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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 7)

Page 48

by Lexi Buchanan

  Back in the Blue Room, Zoe sipped her soda while holding Melissa’s glass.

  Melissa walked up to her with a plate of bite-size snacks. “Zoe, you have to try these crab puffs. I’m going back for more.”

  Handing Melissa her flute, she popped a couple of puff pastries into her mouth. “Hmmm. They are good.” Melissa headed over to the hors d’oeuvres table.

  “How’s the champagne?” asked a gentleman with a strong Middle Eastern accent.

  Zoe smiled when she faced the man she feared. “Excellent, but I’ve switched to club soda. Champagne headaches are the worst.” She held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, President Kadir.”

  “And you, my dear.” He smiled and held her gaze with silver-gray eyes, chilling her from the inside out. If it hadn’t been for his violent reputation, he’d be a handsome fortysomething man. He had thick black hair, dark brows and a trim beard. “And your name is?”

  “Jennifer Brown.”

  He narrowed his eyes and smiled. “No, it’s not. I heard your friend call you Zoe. I guess Brown isn’t right either.”

  Heat rushed over her face. Had he been that close, watching her when she was supposed to be watching him and the other delegates? She’d been paying more attention to how the first lady worked her targets. Bad mistake. “A nickname,” she explained.

  He didn’t seem convinced. “No matter, I could easily find out if I wanted.”

  What the hell was that supposed to mean? She glanced toward the snack table, but Melissa was too far away to pick up on their conversation. “Would you like to dance?” he asked.

  Her mouth dropped open. Dance? How could she say no? “Of course, sir. I’d be honored.”

  Another waltz started, and Kadir slid his arm around her. His hand tugged on the silk scarf she wore, and she tensed, hoping it didn’t slip. He drew her around the dance floor. There was no way out. How could she turn him down without being rude? He was an excellent dancer, but held her closer than she would’ve liked. “And I thought this trip would be boring,” he said, glancing down the front of her dress.

  “How long will you be staying?” she asked. “Maybe you’ll get a chance to see some of the sights in the city.”

  “Maybe you will be my guide,” he said.

  “I’m sure the White House has guides who know more than I do.”

  “Yes, I’m sure they do,” he said, then added a few words in Arabic that she translated in her head: Not as beautiful as you, my dear.

  Zoe frowned, pretending she didn’t understand. “Excuse me?”

  “You don’t speak Arabic?”

  She gave a short laugh. “No. It wasn’t a requirement in law school. I do know a little Spanish.”

  “Really? How little?” He seemed amused.

  She smiled back as if she were dancing with a businessman and not a world leader with known connections to terrorists. “Enough to ask where the bathroom is and order a beer.”

  He laughed out loud. “You’re a delight.” Across the room, Jason stood beside Faith, and both stared at her with tight expressions. They didn’t look amused. Crap. When would this song end?

  “You’re a lawyer?” he asked, not taking his gaze from her face.

  How quickly she leaped into a role. As long as she didn’t overdo it like she did in Turkey. That’s what had gotten her into trouble. “Yes, international law. I have the degree but never practiced because I was hired here as an aide.” Zoe did her best at showing innocent pride in her job. The lie was partly true. The music was ending, and Zoe hoped the musicians didn’t start right into another piece. She needed a graceful exit.

  “I’m sure you’d have made an excellent lawyer.” He studied her face and frowned. “How did you get that scar on your neck?”

  Zoe held her breath for a half second then smiled. “I was in a car accident when I was nine. Broke my arm, too.”

  His face relaxed. “I bet you were a handful as a child.”

  She shrugged. That lie was nowhere near the truth.

  He glanced at the entrance to the Blue Room, where four of his aides or bodyguards stood, giving him impatient looks. Kadir sighed. “My dear, regretfully it appears I’m being summoned on business. Thank you for the dance. I hope to see more of you, Jennifer-Zoe. Whatever your name is. I will find out.”

  The music ended, and Kadir stopped dancing but still held her in his arms. “Enjoy your stay, sir.”

  Jason was still at the door, not far from Kadir’s aides or bodyguards. The first lady had moved to another room.

