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Three Hot Nights: A new adult romance (Eternal Flame Book 0)

Page 3

by A. J. Milton

  A few minutes later his cock was shrinking, so he reached across and grabbed a tissue. He folded it and pressed it to my pussy as his cock slid out. “That will save us fighting about the wet patch later,” he grinned. Oh heaven, a wonderful man who understands the consequences of gravity. He flopped down next to me, put his arm around me and I snuggled up against him with my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head and stroked my hair, and we bathed in the warm, soft, afterglow of that wonderful sex.

  About ten minutes later he stirred, and said, “I could do with a drink, like a cup of tea or something. How about you?”

  “Oh yes,” I replied. “I would like one of those fruit teas.” He got up and put his shirt back on walked over to the kettle and complimentary drinks tray, while I grabbed a baggy t-shirt and headed to the bathroom to clean up and assess what the hell I looked like right now. The girl in the mirror had a red flushed face and chest even shining through the suntan. She had slightly smudged eyeshadow, and seriously wild just got out of bed hair. But her eyes were sparkling and she had a massive grin. It was a good thing that I hadn’t used any mascara! Ignoring the general mess, I decided that it was a positive picture of a happy girl.

  When I walked back into the bedroom there were two cups of tea waiting and he was looking out of the window.

  “Look at that beautiful moon,” he said. It was lovely, big, orange and hanging low in the sky. I picked up my tea and walked through to the lounge and opened the veranda door to go out and see even better. It was starting to get cooler but the night was still warm. He followed and stood behind me putting his arms around me. I just leant back against him and listened to the sound of the sea, and admiring the bright stars and the beautiful moonlight. “I’m not sure that I can imagine a more perfect day than this one,” he murmured in my ear.

  I squeezed his hand, “Same here.” We went back inside, finished our drinks, and snuggled back down on the bed. “Will you stay tonight?” I asked.

  “If you want me to, I will,” he replied.

  “Yes, please stay.”

  “OK but when I said earlier that I hadn’t slept with anyone for quite a while I meant that in all senses of the word. I have no idea if I snore or talk in my sleep. But I do give you permission to poke me if I snore.”

  I giggled and put my hand on his thigh and touched his cock. “I would much rather you poked me again,” I said.

  “You shameless brat,” he laughed. “If we are still going diving in the morning it’s not far off time to get some sleep.”

  “OK with me,” I kissed him warmly and said, “Goodnight Alex.” He turned the light off and snuggled next to me.

  “Good night little darling,” he whispered. With the aircon barely on but turned down low to keep the noise down, it was a bit too hot to snuggle very close, so I turned on my side and then slowly moved my butt until it was just touching his hip. With that skin on skin bond renewed I sighed happily and let myself drift off to sleep.

  ~ Alex ~

  I lay there awake listening to her gentle breathing and feeling her body close to mine. In the semi-darkness, I could just see the outline of her beautiful curves. She was simply stunning. I do like tiny, petite women, and she was exactly that. Even though she was slim all over, she had a tiny waist which made her hips look so full and curvy that they were an absolute delight. And that firm and pert butt was surely stolen a few years ago, from a well-known Australian pop princess. And all rounded off by slim shapely legs. Absolute perfection – for me at least.

  The whole of the day had been wonderful but my mental replay refused to start anytime before seven pm. When she had opened her door looking so feminine and gorgeous, my heart had nearly stopped beating. And when she kissed me after dinner I felt totally lost.

  I could hardly believe that I was now lying in bed with this gorgeous young girl. When I had been licking her, and eating her she tasted sweet and wonderful. And that moment when I slid my bare cock fully inside her for the first time, will be a moment I will treasure forever. Our bodies had fitted so perfectly together and she had made me feel so good. But where could this lead? I wasn’t sure that I could see how this relationship could be anything more than a holiday romance, even though I hoped it might be. I wondered she how felt. Looking back, it was clear that she had made the first move on me, so at least I wouldn’t have the guilt of seducing such a much younger girl. So, she must want to be with me, or was this just a wild fling for her?

