government with tales of treason, the government will be vulnerable.” Jared rubbed his chin.

  “So, the attack is from within and without?” Michael inquired.

  Neville nodded. “I think you are right. And if they can separate you from his daughter, he might be able to nab her as well. He believes that sacrificing her is the key to his success.”

  Jared shuddered. “His own daughter? The man is sick.”

  Marcus and Michael both responded, “No. He’s evil.”

  “We need a diversion so that I can get to Wellington and warn him.” Jared crossed his arms.

  “Why you? I could go,” Michael volunteered.

  “Sit down,” Marcus ordered. “Let’s think this through. The men coming here only know what they’ve been told. So, we need to respect them. However, I agree that Jared needs to flee. I’m thinking Michael should go with.”

  “Lucy will have a fit,” Jared announced.

  “Katrina can keep her company. It is best if we keep them in the dark though, lest they decide to take matters into their own hands,” Michael said.

  “Michael, you might be a wanted man as well, since you assisted Jared in bringing Lady Diamonte to London.” Neville frowned.

  “Wait. First of all, that was my assignment from Wellington himself. And second, she is now Lady Allendale. We married in Scotland and had a family ceremony not an hour past.”

  “Congratulations on your marriage, Captain. I suggest you leave immediately. I would go with you but should you be found with me in your presence it would indicate that I was privy to information I shouldn’t have.”

  Jared raised an eyebrow. “Where will you go?”

  “I’ll not be endangering you. I will be heading north on a well-deserved vacation.”

  “Should you travel that far? What if we need you to help testify to Michael and Jared’s patriotism?” Marcus chided.

  “I’ll not go far then. If you want, I can stay here and keep out of sight.”

  Nigel had worked hard to rise in the ranks at Bow Street and had become a valuable underground asset. “We can trust him.”

  “What will you tell Lucy?” Michael asked.

  “I won’t. I’ll be leaving a note. Otherwise she may assume that her father absconded with me.”

  Marcus nodded. “Be off, and Godspeed.”

  Jared and Michael ran up the stairs. “I’ll meet you out by the stables in a few minutes,” Jared whispered.

  Michael nodded and they parted.

  Jared threw clothes in his saddlebag. He changed into less distinctive clothing and wrote a note for his bride. It broke his heart to leave her but having him taken into custody would be worse for everyone. At least with this option he had a chance of besting the real traitors. He only hoped Lucy would understand and stay safe here at Rose Hill.

  He ran down the back steps and quickly had his horse saddled. Michael was right behind him as they rode off the property through some fields to another road instead of taking the main one, lest they meet any soldiers.


  Lucy fidgeted with her food. Marcus, Michael, and Jared had all been gone too long. Something was wrong.

  Katrina bit her lip indicating her anxiety was shared.

  When Marcus came back in alone his expression was grim. His lips were a straight line and he avoided everyone’s gaze.

  “Marcus?” Josie asked.

  “Hmmm?” Lord Remington glanced at his wife before turning away.

  “Is there a problem?” Josie asked.

  “There might be soon, but there is no need to worry about it over this delicious meal.” Marcus answered.

  Josie’s eyes narrowed.

  When Marcus looked back there was a bleakness there that Lucy had only ever seen in Jared’s face. Dread itched her stomach making eating undesirable. She set down her fork. She was the guest of honor. There was no way to graciously ask…

  “Where are the other men?” Valeria inquired.

  “I am not certain where they are,” Marcus said.

  Jared talked about his brother’s integrity. The man refused to lie but could be tight-lipped when necessary. What occasioned it this time? She would not break through that wall. A hollowness pervaded her. Jared was gone. She was certain of it. She glanced across the table to Katrina who frowned.

  Silence prevailed for the next few courses and Lucy could only feign her hunger. An uneasiness came upon the gathering.

  When the dessert dishes had been cleared, Marcus looked at Lucy. “I’m terribly sorry this happened, we will be your family and you will always be welcome here.”

  Alarm was all-consuming now. “If you will excuse me.” Lucy rose, left, and retired to their suite. She glanced around. It was much as she’d left it earlier. She saw the note resting on her pillow. She sat on the edge of the bed and broke the seal.

  My Dearest Sprite,

  I adore you and only the direst circumstances could drive me from your side. Especially today. Do not worry for me and stay safe. If all goes well, I will soon be returned to you and at that time, it is my fondest hope that we will be able to go home.


  Lucy, dropped the note to her lap. Why have a wedding and abandon one’s bride immediately afterwards? What was going on? He never even said goodbye.

  The afternoon dragged on, lonely. Lucy sketched and showed it to Marcus who did not seem surprised at the image of soldiers coming down the drive.

  “He was done. He resigned.” She paused. “This will happen. That’s why they disappeared.”

  Marcus spoke not a word but the pain evident in his eyes proved she was correct.

  “What are we to do?”

  “Wait here where you are safe,” Marcus whispered.

  “No place is safe as long as my father walks the earth.” Lucy strode out of the room to find Katrina. She was reading in the library. Lucy closed the door sat next to the woman she felt closest to at Rose Hill. It was a novel experience to have a friend.

