Atomic Mage

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Atomic Mage Page 10

by Garrett Carter

  "What would you like to know" Mina replied with a prideful smile at the mess she had made of her soon to be mate.

  "I have been in your memories but only those from a few days ago, I would like to know more about you as a person if we are going to be mates and work together to beat those slavers and get your family back," he said with a wave of his hand in her direction indicating she had the floor or deck since they were on a boat.

  His relief was almost palatable as the throbbing in his pants thankfully subsided with the change in conversation.

  "Let me begin by saying those who you saw in my memories were a potential family, I'm sure you noticed I am not like the rest of my kind," she said as she gestured to herself.

  Cade nodded his understanding as he rolled his hand for her to continue.

  "I am Kesh, we are rare and coveted for our magic," said Mina as she disappeared and reappeared a moment later.

  "The group you saw was the latest in my search for a mate that was up to my standards. When we reach our maturity the females of my race leave home and choose our mates, not the other way around" Mina grinned at the statement, the choice more than made.

  "The last one was promising but he did not like that I could and would defend myself, he took it as a point of pride that he could protect his territory and mates."

  An eye roll followed the declaration as an indication of what she thought of that ideal.

  Cade had to agree that she could hold her own in a fight, clearly evidenced by the two slavers and seven bandits she had beaten with arrows sticking out of her.

  His thoughts reached his face as he grinned and nodded at the small but fierce woman.

  Smiling at his silent praise and approval Mina continued her story.

  "I was preparing to leave for the next village in my search, two weeks away to the south, when the one you saw was attacked and you know what happened from there," she said not overly concerned about the abduction of what amounted to strangers.

  "How about you what was your life before you saved me?" Asked Mina as she repeated his hand gesture to show it was his turn to spill his life story.

  Cade tensed for a moment, how much should he tell Mina about himself.

  Deciding to go whole hog he began to tell her everything, from his arrival here 3 days ago to his lost love to his children he had left back on earth.

  He told his life story to the panther woman leaving nothing out.

  While he spoke he watched her face, at the mention of Tony's death he saw her face fall, grateful for her sympathy he continued.

  At the end of the tide of words Cade felt wrung out emotionally but almost physically lighter than he had felt in days, it had felt good to get that all out.

  Feeling cleansed Cade wiped tears from his eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of peace as he waited on the questions he knew were coming.

  "First I would like to say I am sorry for the loss of your mate she sounded like a wonderful woman who gave you wonderful kits and from the way you spoke of her she was more than a good mate she was Dresk."

  After her heartfelt speech Mina sat back with her clawed hands behind her as she waited on Cade to collect himself and continue.

  "What is a Dresk?" He asked.

  "A Dresk should be the first female of the family, she commands the tribe second only to her mate. She determines chores, food distribution, and living quarters. She also stands beside her mate in battle. A good mate would do these things well enough but a Dresk enhances her mate and family. Chores go to those who would best complete them, food is better prepared and lasts longer putting less stress on the hunters. Homes are better built and last longer, and Dresk becomes a part of her mate and he a part of her in battle. An extra claw or blade in perfect harmony with each other, they make a terrifying opponent." Mina answered with conviction her golden eyes all but eclipsed by her vertical pupils as she looked at Cade.

  Not sure how to take her intense gaze and distracted by the round breast pressing against the leather armor and her shifting hips Cade cleared his throat and asked "when I was spilling my life story you didn't seem at all surprised that I am 68, why is that".

  Snapping back to herself Mina leaned forward before she gave a small chuckle "if you ever travel far enough out of this jungle you will find that while 68 years of age is fairly old, Elder, that you are still young by quite a few races standards."

  Cade wasn't sure he liked the implications of her elder comment he reached out and playfully shoved her shoulder.

  "This elder just saved your tight ass just a few hours ago and don't you forget it," hee said with a mock glare.

  Quick as thought Minas furred hand grabbed him by the wrist while stroking the knuckles on that had with the other "oh my valiant Cade how can I ever repay you for your kindness?" She asked with a purr.

  Overwhelmed with the sensation from her hands stroking his once again, Cade knew he had to something drastic to break the tension this gorgeous woman was creating in him before they had a repeat of their earlier talk.

  Taking a knee from his seated position Cade shot out his arm and grasped the beautiful woman by the back of her neck.

