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The Beach House

Page 2

by Paul Shepherd

  Jack had gone through all of the pictures and notes,

  “I take it David didn’t know of your part time work?”

  “I don’t do tricks anymore, only while I was in Las Vegas and I was no street walker. I chose my clients. I was high class. I had hot rich guys pay me a grand to be with me when I would have been with them for free.”

  “Sorry, but if you would have had sex with them for free, then why have them pay for it?”

  “That’s easy, because they would. Not only that, it was fun. I‘m a performer and I got pleasure pleasing powerful men. People pay to watch me sing and dance on stage, why shouldn’t they pay to get a night they will never forget? I’m a trained professional, a performer, not some horny college girl. My madam at the Shynx told me things have no value until you put a price on it.”

  Jack was trying to focus on the case but he had never been with what Candy has referred to as a professional lover. How much of a difference could it be, Jack wondered. Jack worked in a beach community. Most ladies who lived or visited there felt comfortable in their skin. A tiny bikini is normal wardrobe around the beach. The reason they were there was to show off what they worked so hard for at the gym, or the club or out on their early morning jogs. Not to mention all the salads, tofu, yogurts and exotic waters that had become their regular diet. Anyone who works out hard and eats right is going to look good. What made Candy different than your average very doable beach babe was her superior genetics. If she never worked out or ate right, she still would be beautiful. She was like a thoroughbred woman. Her hair was thick and had a healthy glow. Her eyes looked like colored contacts. They were light green and grey, almost silver. Her skin was naturally dark. Her skin was so smooth, she didn’t appear to have pores. Candy naturally had very little body hair but that wasn’t good enough for her. While she was in Las Vegas she spent a year ridding her whole body of hair, thanks to Soma laser hair removing she was completely clean of hair from neck to toe.

  Among the crowd of high school and college girls and health fanatic stay home at moms, Candy stood out. Like a pond full of beautiful ducks, until the swan shows up. She fucked it up for everyone else. The females that knew her kissed her butt. Not that she’s particularly nice or entertaining but to stand against her was to be standing outside, alone. In a nutshell, women hated her.

  To Candy, other women were fine but she really wasn’t interested in them unless they were lesbian or bisexual. Candy wasn’t one herself, not really, she liked men but she liked being admired and if one was so bold to make a move, she’d give the girl a taste, maybe a little making out. Candy definitely wouldn’t refuse a gal going down on her. A tongue on her clit, how could she refuse, girls were better anyway. It wasn’t charity, it was her deep rooted need to be desired.

  “You say you’re not in the escort business anymore. So what are you doing with these other guys?”

  “I really don’t want to get into all that unless you promise me two things.”

  “I don’t know about making deals, but let me hear them.”

  “First, whatever I tell you, you won’t repeat it to anyone.”

  “I already told you, I would only give it to the D.A. if it is relevant to the case.”

  “Okay, so only if it’s absolutely necessary, otherwise you can’t tell anyone. Promise?

  “Okay, if it makes you feel better, I promise. What’s the second thing?”

  “I’ll get to that in a second. First I need to build up some courage. A toast, to law enforcement, to getting questioned by such a kind and handsome police officer. If I get handcuffed and thrown in the back of a car, I want it to be you.” Candy said with a smile and a drunken slur. “I’m sorry, it’s the wine talking, but please drink up. To sexy cops.”

  Jack shook his head. “I don’t know about all that.” Jack said as he raised his glass to Candy’s. “Cheers”

  Jack took a little sip and was about to put down his glass when Candy protested, “Hey, hey! You have to finish that glass.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “If you don’t finish that glass I’m not going to tell you anything. I’m making that my third rule.”

  Jack knew one glass would not affect him too much and he really wanted to hear more about her photos. “Very well, I’m doing this so you can trust me. I just want the truth.”

  He raised his glass to Candy and they both finished off their full glasses.

  Jack didn’t realize that the wine was specially fermented to contain twice the normal amount of alcohol of regular wine. Jack just downed the equivalent of two full glasses of wine. He only had a bowl of cereal three hours ago and the alcohol hit him much harder than expected. His head spun a little, his eye movement had a little delay to it. He wasn’t drunk but his mindset was no longer as sharp as it was just moments before. Candy’s beauty and sexuality was more pronounced. As far as Candy was concerned, Jack was primed and ready to go.

  “Now then, what was that other promise you wanted me to keep?”

  “It’s no big deal. I just want to keep the files.”

  Jack spontaneously gave out a large laugh. “You can’t be serious. This is evidence. I can’t give it away.”

  “Sure you can. You told me yourself, nobody knows about it. I’m going to help you with your case. I’ll help you solve it so you won’t need the file. It really doesn’t matter why he did it anyway. If he did it, he did it.”

  “Actually it does matter why. It shows motive. Juries need motive to explain why a killer did what he did. Especially if the physical evidence is weak.”

