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Chronicles of Eden - Act III

Page 28

by Alexander Gordon

  “Huh?” Falla said bewilderedly.

  Squeak spoke to her again while the others watched them curiously. Falla blinked then glanced to Daniel before looking at Squeak again with confusion.

  “Wait, what?”

  “What’s she saying?” Specca asked.

  Squeak spoke again with a bunch of squeaks, with Falla just listening to her before showing a curious expression.

  “Are… are you being serious?” Squeak nodded and squeaked something at her. Falla glanced to Daniel then back to her again with a faint smile seen on her face.


  “What did she say?” Triska asked.

  “Well,” Falla said glancing to Daniel. “She informed me that tonight is her turn with Daniel apparently, and that she would be alright if I join her for it.”

  The group looked at her with surprise while Alyssa yanked on Lucky’s reins from turning back to them with a jump, causing the horse to neigh and shift over on the path for a moment before the witch quickly corrected him. As the caravan rocked to the side on its wheels then back over again from the horse nearly causing it to flip over onto its side the group stared at Squeak with shock as the ant girl smiled and nodded at Daniel.

  “Wait, what?” Triska shouted with disbelief.

  Falla laughed and looked at Daniel with a coy smile.

  “Yes, she wants me to be her translator all night, that way she and Daniel can talk about whatever they want to. And as thanks for doing so, and as an apology for nearly killing me a few moments ago, she said I can sleep with her and Daniel as well.”

  Daniel just stared at her with a twitching eye then at Squeak as the ant girl nodded again.

  “What?” Specca asked with disbelief. “Squeak, you… you want Falla to sleep next to Daniel tonight?”

  Squeak merely nodded again while Falla had a smug grin on her face.

  “You are not sleeping next to him tonight, no way!” Triska yelled out.

  Falla rolled her eyes then held out a hand to silence them.

  “Before you all freak out-”

  “Too late, we’re already freaked out!” Alyssa yelled back at her, having a stunned expression still as she tried to keep her eyes on the road. Falla paused for a moment then shook her head.

  “Before you all freak out even more, Squeak said I could do so under one condition.”

  “Condition?” Triska yelled out with anger. “What condition could possibly justify us letting you sleep next to Daniel tonight? We’re already trying our best to let each other do this, but you? Why should we let you do that at all?”

  Daniel just looked at Squeak with a stunned expression still, words failing him as he glanced from her to Falla as the butterfly sighed and smiled weakly at them.

  “Well,” Falla reasoned. “The catch is I have to be on my best behavior. She made it pretty clear that if I try to take Daniel’s seed tonight she wouldn’t stand for it.”

  The group looked at her curiously while Squeak showed a slick smile and glanced to the butterfly girl.

  “And just how did she do that?” Specca asked.

  Falla glanced to see Squeak winking at her then looked up with a quiet sigh.

  “If I try to have sex with Daniel she’ll take her pickaxe and dig it straight up into my ovaries,” she said dryly. The group looked at Squeak curiously as she nodded once with a smirk on her face. Falla looked around everybody then shrugged with a small smile.

  “And since that would be very bad for me to say the least, I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  “And we’re supposed to believe you when you say that?” Specca scoffed.

  Squeak slowly looked to Falla with a sharp smile, the butterfly girl looking up and nodding with a dull expression.

  “Seeing as how my sister would flip out if I got my insides messed up like that, I won’t be doing anything bad with Daniel tonight, alright?” she said expectantly. “I’m trying to be nice here, for crying out loud I’m asking you for help to save a little human girl, I’m not doing anything wrong.”

  Squeak nodded then looked to Daniel with a squeak, the boy glancing to her curiously as she watched him with a timid smile.

  “But you’re still going to be sleeping next to Daniel, I’m not okay with that at all,” Triska argued.

  “Same here,” Specca agreed.

  “Hell will freeze over before you sleep next to him, Falla!” Alyssa shouted back into the cabin.

