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FOOTBALL ROMANCE: SECRET BABY ROMANCE: Going Pro (Bad Boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Sports Romance)

Page 6

by Vanessa La Porte

  She sighed and reached behind her for the Squeel. “Guess it’s just you and me.” she said looking at the sex toy from all angles, then turned it on. The wheel of tongues started spinning and she tried different speeds until she found one she might enjoy.

  “Here goes nothing.” she said to herself as she submerged the toy under the water. Using her index and middle fingers to part her folds, but even under the water she felt dry. Instead of a slippery silk sensation it felt like rubber, god this was pathetic, she thought. She shifted again to get comfortable and brought the toy closer, the spinning tongues lapped at her clit, but even with that, she felt no defined stirring down below. What was wrong with her?

  She turned it off, then sat up and took another sip of her wine. She had to get going somehow; she couldn’t possibly be this pathetic. She once again tried, submerging herself under the water until only hear head stuck out above the surface, then brought the toy closer, but just as she started to relax, she heard loud banging noises outside her apartment.

  “Seriously, what the fuck?” she exclaimed and sunk under the water. This was absolutely useless. She’ll never reach an orgasm at this pace.

  She emerged from the water, discarding the toy in her laundry basket and then got out of the bath.

  Utterly frustrated she put on her toweling robe and wrapped a towel around her hair. She was tired of rude salesmen and noisy neighbors, and today she was going to make her voice heard.

  She pulled the door to her apartment open and looked down the passage, just then a gigantic arm chair came floating towards her, and she was just in time to duck out of the way.

  “Hey!” she shouted after him. “Can you keep it down? People are trying to relax here.”

  The stranger gave her one glance, huffed and carried the chair into the apartment next door. Just fucking great, new neighbors. This was just what she needed, and with her luck it’s a family with noisy kids who will end her peace and quiet forever.


  It was already ten o’clock in the morning and Riley was still tucked in bed, hiding under the covers. Her failed attempts to orgasm the night before still lingered on her mind and she spent the rest of the night googling for a reason why a woman loses her sex drive. The possibilities were endless, with four possible causes pertaining to her.




  Feeling drained

  The solution for all the above as advised by multiple professionals is taking a day off, and going for a pamper session.

  She flopped unto her back and draped her arm over her eyes, she hated feeling this way, and to convince her alter ego to get out of bed was almost as impossible as hoping for peace in the Middle East. As she tugged her duvet over her head again, her phone screeched. Why is life this cruel! She cried mentally and reached for it.

  “Make it good or hang up.” she said irritably.

  Carmen’s bubbly laughter on the other end didn’t help her at all. “Oh come on now, you sound like death. What are your plans for today?”

  “I plan to sleep and sleep some more. Why?” Riley said expressionlessly.

  “Be ready in fifteen minutes, I’m picking you up.”

  Before Riley could argue, Carmen hung up. So much for wallowing in self-pity she thought as she dragged herself out of bed, whatever Carmen had up her sleeve she could only hope it will make her feel better about her non-existent libido.

  She was ready in ten minutes and gave herself a once over, she was wearing her usual pedal pusher denim pants, with a loose fitting black top and boring flat shoes. Her hair as always tied haphazardly in a bun at the back of her head. She had no time to make herself look spectacular, and those moments were saved for award ceremonies and special occasions which happened every leap year.

  Her phone rang again, it was Carmen, and she knew her trusty friend was already downstairs, not bothering to answer the phone; she grabbed her handbag and rushed out of her apartment.

  “Hey, we’re sorry about the noise yesterday.”

  She stopped in her tracks and turned around. She was face to face with two gods from Mount Olympus. Both equally sexy, one had shoulder length black wavy hair that could tempt anyone to run their fingers through those locks and his face was chiseled by the great Zeus himself and his eyes were spectacular replicas of sapphires framed by onyx black lashes that made it look like he was wearing eyeliner, which defined the blue tones of his eyes.

