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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 7)

Page 50

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Have you forgotten what happened to Alana?” he shouted.

  “Of course not,” Melissa said. “Calm down, Jason. Alana got reckless, and she wasn’t trained like Zoe. Extra men will be watching Kadir’s every move.”

  He leaned up against the wall and nodded. At first Zoe thought he finally was calming down but then, Boom! He punched the wall with his left hand, leaving a fist-size hole.

  “What the fuck, guy?” Tyler grabbed his arm.

  “Jason!” Zoe ran across the room, but he held up a hand, stopping her from coming any closer. He was shutting her out again, like he did after Turkey. When things got rough, he pulled away from her. “Brilliant.” She crossed her arms and glared at him. She hoped his hand hurt like hell.

  “Take it easy. We won’t let that bastard bother Zoe. Let me look at your hand.” Tyler turned Jason’s hand over and gently moved a couple of fingers. Jason sucked in a breath and cringed. “I think you broke it, buddy. It’s already swollen and black and blue.”

  “Terrific.” Jason pulled his hand away.

  “Do we have ice?” Zoe asked. “I’ll take him to the hospital. Let me clean up in the bathroom first.”

  Melissa shook her head. “No, let Tyler take him. Julia wants to meet with us in her office. Then you should go home and rest.”

  “Melissa’s right. I could be stuck at the hospital for hours. It’s a broken hand, not life or death.” He held his injured hand against his chest as he walked up to her. “I’m sorry.”

  “We’ll have someone follow her home,” Melissa assured him. “Kadir will be at the Kennedy Center this evening, and then he’ll be at his hotel. He’s being watched. We’ll give you two a minute.” She grabbed Tyler’s arm and led him outside.

  Zoe was glad Jason hadn’t asked for her to be with him, otherwise she would have had to make an excuse. Standing in the middle of the room, she felt her stomach churn all over again. Once she stole the recording and they figured out what she’d done, she could be charged with treason. But what choice did she have?

  Whatever chance she and Jason had had was completely destroyed now. This went beyond the failed-mission definition. She feared speaking with her throat tightening. This was not the time to get emotional.

  He took her hand, then studied her. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Zoe, you’re shaking.” His eyes were wide, searching her face, demanding an answer.

  “I’ll be better after a shower and some rest.” She looked at her hands shaking. “It’s the tension releasing. That’s all.”

  “Sit.” Directing her to a chair, he pulled a blanket around her and handed her a bottle of water. “Drink.”

  “Thanks.” She took a few sips and took a deep breath, trying to get her body to relax. She didn’t have time for this. They could be editing the recording, making copies, sending them who knew where.

  He looked away and clenched his teeth. “Why did you wait so long before calling your safe word?”

  Now he was criticizing her performance? “I was told he had an hour. The tape had to be good.”

  He let out a breath. “You’re right. At least it’s over.”

  “Are you okay with what I did?” she asked, turning the attention to him. When he didn’t answer, she continued. “This was only an act, like actors on a movie set. Some have to play love scenes. It has no consequence on our relationship.”

  “I know.” He relaxed a little. Studying his hand, he tried bending his fingers. He flinched. “Damn, I really fucked up my hand. I screwed up a lot of things.”

  “It’s history. It was a tough job. Now go to the hospital and get your hand looked at.”

  Supporting his injured arm, he leaned toward her, his eyes gentle with concern. “You did great. I think I’m getting the idea you can protect yourself.”

  “Thanks.” Her body shook, but not from her recent activity with Kadir. “I like that you have my back.”

  He nodded. “I do. I know this type of work wreaks havoc on relationships.”

  She gently took his injured hand to examine it. “We can talk more, but get your hand fixed.”

  “I’ll come over after I’m done.” He grinned then, taking her awkwardly into his arms.

  She laughed. “Okay. I’ll leave a light on in case I fall asleep. You have a key.”

  Melissa walked into the room. “Julia said we can meet tomorrow. Go home, Zoe. Get some rest. But shower first. You still look a little subspacy.”

  “Have Frank take you home, to be safe,” Jason added.

