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The Blue Cantina

Page 20

by Paul Blades

  Anna shivered at the thought. She indicated her understanding.

  “Vincent will bring some of the dresses and other things that you bought yesterday to your apartment. On Monday, before Carlos drops you off back at your apartment, you will stop at a hardware store and make a copy of your key and give it to him. Although you will be here primarily on the weekends, you belong to me and I don’t want any barriers between us. You will not leave town without permission and you will carry your cell phone on you at all times. I don’t care what you’re doing or who you’re with, when I call, I want you to answer. And if I want you here, at my office in the city, or anywhere else, you’ll come immediately. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Mr. Devlin,” Anna answered dolefully. She thought dismally of what her life would be like for the next year if she did not run away or decide to challenge Devlin’s enforcement of their devilish bargain.

  “I want you to keep your pussy shaved like it is now. Do it every day. You’ll never know when I’ll decide I want to use you. I don’t want your pussy all rough and scratchy. When you come here, unless I have Carlos pick you up, park in the back and use the servant’s entrance. When you walk in, you’re to strip and wait out in the foyer. Someone will come and tell you what to do. If not, you just wait there for me. As for sex, you are not to have sex with anyone, at any time, under any circumstances, without my permission. You are to masturbate every night before you go to sleep, starting tonight. And throw away all your old bras and panties. Vincent will deliver the new underthings I bought you to your apartment tomorrow.”

  The young woman meekly expressed her assent to the man’s terms. Time would tell. She would agree to anything so that she could leave.

  “And finally, and most importantly, you are not to tell anyone about our arrangement. Not your coworkers, your friends, your priest, anyone. And nothing about what you’ve seen or heard here. If I find out that you’ve talked, well, lets just say that you won’t. Okay?”

  Anna nodded. The thought of being ever at the man’s beck and call at every moment of every day was dismally depressing. She would have to fuck him at his office and anywhere else he decided to have her. And she would have no life of her own. She wondered how he would know if she jilled herself off every night. She knew that if she didn’t somehow he would find out. She couldn’t imagine herself lying to him.

  “Okay, now bend over the couch over there. I want to fuck your ass once more before you go.”

  A wave of misery passed through Anna at Devlin’s coarse instruction. She had thought that she was finished with his abuse of her. Unhappily, she turned and walked over to the couch that divided the room. Its back was low and when she bent over it her ass was raised high. Her hands remained dutifully crossed behind her. One of the massive windows of the huge office was right in front of her. She could see the well lit parking area in front of the mansion. Her car was out there waiting for her. Soon she would be in it and driving home. What would it be like to be free after all she had gone through, she wondered unhappily. She heard Devlin get up from his desk and walk over to her. He lifted the back of her smooth, tan skirt and placed it on her hips. “Spread you legs wider,” he said churlishly. His hands were hot when he began to caress her rear globes. He stroked her presented pussy between her legs. To Anna’s unhappiness, the attentions to her pussy began to stoke her arousal. In a short while she was wet and he was plunging his fingers back and forth along the walls of her sexual tunnel while she moaned.

  “You are a slut, Anna,” he said, laughing. “Maybe you should be paying me for getting you so much cock.”

  Anna gave out a low whine at the insult. She couldn’t help her arousal. She didn’t want it. Something inside her just clicked when she thought of being penetrated by the strong willed man. She heard Devlin’s zipper fall and she tensed, preparing herself for the callous piercing of her anal ring. Devlin took swipe of her pussy’s moisture and wiped it over her rear entrance. The round, fat head of his cock pressed against it and she felt it slide over the delicate membranes of her small, back hole. Her ring was still tender and she gave a moan of pain as the cock passed over it.

  Devlin make a quick job of it. He plunged himself back and forth in rapid, almost violent strokes. Anna felt like she was being battered by him. His thick cock filled her bowel like a malicious, evil presence. Her pussy, spurned, burned with unwanted lust.

