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Worthy of Riches

Page 19

by Bonnie Leon

  Luke's eyes flamed. “You've already started to forget Dad, haven't you? He's only been gone five months, and you're ready to move on— to someone else.”

  Without thinking, Jean slapped Luke. She stared at the red palm mark on his cheek.

  Luke turned and looked out the window.

  After a long silence, Jean said evenly, “I'm sorry you're hurting, but that doesn't give you the right to speak to me the way you just did. I love your father, and I will not forget him. No one can ever replace him, but that doesn't mean I can't have a life. Maybe someday I will want to remarry, but that's a long way off.”

  Even as Jean said the words, she knew she'd never let go of Will enough to allow room for another man. Fighting tears, she straightened her spine and threw back her shoulders. “My private life is my own. If I wish to be friends with Mr. Townsend, then I will be. Your hatred will not spill over into this family. And from this point on, you will respect him whenever he is in our home.” Luke didn't respond. “Is that understood?”

  “Yeah. Understood.”

  Jean wished she could do something to root out Luke's bitterness before it destroyed him and drove a permanent wedge between them. Since coming to Alaska, Jean had lost two loved ones. As she now watched her angry son, she feared she risked losing another. It was out of her hands. She couldn't do anything to change his heart. It was between him and God.

  “I love you,” Jean said, but Luke wouldn't even look at her. Disheartened, she turned and left his room.

  Chapter 18

  TRUCK HEADLIGHTS CUT THROUGH EARLY MORNING DARKNESS AS ADAM AND Laurel bumped down the Hasper driveway. Adam stopped and shifted into park. “Well, they're up. The lights are burning.”

  “I'll go in,” Laurel offered, opening the door and stepping out.

  Brian was spooning in a mouthful of hot oatmeal. “I'm ready,” he said, leaving the table and heading for the back door.

  “I'll be there in a minute,” Laurel said as he disappeared through the door. “Morning, Mom.”

  “Good morning,” Jean said, meeting Laurel and giving her a quick hug. “It's awful early to be heading out, don't you think?”

  “You know how it is. You can never count on the roads, and we want to get to Anchorage early enough to do our shopping and still have time for some exploring.”

  “Keep a close eye on Brian. You know how rambunctious he can be.”

  “I will. Don't worry.”

  “I can't help it. Seems these days, he's looking for trouble.” Jean handed Laurel a bag. “He'll probably need a change of clothes, especially if you go to the beach.”

  “I hope the weather holds so we can.”

  “Come on! Let's go!” Brian called, sticking his head in the door.

  Laurel hugged her mother again. “We'll take good care of him.”

  Unable to hide her worry, Jean said, “I know you will. Seems I'm such a worrywart these days, ever since your father died.”

  Still in her nightdress, Susie walked into the kitchen. “Hi, Laurel.”

  Laurel bent and kissed the little girl. “Hi, sweetheart.”

  “Can I go?”

  “When you're bigger,” Jean said, resting a hand on the little girl's blonde tangles.

  “She can come if she wants,” Laurel whispered. “We don't mind.”

  “No. She's too little.” Jean shielded Susie with her hand as if Laurel might snatch her.

  Unable to hide her disappointment, Laurel said, “All right. Another time. We better get going. It's a long drive. Does Brian need anything?”

  “He's outgrown his school shoes.” Jean shook her head. “His feet are growing faster than the rest of him. I gave him money for new shoes.”

  “Come on!” Brian called again, swinging the door wide.

  Laurel chuckled. “Well, we're off.”

  Although the road was rutted and made for a bumpy ride, the trip into Anchorage was uneventful. Laurel was thankful she wasn't further along in her pregnancy because the trip would have been miserable. Still, it was a relief when they arrived and Adam parked on the main street. Stepping out, hands pressed against the small of her back, Laurel stretched from side to side.

  “Your back hurting?” Adam asked.

  “A little. The doctor said it's normal, but forty miles in that truck didn't help.”

  “Wish we could afford the train.”

