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Chronicles of Eden - Act III

Page 18

by Alexander Gordon

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Luna,” she said before holding the food out to her. “Here, you should have some too.”

  Luna shook her head and gently pushed the meat back towards the girl.

  “No, you need it more than I do, eat up,” she said kindly.

  “But you’re hungry, you need to eat something too.”

  “I’ll be alright, but a growing girl like you needs to eat. Please, it’s all yours.”

  “But, Luna,” Emily said softly as she looked down while holding the food close. Luna smiled at the girl then looked to Daemon’s boot with wonder, with the boy and other girls watching as she slowly crawled over to his foot while staring at something. She tilted her head around as she seemed to be examining his boot while he just watched her with a dull expression.

  “What are you doing?” he asked plainly.

  “Maybe she’s going to kiss your feet and grovel for forgiveness,” Rulo scoffed as she ate her meal. “That’s what I’d be doing right now if I was her.”

  Luna’s eyes followed something around before she quickly reached out and snatched a beetle off of Daemon’s boot, the insect having been eating the traces of vomit that was on his foot.

  “A scamda beetle,” Luna said with tears of joy. She squealed with delight then searched around quickly while Daemon merely raised an eyebrow at her. Luna looked around then set the beetle down, watching as it scurried away from her. The girl followed after it while on her hands and knees, her eyes locked onto the insect while she was drooling in anticipation.

  “What is she doing?” Sasha asked dryly.

  Emily followed the sounds of Luna moving along the grass by her, the butterfly girl following the beetle as it scurried along towards a nearby tree.

  “That’s it, run back home, run run run,” Luna giggled as she kept after it.

  The beetle moved along the ground then into a small hole next to the tree, with Luna squealing in joy before she quickly started digging with both hands after it.

  “Luna?” Emily asked as she heard her friend digging away.

  Luna kept burrowing into the ground with an eager smile as she giggled then hopped with a happy cheer as she saw dozens of the beetles crawling around in the dirt in their nest.

  “Yay! Scamda beetles!”

  Before Emily could ask if that was a good thing Luna started laughing manically, a twisted smile appearing on her face as her wide eyes darted around to each of the beetles.

  “DINNER TIME!” she screamed before she lunged down and pushed her head into the nest with furious munching and crunching sounds, the girl laughing hysterically as she devoured the beetles and a good amount of dirt in her bliss. Sasha and Rulo watched her with a mixture of confusion and surprise while Daemon still had a blank expression on his face, all of them seeing Luna bending over face first into the hole as she frantically tried to eat every beetle she could find. The three then looked to Emily as she was giggling while looking in Luna’s direction.

  “Oh, good. She found something to eat too.”

  “She’s eating bugs,” Rulo said with disgust.

  “Yeah, she likes bugs,” Emily replied with a shrug. “That’s what she likes to eat.”

  Luna leaned up from the hole in the ground as she savagely chewed and munched on a mouthful of beetles, laughing around her food as her wings fluttered behind her.

  “GET IN MY MOUTH, YOU TASTY LITTLE NOM NOMS!” she screamed out before she dove back down face first into the hole. Emily giggled while the others just watched Luna with blank expressions as the butterfly girl was heard munching and laughing while her head was under the dirt.

  “What is wrong with your friend?” Sasha asked.

  “Nothing, she’s just got a little condition. She’s really nice though, she wouldn’t hurt anyone,” Emily said before she started eating her meal as well.

  Daemon watched Luna laughing and eating the beetles while her rear was perked up behind her, offering a clear view of the girl’s rear in the fire’s light, and then looked to Sasha, the reptile girl glancing to him nervously with a small shrug.

  “I was not aware of her mental state,” she quickly explained. “I just wanted to help the child.”

  Daemon looked at her for a moment then to Emily as the young girl was eating quietly while looking down.

  “Sasha, finish eating. We’re leaving soon,” he said, with Sasha nodding then quickly sitting back down to eat her half of the deer. Rulo continued to eat hers, oinking and munching on the meat while looking from Emily to Luna with a careful eye.