  About a minute after he started, Devlin’s body tensed and he began to jet his juices deep into her bowels.

  When he was finished her released her. “Okay, you can go,” he said. He retreated to his desk where he produced a moist towelette from a dispenser and cleaned off his cock before restoring it to his pants. Anna rose slowly from the couch. Her ass burned and her pussy was unsatisfied. Tears were rolling down her face. She should have expected one last humiliation form the man, but she had been excited at the prospect of leaving. Remembering the literalness of his commands, she forwent any thought of a goodbye or a by your leave, straightened her skirt and walked to the door.

  Vincent was waiting for her in the foyer holding her long, black, woolen overcoat over his arm. In his other hand were her kid leather gloves and her small, black purse. This is where it had all started. Little had she know that the act of removing her gloves and coat in front of the staid servant was but a harbinger of what awaited her. As she donned the heavy coat, she glanced at the broad, carpet covered staircase and thought of her room on the fourth floor. Would she ever see it again? If she returned she knew that she would. She would be bound and gagged there awaiting use or abuse by any one of the three men who had tormented her flesh over the last three days. How many more men would be added to the list of those she would be required to service? The thought of it made her shiver. She felt more tears coming, but held them back, unwilling to show the cool, emotionless butler her sorrow and weakness. When her coat was buttoned, Vincent handed Anna her gloves. She put them on deliberately, stretching the thin, fur lined leather over her hands. He then handed her her purse.

  Anna stood silently for a moment. Here she was, dressed essentially the same way she had come in. But so much had changed. Parts of her that had been long hidden had been revealed during her weekend of abuse, her voracious appetite for sex, her ease at sliding into submissiveness, her tolerance and even hunger for abuse. But if you had taken a snapshot of her on Friday when she arrived and compared it to her now, the only difference that you would see was the finely trimmed hair and the sparkling diamonds in her ears. Devlin wanted her to wear them all of the time. She realized that they were not really a gift to her, but the bestowal of his emblem of ownership on her. Every time that she looked in the mirror she would see them. People would remark on them. She would be reminded time and time again of her submissive slavishness to the cruel millionaire and his right to the use of her at any time and at any place.

  She had half expected some words of parting from the fearsome butler, but he opened the door silently and gave her a cool, dispassionate gaze. She stepped out into the cold night.

  As on her arrival, the stones of the parking paddock crunched as she walked over them. She had spent the bulk of her weekend in high heels and crossing the loose stones was not as difficult as when she arrived. The bright lights that flooded over the entrance to Devlin’s mansion and the parking area before it made her feel like she was on stage and she was self conscious as she walked, imagining that Vincent, or Devlin, was watching her as she made her retreat,

  Her car was still where she had left it. She took her keys from her purse and beeped the locks open. When she got in the driver’s seat she turned on the engine immediately, wanting the car to warm up as soon as possible. She sat there for a few moments, gathering herself. A heavy weight was on her heart. Why had Carol stolen the money? How could she have done this to her best friend? It was a betrayal of the worst sort. A part of Anna cursed her and hoped that, wherever she was, the tall, attractive, blond woman would suffer for her crime, pay as severe a p
enalty for it as she was.

  Her mind turned to the issue of what she would do once the money Devlin had promised had been paid. Should she return, Devlin’s dutiful slave, for a year of abuse and torment, or should she flee once the money was in the Center’s bank account and risk the terrible consequences he had threatened? If she fled, she would lose all contact with the Center, a place that had been to most important thing in her life for many years. The girls there depended on her and she considered them as family. And what would she do? Waitress? She would not be able to use her social security number or her real name for fear that Devlin would find her. No, running would not be the answer.

  She felt a surge of sorrow pass through her body. Determined to be strong, she took hold of the gear shift and placed the car in reverse. It obediently backed up until her front end was clear and she turned the wheel to direct the car to the roadway some half mile down the long, sinewy driveway.