  I forced those thoughts away, and decided to make everything I could of the time with her this week. Carpe diem. I would take this one day at a time. I let myself relax and sleep claimed me.

  Chapter 3 - Wind and water

  ~ Alex ~

  I woke in the morning when Sophie stirred next to me. I couldn’t reach my watch without disturbing her, but I could see by the light through the curtains that it was not far off time to be getting up. The jeeps for the morning dives normally left the hotel at about 8:30 am or shortly after.

  She turned to snuggle up to me, one arm across my chest and one leg on top of mine. Under that unruly mop of hair, one eye opened and peered at me tentatively. “Mmmm what time is it?”

  “I’m not sure,” I replied. “But probably not too long until we should be getting up.” She rolled even further on top of me, one leg between mine and I felt the touch of her groin rubbing against my thigh.

  “Good morning,” she said, but before I could reply, her tongue was in my mouth and she was kissing me in a slow dreamy way. She wriggled her hips and my cock stiffened in response. She stopped kissing me and put one finger on my mouth. “You stay just where you are. I have some unfinished business to take care of.”

  I kept my “yes little madam” response silent as I wasn’t awake enough to get thumped just yet. She wriggled down until her head was resting on my stomach, and then I felt a hand on my already stiffening cock. And then her tongue was licking around the base and moving slowly upwards. A moment later and the head of my cock was inside that beautiful hot, wet mouth. My buttocks clenched and my hips jerked in answer.

  “Mmmm,” she said with her mouth full. I guess I must have still tasted of all last nights shared bodily fluids, but she seemed to be totally engrossed and enjoying herself.

  Her soft moist lips very softly moved up and down over the sensitive head giving me exquisite sensations while one of her hands very gently held and stroked my balls. Fuck this girl is so hot. My cock was rock hard and straining and my hips were helping to fuck her face. It wasn’t going to be long until I exploded. Then she paused and moved to kneel beside me. Then I felt her mouth sliding languorously all the way down my shaft almost to the very base. I groaned and shuddered, and had to stop myself thrusting hard and wildly all the way into her throat.

  “Oh, babe hey……” I started to say and half sat up. She kept sucking me and put a hand out to push me back down flat again. Message received – leave the lady to her unfinished business. I closed my eyes again and felt myself buried deep in her mouth. Heaven. She alternated between the soft sensuous sucking of the head and the deep penetration. I lasted about another minute and then I felt it start from my balls and the most intense pleasure shot up my shaft until I shot a stream of my cum into her mouth. “Oh, Fuck yes” I cried.

  She moaned and slowed her motion until my pulsing and twitching was finished, swallowing every drop and then said “Oh yummy, you taste ever so good,” as she licked my cock clean all over. She wriggled back on top of me and we kissed again. This time I could taste the slightly sweet, faintly salty taste of my cum mixed in with her normal kissing.

  “And Good Morning to you too,” I said. “May I return the favour now?”

  She grinned at me wickedly and said, “Not right now, I had four wonderful orgasms last night, and by my reckoning, I’m still ahead of you on points!” We lay and cuddled for a few minutes, before she said, “But I’ve never had sex in the shower though, you could always join me now?”

  I said, “Us mature
guys need some time to recharge and reload, so maybe I can take a rain check.”

  She tutted and pouted and lifted her nose in the air “Huh, you don’t know what you are missing,” she said imperiously and flounced off the bed. Sophie lifted her t-shirt and wiggled her butt suggestively at me before walking towards the bathroom with a very exaggerated sway of her hips. She paused and threw me a radiant smile and said, “See you in half an hour, would you mind putting the kettle on as you are leaving, daaarling.” I burst into laughter as the bathroom door closed behind her.

  “Sophie, my Little Madam or my Little Darling, you are both just adorable,” I said, not that she could hear me with the shower running. It was fast becoming clear to me that this petite little creature was actually a major elemental force of nature wrapped inside a tiny package.