  The other one was taller, but he had broad shoulders with arms that could crush the enemy without even trying. He had blonde short cropped hair, with pale green eyes and a well set jaw with a smile that could make any woman’s knees go weak. Then there was that deep set dimple that teased his cheek just above his lopsided smile.

  “Uh, it’s fine, it wasn’t all that bad.” she lied, feeling really awkward. “Welcome by the way.”

  Hercules, the one with the blonde hair, stepped forward and extended his hand. “I’m Chad Harris,” he said smiling down at her.

  “Riley.” she said placing her hand in his. “It’s a pleasure.”

  “This is my roommate Diego Garcia,” he continued without letting go of her hand.

  She tugged her hand free and clutched it in a fist. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Keep it cool Riley, she told herself. Her cheeks were starting to hurt and she felt the muscles around her mouth jump involuntarily. “Well like I said, welcome. Sorry I can’t stay and talk, got things to do, people to see, you know?” she babbled excusing herself.

  “We’ll see you around then.” Chad said and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

  His voice had a timber sound that would probably rock a woman’s world if he whispered sweet nothings in her ear, and Riley spun around on her heel and stalked to the elevator. What the fuck just happened? She thought to herself as the elevator doors closed, separating her from the gods in the hallway. For the first time in months, every nerve ending in her body stood at attention. Her nipples were hard, and she was sure her panties were soaked, it was official, she was going insane, slowly but surely, and that all because of an encounter with two drop dead gorgeous guys who bothered to introduce themselves to her. That just didn’t happen in her life. She was convinced that they were gay, why else would they bother talking to her at all. And the way Chad said – We’ll see you around – sounded like an unspoken promise of sensual pleasures.

  “Hey you!” Carmen called pulling her out of her reverie. “Glad you could make it. I have a lot planned for today.”

  “Hey, I wasn’t really planning on leaving the apartment today, so what are your plans?” Riley said disinterested.

  “We’re getting you a makeover” Carmen said, far too chirpy for this early in the morning.

  “I really can’t afford a makeover right now Car, why don’t we just grab some breakfast and call it a day.” Riley asked as she fastened her seatbelt.

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little self over finances, I’ve got this covered. I think you need a bit of pampering, it will do you good.”

  On their way to the spa, Riley told Carmen all about her new neighbors, which had Carmen quite intrigued, and of course Carmen had a hundred and one ideas on how that might help Riley get back on track with her creativity.

  “Well just pick one, and see where it goes, even if it’s a one night stand.” she suggested.

  Riley laughed and shook her head, “I’ve covered one night stands from prostitutes to one sided affairs. What good will those do?”

  Carmen smirked. “Darling, if you’re looking for something different this might just be it, ever considered a ménage à trois?”

  Riley nearly chocked on her own saliva as she whipped her head up to look at Carmen. “You’re kidding right?”

  Although Carmen’s suggestion sounded completely absurd, Riley’s mind did drift ever so fleetingly. Everything she ever wrote about were epitomes of other people’s experiences, and deep dark fantasies that haunted her own mi
nd most of the time, but fantasizing about something and actually living out the said fantasy was never anything she would dare to try, and it’s not something she would ever admit to her writers.

  To them she is the voice of the many that live secret lives, and who are frowned upon by society because of some moral law created by prudent individuals who had their own skeletons to hide.

  The rest of the day was all pamper and pleasure; she got her hair done which if she had to be honest, was long overdue, and the new color really lit up her face. The dull brown color was replaced with a rich mahogany which made her look at least ten years younger. Not only did she get pampered, she spent some well-deserved money on new lingerie, and sexy clothes, thanks to her friend Carmen who wouldn’t take no for an answer and for the first time in many months, she felt as if she was ready to take on the world.

  By the end of the afternoon, she had revived her confidence, and she was quite eager to get to her column, and see what transpired.