  Kadir smiled. “I’m sure I will.” He glanced around the room. “I must say good night to the president and his first lady.” He gave a slight bow and walked into the Green Room.

  Tremors shook Zoe’s body, and a cold sweat dripped down her back. She had just had a pleasant dance with a man said to have murdered at least two of his mistresses and known to cut off the heads of enemy soldiers and stake them on spikes as a warning. She felt nauseated. She needed a breath of fresh air.

  Heart pounding, she marched for the Cross Hall and the exit. Jason stood in the doorway. He took her arm and pulled her down the hall to a quiet corner away from guests.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Jason whispered. “You’re not supposed to take unnecessary risks.”

  “He asked me to dance,” she argued. “What was I supposed to say?”

  Faith had walked up to them, stepping into the conversation. “You’re right. It would’ve been rude to say no.” She clasped her hands together, nodded and smiled to guests as they passed. If they’d been alone, the first lady probably would’ve been screaming by now.

  “Melissa and I were trying to stay in the background,” Zoe offered.

  “Kadir favors blondes, and you’re attractive. It’s not a surprise that he picked you out. He’s left now, so I missed my chance for an invitation. I’ll have to try a private invite.”

  “Did he say anything else to you?” Jason asked Zoe. He was all business now. She hated how he could turn his feelings off like that.

  “He asked if I was available to give a tour around the city.”

  “I hope you said no,” Faith said.

  “I told him the White House would have someone who could recommend a tour of the city if he wished.”

  She nodded, seemingly pleased with that.

  “Doesn’t seem any harm was done,” Jason said. “He probably wouldn’t have had the time for a tour of the Red Tape Room anyway with the way he rushed off.”

  “You’re probably right. At least we have a few interested targets, including the Algerian. Your presentation is tomorrow, Zoe.”

  Zoe had to catch her breath. This was going to happen. She glanced at Jason and was chilled by his deep frown. “I’ll be ready,” she said. Jason’s expression shifted, and her heart felt heavy. She wasn’t sure if he was worried or jealous. He didn’t want her to do this any more than she did. Jason hid his emotions well. She had to find a way to convince him she could do this. “I’m sorry about what happened, ma’am. I hadn’t expected to be asked to dance. I’ve never been to one of these cocktail events.”

  Faith sighed. “Delegates don’t usually ask White House staff to dance. We might use it to our advantage. Did he ask you your name?”

  “I told him I was Jennifer Brown.” She didn’t want to say he’d overheard Melissa call her Zoe. She’d screwed up enough for one night.

  “The party’s winding down,” Faith said. “Go home and come back in the morning. Julia will go over what’s expected of your presentation with the Algerian. Be on high alert now. We don’t want any mistakes or accidents like with Alana.”

  “Understood,” Zoe said. Tomorrow she had to face the reality of her first presentation. Tonight she had to convince Jason they could survive it.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Zoe paced her office, reciting the step-by-step plan of her presentation with Muhunnad to Jason. She still had over an hour before the Algerian would show. “Okay
, okay, I got it.” She scrubbed her hands together. “I’ll be glad when it’s over.”

  “Hey.” He blocked her path and lifted her chin. “Stop worrying. I know how you like to be in the middle of the action. But remember we’re a team.”

  “I know,” she snapped.

  “Good.” He kissed her, then smacked her on her butt. He turned serious again. “It’s just a job. This won’t change anything between us.”

  Staring up at him, she searched his eyes. She wanted to believe that.

  He pulled something out of his pants pocket and held it up. A wide, black lace choker. “Since you can’t wear your scarves.”

  She nodded and smiled, hooking the choker around her neck, afraid if she tried to speak she’d burst into tears.

  There was a knock at her door. Jason opened it. Melissa stood there with a deep frown. Her eyes looked red, as if she’d been crying. “We’re pretty sure there’s a leak. Muhunnad suddenly changed his mind. You won’t be doing your presentation tonight with him.”

  “One of the FLC?” Zoe asked. “Everyone seems so loyal. What would their motive be? And they must know the personal risk.”

  “It’s a matter of time before we find out,” Jason said. “Hopefully, we can stop them before any more damage is done.”