  Zoe sighed. “Okay. Tell Frank I’ll be up in a few minutes.” She grabbed her small duffle bag and headed toward the ladies’ room.

  Zoe stared at her wrinkled fingers gripping the loofa, still shivering. The pinkie of her left hand bent at an odd angle. It hadn’t healed properly after her torturers had broken it in Turkey. She was fortunate to have all her fingers. The steam and hot water from the shower enveloped her and turned her skin a rosy pink. She picked up the lavender shower gel and squeezed a healthy portion into the loofa and started from her shoulders down again. Kadir’s scent was long gone, but not the memory of his touch. How many times did she have to scrub to wash away memories?

  Memories took the longest to heal. She’d gone through the presentation for nothing. The bastard would never sign the treaty, now.

  How would Jason look at her when he discovered the deal she’d made with Kadir? When they all found out? Would this make her a target for the FLC assassin like Celia? She didn’t want to think about that.

  She now understood why she and Jason had failed, and why this would never work between them. What relationship could survive something like this?

  The door to the ladies’ room opened. “Zoe? It’s me, Melissa. Are you almost ready?”

  She forced each word to be steady. “Just finishing up. Scrubbed clean.” She tried to laugh and hoped it sounded real.

  “Good. Frank is waiting.”

  Zoe cringed. “I screwed up, didn’t I?” She shut off the water and grabbed the towel, rubbing herself with it so vigorously she thought she scrubbed off another layer of skin.

  “A little defiant, but I think Kadir liked the challenge. Don’t worry about it. Kadir was pushing you, testing your limits, but he wasn’t as hard as I thought he’d be. It went well, and you did great.”

  Zoe sighed. “Thank God. He seemed pleased with the encounter.” She finished dressing, touched up her makeup and started drying her hair.

  “Frank said Kadir left. They had three limos, and Frank has agents following.”

  “Frank does take his security job seriously.” Zoe packed up her bag and followed Melissa out of the restroom. The sooner Kadir got in touch with her, the better. If his people didn’t have Damien, she wouldn’t be doing this. “I’ll meet you upstairs. I have a few things to get in my office. Tell Frank I’ll be right there.”

  “Okay, but make it quick.”

  After she saw Melissa leave, she ran to her office, grabbed the key for the Mason Room and a thumb drive. Swiftly, she moved into the Mason Room and listened. Silence filled the room but didn’t give her any confidence. Determination and thoughts of the consequences for not doing as Kadir asked pushed her forward. Shoving back the drapes, she crept toward the AV room. Inside the passage, she opened the door and noticed one man sitting at a computer.

  “Hi,” she said with an upbeat tone. “How’d the recording come out? I was the star, if you hadn’t noticed.” She smiled shyly.

  He frowned, glancing behind her and from side to side. “Oh, yeah. Okay. It looks good. It needs some editing.”

  “Great. Can I take a peek?” She moved behind him and to one side.

  As soon as he called up the video, he glanced at her. “Are you sure you want to watch?”

  “A little, just to get an idea.” She glanced around. “Lots of equipment. How many copies do you make?”

  “We won’t make any until editing is complete.” He began the video in the middle of a portion of flogging
. If this ever got out, she’d be mortified. What was Kadir going to do with it?

  The video continued for a few moments. “Seen enough?” he asked.

  “I think so, thanks.” She rapped him hard on the side of the head, knocking him off the chair. Stunned, he tried to get up. She found a rag and gagged him, then used an extension cord to bind him. Hogtie formation. Even if he could scream, he wouldn’t be heard. She inserted the thumb drive and copied the file. Then she did one more thing for insurance before deleting the file. The guy was breathing okay and was coming around. She’d only dazed him. He stared up at her in disbelief.

  As she walked upstairs, Zoe checked her phone.

  “Checking on Jason already?” Melissa asked. “He’ll be fine.”

  “I know he will. I was checking to see if I’d heard from Damien. His mission was supposed to be only a couple of days, and he always sends a text when he gets back.”

