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Hidden Chances: The Complete Collection

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by Sofia Paz

  Hidden Chances

  The Complete Collection

  By Sofia Paz

  © 2014

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  And above all – Enjoy

  The Hidden Chances series

  Julia has found the perfect boyfriend. Well, perfect except for the tiny fact that their sex life is absolutely dismal. She finds herself fantasizing constantly about an imaginary lover that satisfies her in ways she can only dream of. Julia thinks she’ll never know that type of pleasure…until she meets Anne.

  What will happen when Julia finds herself alone with the dark-haired beauty at her best friend's wedding?

  Will she be able to resist her charms, or will she give in to her deepest desires?

  Volume One

  David had finished as quickly as usual and when he rolled off of her, lying on his side, coated in sweat, he pulled her close. Gently, with his hand around her hip as he kissed her, he murmured, “Are we ever going to have bad sex?”

  Julia wondered when exactly it was that she had given up on giving him pointers and just succumbed to the fact that he didn't really care enough to even try to please her completely. It was bad enough that she was faking her orgasms, but now she had fallen to giving him fake praise and the smile on her face, well, that was fake too, as she reassured him, “I guess never.”

  The problem was that he was actually wonderful in every other way. A “keeper” from the beginning, most of her friends were envious and besides, isn't that what adult toys were invented for? It was the sneaking around that she hated most. Having to find an excuse to slip away by herself for a few minutes, just to take the edge off.

  David's gentle, rhythmic breathing indicated that he was already asleep in his puddle of sweat and Julia slid the nightstand drawer out quietly, found her vibrator and tip-toed with the toy in hand to the living room, where she could bring herself to the actual orgasm that she needed so badly. Slipping the long t-shirt up over her hips, she lay back, legs spread and let the vibrating tip work its magic as she shut her eyes and let the scene begin.

  The imaginary lover bore no resemblance to her actual lover, another fact that disturbed her sometimes in moments of quiet contemplation. Taller, broader, darker and far more handsome, he would fondle her over her panties and bring her to the point of pleading with him for more before he would take his place between her slender thighs and pull the damp underwear down with his teeth. The man in her mind's eye found her full, throbbing clitoris easily and with lapped at her with an expertise that she had never experienced anywhere other than here, in her fantasies.

  Julia felt the shiver run down her spine and course through her hips as she approached her release. The beautiful, mysterious man knew the right tempo and his lips increased their pressure and his tongue flicked and fluttered and when she came, she could almost hear him gulping down every drop as she spasmed and writhed with her hand on the toy.

  Since he was the perfect lover, he dissolved once her orgasm was over and she was free to go to bed. When she slipped under the sheets and cuddled next to David, feeling his back on her chest, she heard him whisper, “I love you, Julia,” and immediately wondered if he didn't know all along.

  The next morning was consumed with preparations for the rehearsal dinner that night. Chelsea, her best friend since they had met in grade school, was finally marrying the man that they had dubbed Mr. Wrong for almost five years. When Mr. Wrong, or Andrew, as he had suddenly become, got on his knees and produced an engagement ring from Tiffany's, Chelsea had immediately forgotten all the nights she had spent on the couch with Julia and a box of Kleenex and pronounced him “perfect”. Julia had kept her doubts to herself since then and this weekend she promised herself to bite her lip whenever anyone asked her about Andrews, if necessary. Chelsea deserved to be happy, even if it was a big lie.

  If Julia were to admit the truth to herself, she was looking forward to a weekend away from David. No matter how much she loved him, there was something inside that clamored for freedom, for something more. It seemed to be the same small, soft voice that clamored for orgasms, of the real variety. She kissed him good-bye before leaving, looking at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, her pouty, bottom lip curled into a smile as she said, “Don't have too much fun without me this weekend,” and patted his ass over the towel.

  “Baby, how could I have fun without you?”

  It seemed as disingenuous as her reassuring him about his prowess, but she decided, after a quick kiss, that she might not even care if he did have some fun without her.

  It was Chelsea's weekend, supposed to be all about her and nothing else, and Julia had packed accordingly. Always insecure about her looks, her best friend had admitted time and time again that she was jealous of Julia's natural good looks and her curvy, petite figure. Her long, blonde hair and her dark, blue eyes were such a contrast to Chelsea's, that the poor girl couldn’t help but feel overshadowed next to Julia. In order to please her, Julia was dressed for dinner in a plain, blue fitted dress, far more conservative than her usual attire, with her hair up and her glasses on. She appeared to be ready for work rather than a night of drinking and dancing, but out of love for Chelsea, she would do almost anything, even be a bridesmaid tomorrow, wearing the horrible dress that had been chosen for her.

  She fingered the monstrous dress, hanging in the hotel room closet, mint green with puffy sleeves. She suspected that Chelsea may have chosen them purposefully but, along with her thoughts about Andrew, that would remain unspoken.