  At the end, Anna turned the car to its right to head towards her apartment. The country road was dark and lonely and there were no other cars. After driving for about a mile or two, she felt overcome with grief and shame at what she had done, what she had become, what had been done to her. She pulled the car over to the side of the road, placed it in park and began to cry.


  Back at the mansion, Devlin was in his office on the telephone.

  “Everything went well,” he was saying. “She doesn’t suspect a thing….Well, it’ll take a little while to work the whole thing out, but all should go according to plan….Yes, I’ll keep you apprised. Just make sure you’re ready when the time comes….Okay. Goodbye.”

  Devlin put the phone down and leaned back in his large, cushioned, black chair. He was not a contemplative man, but he was relishing his memories of the sweet body parts of the young woman who had just left. It had gone better than expected.

  He was interrupted by the buzzing of the intercom on his desk. It was Vincent.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “The men are here, Mr. Devlin. The van is out back.”

  “Okay. Bring down the girl and have them wait in the foyer. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  He poured himself a shot of scotch into his large, round tumbler and tossed it back. Life was good.

  When he emerged from the office, Vincent was leading a tall, thin, thirtyish woman with long, blonde, thin hair down the stairs. Her hands were bound behind her and she wore a ball gag in her mouth. She was naked and Devlin admired her long, languorous legs and her small but well formed breasts. Her sex was shrouded with a pale covering of yellow hair. She was wearing a pair of red high heels and was peering down at her feet as she walked, careful not to make a misstep.

  When the woman reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked up nervously.

  Two men had entered from the rear of the mansion and were waiting in the foyer. Between them was a big, black, rectangular, steel box. It made a soft clattering sound on its rubber wheels as it rolled over the slate floor.

  The woman looked over at the men fearfully and then back at Devlin.

  “Ahh, Carol,” Devlin said, placing his hand between her thighs and capturing her dainty, shrouded sex. “You look lovely. You really are a wonderful fuck.”

  The attractive woman looked disconsolately back at the millionaire. Something was happening now and she looked like she wasn’t looking forward to it.

  “It’s been a fun couple of weeks, Carol, but I’m afraid that our time together has come to an end. You’re going on a little trip. I’ll see you again, I’m sure, once your training is over.”

  The woman gave him a panicked look.

  “Don’t worry, everything has been taken care of. It’s a good thing that you came to me. As I promised, the money you stole will be replaced. There will be no prosecution. The charges from your drug arrest will be dropped. I don’t know why you had so much on you. Ten years in prison is a long time.”

  Carol had not been told that her friend had sold herself to cover up the theft of the money from the Center, nor would she be. It was better that she be kept in ignorance.

  Devlin laughed to himself over the irony that Anna had spent the weekend with him totally ignorant that her best friend, the cause of all her misery and abuse, was being held prisoner only twenty feet away from her. Devlin had enjoyed shuffling them back and forth unaware of each others’ presence or that they were succeeding each other in pleasuring his cock. Now that Anna was firmly entrapped in his web, he had no reason to keep the other one around. It was time to get her up to speed in her new life.

  It had all been a set up, of course. He had waited patiently for Carol, the former heroin addict, to crack under the temptations that he continuously, surreptitiously, put before her. It had just been a matter of time. One of his men, playing the role of an ardent lover, had convinced her to take the money so that they could run off together. After spending a few days with her, living high off of the hog, he had absconded with the ill gained loot and brought it to Devlin.

  Carol had been arrested after a staged raid of the hotel room and found with two ounces of heroin in a gym bag in the closet. The detective in charge, as per their prior arrangement, notified Devlin and he went down to the station and secured her release, assuring her that it was only due to his powerful police connections and his connections to the Center that the whole thing had been kept out of the papers. Disconsolate and remorseful, she begged him to help her make things right. He had laid out, more or less, the same perfidious conditions he had later proposed to Anna. She believed that she was trading herself so that she would be spared a harsh prison sentence and so the Center, and her friend Anna, would be saved. The fact that the woman had made herself disappear without a trace had made everything else so easy. It was doubtful that she knew exactly what she was agreeing to when she made her bargain with him to be his sexual slave, but that was just too bad. He had pumped Carol for all the intimate details of Anna’s life and he was well prepared for his campaign to seduce and corrupt Anna when she came into play. Once Carol was in his clutches, Devlin knew that Anna, his ultimate target, would follow.