  Brian stared at his sister's rounded abdomen. “How long until the baby gets here?”

  “Three months or so. Not 'til the end of December.”

  Brian's eyes widened. “Three more months? How big is it going to get?”

  Laurel rested her hand on her stomach. “Pretty big.”

  “How does it fit inside you?”

  Laurel shrugged. “I don't know. It just does.” She smiled and rubbed her back again.

  Adam took her hand. “Do you want to rest first?”

  “No, I need to walk.” She tucked her arm into Adam's. “I hope we find a crib.”

  “Don't forget, I'm getting shoes,” Brian said.

  “We won't forget,” Adam said, glancing down the street crowded with parked cars. “I guess we just start at one end and work our way down.”

  “Are we still going to the beach for a picnic?” Brian asked.

  “Absolutely,” Adam said.

  They started down the street, stopping to gaze at apparel displayed behind large glass casements. When they came to a store with shoes, Adam asked, “You want to go in and see what they have?”

  “Yep,” Brian said, opening the door and walking in.

  The shop was narrow and deep, with rows of shoes all along the side walls and down the center. “I've never seen so many shoes,” Brian said, picking up a pair of oxfords.

  Adam headed for the back of the store and stopped when he came to the children's department. Brian and Laurel followed. Brian picked up one shoe, then another and another. After he'd examined several pairs, Adam asked, “Do you see anything you like?”

  Brian thought a minute, his eyes roaming over the racks. “Can I try this one?” he asked, picking up a boot-type shoe.

  A young man wearing an inexpensive suit approached. He smiled, exposing a large space between his front teeth. “Would you like to try that one?”

  Brian glanced at Adam, and when Adam nodded, he said, “Yep.”

  “Sit down and I'll measure your foot.”

  Brian sat on a chair with a padded seat and a straight back. The clerk removed his well-worn shoes and placed Brian's foot on a wooden ruler with a curved bracket on the back end and a straight one on the other. “Press your heel against the back,” the man said and slid the front bracket to Brian's toes. “Looks like you wear an eight.” He stood.

  “I'll see if we have a pair in that size.” The clerk disappeared through a door, then reappeared a few moments later with a box. “Let's try these,” he said, opening the box and squatting in front of Brian. After sliding the shoes onto Brian's feet, he tied them and said, “Give those a try. See how they feel.”

  Brian stood and tromped around the store, jumping a couple of times to make sure of the fit. He stared at his feet. “I like them.”

  “Let me check,” Laurel said and kneeled in front of him. She pushed on the toe of the shoe. “Feels like there's room to grow.” She looked at the salesman. “How much?”

  “One dollar and fifty cents.”

  Brian walked some more. “Can I get them?”

  “They fit. You sure those are the ones you want?”

  “Yep. Can I wear them?”

  “No. They're for school.”

  Frowning, Brian dropped onto a chair, then pulled them off and replaced them with his old shoes. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill and twenty cents change. “Is this enough?” He laid the money on the counter.

  The clerk counted the change. “You need thirty cents more.” He looked at Adam.

  “I've got it.” Adam retrieved several coins from his pocket, counted out thir
ty cents, and handed it to the salesman.

  “Thank you,” the young man said and rang up the purchase on a cash register. Placing the shoes in a bag, he asked, “Anything else I can do for you?” He handed the package to Adam.

  “No. That'll do us fine.” Adam gave the bag to Brian.

  He hugged it against his chest. “Do you think Mama will like these?”

  “Yes, I do,” Laurel said. “They're good, sturdy shoes.”

  With an air of satisfaction, Brian headed for the door and stepped out into the cool air. He walked down the street while Laurel and Adam followed, hands clasped.

  Brian kept walking, but Laurel stopped at a window display to look at a wicker bassinet draped with a downy blanket. “Isn't it beautiful?” she said, hugging Adam's arm. “Let's go in.”

  “Hey, Brian, wait,” Adam called. “We're going in here.”

  Brian turned and walked back, following Adam and Laurel inside.