  Candy was feeling desperate. She needed to be bold. She needed Jack on her side. But Jack seemed like detective Friday, just the facts ma'am. He was quite the male specimen though. A real man. Big and tough. A real life hero.

  “Maybe one more drink and you’ll see it would be mutually beneficial to give me that file. Maybe if you give it to me maybe I’ll give you something in return.”

  Candy reached for the bottle and Jack’s empty glass. The glass was sitting right in front of him on the coffee table.

  “No, I’m good. And I’m going to pretend I didn’t recognize that bribe.”

  Candy paused with the glass and wine over Jack’s lap.

  “Oh my God! I didn’t imply I was trying to bribe you. I have no reason to bribe you. I didn’t do anything. I just don’t see why I have to be brought into this mess for nothing. If you think I killed Kelly, then keep the file but if you don’t, keep me out of it!”

  “I don’t know for sure of anything yet. You still haven’t told me anything, remember.”

  “I will tell you everything but first have some more wine.”

  Jack already had a much stronger buzz than he felt comfortable with. He wanted to sober up, not party on. He gently pushed the glass away. He didn’t push it hard or far, maybe an inch from where it was. It was enough for Candy to miss the glass and pour the wine right onto Jack’s lap.

  “Son of a bitch!”

  ‘Oh my God, I’m so sorry! Let me get that.”

  Candy instantly grabbed a handkerchief off the coffee table and frantically started firmly dabbing the wine that was directly on Jack’s crotch.

  “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I did that.” Candy said as she pressed and squeezed Jack’s crotch. Candy was aware of Jack’s partially swollen member. It only took moments of drying, which changed to mostly stroking that little Jack became fully aroused.

  “Oh my, and I thought you didn’t like me.”

  Jack jumped to his feet. He was lost in the moment.

  “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for that to happen.” He explained Jack, I’m going to use your bathroom, if you don’t mind.”

  “Please do. Take off your pants and I’ll throw them in the wash. We can talk while we wait.”

  Jack didn’t respond. With the wine warming her insides and feeling Jack’s long, thick, pulsating manhood, Candy’s switch was flicked. She could feel her heart in her chest beating hard, pushi
ng her blood to her lady parts. Candy could feel herself becoming very wet. Her mind’s thoughts narrowed. She was in a trance. Candy could care less about Kelly’s death at the moment. The consequences of her husband’s involvement would have to wait until after she took care of her overwhelming desire.

  Candy knocked on the bathroom door.

  “I have something you can put on while your pants dry. I don't want you walking around here without any pants on.” Candy was lying, that’s exactly what she wanted.

  The door opened and Jack put out his hand. Candy pushed the door and tried to take a peek, but Jack stopped her.

  After about five minutes in the bathroom Candy heard a cell phone ringing from the bathroom. Jack answered but didn’t say much. The door opened up. Jack wasn’t wearing the very thin pajama pants Candy gave him. He was wearing his own pants. He had a very shocked and serious look on his face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry but I have some very bad news.”

  Candy could see in Jack’s eyes, it was.

  “What is it?” Candy’s heart was beating hard again but now in fear.

  “It’s your husband. They found him. He washed up on the shore this morning, about three miles from Kelly’s hotel.”

  Candy froze. Thousands of thoughts ran through her drunken mind. Jack put a hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m very sorry.” Jack said kindly.

  Candy didn’t know what to do. She stepped forward and put her arms around Jack. She put her head on his shoulder and broke down and cried. She cried and cried. She remembered how nice David had always been to her. How he always made her laugh. Then she thought about all the lies she kept from him. He didn’t deserve that. He saved her. David took her slutty ass away from her evil Las Vegas lifestyle, only to be a slut here in paradise. She lived like a queen. She came and went as she pleased. David completely trusted her. All those thoughts made her feel so low. She couldn’t contain her feelings. She felt like she would never stop crying. Then she thought, she was imposing on this nice police officer. This nice officer that just moments ago, she tried to seduce.

  After what felt like forever, Candy had calmed down a little. She was out of her head. She became aware of her surroundings. It was as if she just woke up. She was holding Jack and Jack was holding her. He was rocking her. As if he was comforting a baby. Back and forth, back and forth. There was something else. It was strange but not unfamiliar. How could it be? How could she not have noticed, and Jack had been such a tight ass. How could he take such a liberty under such an inappropriate circumstance? Jack was in her. Not a finger or something inconspicuous but his whole raging hard on. He wasn’t rocking her to comfort her but pumping Candy up and down on his dick. He was holding her and Candy’s legs were wrapped around him.

  What a sick fuck, she thought. It made her mad but damn, it felt good, real good. Just like that, the switch was flicked and she became hot, very hot. She couldn’t believe this pervert though. He was worse than her. Had she met her match? The thought made her even hotter. She began pumping him in return. She used her legs and her arms to slam down on his shaft. She was going to make this pig pay. Jack groaned to her reaction. She was slamming down on his dick so hard he couldn’t hold her anymore and he lowered Candy to the floor. Jack fell on top of her. He continued pounding her hard. Candy looked up at her intruder and couldn’t believe she wasn’t stopping him. This asshole just told her that her husband was murdered and started fucking her as she was crying on his shoulder. It wasn’t right enjoying this. Every pump of his raging, hungry penis made her want more and it made her sick feeling that way.