  I topped up the kettle and flicked the switch on. Then I gathered up my clothes, got half decent and headed for the door.

  Half an hour later, showered and in fresh clothes, I headed back down the stairs towards her room. She was already waiting at the bottom of the steps with a hand on her hip as if to say ‘What kept you?’ But actually, when I approached her she took off her sunglasses and gave me a quick kiss.

  She slipped her hand into mine and said, “I’m hungry, let’s head for breakfast. Eating my man isn’t quite enough to start the day.” I burst into laughter again, and she giggled. We walked towards the restaurant holding hands. ‘My man’ – I rather liked the way she said that. Oh, god this girl is getting right under my skin.

  ~ Sophie ~

  As we walked to breakfast I couldn’t help thinking how good he smelt. I had already figured out that he never wore after-shave or cologne. His hair smelt fresh and slightly lemony, and he used a soft musky deodorant. So, the combination was just subtle, clean, and manly and utterly right for him, and it turned me on so much more than any overpowering scent would have done.

  As we entered the restaurant, I saw Yvette already seated with a coffee in her hand. She looked hard at me and raised her eyebrows when she saw that we were holding hands. I blushed and flashed her a big grin, hoping that I didn’t have too much of a ‘got well laid last night’ appearance. She smiled and gave me a thumb’s up. I hoped that Alex hadn’t noticed.

  Alex waited at the table to get some coffees from the waiter, while I headed to the buffet for orange juice and croissants.

  Yvette appeared next to me and whispered, “Hello Cherie, you look radiant this morning”

  Cheekily showing off my French I replied, “Merci, la nuit dernière était belle.”

  She said, “I told you an older man can be very nice.”

  “More than just nice,” I replied.

  “Good, a beautiful girl like you should have a passionate lover.” This time I blushed hard. This conversation had now gone beyond what I could deal with at breakfast time.

  I grabbed the croissants, squeezed her arm amiably and said, “Thank you,” and rushed back to our table before I got totally embarrassed.

  Alex and I chatted about books and movies at breakfast. Any of my previous boyfriends would still have been talking about sex or would have been full of childish innuendo. But he was showing me that a mature relationship can have not only mind blowing sex, but can provide sharing on so many different levels. I wondered how many other girls out there are thinking, I just had the perfect day and the perfect night, with the perfect man? I sighed inwardly… time was running out. This was our last full day and night, because tomorrow afternoon we would be leaving on the journey home. I wanted this feeling to last, and I wanted him to feel the same.

  ~ Alex ~

  After breakfast, we picked up our gear from our rooms and headed to the dive centre. It was taking all my self-control not to either stare at her stupidly or run my hands over her gorgeous body. I managed to put a lid on the raging male hormones and relax into just enjoying the day with her. At the dive centre, I checked the whiteboard for today’s dives and groups. Excellent, we were going to ‘The Canyon’ this morning which is one of my favourite dives in Dahab. It can be a bit tricky if there are very strong winds and currents, but today the wind was light so it all looked great. Sophie and I would be in the group with some of the Italians today, and they were all competent divers and good fun.


  The dive had been excellent. The weather and visibility were perfect. There had been loads of fish and wildlife on the reef and down in the big deep trench which gave the canyon its name. Sophie had thoroughly enjoyed it, and that delighted me, as sadly this was our last dive of the holiday. We left our gear to dry in the dive centre and sat at one of the tables outside.

  “So, what do you want to do next?”

  “I’m totally in your hands,” she grinned wickedly.

  “You certainly will be… a bit later on! Seriously we are all damp and salty already, how about grabbing a quick snack or an ice-cream and then maybe taking one of those little sailboats out for an hour or two. Then we can have a swim and get properly freshened up after that?”

  Her eyes lit up. “Yes Cool!” she said. “I went sailing once on a school trip, but never since then.”