  Leaning back to his full height while still on one knee he brought the panther woman's face up to his eye level.

  Provided with her undivided attention he laid down the law with the back of her neck held firmly but gently in his grip.

  "Look here my pretty kitty I am at my wit's end at the moment. If you wish to test me on this boat I am going to take you now, fight be dammed and we will get nowhere anytime soon."

  He had expected shock and a little anger as he brushed off the fight she had wanted before they mated.

  What he got melted his mind.

  Mina grasped the forearm of the arm that held her up off the deck of the barge with such ease. Leveraging her weight she slowly brought her legs up bent at the knee until her upper body was aligned with the strong arm holding her up.

  Her large breasts mashed against his supporting arm as she slipped her legs around Cades waist clenching tight to him with her "tight ass" as he called it split by his muscular leg.

  Looking him in the eyes she made her response "MY Cade, you have just initiated that fight but I will allow you to postpone its conclusion until we make it to your home, so we do not destroy our main source of transportation." She said as she rubbed her clothed chest up and down Cades arm.

  "the pretty kitty comment is crass, but I like the way it rolls off your tongue so you will be allowed to use it only while we mate and only around your other mates, you will also be giving me our kits as soon as possible." With a look direct3d at Cade that brooked no arguments she continued.

  "Understand these rules are non-negotiable and if you want a happy Dresk then you will abide by them. Now unless you are ready to fight me for the right to give me that monster I feel on my tight ass as you call it, you are going to let me down and keep those strong hands to yourself until we reach your home, understood". Finished with her ultimatum a sugary sweet smile grew on her face that was dripping with barely suppressed lust.

  The exotic display and blunt confession had Cade more turned on than he believed was humanly possible.

  On top of his lust, his whole arm and upper chest were vibrating with the intensity of Mina's purring.

  "Yes, mam" was the only response he could get out.

  With one final squeeze to her neck that increased the purring even more, he loosened his grip slightly.

  Mina, ever so slowly, maintaining her grip on his still extended arm, reversed her leg lock procedure and placed her feet on the deck.

  Cade's arm dropped to his side as Mina walked past him and sat on the deck of their barge before leaning back next to him once again.

  "Hurry my Cade," Mina said, detachment writ large on her face and her voice level as if she didn't just melt her mates mind.

  Standing up with an erection that threatened to tear his pants Cade turned towards home as he collected his power gripp
ing everything on the barge he increased their downstream speed enough it would have made a speedboat jealous.

  He looked back to the warrior woman that had wormed her way into a special place heart in a freakishly short amount of time and wondered if he would survive their mating, the result of the fight not even a question in his mind.

  He would win and claim the alluring Mina as his own.

  Well there goes the neighborhood

  Arriving at his home in the pitch black of night with his soon mate in tow Cade found the exhaustion from the day-long trip fall away as his excitement overtook it, he couldn't wait to show Mina their new home.

  Mina woke up from her slumber as they slowed.

  "We are here Mina," he said as he looked down into her sleepy eyes.

  "Good I will be glad for actual bedding, the bottom of this boat is not the most comfortable place to sleep," she said groggily as she sat down and observed her surroundings.

  "You going to love our new home then," he said with a wide grin on his face.

  Beaching the slaver's barge on the pebbled beach he reached out with his power and grasped the two long chests filled with the bandit's goods and held out his hand to help Mina to her feet.

  "Thank you my Cade," Mina said with a relieved look at her mate as her stiff body screamed at her.

  Placing her hand delicately in his strong grip Mina levered herself to her feet.

  He grinned at his new mate as they made their way to their new home.

  Arriving at the sealed door he opened it with a pulse of power.

  As they walked into the small apartment Cade had cut out of the cliff he couldn't help but let his excitement bubble over.

  "Welcome to your new home," he said as he grinned and made a wide flourish.

  Mina, with a small smirk in the direction of her mate, made her way around the underground apartment.

  After viewing all the rooms she returned to Cade as he placed the bandit chests in the second bedroom alongside the armor and weapons from the slavers he had dealt with just two days ago.

  Clearing her throat to get his attention Mina passed her judgment on the house.

  "My Cade while this would be a wonderful home with a few more rooms for our family and our kits, it is also a death trap." Mina made the declaration with a wave of her hand.