  She was relieved she didn’t have to do her bondage scene yet, but she was disappointed, too. She hadn’t slept most of the night, worrying about her first presentation, and wanted to be part of ending the wars. Each day she didn’t hear from Damien made her more worried. “I wish it hadn’t been canceled. Muhunnad would’ve been practice for Kadir.”

  Jason crossed his arms and gave her a grim look. “I guess the leak hasn’t gotten to Kadir yet. The first lady met with him this morning, and he’s agreed to an evening of entertainment in the Red Tape Room, provided he can have Jennifer Brown as his guest.”

  “Guess he enjoyed our dance together.” She smiled. “How do we proceed?” She automatically went into operation mode.

  “Julia and Faith are waiting for you in the Red Tape Room now,” Melissa said. “But I have some bad news.” Her voice quivered as she said that.

  “What’s wrong?” Zoe asked, her hand pressed to her chest. “Damien?”

  “No, Alana passed away an hour ago. The burns were too severe. I’m sorry.”

  Swallowing back tears, she glared at Melissa. “Was she killed like Celia?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Melissa didn’t sound as though she was sure, though.

  “But I thought she was getting better.” Zoe’s voice cracked. Alana was loyal. Her only fault had been recklessness.

  When they got to the Red Tape Room, Julia and Faith were there, arranging items on the leather bed.

  “You told her?” Julia asked as she picked up a hanger that held a beautiful red corset with a short, black lace attached skirt.

  “About the potential leak? Yes, she knows,” Jason said.

  “Good,” Faith interjected. “Then you know we can’t waste time. Other members of the FLC are trying to determine where the leak is coming from. Kadir is key to ending these wars and diminishing the power of the larger terrorist groups. Once they lose their connections and major funding from these leaders, their power will lessen. They’ll always be a threat, but we’re stopping them from becoming more powerful.”

  “I understand,” Zoe said. “When is the presentation?”

  “Two hours,” Julia said. “You’ll wear this. Melissa keeps outfits and shoes here for last-minute presentations. No time for you to go home.” Julia handed her the corset outfit along with stockings and a pair of spike heels. “You can use the ladies’ room. No one will come down here. Secret Service is guarding the door to the basement. Tyler and the first lady will escort Kadir here. Be here with your mask on, waiting for him, in two hours.”

  “Two hours?” Zoe tried not to shout. “During the day? Isn’t that risky?”

  “It’s a Saturday, so most of the staff is off,” Faith explained. She picked up a pair of handcuffs. “He likes to use these, but they’re not the real ones. You can easily get out of them.”

  “I can get out of the real ones if I have a pin or paperclip.”

  Faith raised her chin and frowned at her. “Under no circumstances will he learn of your background in the CIA. He thinks you’re a lawyer. Keep it that way.”

  “Of course not,” Zoe said, walking to the bed in professional mode. “Is this what Kadir likes?” She picked up a flogger, cane and a section of nylon rope. Then she noticed the butt plug, vibrator, dildo and lubricating gel. Crap, she hoped her session wouldn’t go there.

  “I asked about his preferences,” the first lady said. “He’s been given the rules about doing harm, cutting, fire play and needles.”

  “That’s a relief.”

  Melissa touched her arm. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here and so will Jason and Tyler. The first lady will leave immediately after the session. She and the president have to fly to Oklahoma.”

  “We’ll be back in a day or two,” Faith explained. “Tornadoes have nearly destroyed a small town outside of Oklahoma City. We’re going in to tour the area and show support for the victims.”

  “When will Kadir get to view the tape?” Zoe asked. The idea of having to wait for results of her mission didn’t sit well.

  “As soon as we get back. We won’t be gone long, and it takes a day or two to edit the video.”

  Zoe nodded and glanced at Jason. He had his usual stone-faced expression. Impossible to read. This was a job, a role. Even though there were sexual undertones, he’d understand. “I guess I should get dressed.”