  When all else fails, there is always a make-over, and sometimes it’s the little things that women needed, to revive that sensual feeling of desire.

  Riley sat staring at her screen. Even though she felt inspired, her article didn’t quite grip one’s attention, it was simply flavorless. She rested her head back and curled one leg under the other. She really did need something different, straight sex just doesn’t cut it anymore. Since Fifty Shades, all sexual innuendos have been overshadowed; people wanted something more, something stranger. And what more was there after Fifty Shades?

  She thought about her neighbors, and as if Carmen was in the room, the words Menage a Trois echoed in her thoughts. She wasn’t seriously considering this, she thought as she attempted to get her mind focussed intently on the article, but just then droning music from next door vibrated through the walls. “You have to be fucking kidding me!” she cried out loud. “Is the entire universe against me?”

  She swept her hand angrily across her desk sending papers flying into the air. She’d had it, if it’s not writers block preventing her from doing this, it’s her new noisy neighbors, who seem to have a complete disregard for basic neighborly respect. It’s the middle of the week, and they are throwing a party, without prior notice on top of that.

  Determindly she marched next door and knocked loudly on their door. It was Diego who opened the door, and to make matters worse, he leaned bare chested against the door jamb like a typical Adonis.

  “Riley, what a nice surprise.” he said and gave her that death defying pearlly white smile.

  Focus woman, she told herself and put up her own defenses. “Hi Diego, would you mind turning the music down a notch? I’m trying to work, and the noise is really disruptive.”

  He gave her one long glance from head to toe, smiled and then looked back over his shoulder, telling whoever was on the inside to turn the music down.

  Well that was easy, she thought releived, but as she turned to walk back to her apartment. Chad appeared in the door. “Riley, why don’t you come in and join us?”

  Uh oh, she thought and bit her lip before turning to face him, “I really couldn’t. I have this article to complete and the deadline is looming.” she said apologetically, but Chad stepped forward and took her by the hand.

  “Just for a bit, I promise you, it will be worth your while.”

  Against her better judgement, she allowed Chad to pull her into the apartment. There were about ten other people there, all dressed to impressed and suddenly she felt very out of place. She was still in her shorts and crop top, and no shoes. The least she could have done was go and get dressed for the occasion, but here she was, and it felt like everyone was staring at her. They were all much too busy groping and kissing, it was as if she entered a mini orgy. The only ones who seemed to not be participating were Chad and Diego, which convinced her that they had to be gay. They were in a room full of really sexy women, women even she would consider as lovers if she was that way inclined, but instead they were hosting, serving drinks and idling around making small talk. Thankfully Diego and Chad did keep her company now and again where she stood like a prude virgin in the corner of the living room. They kept giving her shooter after shooter, to a point that she accepted them gracefully, only to toss the content in the nearest flower pot. She couldn’t get drunk tonight. Her deadline was four days away, and if she didn’t get something to Grace by then, she could kiss her job as a columnist goodbye.

  “How about a dance?” Chad said, drawing her out of her trance. “You look like you could use some unwinding.”

  Riley smiled and shook her head, “I’m not really much of a dancer.”

  Chad wasn’t going to take no for an answer, instead he slipped his strong arm around her waist and tugged her up against him. She felt her knees grow weak, if it wasn’t for him holding her up against his strong chest, she would cumple into a pile of dust, of that much she was certain.

  “You have the most amazing eyes, has anyone ever told you that?” He said as he looked down at her. She wasn’t used to such compliments, and she instantly felt a blush warm her cheeks. She nervously averted her eyes.

  “Not often, no.” she conceded and sucked in a breath, she hadn’t a clue where to place her hands, there was so much muscle and bare skin before her, she was worried that if she touched him she would be scortched by pure hotness.

  “Well then I think its time someone tells you that every day,” he said and tilted her chin with one crooked finger. “your lips too, very kissable.”