  “You’re leaving?” Emily asked towards Daemon’s direction.

  “Yes, we are.”

  Emily nodded then looked down again.

  “Thank you, for this,” she said softly.

  Daemon glanced to Sasha, the reptile girl watching Emily with a peek while she was eating her deer.

  “Don’t thank me, Sasha is the one who shared her food with you,” Daemon said before walking over to a tree and sitting down against it, looking at his gloved hand distantly while he waited for his two companions to finish their meals. Emily smiled a bit as she held her cooked meat.

  “Thank you, Sasha.”

  Sasha watched her for a moment then closed her eyes as she swallowed her food.

  “No thanks are needed. I just don’t like to see a child starving. Do not read more into this,” she informed solemnly before she started eating again. Emily looked towards her with a gentle smile with eyes that remained unfocused.

  “What kind of monster are you?” Sasha glanced to her briefly then closed her eyes while chewing her food. Emily waited for a response then looked downwards towards her food. “How come you’re traveling with a human? Are you friends with him? Do you like each other?”

  Sasha blushed slightly as she glanced back to Daemon who didn’t respond to the question then looked back to Emily while forcing a calm expression.

  “Enough talking. Eat, my master prepared that just for you, don’t let it go to waste.”

  “Sasha,” Daemon said while still just looking at his gloved hand. Sasha paused for a moment then swallowed her food again.

  “I mean, Daemon,” she said softly before eating once more.

  “Master?” Emily asked. “Why do you call him master? Are you his pet or something?”

  Sasha jumped a bit and looked down with a bigger blush while Rulo raised an eyebrow at the child.

  “Hey, kid, just be quiet and eat,” Rulo ordered before digging into her food. Emily nodded then resumed eating as well, all of the girls then remaining silent during their meals except for Luna who was laughing like a lunatic with her head under the ground.

  After a while Luna finally sat up from the bugs nest with a happy smile, her face having dirt all over it as she slowly licked her lips.

  “Yummy,” she said before wiping the dirt off of her face and then her hands. She then crawled back over and sat next to Emily as the child finished eating her deer meat. Emily looked over to her with an amused smile as she heard the butterfly girl sighing happily.

  “Did you enjoy that?”

  “Oh yes, that was delicious. Thank you for the meals,” Luna said looking to Sasha then to Rulo with a bright smile. The two monster girls exchanged glances then looked at her puzzled.

  “We provided you with nothing at all,” Sasha stated.

  “You just stuck your face in the dirt over there and ate bugs,” Rulo said with a disgusted look.

  “Yeah, they were so yummy,” Luna giggled while rubbing her belly.

  Emily giggled softly then cuddled up next to her, with Luna watching as the child leaned against her and closed her eyes.

  “You’re so silly, Luna.”

  “I am? What did I do?” Luna asked curiously. Emily slowly drifted asleep while holding onto Luna’s side, with Luna then gently holding her close with warm smile on her face.

  “You should get some rest too,” Daemon mentioned. Luna looked over to see him glancing at her with his cold blue eyes. �
��While you can.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Once these two are finished we’ll be leaving,” Daemon explained. “If you wanted a chance to rest up now is it, otherwise be prepared to fend for yourself after we depart.”

  Luna looked at him curiously then to Sasha, the reptile girl watching her with a dull glance while she ate her meal.

  “I only offered to give her some food for the night, that is all,” Sasha reminded her. “If you wish to get some sleep now while we are here then you may do so, we won’t let you be harmed during our stay. However once we leave you’re on your own.”

  “Yeah,” Rulo added with an oink. “We’re not staying here all night just to watch over you two.”

  Luna nodded then looked down to Emily with gentle eyes, the child fast asleep from a very long day.

  “I understand. Thank you so much for all of this though, really.”