  “Hey, it’s not my choice, it’s hers,” Falla said looking to Squeak with a calm smile.

  The ant girl nodded and held her hands together in a pleading way for Daniel, the boy looking at her with concern then to Falla. The butterfly chuckled then shrugged with a casual smile.

  “At least with me you’ll be able to talk about anything you two want,” she reasoned. “And hey, no worries about me trying anything sneaky. I mean you’re surrounded by all your friends, just how far do you think I’d get with you in here?”

  Daniel looked at her with an uneasy frown then glanced back to the end of the cabin that would be their sleeping area for the night.

  “Well…” he said slowly, looking to Squeak who nodded with a hopeful smile at him. Triska and Specca looked to each other then to Squeak with worried eyes while Alyssa was grumbling to herself up front. After a while Daniel sighed then glanced to Falla.

  “I want Squeak to be happy and have a fair chance in this,” he stated. “The same as the others do. It’s for that reason and that reason alone that I’m going to agree to this.” Triska and Specca looked at him with surprise before the boy pointed to Falla accusingly.

  “But, I’m warning you, if you try anything this time you will not get off as easily as you did last time. If you’re caught with my pants down, I’m not going to stop the girls from doing whatever it is they wish to do to you.”

  “No problem,” Falla said raising her hands defensively. “The whole reason I’m with you all is to find and help my sister and that poor little girl, that’s it. Sleeping next to you on this night is just a lovely bonus, I don’t expect anything more to happen between us.”

  Specca looked down with closed eyes and withheld anger for a moment then glanced to Falla.

  “Very well,” she stated. “If that is what Squeak really wants, and Daniel approves, then I suppose we can’t stop you. However, once we find your sister, she and you are on your own again. The human child can remain with us until we reach Eston, you will not.”

  “Do you see them yet?” Triska quickly called over to Alyssa.

  “Believe me I’m going to search all night for them if I have to!” Alyssa snapped back as she kept her eyes open for any sign of the missing butterfly sister. Triska showed a frustrated expression then turned to Daniel.

  “Daniel, are you sure about this? I mean, letting her sleep right next to you?”

  “It will be nice if we can actually talk to one another tonight,” Daniel said with a small smile at Squeak. “And with her right beside me and you three inside the cabin as well, I don’t think even Falla would be so foolish as to try anything.”

  Falla rolled her eyes then leaned back on a pillow against the wall with a grunt.

  “Yeah yeah, I get it,” she said dryly. “I’m on thin ice with all of you. You know, a simple thank you would be nice. After all I’m doing so much for you people, not to mention helping you find that lost little girl.”

  “Your story about the child has yet to be proven,” Specca argued. “And as for you translating for Squeak tonight, it’s the least you can do to make up for all the times you’ve tried to get close to Daniel.”

  Falla glanced to her with a scoff then to Daniel with a raised eyebrow.

  “He still owes me his seed, as promised. I’ve only been trying to get what I’m entitled to.”

  Squeak showed an annoyed expression then grabbed her pickaxe, quickly swinging it over and stopping it just short of going through Falla’s head. The butterfly girl stared at it with wide eyes then glanced to Sq
ueak, the ant girl watching her carefully while Daniel and Specca were staring at Squeak with wide eyes as the arc of the pickaxe’s swing had the digging tool flying right past them. Triska looked at Falla with wonder then up towards Alyssa with urgency.

  “Alyssa! Hard turn to the right, now!”

  “No, don’t do that,” Daniel called out holding a hand over his eyes tiredly. Alyssa grumbled as she kept on course while Specca slowly adjusted her glasses while staring at Squeak with a startled expression after having watched the pickaxe whip right past her like that. Falla glanced to the digging tool then smiled weakly.

  “Of course,” she nervously added. “Tonight’s your night with him, not mine. No confusion there, he’s all yours.”

  Squeak slowly brought back her tool while squeaking at the butterfly girl, with Falla breathing out then looking at the girl with a curious glance.