  A smiling clerk with short red curls and red-painted lips approached. “Good morning. What can I do for you?” she asked. Her voice reminded Laurel of a trilling bird. The woman glanced at Laurel's stomach. “How much longer?”

  “Three months.”

  “A Christmas baby. How wonderful!”

  Laurel looked toward the back of the store. “Do you have cribs?”

  “We certainly do. We pride ourselves on carrying a full line of infant products, including furniture.” She turned sharply on two-inch heels, and taking short, quick steps, pranced down an aisle. Laurel, Adam, and Brian followed. “We have the latest models.” The clerk stopped at a white enamel crib and rested a hand on the side rail. “As you can see, the workmanship is good, and it is reasonably priced.”

  “How much is it?” Laurel asked.

  She reached out and flipped a small tag. “Only $ 12.45,” she said with an overdone smile.

  Laurel looked at Adam. “Maybe we can find a used one.”

  “No, I've already thought about it. I sent in a story last week, and I've got another one nearly finished. We have enough money.” He ran his hand over the railing and checked the workmanship. He looked at the sales clerk. “We'll take it.”

  With the prized crib and an assortment of sheets, blankets, and other baby items safely tucked away in the back of the truck, Adam drove toward a secluded part of the inlet. Turning down a dirt road, he said, “I was told this is a nice place.”

  The street ended abruptly at a bluff overlooking the inlet. He pulled into a turnout and stopped. “Well, this is it, I guess.” He gazed across the broad expanse of water toward distant mountains north of the bay, and then his eyes followed a mountain range to the regal Mt. McKinley.

  “What a beautiful spot,” Laurel said. “What's that small mountain there? I remember seeing it when we went to Fire Island.”

  “Mt. Susitna. They call it 'The Sleeping Lady,' remember?”

  “Why do they call it that?” Brian asked.

  “Well, if you look at it just right, it looks like the profile of a woman lying on her side, asleep.”

  “Oh, yeah! I can see it!” Brian opened the door and jumped out.

  “You stay away from the edge,” Laurel called, stepping out of the truck. The wind caught at her hair and lifted it away from her face. Taking a deep breath, she looked across the bay. “I love the ocean. I wish we could visit more often.”

  “Me too. The last time we were here was with Ray Townsend.”

  “Oh, that was awful. I thought Luke was going to die.”

  “You did?” Brian asked, rejoining them. “But I thought you were praying.”

  “I was, but I was still scared,” Laurel said, remembering how frightened she'd been and how quickly her faith had evaporated. “I should have trusted God more.”

  “That's the story I sent in, and I think the Trib's going to love it.” The wind whipped Adam's hair across his face, and he brushed it back. “I'm hungry.” He lifted a picnic basket out of the back of the truck.

  “Can we go down to the beach?” Brian asked.

  “Sure. Let's find the trail.” Adam looked at Laurel doubtfully. “I don't know if you want to do any climbing.”

  “I want to go down.”

  “You sure?”

  Laurel nodded.

  Grabbing a quilt out of the pickup bed, Adam said, “We can find a sandy place and spread out the blanket.” He headed for the ridge and walked along it until he found a trail. “Here's a way down.”

  Brian galloped past Adam.

  “Brian, you be careful,” Laurel called.

  “I will,” he said without looking back.

  Adam took Laurel's hand and steadied her as they went.

  When they were nearly at the bottom, Brian called up, “Come on. This is neat!” He didn't wait, but started exploring, stopping to stare into tide pools and occasionally squatting and reaching into the cold water.

  Adam led the way to a sandy area just beyond the trail. “This looks good.”

  After spreading out the blanket, Adam and Laurel sat and stared at the incoming tide and at Brian who moved from tide pool to tide pool, exploring the wildlife.

  “Hey, you hungry?” Adam finally shouted at Brian.

  He stuffed something in his pocket, wiped his hands on his pants, and ran across the wet beach toward Adam and Laurel.

  Laurel leaned against Adam. “I'm glad we did this. Do you think we'll see any belugas today?”