  Melissa hooked her arm over Zoe’s shoulder and gave a squeeze. “Go home and sleep late. The meeting isn’t until noon tomorrow.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Zoe arrived at her house after eight, completely exhausted but revved on adrenaline, knowing at any minute Kadir would contact her. She gave Frank a weak and wan smile. “Go home, Frank. I’ll be fine.”

  He held his cell to his ear. “Let me check in with Blake and the team.”

  Zoe wouldn’t open the door. If she did, she’d have to invite him in, and Frank might decide to wait for Jason. She couldn’t take that chance.

  “Still at the Kennedy Center. Great. Don’t let him out of your sight. I want to know when he leaves and when he’s back at his hotel. And watch his men.” He hung up and looked at Zoe. “I should wait until Jason gets here.”

  “No, really, I’m fine. I have an alarm and several guns in my house.”

  “But Alana, and what about the mole—”

  Zoe lowered her voice, not that her neighbors could hear. “Alana was killed because she was reckless and she wasn’t a former intelligence agent. Kadir hasn’t even seen the recording yet.”

  He let out a breath. “All right. If you need anything, just call.”

  “Thanks, Frank.” She pulled her cell phone out and sent Jason a text. “I just told Jason I made it home.” She didn’t tell Frank she’d told Jason she would change clothes, and then meet him at the hospital.

  Frank nodded and waited until she unlocked the door. He jogged down the steps, got into his car and pulled away.

  As she stepped inside, she did the puppy sniff. The first thing she smelled was roses. She dropped her purse and keys on the foyer table. Mrs. Snyder must’ve let the delivery guy in. Jason had probably sent them to ease her mind about her presentation. She smiled, and her heart soared, then her gut twisted. How long would it be until the AV guy was found? She closed and locked the door.

  She had no choice. He’d have to understand. All she wanted was something to eat and to curl up in bed. She checked her phone. No messages. She slipped it back in her jeans pocket next to the thumb drive.

  As she entered the kitchen, she switched on a light and gasped. A huge bouquet stood in a crystal vase on her island. A note next to them was from Mrs. Snyder.

  These came this evening. How nice. Dexter walked and fed.

  She picked out the small envelope from the bouquet to read the note. Had Jason written something personal? She stopped.


  Where was he? He usually raced to the door whenever she got home. She heard a whimper. Her dog. He hadn’t greeted her. She sniffed again and smelled something else.

  Drifting in the air was the pungent smell of cigarette smoke. Jason didn’t smoke. And neither did Mrs. Snyder. She froze, and an icy chill slithered up her spine.

  Walking into the living room, she turned on the light. Kadir sat in a chair, puffing on a cigarette. Dexter sat on his lap. Kadir’s fist gripped Dexter around the throat. A 9mm rested on the end table, next to a teacup. After taking another drag on the cigarette, he snuffed it out in the cup and picked up the gun. She took in a long, slow breath and tried to calm her racing pulse. Her mind clicked through several options for action, for escape, and she knew she had none. Not with Damien’s life at stake.

  A surge of adrenaline made her heart pound in her ears, and a metallic taste coated her mouth. All her weapons were out of reach. One in the coffee table, one in the bedroom, another in the kitchen and one hidden behind the sink in the bathroom. How fast could she make it to the door? It was locked and chained. Even if he didn’t shoot her, he could grab her before she got out.

  “Aren’t you going to miss the concert?” Zoe asked as calmly as she could. A shuffle behind her sent another rush through her. Kadir hadn’t come alone. Glancing over her shoulder, she nodded to the man who had been with him earlier. “Good evening,” she said. If Secret Service was watching Kadir, why hadn’t they followed him to her house? Hadn’t they seen him leave the Kennedy Center or his hotel? Thoughts of Alana’s murder flashed in her mind. If Kadir didn’t kill her, the assassin surely would now.

  Kadir’s bodyguard didn’t acknowledge her in anyway.

  “I’m not missing the concert.” He grinned. “When you have as many enemies as I do, it’s a good idea to have a double. Someone who can be seen in public when I want to go to other places discreetly.”