  Rulo and Sasha didn’t reply as they continued to eat while Daemon looked up at the stars in the sky with a calm gaze. Luna slowly lied back on the grass and rested Emily down next to her, letting the child sleep next to her while she used her wing to cover the girl. She then looked over to the others with concern.

  “You need to be careful out there,” she said worriedly. Sasha and Rulo looked to her in silence as Luna slowly shook her head. “Her parents were killed by monsters, the same ones that tried to eat us. But they’re not normal monsters, not at all.”

  “What do you mean ‘not normal’?” Sasha questioned.

  “They won’t die,” Luna said nervously. Daemon glanced over to her as the butterfly girl whimpered and held Emily close, with the child holding onto her in her sleep. “They won’t die. Tearing their throats out, breaking them in half, they just won’t die. No matter what happened to them, they wouldn’t die.”

  Sasha and Rulo glanced to each other then looked back to Daemon as the boy was watching Luna with a blank expression. Luna shook her head and rested alongside Emily as she closed her eyes.

  “Be careful out there,” she warned softly before falling asleep.

  Daemon watched her for a moment then looked up at the sky, with Sasha and Rulo waiting to hear what he thought of that.

  “You two, finish eating,” he said, the two girls nodding then complying with his order. As they did Daemon drummed his fingers on the handle of his sword, his eyes gazing up at the stars as he seemed to be deep in thought about something.


  The sun started to rise over the horizon as another day was beginning. A few birds chirped in a tree before flying off together, the leaves rustling a bit from their departure as light from the sun began to creep over the land. It crossed over hills and wooded areas before coming across a sleeping white horse which lay in a bedding of soft grass and flowers. Lucky’s tail swished slightly as the animal grunted a bit, the horse slowly waking from its peaceful slumber while nearby those inside a caravan were waking up too.

  Inside the caravan Specca yawned as she slowly sat up and stretched out her arms, the nixie then lightly feeling around her pillow to find her glasses which she then put on as she blinked a few times. Next to her Squeak slowly uncurled from her ball with a soft squeak, the ant girl then stretching out her back while leaning down and forward with a yawn. And near them Alyssa opened her eyes and shot up, looking around quickly as she didn’t awake to something she was expecting to. She quickly rubbed her eyes then stood up as the other girls looked over to her curiously.

  “Good morning, Alyssa,” Specca greeted. “Um, is something the matter?”

  “Listen,” Alyssa said quickly.

  The other two girls stopped and listened for what she was talking about, both hearing nothing but the gentle swaying of grass and leaves outside along with a horse that grunted again before slowly getting up onto its legs.

  “I don’t hear anything,” Specca said shaking her head. Squeak shook her head as well while Alyssa watched the black curtain carefully.

  “Why isn’t Daniel snoring?” Alyssa asked, with the other girls looking to the curtain curiously.

  “Well, he doesn’t always snore, Alyssa,” Specca pointed out.

  “But he usually does, what if something’s wrong? What if he’s not here?”

  The other girls looked at the curtain carefully then all of them quietly approached it, with Alyssa taking the blanket and yanking it down. As it dropped to the floor all the girls’ expressions changed from wonder to surprise.

  * Five minutes earlier: *

  Triska slowly woke up from her dream, which involved her being ‘disciplined’ by Daniel for ‘being a bad girl again’, a small smile forming on her face as she sighed happily at remembering it before looking over to see Daniel still asleep next to her. He was actually sleeping peacefully and quietly now, his mouth open slightly with a bit of drool coming down from the side while he lay on the floor with the blanket partially covering him. Triska giggled and leaned on her elbow while watching the boy with a warm smile, her eyes admiring his facial features while she slowly rested her other arm over his chest.

  “Best night’s sleep I’ve ever had,” she said quietly to herself. She licked her lips as she stared at Daniel’s, feeling tempted to wake him up with a good morning kiss. Quickly she looked over to the curtain, not hearing the other girls moving around yet as she slowly sat up. Looking to the window she saw daylight starting to shine through.

  ‘The night’s over, which means my turn is now officially up. Still, one more sweet kiss couldn’t hurt.’