  “Maybe.” Adam studied the sand and mud. “Strange how the color of the beach changes with the seasons. In the middle of the summer it was a jade green, and now it's back to slate gray.”

  Brian ran up. “Look what I found.” He dug an iridescent shell out of his pocket.

  “That's an abalone shell,” Adam said.

  “It's pretty.” Brian studied it a moment longer, then set it on the sand beside the blanket. “Can I go wading after lunch?”

  “No,” Laurel said. “There's a lot of mud and sand between here and the water, and I'm not about to let what happened to Luke happen to you.”

  “This isn't the same place. I'll be OK.”

  “No. Besides, you can explore a lot of other things.”

  Brian pouted, but only for a moment, then sat and peeked inside the picnic basket. “I'm hungry. Can we eat?”

  “Take a sandwich,” Laurel said.

  After lunch Brian busied himself by investigating downed trees along the shoreline and tide pools among the rocks.

  “Will the tide come in this far?” Laurel asked, leaning back and resting on her elbows.

  “I don't think so. We should be fine here.”

  She lay back, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth of the sun. “It's awfully warm for this time of year.”

  “The cold could settle in any time.”

  “Uh-huh,” Laurel mumbled, sleep tugging at her.

  The next thing Laurel heard was Brian's voice. He sounded far away and frightened. She bolted upright and scanned the beach. She couldn't see him! “Brian!” she called.

  “Help! I'm up here! Help me!”

  Laurel stood. “Adam, Brian's in trouble!”

  Adam stood beside Laurel and searched the beach and open water.

  “Where are you?” Laurel yelled. “Brian!”

  “I'm up here. I can't get down,” Brian shouted.

  Laurel and Adam stepped away from the cliff wall and looked up, their eyes moving across the face of the bluff. Brian sat on a narrow ledge, his back pressed against the cliff face. Laurel clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh, Lord!” She grabbed Adam's arm. “What are we going to do?”

  Adam ran to the beach just below Brian. Laurel followed. The two stared up. “How in the world did he get up there?” Laurel asked.

  “Brian, don't move. We're going to get help,” Adam called, his voice calm.

  “I… I'm scared,” Brian said, moving along the ledge.

  “Don't move!” Adam yelled as rock and dirt skittered down.

  The ledge broke away
and Brian slid. Then he grabbed at something and it held. He dangled, facing the cliff and kicking his feet. Then the fragile handhold gave way and he slipped, at first sliding down the face of the cliff, then plummeting the last several feet. Adam tried to break his fall, and the two tumbled to the ground.

  For a moment neither moved. Finally Adam sat up. “You all right?”

  Brian lay still, breathing hard, then pushed up on one arm and cried out. “It hurts.” He grabbed his right arm.

  Laurel kneeled beside her brother. “Let me see.”

  “It hurts, bad.”

  Gently she touched his arm. “Please, can I see it?”

  “No! Don't touch!”

  “OK. I won't touch it. Just let me look. Can you move it?”

  Brian tried to hold out his arm, then winced and groaned.

  “We need to get you to a doctor,” Adam said. “You'll have to be brave. Tuck your arm in close to your body.” He carefully lifted Brian and carried him to the truck.

  Several hours later, when they pulled into the Hasper driveway, Jean stepped onto the porch even before they stopped. When she saw Adam carry a sleeping Brian with a cast on his arm, the anxiety on her face deepened. “What happened? I've been worried sick.”

  “He's all right,” Adam said. “Just a broken arm. It was a simple break and will heal just fine.”

  “What happened?” she asked, her voice laced with accusation. “I told you to watch him, Laurel.”

  “I know. It was my fault,” Laurel said. “I fell asleep, and he climbed up a cliff.”

  “I wanted to get the big pine cone,” Brian said groggily “For you.”

  Jean caressed her son's brow. “That was sweet of you, but you shouldn't have done something so dangerous.”

  After Brian was tucked away in bed, Jean joined Adam and Laurel in the front room. She dropped onto the sofa. “How could you allow him to do such a thing? I shouldn't have let him go.”


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