  Julia entered the bar and looked around for a familiar face. Seeing none, she sat down on a stool at the bar and ordered a cocktail. The bartender, a good-looking young man, winked at her.

  “Are you part of the wedding party?” he asked when he set the glass down in front of her.

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  She couldn't help but flirt a little; it had been so long.

  He bent down, elbows on the bar, eyes roaming what little skin of hers was showing. Julia's cheeks were flushed as she realized that he really was hitting on her.

  “Because you look beautiful.”

  His voice was low, just loud enough to be heard over the background noise. Just then, she heard Chelsea's scream and she turned to see her friend run toward her with open arms.

  “Can you believe that I'm getting married tomorrow?”

  She glowed with excitement and Julia pulled her close, their cheeks touching as they embraced before Chelsea kissed her with her pink, lipsticked lips. Julia couldn't help but recall how they used to practice kissing each other when they were girls and they knew that any day now, they would be French kissing a boy. She smiled as she thought about her friend's tongue in her mouth; sloppy, deep kisses that had gradually become more practiced and intimate. Once they had both kissed an actual boy, their kisses stopped but Julia had spent more than one sleepover looking over at her friend's form in her nightgown and wishing that the kisses had continued.

  It was one more thing that would have to go unmentioned this weekend.

  Chelsea had her arm around Julia's shoul
ders when she introduced her to the rest of the women in her circle; the bridal party was full of strangers. Chelsea had always been popular and had far more friends than Julia. In fact, when she thought about it, Chelsea was almost her only true friend. The number of names that Chelsea recited as she went around performing her introductions was almost dizzying and only one struck a chord with Julia.

  “This is Anne. Anne, Julia.”

  Julia shook Anne’s hand as she had done with the rest, but was drawn immediately to the woman's eyes. Anne was tall and willowy with a sheet of pitch-black hair flowing down her back, wide, vibrant green eyes and a full mouth. There was something about her that Julia found mesmerizing and as the two continued to shake hands, an electric current coursed up her arm from Anne’s touch.

  “It's nice to meet you, Julia.”

  Anne's voice was low and soft and Julia found herself leaning in to listen.

  “Nice to meet you too.”

  Julia found herself speaking in hushed tones and suddenly the touch and the voice and the eyes were too much. She shook her head and let go of the woman's hand, moving on to the rest of the group, but not forgetting their moment.

  The cocktails started flowing and, after several refills, Julia found herself alone at a table, people watching. Andrew, the soon-to-be groom, made his way over. Blonde, tall and far too handsome for Chelsea, Julia found herself biting her lip before he had reached her.

  “Julia, have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?”

  He slurred his words, pulled up a chair and slumped over her. One arm on her shoulder, his breath smelled of alcohol and it hit her face with every syllable.

  “Yes, Andrew,” she pulled his arm off, just to feel him slide it back to its original position, “you have told me and I have to tell you, it still makes me uncomfortable.”

  “Oh, don't be like that.”

  His lips were only an inch or two away and she pulled back, hoping that he wouldn't attempt a kiss with Chelsea in the same room.

  “Andrew, you're about to marry my best friend,” she hissed at him, “don't be like this.”

  “You're so uptight, Julia,” he slumped forward and she pushed him back, “I think you just need to get laid.”

  “Why are you being such an asshole?”

  The woman's voice echoed her own sentiments and Julia looked up to see Anne, towering over them, with an imperious expression as she glared down at Andrew.

  Andrew peered up at her and continued, now reaching for Anne, attempting to slide a hand down her backside, “Hey Anne, gorgeous as ever,” he tried to wink and failed, but added, “you know what would be hot would be a threesome. Ladies?”

  Anne pinched his arm hard and Julia saw the pain etched on his face as she pulled him up from the chair and barked, “Get out of here before I tell Chelsea one more time about what a mistake she's making.”

  Andrew looked frightened and lurched off, shaking his head at the two of them as Anne replaced him in the chair next to Julia.

  “He's a fucking nightmare. What do you think? Do you give them a year?”

  Julia decided that she could finally spill her guts. Something about Anne made her seem a safe confidant.

  “I just hope she realizes it before they have kids or something,” she found herself leaning in to speak to Anne and the scent of her perfume was warm and sweet.

  “Oh God, I didn't even think of that. I hope Chelsea is still on birth control.”

  She turned around to see how close their mutual friend might be. Chelsea was still flushed and jumping up and down as she spoke to a whole new group of strangers; her exuberance drew them by the flock.

  “What about you?” the woman turned back to look Julia in the eye, “I noticed that you're at a wedding without a date.”

  It was the first time she had thought of David all night and Julia wondered if that meant something. Shaking her head, she smiled.

  “My boyfriend is really busy with work right now and we could just use a break,” she shrugged her shoulders and realized that she had just said the words out loud for the first time.

  Anne touched her forearm and the sensation from the earlier touch resumed immediately.