  “When my brother’s released, and I talk to him, I’ll give you what you want,” she said.

  “We’ll get to that. I wanted to make a formal offer of employment,” he said. “I mentioned I needed someone with your background in international law. I pay well. Fifteen thousand American dollars a month, and you’d live in a luxury apartment. But I expect a two-year commitment.”

  Was he serious? The man had to be out of his mind. Was this how he got his sex slaves? Offer them a legitimate job they couldn’t refuse? “I like my current job, thank you.” She was careful not to reveal too much contempt in her words, considering her situation. “I don’t appreciate people walking into my house uninvited.”

  Kadir laughed. “You consider this an invasion of privacy then?” He raised his voice as he gestured with the gun.

  “Yes, I do.” She whistled. “Dexter, go lie down.” She pointed to his bed. Her dog perked up and squirmed on Kadir’s lap, but he was quick and wrapped his hand around Dexter’s throat again. The dog whimpered. It took all her courage not to show fear.

  “He’s fine right here. And don’t scream. I’d hate to have to kill your dog, your next-door neighbor, and anyone else who decided to come out to see the commotion.”

  She took a breath. “First you offer me a job. Now you’re threatening me?” Her cell was in her back pocket, but she didn’t dare reach for it now. Somehow, she needed to leave it where Jason would find it. One way or another, Kadir was walking out of here with the thumb drive and probably taking her with him to make her his sex slave. Boldly, she walked around the sofa and sat. As she did, she smoothed her hands over her jeans and slid the phone between the seat cushions, hoping he didn’t notice.

  Anger flared in his dark eyes. “Did I give you permission to sit?” he snarled. Knocking Dexter off his lap, Kadir shot to his feet and charged over to Zoe. Grabbing her by the hair, he dragged her off the couch. “Kneel.” The gun was in his other hand.

  She bowed her head in a submissive pose. “Yes, sir.”

  He sighed, calming down. Let the man with the gun think he had all the power, and he’d lower his guard. “It takes discipline to keep women in their proper place. As my mother obeyed my father.”

  She should’ve resisted responding, but she couldn’t. “I have no problem with women respecting their husbands as long as the respect is returned. How many wives do you have?”

  Kadir was silent, and she wondered if she’d pushed too hard. She was stalling. “I have one.”

  “How does she feel about your slaves? You must have dozens.”

  He smacked her on the side of her face, knocking her to the floor. The salty tas
te of blood filled her mouth. “A woman who speaks like this should be beaten.”

  “I may not understand your culture and religious beliefs. I can respect them, accept the differences, but abuse is abuse no matter how you try to label it or justify it.”

  He smiled evilly. Maybe he’d rather kill her than have her as his slave after what she tried to do to him. The only chance she had was to run for the kitchen door, knock over the vase of flowers on her way out and hope he’d miss when he started to shoot.

  The plan set in her mind, she took a breath and leaped for the kitchen, swinging punches at the guard as she ran. The guard, skilled in martial arts, knocked her down and left her gasping for air. Kadir scolded him for being rough. He patted her down and took the thumb drive. When she was breathing normally again, she noticed she’d given the man a bloody nose. Little consolation.

  Kadir picked up a small case he had on the floor, took out a netbook computer and uploaded the thumb drive. After a few minutes, she heard his voice and hers. His eyes widened. “Entertaining. I’ll add this to my collection,” he said. “A sophisticated system. I would expect that.” He turned off the computer and slipped the thumb drive into his pocket.

  “You have what you want. What about my brother?”

  “I’m taking you to your brother,” Kadir said, laughing.

  “My brother isn’t in Washington.”

  “He’s in Iran,” he said. “As you will be soon.”

  “You have what you want. I deleted the original copy. I’m not going to be your private slave.” She had to keep thinking. Remember she was a lawyer, not CIA. If he found that out, they’d torture her for information and then kill her.

  “My slaves are very loyal. They’re educated, intelligent and beautiful. They please me in many ways. When they don’t please me, I punish them. If they betray me…I’m sure you won’t betray me.”

  “As soon as I get outside, people will see me, hear me.”


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