  Zoe sat on the edge of the bed, head bowed, eyes downcast in a submissive pose. The pep talk Melissa and Julia had given her had done little to stop her hands from shaking. She squeezed them tighter into fists and pressed them into her thighs. The outfit Melissa had picked out was exquisite. Zoe had tried on several at the leather and lace sex shop in Georgetown, and they’d bought five outfits and three pairs of shoes and boots. The red corset outfit was part of Melissa’s stash.

  Jason’s phone buzzed, and he checked it. “They’re on their way.”

  Zoe’s stomach did a flip, and she swallowed, consciously willing the wave of nausea to pass. Her heart was pounding so hard, she couldn’t take in a full breath. Or maybe it was the restriction of the corset. She could do this.

  Jason sent a couple of texts, probably acknowledging the message and then alerting the video crew. He stood by the door, his arms behind his back, wearing a simple Mardi Gras mask. There was no way to tell what he was thinking. “You okay, Zoe?”

  She nodded. “I’m fine.”

  Melissa rubbed her hands. “You look a little nervous, but that’ll work in our favor. Kadir will like the vulnerable look. Remember, he thinks you’re a lawyer. Don’t let him know otherwise.”

  She nodded. At the sound of the outside door opening, Zoe sat straight up.

  “Relax,” Melissa soothed. “Eyes down. Don’t challenge him. You’re a submissive, let him lead.”

  Julia, Tyler, Kadir and one of his bodyguards walked in. The man was casually dressed in black slacks and a tan button-down shirt. “I don’t suppose you’ll let me be alone with her,” Kadir said.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Zoe’s confidence drained when she heard Kadir’s request to be alone with her. They wouldn’t consider it, even as important as this target was.

  “Now, Mr. President,” Faith said with a polite smile. “We went over the rules. Mistress D will remain and assist or stop the encounter as she feels necessary.”

  Melissa introduced herself as Mistress D. “We protect the safety of our guests,” Melissa said. “Your slave knows her limits and safe words. Your encounter is limited to the items on the bed. Two guards remain inside the room and two outside this door for your protection and hers. Your assistant may stay in the room or outside. Once the room is sealed, no one can enter or leave until Mistress D gives the okay. Do
you understand?”

  Zoe wondered who the guards were outside—Frank and Blake, or other FLC members? Kadir had his own bodyguard as well.

  Melissa and Faith put on their masks. Kadir frowned. “To help our submissive feel less self-conscious,” Faith explained. “And to add a little mystery and ambience.”

  He nodded, seeming to accept her explanation. “Yes, Mistress, I will respect your rules,” Kadir said with a firm and arrogant tone. He turned his back on Melissa and Faith and strode to Zoe. Taking her hands, he pulled them apart. “Stand, my dear, I want to look at you.”

  She did as she was told, keeping her eyes down. Submissive, she must stay in a submissive role.

  “No,” he stated. “Any order or question from me, I expect a response from you. Yes, sir or no, sir will do. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Better, slave Jennifer.” He chuckled. Was he mocking her name? “You are very beautiful. I like what you’ve chosen to wear, but I want you to take it off.”

  “Yes, sir.” Her stomach grumbled, and a cold wave passed through her. Shaking fingers began to unhook the front of the corset. It was designed to be easy to put on and take off. Without thinking, she glanced at Jason, and he shook his head in warning. Too late.

  A cane swatted her on the backs of her thighs, and her knees buckled. “Don’t look at them,” Kadir scolded. “I am the only man in your life. You will do my bidding without question, without hesitation. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” The words were forced through clenched teeth, but she couldn’t help it. Her thighs still stung from the cane, and she had the urge to punch him in the nose. If she didn’t get herself under control, she’d blow the operation. When she finished unhooking the corset, she opened it and let it drop to the floor. Cool air caressed her breasts and tightened her nipples.

  His gaze studied her. The red thong barely covered her pubic area, and she didn’t know if he wanted her to remove that, too.

  “Beautiful,” he said, staring at her breasts. His hand cupped her breast then slid down to her abdomen, his fingers sliding beneath the edge of her thong but going no farther. She held her breath, hoping he didn’t make this too sexual because she didn’t know how good she could fake it. “I know you’re here to please me, but it will please me even more if I could get you horny.” His hand moved to her ass.


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