  Apart from good scuba diving, Dahab is also very popular with windsurfers because the wind is usually steady and consistent. I’m not particularly good on a sailboard, but I can sail a small dinghy without making a total fool of myself. There was a surf and sail centre just along the beach from our hotel, and they had a few little single sail catamarans for hire which are dead simple to use. So, we geared up with life jackets and headed out to sea.

  For the first twenty minutes, I just sailed us unhurriedly around the bay showing Sophie how the sail position needed to change with the wind direction, and how to tack to change direction against the wind.

  Then I held out the tiller and sheets to her and said, “Ready for a go?” My heart lit up when I saw that radiant smile.

  “You bet!” she said. She slid across into my position and then away we went. It was wonderful watching the cool concentration and determination on her face, as she tested the limits of what she could do with the sail and the wind. And that infectious smile when she confirmed to herself that she was doing it right. There was a moment when we hit a larger wave exactly at the same time as a stronger gust of wind and the catamaran tilted about 45 degrees. She squeaked and looked at me.

  “It’s OK. Just keep going and lose some wind from the sail.” She bit her lip, looked reassured, and eased the sail out. The moment of uncertainty was over, and her magic smile was back again. After that she was pushing it as fast as the little boat could go, her unruly hair streaming in the wind. She was just loving the excitement and freedom of doing something new.

  When we eventually got back to shore she flung her arms round my neck and said, “Awesome, thanks for letting me do that.” I’m not actually sure that anyone could stop this girl from doing whatever she wanted, but I hugged and kissed her back. After that, we stopped at the pool for a cool refreshing swim, and a cold drink to follow.

  Then I said, “Do I get to have that shower with you now?”

  She pouted and said, “Huh, you rejected me this morning. Do you think you deserve another chance?” Then we both burst into fits of laughter. Another priceless moment to treasure. I loved her sense of humour.

  Back at our rooms, I popped upstairs to grab a bath towel and some clean clothes. When I knocked on her door she opened it wearing one of those fluffy white but shapeless towelling dressing gowns that you got in big hotels like that. And it was somewhat too large for her petite little frame. I followed her into the lounge and she opened the front to give me a teasing flash of her body and then twirled around, saying “Very chic don’t you think?”

  And I laughed, “You look beautiful wearing anything… and nothing.”

  She paused and said quite seriously, “I’m not really beautiful. My hair is always a mess, I have a crooked tooth, I’m flat chested and I have bony hips, and….” I silenced her with a kiss.<
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  I took her face in both hands and looked into her eyes. “Your hair is adorable and your tooth is cute. As for your boobs, they are just lovely. You know the old saying ‘more than a handful is wasted’. And anyway, you would look quite weird with double Ds stacked up there.” I knelt down in front of her and ran my hands across her stomach and her hips and her butt. “C’mon they are hardly bony, and you have lovely sexy curves. But if you insist I will buy you a massive box of chocolates which should help add a little extra padding!”

  She giggled and said, “All right, so long as you are happy.” Damn right I was happy.

  I led her towards the bathroom and turned the shower on. The solar panels gave plenty of hot water throughout the day. I removed my own clothes and then pulled the ridiculous gown off her shoulders. She pressed against me and we kissed. My cock reacted to her body and she grabbed it “Oh yum,” she said. I removed her hand and led her into the shower.

  “Wash first.”

  “You are the boss,” she replied.

  “Yeah, in my dreams little madam,” I retorted, as we grinned at each other. We each washed our own hair first, but then started randomly applying shower gel to each other’s bodies. I guess most bits got cleaned eventually and there was lots of giggling and short pauses and gasps as hands and fingers entered intimate territories.

  Eventually, we were pretty much washed and rinsed and I knelt in front of her and gave her pussy and clit a big long affectionate lick. She shuddered and moaned. Then I turned her around so that her hands could touch the wall and the hot water was running down her back. I bent her over and then bent my knees and eased my hard, aching cock into her pussy from behind.


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