  “You fucking bastard!”

  Candy started hitting him and scratching him. He was in shock. He shouldn’t have been but he was. He pulled out and backed away.

  “What’s your problem?”

  Candy got to her feet. She was on fire. Her head felt hot from anger, her pussy was on fire of desire. She never felt hornier in her life and never so upset because of it.

  “What’s my problem? You insensitive mother fucker!” as she continued to strike at Jack.

  Jack was amazed by Candy’s furry, and the speed of her punches and slaps. It should have been expected but none the less he was impressed by it.

  “I’m going to kill you asshole!” Candy yelled.

  She was more enraged that David stopped fucking her, leaving her so hot and bothered, than him fucking her in the first place. Candy scratched Jacks arm with a missed slap and it drew blood. The sight of blood was very satisfying to her.

  “You bitch! You’re lucky I’m giving you one last screw. You’re going to be spending the next twenty years eating pussy!”

  She couldn’t believe how he changed so dramatically. He was such a gentleman.

  “Asshole! I didn’t kill my husband, you cock sucker!” She slapped Jack’s face hard. He was shocked for a moment. Candy took the opportunity and grabbed Jack's balls and squeezed. Jack turned to her, eyes wide open in pain and fear.

  “I was going to give you the best lay of your life. Now I’m going to rip your balls off.”

  To Candy’s amazement, Jack had become erect as she held him.

  “What, you like it rough?” as she squeezed harder.

  Jack groaned. It sounded like a groan of pain, but it also sounded like pleasure too.

  Candy let go of his balls and grabbed his dick and pulled hard. Jack groaned again. The sound of his groan and the thick rock hard cock caused Candy’s heart to skip a beat. Fuck! She thought. I won’t give him the satisfaction. That’s what her mind was saying.

  Candy leaned down and put his head in her mouth. She pressed down with her teeth. She pulled off for a second.

  “I’m going to bite your dick off you asshole!”

  Jack could have socked her in the head or pushed her off, but he didn’t. Maybe he was afraid Candy would get a bite in and chop off his dick. Or maybe he was calling her bluff. Or maybe he was in too much heat to think straight. Whatever it was, he didn’t stop her and it made her horny as could be.

  Candy pressed her teeth down hard on Jack’s staff. She was expecting to hear Jack scream in pain. He didn’t, but he grunted intensely. Candy let go and she could see deep, red teeth marks just past his head.

  “You little bitch! Knock it off.”

  Fuck him! She thought. She quickly grabbed him by his balls again. She noticed Jacks pants on the floor by her feet. Peeking out of his back pocket was a set of handcuffs.

  “You try something and so help me, I’m ripping your balls off!”

  Candy pulled him down to the floor by his balls.

  “Lay down and grab your handcuffs out of your pants asshole!”

  Jack started to lie down.

  “Take off your shirt first mother fucker!” As she said so, she squeezed and pulled his balls so hard Jack closed his eyes tight and he let out a loud yell.

  He did as he was told. He had a look of concern. It wasn’t from fear of what was going to happen but of what might have just happened to his balls. There was a sharp pain and they felt damaged, out of place, possible detached.

  “Okay, okay! You win. I think you broke my balls!”

  “Good! You deserve it! That’s just the beginning. Now strap those handcuffs behind your back! I’m going to send you out of here damaged and naked for the world to see.”

  “Look bitch let me go and I’ll give you a day’s head start before I send out an APB for your arrest.”

  Once Candy heard the second click of the handcuff, she pushed Jack’s head to the floor. It landed with a thud.

  “I told you, I didn’t kill my husband!” she yelled as she inadvertently sat back on Jacks damaged balls. His face turned red in pain.

  “You like that do you?” Candy taunted.

  “Please get off.” Jack said gritting his teeth.

  Candy hopped on them again and again as he moaned in pain.

  “Oh, I don’t know what it is about seeing you in so much pain,
maybe it’s all that moaning but it’s turning me on.” Candy said in a sexy but mean way. She continued to bounce on his balls. With each bounce Jack groaned. His face was permanently red. And with each bounce, Jacks dick began to rise. His balls may have been broken but his dick sure liked the bald, wet pussy hopping on it.

  Candy wasn’t lying; she was getting very worked up again. She couldn’t help it. Jack was in very good shape. She was a sucker for a six pack. Long, muscular, strong and bad, as bad as she ever seen. He was such a dick. She couldn’t even imagine being so rude and for god knows why, it was driving her crazy.

  “How dare you get an erection while I torture you. I’m going to have to stop being so nice to you.”


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