  “That's exactly how I feel. He's great, we've been together for almost a year but sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating!”

  Anne smiled and the full lips looked so kissable that Julia felt hot and embarrassed again. Anne continued, “So, how is yours in the sack?”

  “Excuse me?” Julia hadn't been paying attention to the words, just the lovely lips moving.

  “In the sack,” Anne moved closer; their knees were touching now. “How is he in bed?”

  Julia found herself giggling and decided that one more confession couldn't hurt anything,

  “Honestly? He's awful. I fake it…pretty much every time.”

  And for some reason, although it wasn't particularly funny, maybe the cocktails had finally kicked in, she laughed again, a bit louder this time.

  “Mine too!” Anne looked excited, as if she were every bit as relieved to share her burden as Julia. Her hand was now on Julia's thigh as she spilled, “I have gotten so tired of faking it that I've been forced to…other measures,” her eyebrows went up to suggest something sinful.

  “So,” Julia couldn't help herself or her thoughts; she found the image of the woman in a state of undress more appealing than she cared to admit, “you have a man on the side?”

  “Better!” Anne was pulling her in to those green eyes again as she whispered, “Another girl!”

  Julia could hardly breathe; speaking was impossible for a moment, she could only hear her heart thudding loudly.

  “You're kidding!” she finally got the words out.

  “No, and I have to tell you, it's incredible.”

  Anne's lips were so close that Julia could have easily kissed her and the thought sent a wave of want through her body that was so sharp, she could hardly ignore it.

  “I've never done that,” Julia admitted, though at that moment she regretted not having delved her hand under Chelsea's nightgown all those times that she toyed with the idea, “what's it like?”

  Anne's hand felt like it was burning her through the dress. Her thigh was quivering and as she waited for an answer, Julia realized that her panties were soaked through.

  “Well, it’s really hard to explain. It’s completely different than anything else. It's one of those things that you have to experience,” Anne's fingers were moving in a slow, circular motion, massaging Julia’s thigh, “I don't even know if I have the words.”

  Julia wanted to blame it on the cocktails as her head moved forward toward the woman's face; it would be far easier to say that the alcohol was making her do this than the fact that she found herself so attracted to another woman.

  “You want to dance?” Anne asked and interrupted the moment, as if she too knew what Julia wanted.

  “Sure, of course,” Julia smiled and it was as fake as the one she would flash at David, but as Anne led her by the hand to the crowded dance floor, she explored the woman's fingers and the electric current grew stronger.

  When Anne reached the center of the floor and started to wiggle her hips to the beat, Julia tried to shake the craving that was growing every second that she watched the leggy brunette as she ground her bottom closer and closer. Julia wondered if it were too obvious; how could she not know? Actually, her eyes darted about the sea of people moving around them, wondering how could all of them not notice?

  There were other women paired off, most arm in arm, dancing side by side, none of them facing each other as she and Anne were doing.

  “Stop worrying, Julia,” Anne's mouth leaned in close and Julia shivered as her breath touched her skin once more, “they're all drunk.”

  Julia felt immediately better and then, as she started swaying back and forth to the music, she realized the meaning. Anne knew exactly what Julia was thinking. Her stomach flipped and her pulse in her ears was louder than the music.
All she wanted to do was run her hands up and down the woman's slender waist and pull her close as she closed her eyes and touched her full lips with her own, feeling the hot breath in her mouth as their tongues slowly made their way to greet each other.

  Julia felt dizzy just thinking about it and she drew in to tell Anne, “I'm going to the ladies room.”

  “I'll join you,” Anne's hand was around hers once more and it was the last thing that Julia could feel right now.

  “That's okay, I'll be right back,” Julia shook her head and the fake smile returned; she knew that she couldn't be alone with her at this point.

  In the ladies room, Julia stood at the mirror and stared at her reflection for a moment. She was glowing and at first she wanted to say it was just the crowded room and the dancing, but deep down she knew that it was the haze of desire that was slowly pumping through her body. She wet her hands and ran them down her neck. Cool, smooth, she closed her eyes and immediately, in her mind, it was the feel of Anne's skin, supple and tender. She could see her fingers on the zipper, pulling it down slowly to reveal inch after inch of the woman's body.

  Julia's hands were shaking and as she opened her eyes, her brain was screaming at her to stop. She had a boyfriend. She loved David; granted the sex was awful, but was that enough for her to run to find a new lover? How could she look him in the eye after that? How could she look at herself in the mirror after that?

  The conversation that she was having with herself came to a grinding halt when Anne walked in, suddenly appearing beside her, her face in the mirror, she made eye contact with Julia's reflection.

  “So, am I making you uncomfortable?” She swept her inky, black hair back with one hand.

  “No,” Julia looked at her green eyes and then down to the mouth once more. She had to whisper now, as she stared, “No, not at all.”

  “Because it seems to me like you're very nervous now,” Anne wouldn't let it go.


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