  The funny thing was that most of the money that Anna would deposit in her bank account Monday was the same money Carol had stolen from the Center. It was just the kind of twisted irony that Devlin enjoyed.

  Carol’s eyes started to tear and a supplicative moan passed her gagged lips. She looked like she was going to faint.

  The men who had come in were wearing dark blue t-shirts and jeans and heavy work boots. They were both tall, young and muscular. They were staring at the naked form of the blonde woman appreciatively. The black box had been opened at its end.

  “You have to get in the box, Carol,” Devlin said coldly. Unlike Anna, Carol was a whirlwind in bed and he would miss the use of her. Well, there were others and, after a few weeks, Carol would again be available, although he would have to share her.

  The woman stared at the beckoning enclosure. Her eyes had grown misty and her fear was written across her face. She looked up at Devlin. “Eeeease, on’t!” she moaned fretfully past her gagged mouth.

  “Oh, I’m afraid you have to, Carol. These are the consequences of your actions. Everybody has to accept the consequences of what they do.” Except me, he thought. He removed his hand and stepped back from the trembling woman. He nonchalantly took a whiff of it. There was nothing like the smell of an excited pussy. “A bargain is a bargain,” he continued. “If you don’t get in willingly, Vincent will beat you and then you’ll get in anyway. Or these men will force you in. Either way, you’re going in the box.”

  “Ohhhhhhhhh!” the woman moaned. Her body was shaking. Tears had escaped her eyes and were flowing down her cheeks. “Eeeeeeease, ih-er eh-in! Eeeeeeeeas!” she screamed

  Devlin just glared at her coldly. She looked around once more as if calculating the amount of physical force around her.

  “Come on, honey, we haven’t got all night,” one of the men said. He was grinning, o
bviously enjoying the spectacle of the unhappy, forlorn woman.

  Carol gave a great sob and lowered herself shakily to her knees. Her nipples had stiffened from fear and her small, firm breasts made little points at the end. She looked up at Devlin anxiously, obviously seeking a reprieve from her fate. Seeing no hope of dissuading him, she moaned and began to crawl on her knees to the box.

  The opening was just about big enough for her to squeeze through. The dismal, naked woman shuffled her knees towards it on the cold, hard, slate floor and, bending her neck, placed her head inside. Her long, blonde hair fell loosely about her shoulders. Her bound hands were clamped into nervous, desperate, little fists on her back. Sniffling and whining, she edged first one knee and then the other over the lip and onto the padded interior. Her noises made little echoes from inside as she sadly coaxed the rest of her body in. It was just tall enough so that she could fit with her back bent over and her thighs scrunched up under her. She was crying disconsolately now, her sobs emerging from the baffles built into the box’s sides. Her lightly veiled, blond sex was visible, squeezed between her clamped thighs, and her well used, dainty, brown tinted rear access peeked out from behind her.

  The tips of her high heels jutted out from the opening. One of the men stooped down and, grabbing her ankles, removed her pretty shoes one by one. He handed them to Vincent. The other pushed her feet further inside and then swung the small doorway to her tiny prison closed. It snapped shut with a loud ‘click!’. At the sound, Carol gave out a loud wail of unhappiness that sounded strange and distorted as it emerged from the cruel, black enclosure.

  Devlin and Vincent watched the big, black, steel box being rolled away by the men. Carol’s sobs could be heard faintly as it receded. Devlin turned to Vincent.

  “I’m going to the club. Have one of the other sluts, Irina, the little Russian girl with the passport problem, here by ten o’clock. Give her a good whipping and then have her ready on my bed when I get back.”


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