  She smiled softly as she leaned closer to Daniel, her hand sliding down his chest to his waist before it went a little further, with Triska jumping then looking to it as she felt something below the blanket. Her hand gently yet slowly cupped what was underneath, a blush forming on her cheeks as she realized what it was.

  ‘Wow, Daniel must be having a very good dream. Oh my god, I’m actually… touching… his…’

  Triska gulped silently then glanced to see Daniel still asleep, and then slowly a coy smile formed on her face. She glanced to his crotch then to him again as she carefully sat up then gently moved over to sit over him. She kept her body up off of his so not to wake him, her hands holding her up as she leaned down towards Daniel’s face before she slowly lowered her hips down onto him. As she felt his hardened member touch against her crotch she froze with a quiet gasp, feeling her heart beating faster at the thought of what she was sitting on. Slowly her eyes glanced down to it before she gently shifted her hips back and forth, very delicately rubbing herself against him.

  ‘God… damn… I wonder how bad I need to be for him to punish me with ‘that’…’

  She licked her lips then looked at Daniel with a bashful smile, the boy still sound asleep while Triska held her hair back over her shoulder with one hand. After a few more gentle rubs against him so that she had a very clear memory to daydream about later on she slowly leaned closer to his face with a loving gaze.

  “Daniel… I love you,” she said softly before kissing the boy, her tongue gently rolling against his lips as she felt her heart flutter from being near him like this. She slowly started to grind her hips against him, feeling her blush intensifying from the sensation of what she was rubbing against.

  At that moment the curtain next to them dropped to the ground, with Triska glancing to the side to seeing the other girls staring at her with surprise. She froze in place as did her hips, seeing all the girls’ jaws drop slightly from seeing what she was doing to Daniel. Silence filled the cabin for a while until Triska slowly sat up and smiled nervously at the girls.

  “Um, good morning,” she said with a small giggle.

  Alyssa’s eyebrow twitched a bit before she held her hand out to the side, her staff flying over from the corner into it before it started to glow orange.

  “And that is as far as my patience with her goes,” Alyssa said with a growl.

  A mere moment later Triska crashed through the back wall and tumbled onto the grass away from the car
avan, with Daniel shooting up from the sound as broken bits of wood fell off from the new hole in the back of the caravan.

  “Wha, where, who?” Daniel stammered as he quickly looked around, his eyes then stopping on the hole in the back of the ride where he saw Triska tumbling to a halt further away. He blinked then looked over to see the three other girls giving Triska small glares while Alyssa had her staff held out in front of her.

  “What’s going on?”

  Alyssa looked to him with a bright smile as she tossed her staff back onto the floor then quickly hopped over onto his lap.

  “Nothing, Daniel. Good morning, how did you sle-” she said before looking down with a gasp. She shifted her hips around while Specca and Squeak watched her concern, the witch hopping a bit on his lap before looking back to him with worried eyes.

  “Hey, you didn’t get that from Triska, did you?” she whined.

  The other girls looked down to his lap then to him with a jump as the boy just blinked and stared at Alyssa with a confused expression. After his mind finally came to the realization that he wasn’t dreaming anymore he just shook his head.



  A short while later Daniel, Specca, and Squeak were watching as Triska and Alyssa were hammering nails into new boards to cover the hole in the back wall. The teen and witch had frustrated expressions on their faces while the others had confusion on theirs for a couple of reasons.

  “I can’t believe we’re back to this again,” Daniel said tiredly. “I thought those two patched things up yesterday.”

  Squeak pointed to Daniel with a worried expression then to Triska while squeaking something; however what she was saying was anybody’s guess at this point.

  “I can’t believe Triska had more boards and nails in her duffel bag, how did all of that fit in there?” Specca asked as she glanced to Triska’s duffel bag near the back wall.

  Triska hammered in a few more nails with a grunt then glanced to Alyssa.

  “Why did you do that anyway? You didn’t have to go so overboard with telling me to get off him.”


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