  Katrina set her book down. “Did you learn anything new?”

  “Only that this is why our men departed so suddenly.”

  Lucy showed the drawing to Katrina who gasped. “I’m so sorry, Lucy.”

  “I can only guess that my father set out the rumor of Jared being a traitor.”

  Katrina reached over to hug Lucy and Lucy wept on her shoulder. She sniffled and sat upright. “Thank you.”

  “Sometimes one has to have a good cry to see things better and move on.”

  “I’m assuming you learned that first-hand.”

  Katrina nodded.

  A commotion was heard outside and the ladies stood to glance out the window.

  The image in Lucy’s drawing was there in living color. Lucy tucked her sketchbook on a shelf and the two women went to the hallway to find Marcus, Theo, and Phillip talking with the Major who had come.

  “We are here to arrest and take into custody Captain Jared Allendale and Sir Michael Tidley.”

  “For what cause?” Marcus asked.

  “They are to face charges of treason.”

  “They are not in residence,” Marcus held up a hand, “and I have no information on where they have g

  The major smiled as he eyes narrowed. “We have instructions to interview their wives.”

  Lucy looked at Katrina. They strode forward.

  Marcus stepped back to allow them to come next to him. “May I present, Lady Lucille Allendale and Mrs. Katrina Tidley.”

  The major gave an insulting bow. “I am under orders to take these two women under arrest for complicity to treason.”

  The guards moved around the men and seized the women.

  “That is absurd!” Lord Harrow shouted. “Who would give such an inane order?”

  “I don’t know, someone at Whitehall down through the ranks to me.”

  “Men, it seems we have business in London, do we not?” Lord Westcombe asserted. He turned to the major. “You will rue the day you troubled these women.”

  “Maybe so, but I am under orders and must obey them. Come along, ladies.”

  Men on each side of the women clenched their upper arms to direct them out of the house, down the stairs, and into the carriage. They were tossed inside, landing on the floor and each other. The doors were locked behind them.

  Lucy struggled to rise to be seated and helped Katrina up. Michael’s wife brushed her skirt off and looked at Lucy. “They messed with the wrong ladies.”

  Lucy grinned. Oh, yes, they certainly had.


  Jared and Michael made it to the coast and camped out while waiting for the anticipated docking of the ship bearing the Duke of Wellington. They had a makeshift tent where they tried to sleep as a storm moved in through the channel.

  “It will be a rough crossing if he attempts it tonight.”

  “My last crossing was rough. Almost drowned.” Michael stared out at the choppy waters as he twirled a twig between his fingers.

  “I doubt the Duke will be traveling with smugglers.” Jared nudged his friend.

  “Some of those men were heroes in this war. All a front to transfer information and men like us.”

  “I know. I’ve met many who did not make it through for long.”

  Michael chuckled. “I almost got arrested by excise men one night. We gave them the slip, but it sure had my heart beating hard.”

  Jared chuckled. “We’ve both had our share of close calls over the years.”

  “Do you think we’ll be able to enjoy the life we fought to preserve?”

  “If we can live through this, Michael, I have every intention of spending the rest of my days in bucolic boredom with my wife and whatever children God sees fit to give us.”

  “Scratch the boredom part of that. You have Lucy and want kids? You’ll never be bored.”

  Jared had his knees bent and his arms resting on them, crossed. He buried his head in them. “I hope you are correct. That’s if she ever forgives me for running off on our wedding day.”

  “A serious infraction, indeed, but she adores you and will get over it in time.” Michael yawned. “Why don’t we get some sleep? Will you disturb me during the night?”

  “I don’t know. Lucy is my cure and she’s not here. Anything is possible. Just leave me alone and I’ll get through it.”

  Michael nodded. “I’m sorry you had to go through what you did. And to now be accused of treason? It adds insult to injury.”

  Jared nodded. “’night, Michael.”

  “Good night.”


  The morning dawned with the world shrouded in fog and no sign of the Duke’s boat. Jared and Michael waited, swapping war stories to pass the time. Jared was glad they avoided talking about their wives. The ache for Lucy went deep. His sleep had been troubled and filled with shame and horror. He awoke, and his soul felt as if it had bathed in manure.

  Lord, please, wipe these wrongs done to me off my soul. I am Yours. Keep Lucy safe. Work these trials for Your good purpose.

  Two days and nights passed. Jared remembered the days when he did this for a living. Michael too, had learned to be at peace being alone. Now Jared missed a fey sprite who brightened his world and brought the peace of God to his soul.

  The moment came in the dark of the third foggy night. The boat docked off the rocks, a small dingy was lowered, and someone rowed in.

  Jared and Michael were there to help the boat in.

  “Captain Allendale? I thought you had retired. I heard you delivered that package as instructed,” the Duke guffawed. “She tied the marital noose around your neck, did she?” He nudged Jared with his elbow, and then saw Michael. “Sir Tidley. I am singularly honored to have two of the very best, although retired, spies, here to greet me. What’s afoot?”