  “One question though. If you two decide to get busy and fuck, would I be allowed to join in then for a little while?”

  From the outside of the caravan a loud whack was heard as the tip of the pickaxe struck out from the side, splinters flying off from the impact as all fell quiet inside the cabin.

  “That would be a no, Falla,” Triska said with narrowed eyes as everyone was looking at the butterfly girl who had a pickaxe struck through the wall right next to her head. Falla stared at the tool with wide eyes as the handle went across her face, with Squeak then leaning closer and grabbing the girl’s head firmly with one hand. She held their heads close so their antennae touched then squeaked sternly at the butterfly with a harsh glare. Falla gulped as the ant girl slowly leaned back before she yanked her pickaxe out of the wall with one hand.

  “So, what did she say?” Specca asked.

  Falla glanced to her then to Squeak with a nervous smile.

  “Oh, you know, just how she would completely destroy me on the inside with that thing if I so much as touch his pants.”

  Squeak nodded then dropped her pickaxe down near the wall, the heavy tool making a big clank as Falla glanced to it with a whimper.

  “Okay, feeling a little better about this,” Triska admitted as she saw the fear in Falla’s eyes.

  “I suppose should she try anything she will not be able to escape,” Specca reluctantly agreed. “It would be a death wish for to test her luck tonight.”

  Alyssa looked back to Falla with discontent then ahead with while struggling with the idea of allowing the butterfly girl to sleep next to Daniel.

  “If you so much as look at him strangely tonight I swear you’ll burn, Falla!” she threatened.

  Falla glanced to her then around at the others as they all watched her with harsh stares before she smiled nervously.

  “Well, glad we’ve gotten that all cleared up for the night.”


  The sun was shining down through the trees onto a campsite where a small fire pit had a few wisps of smoke coming up from the ashes inside. The light passing through the branches and leaves above showed several tents that had been torn and ripped apart in the area, with blood seen on the ground among the leaves and twigs. Lying in what was their camp the night before were the remains of human travelers, men that had been strangled by thorny black vines, eviscerated and strewn across the forest floor, and even burned from head to toe with small wisps of smoke coming from their charred bodies. However the campsite wasn’t deserted as the whimpering sound of a man was heard. Kneeling down on the ground a traveler was looking at something with eyes of fright, his hands bound behind him with thorny black vines that were drawing blood from his wrists while the strong weeds were wrapped around his legs and neck as well. His clothing was tattered and his long blonde hair had blood in it from his struggle against the assailant.

  “Now, what to do with you,” Tora mused with a cold tone. Sitting in front of the man the small witch was perched on a tree stump, her dark blue eyes watching the human cowering in front of her while a cold smile was on her face. Struck into the ground next to her was a dark blue wooden staff that had a unique looking skull ornament adorning the top, appearing to be a human skull but comprised of two right halves that were set in a strange yin-yang appearance.

  “I could just crush the life out of you right now,” Tora said with a smirk. “Not like you had a better use for it.” The man trembled before the witch as the girl held a hand to his head and tugged on his hair. “Or maybe I’ll hang you up by your long pretty hair, and see how long it takes before your body rips free at the scalp and falls down.”

  “Please, I’ll do whatever you say, just don’t kill me,” the man whimpered.

  Tora laughed then looked at him with an amused smile.

  “Aw, well I could have told you that,” she mocked with a twitch of her eyebrow. “If I really wanted you to do whatever I said I would have simply hexed you with my magic by now. But it’s much more fun to see the fear in your eyes when you’re looking up at me like this, I can’t get that from a man the same way when they’re charmed into being my slave.”

  “What do you want from me then?” the man shakily asked.

  Tora tilted her head slightly, her hair swaying gently behind her as she just stared at the man for a while.

  “Hmm, I’m not sure, I don’t think I have any use for you, and that being the case…” she said before glancing over to her staff, the girl slowly moving her hand over and gently tracing one finger down along the relic. The man trembled and shook his head.