  Before Riley could say a single thing Chad dropped his head and kissed the corner of her mouth.

  Holy fuck, he was good, she thought as her head started to spin and every single nerve in her body stood on end. And here she thought they were gay! Clearly she failed horribly at her assumptions.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she was lost in Chad’s mezemerizing hazel eyes. “At this rate flattery will get you everything.” She said bashfully before tugging free from his embrace. This was just too much too soon and she was desperate for some air.

  “Rushing off already?” this time it was Diego who trapped her slinging one arm around her shoulders, and she could have sworn he brushed her breast with his finger tips.

  “Just getting some fresh air.” she lied and quickly slipped away.

  Was she caught in the fucking twilight zone? She’s never received so much attention from the opposite sex in all her life, and now suddenly she was being overwhelmed by the sudden masculine attention, and she had no clue how to process it. Each time she headed for the door, either Chad or Diego would catch up to her, offer her more to drink and then distract her with their charm, in the end she gave in, and all that was left for her to do was stay put, hoping that they will all meraculously pass out and she can sneak out of the apartment and find refuge in her own space.


  Finally the visitors started to leave one by one, until she was the only one left. Diego convinced her to stay for one last drink, which was hardly an issue, she had plenty to drink and her self control had slipped away hours ago.

  “So Riley, what do you do for a living?” Chad asked as he poured her another glass of wine.

  Riley looked into the glass, and cursed inwardly, she was already starting to feel all hazy with the amount of alcohol she’d consumed. “I’m a columnist for Action Inked.”

  “Oh really? That’s interesting, I was featured in the magazine once a couple of months ago.” Diego piped up. “Check it out.” He tore off his shirt and showed her the tattoo that spread across the expanse of his chest.

  She was tempted to trace her fingers over the intricate design that spread from his neck down over his left pectoral, but managed to keep herself from doing just that, she may be a little tipsy, but she hadn’t lost all coherency as yet. “Then you must know our photographer, Carmen.” she said, trying to sound convincingly sober.

  “It rings a bell, but I can’t be sure.” he responded and leaned back in
to the couch.

  Chad reached and took her glass of wine from her, and placed it on the side table. “So tell us more about the articles you write.”

  She swallowed nervously and told them about her articles, and her current bout of writers block, which was preventing her from getting anyting concrete down on black and white.

  “We might be able to help you.” Chad said as he stood up, pulling her to her feet.

  “Uh…I…uh… how?” she dared to ask, swallowing nervously.

  “You just need to relax.” Diego said this time and came to stand behind her.

  She was technically sandwiched between the two, and her heart was pouding frantically in her chest. She wasn’t quite sure what they were suggesting but as she stood between them, her entire body was on fire.

  Chad never let go of her hand, instead, he raised her palm to his lips and traced his tongue on the inside of her wrist while he slowly traced his fingers along the soft skin on the inside of her arm, stopping just inches short of her breast where her nipples involuntarily poked out, begging to be carressed. Behind her Diego’s hands were resting on her hips, his thumbs brushing her exposed sensitive skin just above her shorts, while he pressed his obvious erection against her ass.

  “What are you…” she started nervously, but Chad raised as single digit and placed it on her lips.

  “Just relax beautilful.”

  Beautiful? Is that what they thought she was? A blush krept up in her cheeks, and she remained silent, while both Deigo and Chad explored her. Touching her delicately everywhere, except where she really craved to touched. They were slowly driving her to the brink of insanity, a place she would never be able to come back from.

  Diego finally slid his hands up and tugged her top off over her head and she nervously wrapped her only free arm across her chest, wishing she had worn a bra, but Chad stepped forward and moved her hand out of the way, gripped the back of her head and pressed his lips against hers. She simply melted into his kiss, and although her mind was raging a war of moral consequence deep down, her body reacted in total contrast, a revolutionary war between good and evil was taking place inside her, and it was apparent that evil was winning this war.


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