  The men sat down in the makeshift tent to brief the Duke on all that had happened. The man’s expression was grave and his eyes like flint. “Shall we depart for London? Did you bring me a horse?”

  Michael nodded and sprang up to fetch the horses while Jared ripped down their tent and packed up their saddlebags. They rode off in the night and reached London in the early hours of the morning.

  The Duke took them to his home. “Come in and rest, we will see things clearer after some shut-eye and a good meal.” He looked at Jared and Michael. “And maybe a bath and a shave would be in order as well.”

  The men agreed and sought their beds. Exhaustion kept the demons at bay. Later that morning after a bath, shave, and change of clothes fetched from Micheal’s townhouse by a servant of the duke, they met in Wellington’s study.

  “Sit, gentlemen. The situation is more serious than you realized.”

  “We are wanted men,” Jared stated baldly.

  “Apparently, your wives were arrested and are at this moment in the tower.”

  Jared’s heart sank to the heels of his boots.

  Michael shot up from his chair and began to pace.

  “They took our wives?” Jared gasped.

  The Duke nodded. “The entire situation is suspicious. Michael, your wife has been a hero and patriot all along as was her father. Her service to the Crown has saved thousands of lives at great sacrifice to you both. Jared, your wife is innocent. She was hidden away and protected and has not had any contact with her father.”

  “That would be false. He has been in contact with her. He somehow contrived to visit her at one point. The treason accusations against me were to lure her in. But he would not have had her imprisoned, would he?”

  “The Black Diamond is a dangerous fellow and not to be trifled with. I regret that your last mission has embroiled you further in the affairs of our nation when you have earned more than your share of solitude and peace.”

  “What I want right now, is my wife free of the tower,” Michael ground out.

  “Understood. First, we must have a wise plan. It is obvious that someone within Whitehall has been a double agent and under the Diamond’s thumb.”

  “We can’t go investigate, they will be watching for us,” Jared mused.

  “What if we went in costume to see the ladies?” Michael suggested.

  Jared and the Duke stared at Michael, mouths agape.

  “I am serious. Wigs and dresses and we could pass as ugly do-gooders who have come to relieve the suffering of the poor deluded women who have allowed their husbands to use them ill.” Michael affected a higher tone and elevated his nose as he spoke.

  “Is this a way to embarrass our wives or have payback for the times they have dressed in breeches?” Jared grinned. He was warming to the idea. At least he could see Lucy and ensure she was faring well, and possibly provide some comfort while they tried to plot a rescue effort.

  The Duke of Wellington poured himself a dram of whiskey, slammed it, grimaced, and shook his head. “Do what you have to do to get information. I know nothing and if asked, have not seen hide nor hair of the both of you. Keep me informed.”

  Jared followed Michael out and they plotted where to get the outfits they would need. By the next morning, they were dressed in drab colors, with wigs and bonnets, money to get them past the guards, and items of comfort for their wives.


  Lucy paced the stone floor as Katrina sat in a chair, deep in thought. The room was a far cry from Newgate, they were fed well, and even had a place to sleep. The room had cool walls and floor but was steamy from the late summer heat building up. The window would not open so there was no relief from that, although the scent of the Thames would only add to their discomfort she was sure.

  It had been five days since soldiers had bound them and taken them to London against the wishes of Lord Remington, Lord Westcombe, and Lord Harrow. The men most likely followed and were seeking a way to free them. But where were their husbands? Were they even alive?

  “Do not fret, Lucy. If I know our men, they will come for us soon enough.”

  “Before we are hung for crimes we did not commit? Oh, I wish I had stayed in Scotland.”

  “You do? And miss the adventures you had with Captain Allendale?”

  “I would never regret meeting and marrying him. I am grateful to have become friends with my brother as well. But it is more important for them to defeat the Black Diamond than it would be for them to save us. They need to clear their names. We are but nothing.”

  Katrina shook her head, rose, and came to place a hand on Lucy’s shoulder. “You surely cannot believe that tripe. Your father needs you for his human sacrifice to help him obtain the power he needs to overtake the Regent and rule this country.”

  “And what of you?”

  “Me? He only wants me as a means to harm my husband—your brother—his son. He was probably shocked to discover I was still alive.”

  Lucy shook her head. “I have a hard time believing he is truly my father. I look nothing like him.”

  “Ah, but you have a sensitive spirit. Ultimately, this is a spiritual war, is it not? You are empowered by the Holy Spirit and he is empowered by Satan. Your father assumes your slight stature and faith make you weak. In reality you are far stronger than him because of the power that is within you.”

  “That does not make our victory certain.”

  Katrina frowned. “No, it does not. It does, however, mean that the outcome, for you and I, is a prize worth dying for and God may choose to use our deaths for His glory.” Katrina smiled. “He may choose to use our lives too. We must think and act as if it is the latter He is interested in. The former is secure.” Katrina gave a sly smile. “We must pray for guidance and to be on the alert for any advantage that may come our way.”


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