  “Please, show mercy. I’ll do anything, just let me go

  Tora stopped for a moment then glanced to him with a smirk.

  “Well,” she said coyly. “Now that I think about it, I am feeling a little stressed. Killing all your friends has got me feeling somewhat restless.”

  The man watched her with fear as the girl slowly moved her hand down towards her skirt while watching him with a cold stare.

  “You think you can help me with that?” she asked softly. The man gulped as the girl slowly lifted up her skirt, showing her white panties while she parted her legs a bit more. He glanced to her crotch then to her as she showed a dark stare at him.

  “I… I… uh…”

  The girl smiled coldly then leaned back on the stump, lifting her legs up together before sliding her panties slowly up off of her legs. The man nervously watched as the witch set her legs back down while keeping her pussy exposed, the girl holding her panties in her hands which then twisted the fabric around in her palms.

  “You have two choices here, human,” she said softly, the girl then pulling her hands outwards and stretching the fabric like a rope. The man watched with fright as the girl swung the long rope over his neck then quickly wrapped it around, the fabric shifting into a white leather leash that she held firmly and pulled him closer with.

  “Either you help me feel relieved and so good, or I’ll kill you right now.”

  The man glanced down then up to her again as she raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Um… if… if I do, then will you let me go?”

  Tora smiled wickedly and pulled his face down onto her, the man letting out a muffled grunt as the girl held his head down with one hand.

  “Make me come, or else you’re done.”

  The man trembled then started to use his tongue to pleasure the witch, the girl watching him with a smug grin while holding his head and the leash firmly.

  “Mmm, not bad, for a start,” she mocked. “But I’m going to need more of an effort from you than this.”

  The man whimpered and continued with all his might to make the witch satisfied, the girl watching him with a cold stare while she wrapped her leg around his back.

  “That’s a good human, do you like that? Do you like eating me out like that?” The man whimpered and nodded as the witch giggled at him. “That’s good, I’m glad you like it. I however am still waiting for my happy ending, and I don’t like waiting.”

  Her ring glowed with a deep crimson, with the ground under the man shifting around slightly. The hu
man whimpered as he kept trying his best to eat out the witch, feeling the thorns from the vines sticking into his neck, wrists, and legs while the ground below him felt like it was moving. Slowly the dirt under him began to dry up and decay as it moved around slightly.

  “Pick up the pace, human, or else this meal shall be your last,” Tora ordered.

  The human glanced up to her with fright as the girl watched him with a cold stare. The ground under him shifted some more before large sharp teeth started to poke up through the ground in a circle around the man.

  “Do you see me screaming in joy? Do you see me crying out in ecstasy?” Tora asked. The man whimpered and shook his head, with the witch nodding slowly to that. “That’s because I’m not. Now, make a good use of that mouth or else all it will be doing is sounding out a dying scream.”

  The man nodded then proceeded to move his tongue around in her as much as he could, desperately trying with all his might to please her while the girl slowly licked her lips as she kept watching him.

  “Better, if only by so much. Do hurry or else you’re finished in more ways than one.”

  The ground below the man sank inwards slightly, with the teeth sticking up through the dirt in what appeared to be two large protruding jawbones. The man whimpered as he felt the ground moving around under him, with Tora yanking his head back and making him look down to seeing a monstrous mouth forming below him as the razor sharp teeth extended out fully, each of them being about the size of his hand with serrated edges. Slowly the front of a large snake’s head took form from the ground around the man, the summoned monster’s black scales covering it while it had a streak of red ones across its face. The human screamed then looked to Tora as the witch smiled coldly at him.

  “Either you really enjoy the meal I’m offering, or else that snake is going to enjoy you,” she said with malice.

  The man let out a fearful whine before the girl held him back down on her, the witch feeling him increasing his efforts while he felt the ground under him sinking slightly.

  “That’s it, good human,” Tora laughed. “Oh, I don’t know which is getting me off more, your tongue or your fear.”


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