  Curious as to what she meant he took a seat on one of the chests.

  "And what pray tell makes this a death trap my Mina." He replied with a raised brow.

  "I'm not sure where you come from but right now this jungle is in its dry season, in three months the river will have raised by at least 15 feet at a minimum and close to 30 if the rainy season is particularly bad this year".

  "Our new home will be underwater for at least five months, and as pleasant as I'm sure it will be to be stuck underground with nothing to do but create our beautiful kits, my mate, don't think our food and waters stores would be up to the task."

  An amused expression grew on Mina's face as she finished. "So what your saying is we need to move, is that correct?" Cade replied.

  "Is there anywhere you would suggest?" He asked his mate, who he hoped was well-traveled enough to find them a suitable spot to call home.

  "I have traveled around this jungle for the past two years since I left home in search of a mate and haven't found a place suitable for your needs." She replied, her expression softening as she saw her mate's disappointment.

  "Most areas would not work for us, with you being human you would be living too close to my people who wouldn't accept you in their territory or like this place, not suitable for long term habitation." Mina finished her statement with a short kiss on Cade's lips to take some of the sting from her words.

  "You said most areas?" He asked.

  "The other options are either plagued by bandits or controlled by slave camps," Mina replied with a shrug.

  "So we either clean out bandit camps or slave camps an area we pick should be simple," Cade stated as he crossed his arms with a smug look on his face.

  "If only it was that simple my Cade, the slavers have a massive presence in the Dejot kingdom and the bandits pop up like insects, every time a tribe clears out a nest of them two more pop up." Mina rebutted with palms raised in helplessness.

  "Who do you have policing the region, shouldn't they do something at least about the bandits?" Mina barked out a laugh "and loosen the slavers grip on the people here, they have the ear of the high chief and many ways of making those who challenge the way things are now disappear."

  Cade didn't like the idea of Mina's people basically being cattle, to be slaughtered and corralled for the use of the slave trade.

  "Sounds like we need to pay this king a visit," Cade said as the wrongness of the status quo Mina had mentioned almost drove him into a rage.

  "I doubt you could change his mind, my mate."

  Pausing to give Cade a speculative look "hmm maybe we can try that." Mina finished with a grin.

  "What do you propose my mate?" Cade asked eager to punish anyone who thought they could take his Mina and place her in slavery.

  "All in due time my Cade, now come show me where we will be sleeping tonight," Mina said turning and exiting the bedroom come storage room.

  He stopped her with a hand wrapped around her slender neck "what about that fight that was promised on the way here," Cade asked with a wry look in his eye.

  Faster than he could react Mina reached up and grabbed the thumb of the hand on her neck and twisted it and shifted her body to put him in a wrist lock.

  Cades hand didn't move an inch.

  Panting with nothing resembling exhaustion Mina looked over her left shoulder at Cade with one wide eye nearly pitch black with her dilated pupil.

  "This fight will happen tomorrow my mate, I will not have you at less than your full potential," Mina said breathlessly.

  "Clearly that isn't an issue, so why put it off my Mina, scared of what you might be unleashing?" He finished with a swat to the round toned ass he couldn't wait to watch bounce as he took his mate from behind.

  "Never that my Cade, would you believe I am tired from sleeping on the hardwood last night?" Mina asked with a purr as she arched her back to present her ass for another spanking.

  "I will let you sleep my pretty kitty, but tomorrow I am going to take you as mine." Cade finished his declaration in a whisper as he leaned down to speak into his mate's pointed ear.

  Her long black tail had been sliding seductively across his body during her declaration, it shifted to between his legs to squeeze and stroke his dick through his pants as he made his ultimatum.

  Letting out a long moan at her attention he decided to take all of tomorrow to claim his kitty as many times as he felt like for trying to kill him.

  Placing another firm swat on her ass he spoke again into her ear.

  "Tomorrow it shall be my pretty kitty, I hope you rest well tonight because I plan on paying you back with interest for your teasing." Cade finished by spinning his mate around and placed a kiss on her lips, as her purring intensified.

  "Oh, I am going to give you sooo many litters," she said as she let the way into their bedroom.

  With a thought, Cade expanded the queen-sized bed into a king-sized bed to accommodate him and his new mate.


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